XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Woman Who Became a Bear

Alfred Morsette

wah koxtunaáʾit naaʾiitUxpakúhtuʾ.
Now I will tell it an old story.
wewitiraačeéʾA niiʾAhnuutAxíruutIt nuuwehnaahtakúʾa naapakúhtuʾ
It was long ago what happened when they were traveling long ago,
tsu niinatuuNUxAtkookUxuúku atíkaʾ wenakunaaʾiitIhú.
but what I used to hear my grandmother when she would tell it.
It is a holy story.

AhnuuxIhtakUhunuuwaáWI anuú naapakúhtuʾ
When they traveling then long ago
Ahnaahtakuwaʾá niikohniíhiʾ anuuháʾ štoh
when they came as a group wherever it was there again
niiʾaNAhunaanúhAt hunaanapsíniʾ na piirátš
where the land extended south, and the children
wenehkohtakoowaakoóčI noo- tehnuutinaánuʾ
while they were playing, then it must have occurred
wenakuutawiiruutikUxukú nakaánus niWAharít siinó kananakuuwaanaáxU.
when they usually come on chokecherries, plums yet when they were not ripe.

noowitiiNIhtakoówaʾ piirátš.
Then they were playing children.
witiraaNIhuúʾU witi- nehkuhnaNAhuúNU.
There were many their playing with one another.
na áxkUx suúnaaxuʾ Ahwewitiraaníhtš.
And one young woman she was a little older.
wewitUtpsiwá nooxíniʾ na čiitíʾIš.
She was winters old fourteen.
nooWIšitihnaʾít wah wetootiiwísAt nikuNAxkúʾU kuúNUx.
Then they told her: "Now it is now your turn for you to be that one a bear."
nikuwitinaawiroókuʾ kuúNUx naakuraaWIhkawaáta
They were imitating that a bear its charging out of the brush
wenehkuunuuwaáxI piirátš.
when they would run away children.
kuúNUx wetaraawiínaʾ.
"A bear it is charging."
nikuwitiwaawačiʾaáhuʾ nehkohtakoówa.
That is what they were saying when they played.
na anináʾU suúnatš nooWIšitihnaʾít nikuwetootiiwísAt čeésuʾ
And that girl they told her: "Now it is your turn yourself
nakúʾU kuúNUx.
to be a bear."

na tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ kanawitiiwískaʾ kaaka- tískaʾ.
And this young woman she did not want it: "I don't want it.
Let it be!
tákuʾ oopiínuʾ šiisuxtaʾít.
Ask someone els e!"

wekuwituhnaáʾuʾ šohnihwiraanaáhNA.
It continued their asking her.

hUhtiísuʾ noowituhnaawiíʾAt.
Finally then she complied.
noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh nikukooxuúʾUt.
Then she said: "Now it will be that way."

na inaániʾ kanawitiraaníhtš.
And her sister she was younger.
wewitUtpsiwá nooxíniʾ.
She was now winters ten.
noowituhnaaʾiitáWI wah niišuúxAt.
Then she told her: "Now you go on!
šanuxkUxpaána číkuʾ xaátš niinaRAhkaawaáWI niinakUhaananipiirákUx.
You hide somewhere a dog where her den is where she has her puppies!
na nikutikaáʾAt.
Go in there.
Hide there!
kutiraáNIš itiínaʾ na neešikáwatAt.
It is thus I'll come, and you'll come out.
wah kaakunaaheeráxtA niiwenuutAxiruutš- táNIt.
Now it will not be good what is going to happen."

na tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ noowitikaʾiíšAt.
And this young woman then she went into the woods.
noowitUtpsiwá nooxíniʾ na čiitíʾIš wenaʾaanú kuúNUx.
She was winters fourteen when she became a bear.
na piirátš wewitinaniWIswóʾ niiʾAhnawaraákUx niWAharihnaákuʾ.
And children they were moving towards it where the woods were the plum bushes.
noowiteeraaWIhkawaátaʾ suúnaaxuʾ na inoo- witíʾ kuúNUx.
Then she charged out of the brush the young woman and there she was a bear.
noowituuNAhnuuwáʾAx wehnaakiriwirítkA noowehnaaraawakaahtaʾá
Then she chased them her knocking them down, when they yelled:
kuúNUx wetaraawiínaʾ.
"A bear it charges!"
nooWIšitihwani- kUxítIt.
Then they began to shoot at her.
číkuʾ kanawitíʾ číkuʾ šiNIhkuutAhuuNAhuunuúʾA.
They were not ab le to do anything with her.
She killed various ones.
noowituutAhnanitawaáhtAt niikuNAh- kuutsšú.
Then she even included them the ones who were related to her.
noowitikoótIt inástiʾ.
Then she killed him her brother.
na inaániʾ Išáxtiʾ ikaániʾ witeekúNAhat.
And her sister, her mother, her grandmother, she got rid of them.
uu kohnaasšawísAt.
Oh, she must have become satisfied.
noowiteéʾaʾ weniinuuwaawaáxI.
Then she came when they all ran away.

