XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Corn Woman and Buffalo Woman

Alfred Morsette

wetatunaaʾiitíštA natuuxItkawookUxúku niiNIštaaʾii- waawaatIhú.
Now I am going to tell what I used to hear when they used to tell stories.
They are all dead now.
tatištaanaasíštoʾ NIhkuunaa- ʾiiwaátI naaʾiitUxpakúhtuʾ
I was interested in the ways what they told the old stories
niiʾAhnuutAxítIt anuuwehnaa- raahwaʾá niikohniíhiʾ
(of) what happened there where they came from, wherever it was
wehnaaraahwaʾá wehnuútA wehneetunaáhkUx.
where they came from what was where the villages were clustered.
wituxtaaNIhuúʾU sáhniš.
There were many Arikaras.

wah wiiteešútš NAhkuraaWIhkaʾaáhNA NAhkuraaʾIhwaawanú
Now a young man when he went hunting, when he wandered around hunting,
uu noowituuteéRIt tanáhaʾ.
oh, then he saw it a buffalo.
noowitaahkoohaahkaáRIt koohaahpanítkAt.
It stood afar on the prairie on the level prairie.
weeNUtčiríkUx nookuwituutaritšwíʾuʾ huukaawiraátA.
As he watched it there it stood facing the east.
noowitiwískaʾ tinaaríčI wiináxtš hee číkuʾ kaakAxunaahčiwíNIš
Then he thought this boy: "Hey, there is not any place to hide
nataakuutunaahkUxtatátA iinaaxaríčI– nataakuuwaníkA
for me to get closer to you where you–stand– for me to shoo you,"
weNAhkuraaNAxwé číkuʾ aatawiisátA.
as he searched for a way 'that I might move closer.'
uu noowiteesščiteéʾa.
Oh, then he gave up.
Then he came home.
noowiteewísaʾ niiʾAhnuuxítAt niiʾAhnuuxitunaáhkUx.
Then he arrived where the village was where the villages were clustered.

wenehkUheešá štoh noowitíʾAt.
When morning came again then he went.
noowitiwísAt niiʾAhnuuteériku tanáhaʾ niiʾAhnaaríčI.
Then he arrived where he saw it buffalo where it stood.
a noowitUtwiʾúʾ hunaanapsíniʾ.
And there it faced south.
uu weNAhkuraaNAxwé aatoohwii- sátA iinaaxaríčI noowitunaačiteeʾá.
Oh, as he looked for a way 'that I might get closer where you are standing,' then it was difficult for him.
It was sundown.
Then he came home.

wah štoh tAheešáʾ.
Now again it was morning.
Then he went.
weNAhkuuteéRIt nuukuwitUtwiʾúʾ skaweéraaʾuʾ tanáhaʾ tinaaríčI.
When he saw it it faced the other way west buffalo this.
uu witiRIhuúʾU.
Oh, it was big!
noowitiwískaʾ číkuʾ aatootunaahkUxtatátkA.
Then he thought: "How can I sneak up on you?"
noowiteesščiteéʾa weNAhkunaačiteeʾaáNA.
Then he gave up when it was difficult.
Then he came home.

hawá štoh tAheéšaʾ.
Also again morning came.
Then he went.
nuu witi- wísAt.
There he arrived.
a nuukuwituutaritšwíʾuʾ hunaahkoohaáhkAt.
And there it stood facing that way north.
wituhnaathaanáwiʾ iiteérikuʾ a tinaaríčI wiiteešútš
It seemed as if it saw him and this young man
NAhkukUxpaahwaahnú aatAhunaahkUxtatátkA aateewa- níkA.
as he ran furtively about 'that I might get close that I might shoot you.'
He gave up.
wah wetikuunaačiteeʾá.
"Now it is too difficult for me."
He came home.
noowitawísaʾ NAhkuwanú.
Then he arrived as he went about.

noowitiwískaʾ čiraátoʾ itáʾAt niinatoosuuxeerikú tanáhaʾ.
Then he thought: "Let me go where I was seeing you buffalo!"

It was not standing there.
Then he arrived there.
Now he looked all around.
noowitaxkUxaáʾA niiʾAhnuuxaríčI.
There were tracks where it had stood.
There it was growing.
noowitiitAhnaáhkUx hawá tuuhéʾ hawá uukaríkAt.
There was a clump of stalks growing; also over there; also in the middle.
wehnuhnaačiríkUx noowiteekaaʾiíšaʾ.
After he looked at them then he came home.

noowituutAhnaaʾiitáWI číkuʾ wekutuutAxítIt.
Then he told them: "Something happened.
tatuuNUx- teeriíʾa tanáhaʾ wenakooríčI.
I tried to sneak around it buffalo its standing.
aa nootikoohaahpanít niinaaríčI.
Oh, the land was level where it stood.
tikuunaačiteeʾá nakuwiisátA niinaaríčI.
It was difficult for me to get close where it stood.
wah hásI tiíNI wetatuúxAt na inooniitAhnaáhkUx niikohnáʾIt.
Now, look, now I went and there stalks grew in a clump whatever they are.
nootiraanaasíhtš iinatAtwaáWI niikohnáʾIt.
They are puzzling those plants, whatever they are."

noowitiRAsačipí kunahUxwaaRUxtiíʾuʾ kunahUxčitawíʾuʾ
Then he gathered them the holy men, the leading old men,
niininaanuhkoóčI naawaaRUxtiíʾuʾ.
the ones who had them the holy ways.
nootiraáNAt wehnih- naačiríkUx.
Then they went as they looked at them.
aráh číkuʾ tíʾIt.
"Say, they're something.
šikaaksiitaakIsiíšuʾ tiwenaraáhkUx tiwenatAhnaáhkUx.
We don't know these growing in a clump, these stalks growing in a clump."

noowitihnaakAxčišwaáWI tiNAhunuuwaáWI tanáhaʾ
Then they drove stakes into the ground these roaming around buffalo,
AxkaáʾA kanaʾaaxehwáʾA.
antelopes, that they would not eat them.
"Let them just grow!
nuxtaNAxáhAt čiraátoʾ tičé nuutáxtA weninaaNAx- wehnihnaasštáWI.
Let them grow up to see what is going to be if one looks for it!" as they watched over them.

wah awiriituukaríkAt aahnoó číkuʾ kuwituúʾUt.
Now in midsummer then there was just something to it.
noowitiitawá neéšuʾ niiʾAhnatAhnaanaríčI.
There they grew corn where the stalks stood (growing).
wešohniitačiríkUx kAšiniitaakIsiíšuʾ niikohnáʾIt.
As they watched them they didn't know whatever they were.
na wiítA áxkUx witiwaákoʾ koxtiraaʾiiranít.
And man one he said: "I will try it.
čiraátoʾ íta áxkUx.
Let me eat it one (of them)!
čiraátoʾ tičé nikuuNAhuunúxtA.
Let me see what happens to me.
I will cook it.
nootiraaʾaanúʾ nakooNAxíkA.
It appears that one must cook it."

Then they made a fire.
tinaákUx wiítA noowitiisAtkUxítIt.
This man then he began to roast it.
či nikiišaáʾA neščiraánuʾ.
Here it was the one green corn.
Axtóh weteénax.
"Surely it is now cooked."
noowititakáʾus wehnáʾA wehnaákUx.
Then he took a bite as he ate it as he sat there.
čą́ą́ aráh toohthaané.
"Why, say, it tastes good!"
noowitiʾú haáwaʾ.
Then he gave it to him also (ie another ear).
Then he gave them to each of them.

čą́ą́ aráh číkuʾ tíʾIt.
"Why, say, they are something!
tíʾIt waaníšuʾ.
They are edible.
hawá nuxtaNAxáhAt.
Also let them grow up!"

nuuwehnihnaasštáWI noowitiraneehaása ničiíšuʾ.
While they watched over them, then they became fully ripe the corn.
niikoh- nuutAxítIt wehnihneésš wehnáʾU ničiíšuʾ.
I do not know what happened when they found out its being corn.
wah noowititinaawaʾú.
Now then they divided it up.
wehnihtAhnáʾU noowititinaawaʾú.
After they had shelled it then they divided it.
naawiRIstaʾaáNA neešiiraahnaanánoʾ niiNIsuúxA na
"In the spring you'll plant them the way they were, and
nikutsá niiNIsuúxA NAhkurooswaawíhA.
you'll do it thus as they were when they were growing.
noo- titkanuučitaʾús.
Then put soil over it."