wetiitUhkarúxkUx wehnakoohnoswaáWI wehnaakawooruutíkA.
Now the village was empty their lying around dead after she killed them all.

Then she passed by.
noowitiwaákoʾ niikooNAxká skawáhtš wetatihwísaʾ.
Then she said: "Wherever you are in- side, Magpie Woman, I have arrived."

tinaaríčI suúnatš nuu witikawátAt nii xaátš niiʾaNAhaananipiirákUx.
This girl there she got out where a dog where she had her puppies.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah siškatáWA iinawaanaanawaáhAt číkuʾ.
Then she said: "Now let's go up where there are hills somewhere!
nikuuxUhuNUhwaapíš niišinikuxwa- nikú šinikutahUhkatátkA.
Let my wounds heal awhile where they were shooting me where they cut me all up!
wah nikutatuuNUxtaanínoʾ.
Now that is what I feared.
kananaatuuxIskáʾA NAtkohtakoówa.
I did not want it for me to play.
tsu neešuhnaahnaáNIt.
But you (pl) caused it."

tsu suunátš wehnačíkAt šáxtiʾ wehnuutii-
And the girl when she mourned her mother when she saw
teéRIt hiʾáxtiʾ wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
her dead body her father: "Now cease it!
xteekoótIt haáwaʾ noonikiišuutaánu.
I'll kill you also if you continue doing it."

noowitUstatatáʾAt inaániʾ.
Then she followed her her sister.
anuú nooWIšitika- táWA waahíniʾ waawičéskAt.
There then they (du) went up on a hill, on a high hill.

huNAhwaraákAt niikohniíhiʾ noowituhnunaahnatawihUxítIt
On wooded ground wherever it was then she began digging a hole
tinaákUx kuúNUx.
this bear.
noowitiwaákoʾ taanikutoosíhkUx.
Then she said: "Here is where we'll stay."

na WIšituutaawaaNIštát wešinakaawáNA
And they (du) finished doing it when they (du) went in
wešinakaákUx hunaahnatawíkAt.
when they (du) were inside in the hole.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šuxkAhíNIt.
Then she said: "Now make a fire!
niišištanuuwáʾ taakáxtš iinatoxtaakitúhkUx.
Bring some of that dried meat where our village was!
kohnaróswa taakáxtš.
There must be dried meat.
Bring some of it!"

tinaaríčI suúnatš nuu nootíʾAt.
This girl there then she went.
noowitipinuh- kootšítIt taakáxtš AhništaanunuhkoóčI.
Then she began picking it up all around the dried meat what they had had.
She brought them.
Then they (du) began cooking.

wešinawaawáʾA noowitiwaákoʾ nakooWIsítIt nootireewaawátI.
While they (du) ate then she said: "When you go outside, you must look around
atinás tiraáNAt naawiinakuúnuʾ.
Our brother they went (on) the warpath.
šanuutaakeéRIt neenaána koxkuhnaaʾiitáWI.
When you see them their coming you will tell me.
koxtikawoó- tIt haáwaʾ.
I will kill them also.
kaakatinihnaatéʾ niiwešinooNAhuunuúʾA niiwenatuútA.
I do not like it what they have now done to me as I am.
I did not want it."

tinaákUx– suúnatš weNAhkooWIsítIt hináxtIt
This– girl when she went out early in the morning
weNAhkukataátA weNAhkureewaawatíRA
when she went up (on the prairie) when she looked all around
NAhkukaruuwaawatú WIsuúkaʾ
when she was digging them up here and there turnips,
tehnuutunaánuʾ– naawiRIstaʾaanuuxukú siíno
it must have–happened– when it usually becomes summer yet
WIsuúkaʾ nakukaawaáWI nakukaruuwaawatú
turnips their being in the ground to be digging them up here and there
nehkuhnanaʾá inaániʾ kuúNUx.
to bring them to her her sister the bear.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah kaakunaahé niinatoxtaakítAt.
Then she said: "Now it's not good where our village was.
tinaroswaáWI wetehnatsaskawoorót.
These things flesh must be rotting.
It is not good."