wah nikunoowitsá wenaawiRIstaʾaáNA wenakataahkaawaʾá.
Now then that is what they did when it became spring when the green grass came up.
šuxtaahnaaNAhkároʾ tiwenatoxtaahnaawoóhA.
"Plant them what I gave you!"
na nikunoowitsá.
And then that is what they did.
wah– kanawituxtaačeéʾA noowitiitAhnaanáRIt
Now– it was not a long time then bunches grew here and there
wehnehkaawaʾá niiʾaNUsuúxA wešohniisuuxaakeéRIt.
where they came up as it had been where they had seen them.
Then they hung from them.

wah niiháʾ nikunoowiteeraanuutáʾ.
Now there that is where they increased.
wewitininaa- woóhu noowiteeraanuutáʾ
When they were giving to each other then they increased
wehninaaNAhkaroóku ničiíšuʾ niiwehnaahtakuwaʾá.
after they planted it corn as they migrated this way.
witinaná ničiíšuʾ.
They had it corn.
uu witohtAhané.
Oh, it tasted good.

wah kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ niikohnuutAxítIt WAhúx šohni-
Now I do now know whatever happened squash when
naaNIšítIt na átit nihwačeehUxuúkuʾ atikAhunaánuʾ.
they acquired it, and beans, what they call ground beans.
tsu witiičíWI atikAhunaánuʾ.
But it is different the ground bean.
wah taanikuwetatuh- neesšUxteéhAt tiwenatunaaʾiítI.
Now this is the limit of what I know what I have told.

nawáh– niiwenunaníWIs neéšuʾ wah tinaákUx wiítA áxkUx
Now,– after it had appeared corn, now this man one
NAhkuwaaRUxtiíʾU weNAhkuwiiruutikú weNAhkUtčiriikawaáWI tinaáxA
who was holy as he sat there as he looked at it this
neéšuʾ noowitiwaákoʾ naahtakúʾU aráh šúxtoʾ uukawítš uukawiisápat.
ear of corn, then he said his wife: "Say, make it a dress, a woman's dress!
šuxtAhkAxiínoʾ tinaáxA neéšuʾ.
Dress it this corn!
nootikunaawiʾaánuʾ tiwaaRUxtíʾ.
I just have a notion it is holy.
sápat nooteewiʾaánuʾ natuuteériku.
A woman it just looks like as I see her."

tinaákUx sápat naahtakúʾU noowitíroʾ uukawítš.
This woman his wife then she made it a dress.
Then she dressed it.
Then she put a shawl on it.
Then she wrapped it around it.

noowitíRAt niitinačiisúhAt tswaarúxtiʾ.
Then he took it where the river was Missouri River.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah wetataraahIšaxčíštA.
Then he said: "Now I am going to name you as a relative.
wah atináʾ wekutatáʾ.
Now my mother you are mine.
wah tsu nikiičinaanuúNU.
Now but make haste!
parúNIt NAxkuʾá.
Quickly come back!"
Then he threw it into the water.
She floated downstream.

wah niiwekohniiraawiiʾót nooWIšitiiteéRIt sápat.
Now sometime later then they saw her a woman.
šikanawitiitAsiíšuʾ wehnataʾiwánu.
They did not know her as she went among them.
Ahnoowiteé- naʾ.
She would just come.
šikaakiitAsiíšuʾ tákuʾ niikóhnoʾ.
They did not know her whoever she was.

wah kunahUxwaaRUxtiíʾuʾ weNAhkuraaNAxwé wah šiisuxkáxaʾ–
Now the old holy men when they looked for her: "Now call her–
suúnaaxuʾ tinawanú čiraátoʾ tačé noʾ če číkuʾ naáʾ.
young woman this one going about to see who she is, to see where she came from!"
wah noowitinaawireewaáhAs.
Now then they readied things.
Then they called her.
teehuúkaʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
She came inside the young woman.
Then she sat down.
They did not recognize her.

wah– niikohnuxwanúʾ šeeweniíʾU šeeweNAhuuNUxtáʾU
Now– wherever he was the main one, the main one who dressed her
this one.
Then he entered.
aa witiwaákoʾ haa tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ natiiNAhtakúʾU
Ah, he said: "Hey, this young woman my wife
nikutuxtoókuʾ na neeneetiRAhkAxiínoʾ.
she made this one and I put the dress on her.
na neeneetUtwakaraanúʾAt tatískaʾ nataakuraahtíRA šinataakuutísš.
And I called out to her: 'I want for you to be among us that we may know you.
tsu atináʾ wešitataraahIšáxkuʾ tinaáxU sápat wenataawičirikaáwo.
But Mother we will be calling you your being here a woman after I have been scrutinizing you.'
wah nikútiʾ.
Now this is the one."

tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ noowitiwaákoʾ wah tAxiwáhNIš.
This young woman then she said: "Now you are true.
nikutAxíʾ NAxkUxuuhawiraawaníkA.
You are the one your causing me to float downstream.
niiNAxwaákA nikutuúʾUt tiwenatiína.
What you said that is how it is my coming here.
wah nikuwetatiínaʾ NAxkuhnaahneésš.
Now I am the one who came for you to know.
wah nikutatíʾ atináʾ.
Now I am the one Mother.
You have found me.
tiNAhunásA nuhnaniWIsú niinoonakuuraáʾU
Here on earth things will appear different things:
nakataahkaawaáhu weNAhkuraa- nanookú neéšuʾ.
the green grass coming up, when one plants it the corn.
wah– nikutatiínaʾ tiNAhu- násA.
Now– I am the one who has come on this earth.
šeeniiwaaRUxtiiNIhuúNU neešuuteérikuʾ tineskoóhAt.
The big holy one you see him (in) the sky.
He is the one.
nikutaroohunaáwaʾ tinuutakoóčI.
These are the things he put here these things.
nikutišiNAxkuraahIšaxkú nikutíʾ haáʾAx.
This one you are calling he is the one your father.
kutíʾ haáʾAx.
He is it your father.
atsú nikuneetaraahnáʾA atináʾ– nikutatíʾ.
But you are mine: Mother– I am the one."

nawáh– nikunootiraateéhAt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wenataʾiwaawanú.
Now– this is the end of the story this young woman when she was going among people.

wewitiraačeéʾA niiwekohniiraáʾAt.
It was a long time however long it was.
wah narikaatIhaahtawé kananaakoosuuwaáhu wenakuraataawaáhIš
Now there are some years when it does not rain, when everything is dry,
taRAhtšíniʾ wekananaakUhuhkaawaáhu wekananaakoosoóhu noowiti-
barely when the grass does not come up when it does not rain then she
waákoʾ tinaákUx wenawakaraanawaawanú noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx
said this one when she prayed to the elements then she said this
suúnaaxuʾ číkuʾ koxtanuhnaáka.
young woman: "I will do something for you.
tiweNAheešahIštáNIt siinó kananaakuusaahtaáhu
Before it is going to be morning, yet when the sun has not risen
neešuunuúhAt tiíNI neešuhtaahnaaneéhAs.
at dawn, this time you have things ready.
niinaakunuhtAhakú nakUhaakeeriwátAt.
Your cache pits open them.
Clean the ground (ie floor).
Clean the pit (ie interior).
wah wetAtkatawiiháxtA.
Now I am going to pass by them.
wah wetAxkuhnaaʾiitawíštA niikooNAxiniinaanuúkuʾ neéšuʾ.
Now you are going to tell me wherever you have yours stored corn.
niikohnuutuúčiʾ niikooNAxtaananookUxuúkuʾ neéšuʾ
Whatever kinds they are whatever kinds you plant corn
niiNAxiniiNAhnaapiRIhuúNU koxkuhnaaʾiitáWI.
the one that you value most, you must tell me.