noowitiwaákoʾ nooNUsúx.
Then she said: "Let it be!
na kaakiíwoʾ.
Don't be going there!
štoh číkuʾ nuukutíʾAt.
Again go someplace else!

noowitiwaákoʾ číkuʾ kaakikaáwa WIsuúkaʾ teškú- NIt.
Then she said: "There aren't any growing turnips close by.
wetiihíʾ čéstIt NAtkoótA.
It is far my going."

noowitiwaákoʾ nakaánus wekohnawaánax na niWAharít na nikiisihwaʾá.
Then she said: "The chokecherries they must be ripe and the plums and those are what we'll eat."

tinaaríčI suúnatš nootikawátAt nuu weNAhkukataátA waawičéskAt
This girl then she got out there her going up on a high hill
NAhkureewaawatíRA NAhkutawaakaroóku nakaánus
her looking all around her picking them chokecherries,
naakunaánuʾ číkuʾ niiNAhkuxtawaáWI.
Juneberries whatever were growing on the trees.

noowituutaakeéRIt inástiʾ.
Then she saw them her brothers.
na noowiteenaánaʾ.
And then they came.
čiitíʾIš wituhnaánuʾ.
Four they numbered.
nootíʾAt tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she went this young woman.
Then she went to meet them.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakunaahé niiwenuutAxítIt.
Then she said: "It is bad what happened.
inaániʾ wetíʾ kuúNUx.
Our sister she is a bear.
I am living with her.
nuu wetikawoótIt atíʾAx atináʾ atíkaʾ.
There she killed them our father, our mother, our grandmother.
She killed them.
tákuʾ wekaakiwánuʾ aninatoxtaakítAt niiwekohnaraáhWA.
No one is living there in our village wherever they went.
tehninoswaakárookuʾ apAhníniʾ.
They must have taken things furtively.
tehneenuhnaa- waʾaáhuʾ ništaanuunawaáwa.
They must have come for their things the various things that they left."

noowitiwáčiʾ tinawaaríčI wiiteešútš wah tiiháʾ číkuʾ koxtuuxUhuunaahnaanúʾAt
Then they said these young men: "Now here we will stay here awhile!"

nooWIšitiitIštatataʾuúhAt šohnistaroóku niWAharít.
Then they helped her their picking them for her plums.

"You should go find out about things from her.
šaahwaákoʾ wetsíhkUx skána tiihéʾ.
You must say: 'We are living alone here.
nootuhnaawaʾuúʾIt paatúh číkuʾ neesakuuhunáx.
It might happen an enemy that he might find us.
tAxwaákaahuʾ kaakíʾ šinakukukootíkA.
You say: "They cannot kill me.
kaakíʾ tákuʾ nakukukootíkA tičé nakuutAxítIt šiʾaakootíkA.
No one can kill me." What will happen if they kill you?
čukú NAxthahkákUx.
Where are you wounded?'"
noowitiwaákoʾ hawá neenuhnaaʾiitáWI.
Then he said: "Too she'll tell you.
That's what you'll say."

tinaaríčI suúnatš noowitikaaʾiíšAt niišina- kaáWI.
This girl then she went home where they (du) were inside.
Then she went inside.
noowitiwaákoʾ nootAxihkAhaanáwiRIhuuʾU sáhniš.
Then she (the bear) said: "You have the strong odor of it a human being.
ka naRAhwísaʾ atinás seenunoonaanoótA.
Have they returned our brothers those of ours?
You must tell me.
I will kill them."

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnatš Axtóh tákuʾ kaakiwaawanúʾ.
Then she said the girl: "Indeed there is no one around.
tatuúxAt– atináʾ na atíʾAx niišinaáxA
I went– my mother and my father where they (du) are lying
wenakukoowaáto skaná tiweNAsíhkUx.
my getting lonesome alone while we are living."

noowiteesšoóIt AhnuxwaraahaanaáNU skuúNUx.
Then she calmed down after her being angry the she bear.

Then it was morning.
tinaákUx suúnatš nootikawátAt.
This girl then she got out.
wah tuuxUhuúNAt.
"Now let me go awhile!
Let me look around!"
nootikatáʾAt weNAhkuwaawanú.
Then she went up her wandering around.
noowitíʾAt niiwenaraanoótA inástiʾ.
Then she went where they were staying her brothers.

noowitihwáčiʾ wah šuuxaakawáʾAs.
Then they said: "Now you must eat!"
NAhnunáhtš WIši- teeNUxkoótIt.
A deer they had killed it.