wah nikuwetatuutaaníštA nuuneetikatawiíʾAt.
"Now this is what I am going to do: there I'll pass by.
hináxtIt sinó kananaakuusaahtaáhu wiítA
Early in the morning yet when the sun has not risen, the man
AhnakAxaáhu AhnaraaʾiitaWIhú wetAxuhnaahneesiíšuʾ tinaákUx
when he calls out when he tells, you'll know this
suúnaaxuʾ niiwenawaákA wewitešweešíštA.
young woman what she said she is going to start.
nakooríčI šeeweNA- xiíʾU niinaakunuhthaáhkUx nakukuhnaaʾiitawíhA
Stand you, the main one, where your cellar is when one tells me
niikooNAxi- nihthaáhkUx.
where your cellar must be!
nikuwetiráʾ tiwenaátA.
That is the reason her going."

nikunoowituúta tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
Then that is what she did this young woman.
wah tiihéʾ tičé NAxinihthaáhkUx.
"Now here what do you have in your cellar?"

taanikutatiniinoosíhuʾ neštaáka neštAhkáta neešooraahkaátit
"This is where I am keeping mine white corn, yellow corn, blue corn,
neškápahAt na WAhúx.
red corn, and squash."

wah šuuxaakaʾús.
"Now cover it!"

Then she covered them over.
Then she passed by them.

nuu wituutaaNIštát.
Then she finished doing it.
nootIhuúkAt niinaakaáWI NAhkaaWIhíniʾ.
Then she entered where the lodge was the Medicine Lodge.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah čiitíʾIš niihaweéNA
Then she said: Now four after days have passed
neeširaaʾiitáWI nakUhaakeeriwátAt
then you can tell (ie announce): 'Open it
niiwenanuhthawaáWI nakuhnaaʾeéRIt niiwenatanuhnaakaáNA.
where you now have your things cached to see what I have done for you (pl).'
wah nikiisuxtaáka.
Now that is what you (pl) will do!"

wah tinaákUx wiítA noowiteewakAhuutáʾ wetAxunaah- neesiíšuʾ
Now this man then he called out: "Now you know
hináxtIt nakoótA niiNAxinihnaahthawaáWI.
early morning to go where you have your things in the cellar.
Open it!
wah taanikuwetAxinihnaáʾAt.
Now this is what is yours (pl)."

weNAhkoosšawitaRAhtškootIhú noowitiiríwatAt.
When one was dying of anxiety then she got up.
nootí- ʾAt niinaakunuhthaáhkUx.
Then she went where her cellar was.
na noowitiiraasštawíkUx neéšuʾ niinooNAhkuutuúčI niiNAhkuxwaákA.
And there there was plenty corn, different kinds as he had said.
uu witiraatšičiíta.
Oh they all became lively.
na noowitinaaNAhkároʾ štoh.
And then they planted again.
noowitiraatšičiíta štoh ničiíšuʾ neéšuʾ
Then they became lively again the corn, the ear(s) of corn
nakučituúʾU na ničiíšuʾ weNAhkutAhnáʾU.
when it was whole (with kernels), and the corn when it was shelled.

wah nikuwitiwaákoʾ nikutatíʾ ničiíšuʾ
Now that is what she said: "I am the one corn
weNAxkutAh- noxtáNI.
the one you are going to shell.
tsu neéšuʾ weNItkutáWI nakutAhnaáhkUx neésuʾ nikutatíʾ.
But the corn my being on it when there is a stalk the corn I am the one.
wah nikutatíʾ atináʾ wenataraa- kiRAxaáhNA.
Now I am the one Mother, the one leading us.
nikutiraačítA wewitinaatičinaawaníkA wena- tiína tinaákUx wiítA niiwenikuhnaateewaníkA.
That is the reason my hurrying myself when I came this man as he planned it for me (to do)."

wah– tiwehnaahtakuwáʾa wah suúnaaxuʾ nooWIši- tiiteerikUxítIt.
Now– as they came migrating now a young woman then they began seeing her.
šikaakiitsiíšuʾ haáwaʾ.
They did not know her also.
wah nikuwi- tuutaánuʾ kanawitiiwaʾá tsástš taakáxtš.
Now this is what she was doing: she did not eat them meat, dried meat.
tsu ničiíšuʾ nikuwitiwaawaʾá WAhúx niWAharít nakaá- nus WIsuúkaʾ.
But corn that is what she ate, squash, plums, choke- cherries, Jerusalem artichokes.
kanawitiiwaʾá tsástš.
She did not eat it meat.
wah uunaákUx steéšuʾ neešookatawíʾuʾ kanawitiiwaʾá ničiíšuʾ.
Now the other Corn Woman, Mother Corn, she did not eat it corn.
This was the difference between them (du).