Then she finished eating.

wehnawaawáʾA noowitiwaákoʾ wah tičé wenawaákoʾ.
After he ate then he said: "Now what did she say?"

noowitiwaákoʾ tatiniisuxtaaʾiiWIswóʾ.
Then she said: "I asked her.
wah taanikuunee- waákoʾ kaníʾ šinakukukootíkA šiʾiikuuxaWIswanikú.
Now this is what she said: 'They cannot kill me even if they shoot me.
tsu tiihéʾ– ščiskaawítA šinikiišwaasakú ápAs tišinaatIščis-
But here– the little toe if they wound me both these (du) toes
táWI ščiskaawítA wah niiháʾ nikunoonikuuhunáhAs.
of mine little toes, now there that is where I'll die.
Then they'll kill me.
natsú noo paátuʾ naahčiisUhuuNIsa- kaátA štoh koxtiínaʾ.
But there blood if any spurts out, back I will come.
wah nikunookaakunaaheeráxtA štoh itihWIsá.
Now so that shall not be good back if I come.
I will be different!'"
atsú tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ noowitinaaʾiiwaáwat wehniiNAhnaaʾiitIhú inástiʾ.
And this young woman then she told it when she was telling them her brothers.

noowitiwaákoʾ koxtiraahnaawireéhAs tiíNI.
Then he said: "We will prepare things now.
tiiháʾ neešuuxUhuhwanúʾ.
Here you stay awhile!
tiiháʾ neešaahtoonaahkatawaawanúʾ teškúNIt.
Here you'll go around on the hillsides close by.
paatúh tIhunuuwá.
Enemies they are around.
They might see you."

na tinaraanoótA wiiteešútš noowitihpiná naʾaátuʾ– na neskačítA.
And these young men then they picked them up cactus– and thorn apples.
nooniineskoóčI noowiteh- kápIt.
The thorns then they broke them off.
nooWIšiteenuhnaniwísaʾ suúnatš.
Then they brought them to her the girl.

witiwaákoʾ wah niiwešiNAxkaákUx šiNAx- kaáWI
He said: "Now where you (du) are now living your (du) being inside
hunaaníniʾ ookaahaáhniniʾ neešanoswaáWI.
in the ground, outside lay them around.
niineskoóčI tinaroósI naʾaátuʾ neešanoswaáWI teškúNIt.
Sharp ones these cactus you lay them around close by.
nawáh šanaawíreehAs neešiínaʾ.
Now when you are ready, you'll come.
You'll tell us."

tinaákUx suúnatš nikunoowituúta noowiti-
This girl then that is what she did: then she
roswaáWI tsu wititkAxká skuúNUx.
laid them around but she was inside sleeping the she bear.
noowitiraanaáNIš Ahnétka.
Then it was truly the way her sleeping.
tinaaríčI suúnatš noowitiišUhunaaNIsaNAxá
This girl her hands were moving around wildly
wehnawaaWIhú šíštš niineskoóčI skačítA
as she put them in the ground points the thorns (of) thorn apples
šiniitAhnéhku na naʾaátuʾ.
the ones that they call and the cactus.
noowitiraawireewaáhAs iiNUsuuwatwiʾuúʾA.
Then she prepared everything where the entrance faced.

Then she came.
noowitiwaákoʾ nootatuutaaNIštát.
Then she said: "I am finished doing it."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš wah šuúxAt.
Then he said a young man: "Now go!
neešaaNUhu- nuúkAt.
You'll rush inside.
neešaahwaákoʾ paatúh wešitikohniraánaʾ.
You'll say: 'The enemy they are chasing me.
šii- nuhkaáʾa na nuukutiíhAt kUxIhaáhniniʾ.
When you rush out go over there to the left.
neeneešiihUh- katáʾAt.
You rush up the hill.
tsu wetuutUhuuwiʾúxtA niiNUsuuwatwiʾuúʾA.
But she is going to head straight where the entrance faces.
kaakoo- teeríštA.
She shall not see you.
wah wešitatiinawaaweehíštA.
Now we are going to rush her.
šikoxtikoótIt na neešiisihtaraniínoʾ.
We will kill her and then we'll burn her."