wah witiraačiteeʾá tanáhaʾ weNAhkuRAhkatoorúhkUt
Now it became difficult buffalos when they would retreat
wekanaNAhkuuxunuuwaáWI teškúNIt wačéh weNAh- kuraaniWAhteeʾaanú.
when they would not roam around close by, poor things, when a famine began.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wah nikutatih- tawíʾaʾ.
Then she said this young woman: "Now I am the one who came in the herd.
tiNAstawé tatinihnaatéʾ ničiíšuʾ tiNItwaawáʾA neščiraánuʾ tiNItwaawáʾA.
My being among you people I like it, corn my eating this, green corn my eating this.
I value it.
weneetuhneesiíšuʾ wetohnaahUhtawiiʾá tsástš tinaraáčI niinaraapiRIhuúNU.
I do know it; it is becoming scarce meat these ways, the one that is valued.
wah tatskáʾ čiitíʾIš šiNAxkukuutAxUhkaráʾU
Now I want four for you to make me (pairs of) moccasins
číkuʾ niinataa- kunuhnaakaáNA.
that I might do something for you."

wah sápat niiNAhkuriiʾuúxU xúhtš witiwiítIt.
Now a woman one who knew how (to make them) moccasins she sat down.
She finished them.
wah tiweneéros xúhtš.
"Now here they now are moccasins."
hawá uunaákUx.
Also the other.

noowitiRAhnuúkAt NAhkaaWIhíniʾ AhnuuxakAhwaaRUx- tiíʾU.
Then they entered it the Medicine Lodge where the holy lodge was.
wenehkuwakaraanawaawanú wenehkuraaWIšUhaaruúsAt
After they were praying to the various elements after they had offered smoke,
noowitiwaákoʾ wetaátAt.
then she said: "Now I am going.
I am starting out."
niitii- NUsaakunaakaawaáWI čiitíʾIš NUsaapiraanuúʾA
Where the (four) lodge posts were four the upright ones
nuunakatAhkáʾU kUxIhaáhniniʾ noowitešwíʾaxIt wehnaátA wehnaátA.
there on the other side on the left then she started out, her going, her going.
noowitiwísAt tuuNAhaápI wewitohnaxkaruuwátI.
Then she arrived that post where she took her moccasins off.
noowitiRAhkáx AhnuuxuwoóčI.
Then they were worn out the ones she wore.

oopiínuʾ noowiwiteešúhNIt.
Another (pair) she then put on her feet.
wah štoh noo- wituúta.
Now again then she did it.
tuuNAhaápI hawá nikunoowituúta witiwísAt wewitiNAhkoxkaruuwátI.
That other post also she did that: she arrived her taking her moccasins off.
Then the moccasins were worn out.

oopiínuʾ noowiwiteešúhNIt.
Another then she put on her feet.
wah noowituúta tuuNAhaápI tiwísAt na
Now then she did it: that other pole she arrived there, and
niinuutaánu xUhkaáxuʾ.
as she was doing it ragged moccasins.

oopiinuʾ wiwiteešuúNIt na niinoo- tuúta.
A different (pair) she put them on her feet and then she did that.
niiʾAhnuuxAxwiʾáxIt witiwísAt.
Where she started from she arrived.
She sat down.
They offered smoke.

witiwaákoʾ wah wetatuxkaawaáhAt tinakaahunaáhkUx.
She said: "Now I have gone all over this world here.
naahuunéʾ wekaakiraáhWA tanáhaʾ.
They have gone far, far off in different directions the buffalo.
wešiineetsuuxeéRIt atípaʾ na atíkaʾ.
I have now seen them (du) my grandfather and my grandmother.
wah wešiineetUtwakuNAsawiítIt wačéh niikunakuútA tanáhaʾ
Now I have begged them (du), the poor things, for that to be the buffalo
naakuRAhwiisá teškúNIt niitinataraaku- nuuwaáWI.
that they come towards closer here where we are living.
niitiNAstaʾiwanú tatiniinaa- piRIhuúʾU NItkuwaawáʾA
Where I am mingling in the crowd here I value it my eating them
neščiraánuʾ štípiiʾIt WAhúx.
fresh corn, corn balls, squash.

wah niihaweéNA čiitíʾIš wiiteešútš šiNAxkuunaakAhiráʾU
"Now after days four young men pick them out
niinakutakaRAhuniiwaawaʾuúxU čiitíʾIš.
ones who know how to hunt four!
sinó kananaakuusaah- taáhu nakukUxuhkataátA aninaweeníWIš
Yet when the sun has not risen run up it that long hill
nehkureewaa- watíRA čiraátoʾ wenaraánaʾ tanáhaʾ.
for them to look all around to see if they are coming buffalos.

wah nakitkhaanawiʾoóxIt.
"Now listen!
wah wetikoowíʾAt.
Now I am tired.
wekaakatuh- nunaaNUhuuNIšáwihAt
I have been all over the land."

čiitíʾIš tiihawé.
Four the days passed.
noowitiinakAhíroʾ wah tinaákUx nikUšitatiniitsštaáhkA.
Then they picked them: "Now this one we have faith in him.
nikutíʾ awiʾuúxuʾ.
This one is dependable."
hawá uunaákUx.
Also another.
hawá uunaákUx.
Also another.
wah wetAxtAhnaNAhúhtA nawookaríWIš tinaweeníWIš.
"Now you are going to go the long hill, this long hill.
sAhkaʾaahníšuʾ naraáčI číkuʾ šinaaxkuuteéRIt.
The interior of the village the ways you might see something."

nawáh noowitiikUxuhkatáʾAt.
Now, then they ran up the hill.
čiríkU tanáhaʾ noowitiRAseéhAt.
Oh my, the buffalos then they approached.
noowitiRAhkAxaahUxítIt wehnihkA- xaahú wekaakuhnaaninoosičiraʾá.
Then they began to call out as they were calling: "Now there is a multitude.
tiweneekaništaanuúhAt tanáhaʾ.
Here there is a large herd buffalos."

Then they mounted horses.
Then they went up the hill.
Then they slaughtered them.
tihkawoótIt tanáhaʾ.
They killed them buffalos.
noo- witiinakaawačiíta tsástš.
Then they became sated meat.

atsú tinaákUx steéšuʾ nikunoowitanuunaapiRIhuúʾU
But this Corn Woman this was what was her favorite
wehnawaawaʾá tsásts taakáxtš tsu niiʾAhnaanunuhnaateéʾU čeésuʾ.
when she ate it meat, dried meat but what she likes herself.
atsú tuunaákUx witiwaawaʾá neéšuʾ štípiiʾIt.
But this other one she eats it corn, cornballs.

wah tinaákUx tanáhaʾ tsu tatUtwiʾúʾ skaweéraaʾuʾ wehnaatátA.
Now this buffalo: "But I am facing it west as I go.
nikutatiniinaapiRIhuúʾU tuuNAhunaanúhAt.
That one is my favorite that land over there."
atsú tinaákUx nikutaaʾaáhuʾ skaweéraaʾuʾ.
However this one she was coming (from) there the west.
That is whence she came.
"I am headed that way.
niikohniiraačíštA tsu itaraápo.
However long it is going to take, but we will go.
inoošiškuhnaapitaáhAt tukUšiškutwiʾuu- rútkA huukaawiraátA kaakiraačeéʾA.
If you turn me around, if you turn me around the other way east, it will not be long:
sAhkhaánuʾ kananakuúʾU nikUhunáhAs sAhkhaánuʾ.
the village it won't be (ie won't last) when I die the village."

wah nikunoowetiraateéhAt tiihéʾ ništaaʾiitawaaWIhú tiwenuuNUxtaaniiwaáWIs.
Now then this is where the end is here what they used to tell these who used to remain.
wah tsu nikutatsuuxItkoókUxuʾ tiweNItkunaaʾiítI.
Now but that is what I used to hear what I have told.
tákuʾ wekanaahniíkUx nakuhneésšu nakuhnaaʾiitUxsšú.
There is no one living now to know, to know the story.
tatištaanaasíštoʾ NAtkotkawoóku NIhkuunaaʾiiwaawaátI.
I was interested in the ways what I heard when they used to tell stories.