na nikunoowituutá tinaaríčI suúnatš.
And then that is what she did this girl.
noo- tuúNAx.
Then she ran.
noowitIhuúkAt niiʾAhnakaáWI inaániʾ.
Then she went in where she was inside her sister.
noowitiwaákoʾ wetohnaánaʾ paatúh.
Then she said: "They come now enemy.
They are chasing me."
noowituutAhuunapítaahAt weneehuunaWIsítIt.
Then she swung around as she ran out.

tsu tinaaríčI skuúNUx wewitiwaaRUxtiíʾa wenaraawii-
And this she bear she became holy as she jumped
NAhuuniriwátAt weneehuunaWIsítIt.
up angrily, as she ran out.
tiihuunuučitaʾuúkUt naʾaátuʾ na šíštš.
She ran on top of them the cactus and thorns.
Then she rolled over growling.
tsu tinawaaríčI wiiteešútš nooWIšitiiNIščískakAt.
And these young men then they cut her toe off.
noowi- tiʾiitoóxIt wešohnihkootíkA.
Then her body lay still after they killed her.

noowitiwaákoʾ parúNIt.
Then he said: "Quickly!"

nawáh noowitiNAsačipí nátš weneena- naáhu.
Now then they gathered it wood when they were bringing it.
Then they burned it
Then they laid her on the fire.
na noowititwaawáNIt niiʾAhnooxUhuu- nukaawaáhu.
And then they burned here and there around it where she was flopping around.
čituúʾuʾ witinaataraNItkároʾ.
Everything they burned it.

nawáh tiinaahtehkuxtaapaáRIt.
"Now let's all flee!
parúNIt toxtaapóʾ.
Quickly let's be going!
She is going to come."

Then they ran off.
tinaaríčI suúnatš nooWIšitiiNUhuuni- RAxUhúnoʾ.
This girl then they put her in the lead.
wetIhiRAxá šinihnaaʾiitaWIhú niinakoótA.
She was in the lead now as they were telling her where to go:
na nikiišuúxAt.
"You go there!"

wah tehniíhiʾ čéstIt wehnaraanátA.
Now it must have been far where they went.
noowiti- raačeéʾA.
It was a long time.

noowitihwáčiʾ wah tuuwetaáʾ.
Then they said: "Now she comes there."

Then she came.
wah niikohnuutAxítIt číkuʾ paátuʾ tehnačiisUhuuNIsakáʾAt.
Now whatever happened, some blood it must have splashed out.
kaneetehnišwaahíNIt niikohnuxčiinoswá paátuʾ.
They must not have burned all of it wherever it lay around the blood.
Then she chased them.

wehniitAhniraanátA witikatariíʾIt skuúNUx neečiíNI weNAhkuwaraahaáNU.
As she chased them she was fast the she bear especially since she was mad.
Now she was gaining on them.

uunaaríčI naraaNIhtíšU noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh číkuʾ koxtuúta nakiihuunawiiʾaaNIštaʾá.
That other one the eldest (brother) then he said: "Now I will do something to slow her up.
wetatakuraah- nanitakúxaʾ
Now she is gain- ing on us."

wah šíštš noowiteewáNIt.
Now an awl then he threw it.
wehneehuunukaaraʾá niiwe- naraána noowitiiwaroóʾAt skačítA.
When he threw it where they came, then there was a thicket thorn apples.
uu kana- wituhnaaninoosičiraʾá.
Oh, there were indeed many of them.
nuunaaʾá kuúNUx nooti- kataʾuúkUt
As she came there the bear then she went against it
wehnawanuuxítIt wehnaraaNAxwé číkuʾ niinakutawarukaátA.
as she began to go around as she looked for it where an opening was to go through the thicket.
taRAhtšíniʾ wititariiwaátAt.
Barely she went through.

wah wetaáʾ.
Now she came.
číkuʾ niinooNAxkuraahnaahUh- táNIt wetataraakawootíštA.
"There being no place where you (pl) are going to go now I am going to kill you."

wah niitaweéRA neesítš noowiteewáNIt.
Now the following one (brother) a knife then he threw it.
Then it cut the ground open.
Then it made cracks in the ground.
číkuʾ nuuwitiiraakateéhAt weNAhunaanukátkA.
It was so wide when it cut the ground.

witeehuunawiisaʾiíšaʾ kuúNUx.
She reached the edge of the precipice the bear.
wewitoox- kataahíštA.
Now she was about to come up.
Then she slid back.
noowitIhaah- kaʾuúkUt.
Then she went down to the bottom.
She began to jump around.

Then she came up.
štoh nootiiNAhnáʾAx.
Again then she ran after them.

wah neečiwíNA wah čiíRA číkuʾ čeésuʾ noo-
Now another one now say, something himself then he
teewáNIt napiísus.
threw it a comb.
naʾaátuʾ anoonakaNIhaáhkUx.
Cactus and then there was a large patch.
witeewísAt kuúNUx wehneehuunukaawaáhu wenáwanu.
She arrived there the bear when she was jumping all around when she was going around.
taRAhtšíniʾ wititariiwaátAt.
Barely she crossed through it.
They pricked her paws.
nootiiNAhnáʾAx štoh.
Then she ran after them again.

wehnaraanátA noowitiwaákoʾ kaawitáhtš wah wetatakuraahnaanunáhAs.
While they were going then he said the youngest (child): "Now we are dead."

nawáh kaNIstaRAhí neesítš niišIskakawaakarookU- xúku
Now a grooved rock knives ones they used to sharpen them
číkuʾ NAhkuraáhNA kaNItkatít.
what one would have, a black stone.
witiwaákoʾ wah atípaʾ číkuʾ niinakuutaáNA.
He said: "Now, grandfather, do something!
wah parúNIt.
Now quickly!
She's tired.
číkuʾ kaakíʾ niiNAtkuutAhuNAhuunuúʾA
I cannot do anything with her."

There there was a stone
It was so big.
noowitIhuu- čitawaʾuuneéRIt.
Then they stood up on top of it.
tinaákUx kanítš noowitiRAxáhAt.
This stone then it grew up.
noowitiihaaníhAt nuuwehnaátA.
Then it grew higher as it went there.

nuu wewitiwičeéʾIs na wewitawísaʾ kuúNUx.
There now it was high and now she arrived the bear.
nooteehuunukaahUxítIt wehnuunawirikatookúku aatawirítkA.
Then she began to jump up as she was throwing herself against it 'that I knock it down.'
áwit AhnoowitooxIšWIhnaanuučitaʾiišaáhuʾ iiʾaNA- huučitawaaríčI.
First her claws came up to the top of it (the stone) where they stood on top.
tsu tinaákUx kanítš nuuwitiwičeésa.
But this stone it got higher.

noowitiwaákoʾ xeeraahnínoʾ.
Then it (the stone) said: "Don't be afraid.
číkuʾ kaakuu- taaníštA.
She is not going to do anything.
tsu– tUsunaahteenaáhAt niitina- taraapaaríčI.
And– the land slopes downward where we are standing.
She is not going to knock it down."

noowitiwaákoʾ kuúNUx wah wešitAxkoowíRAt.
Then she said the bear: "Now you have outdone me.
wah wetAxiiraahNAhčíšAt.
Now you are safe now.
wah číkuʾ kaakíʾ štoh nataakuhnaakeéRIt.
Now I'll never see you again.
wah tsu tuukukoxtíʾAt.
Now but I will go the other way.
tuukukoxtiwaawanúʾ anuuNAhunaanawaáhAt skaweéraaʾuʾ.
I'll roam around over there that land over there west.
tsu wešitAxkoowíRAt.
But you have outdone me."

tinaákUx kanítš nuu nootikataʾuúkUt neskoóhAt.
This stone there so it went against it the sky.

wah WIšitiiteerikUxuúkuʾ niinakUhunuuwaáWI tuuháʾ niiNAhunaahčeeríšU.
Now they used to see it ones roaming around over there where the land is bare.
nikuwituúʾUt niiʾAhnuxkatoo- kúku.
It was that way where she was going against it:
there were claw marks on it.
waahnuú huučítAt witiwačeehUxuúkuʾ kanawitíʾ nakuhnaaʾeéRIt.
Way up o n top they used to say one cannot see them.

wah wehnihnaaweerikú wenakUxuhkatáWA nakuuhuunawánuʾ
Now when they look at things the one flying in the sky airplane
čikohnáʾU witikoosákUx.
something it is on top.
witičiišawataáʾA niikóhnoʾ.
It is white whatever it is.
wah tsu tinawaaríčI anuú nootiraáNAt neskoóhAt.
Now but these there then they went the sky.
nikutíʾIt sákaaʾA naRAsačiruúxU šíhUx nuhnaanuúʾA.
They are the ones stars the bunched ones, five their numbering.

wah taanikutatuuxItkookUxuúkuʾ niiNIštaaʾiitihUxukú.
Now this is what I used to hear what they used to tell.