XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


When the Bears

Attacked the Arikaras

Alfred Morsette

wah tsu tatunaaʾiitíštA áxkUx.
Now but I am going to tell a story another one.
kaaki- raaʾiitUxčeéʾIs naáNIt atíkaʾ natuuxAtkookUxukú nikunuuNUxtaahnaaʾiiwaátI.
It is not a long story really my grandmother what I used to hear her being the one who told us the story.

anuú naapakúhtuʾ niikohniíhiʾ nuuwehnaahta- kuwaʾá
Long, long ago wherever it was when they were migrating here
kohnáʾIt sáhniš tinaatAhtaruuwaʾó.
they must have been Arikaras these I'm speaking about.

suúnaaxuʾ noonuhneeRAhú witanuhnunaáʾA waraákAt.
A young woman a nice looking one she had a garden in the brush.
nikuwiteenunuuNUxunaaníčiʾ waraákAt.
That is where they used to have their gardens in the brush.
niikohniíhiʾ AhniihiíʾU teškúNIt niitiweNAhnakunuuwaáWI.
Wherever it was whether its being close by where we are living now.

wah tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ weNAhkitkaakaʾaáhNA
Now this young woman when she was in the garden
NAhkuraaNAhkawaakaroóku ničiíšuʾ WAhúx átit --
when she was planting her garden corn, squash, beans --
kanuxtsaweekáʾIt patát aninuutunaanuúčI -- weNIhkuutuneš-
there were not potatoes at that time -- when they hoed
waaWIhú neeNAhtakúʾU wenehkuhnuníkUx uu weNAh-
their garden her husband when he waited for her oh, when
kuRItkhaanawičeesaáNA noowitaaWIsuúkaʾ.
it was late at night then she came inside (the lodge) at last.

aa Axtóh tehniihunaaNIhuúʾU niiʾaNAxiniinaa- naaníčI.
"Ah, surely it must be a big garden where you have your garden."
wiítA kanawitaanunuhnaatéʾ nikuwehnuutaánu sápat.
The man he did not like it the way she was doing woman.
wenehkuRAhkatawaʾá niiʾAhneenunuhnunaaníčI waraákAt
When they came up (from) where they had their gardens in the brush
sápat suúnaaxuʾ wah wewitIsakuuniíšAt na
the women, the young women, now the sun had already set and
wewitaRAhWIswáʾ atsú naahtakúʾU číkuʾ kanawitaahUxítIt.
they came back, but his wife she did not start to come.
uu witikatistatateétIt.
Oh, it became dark.
Then she appeared at last.
niku- wituutaánuʾ.
That is what she was doing.

atsú tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootanuunaátoʾ.
But this young man then he did not like it.
noo- witiwískaʾ tičé tAxuúʾUt.
Then he thought: "I wonder what it is
this that you are doing?"

hawá hiNAxtIhnaaNIšíšuʾ noowitaaniriwátAt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
Also really early in the morning then she would get up this young woman.
witaahkaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU.
She would go in the brush where her garden was.

a tinaákUx wiiteešútš čeésuʾ kaakanuhnaáteʾ
And this young man himself he did not like it
nikukohnuutaánuʾ naahtakúʾU.
that which she must be doing his wife.
wah noowititinaah- noosít wehnuhnuníkUx.
Now then he took his bow and arrows as he waited for her.

saxtš wehneeriwátAt nikuwituúta suúnaaxuʾ.
As soo n as she got up she did that the young woman:
witiiriwátAt hiNAxtIhnaaNIšíšuʾ.
she arose really early in the morning.
Then she went off.
She went out.
tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootiihuuniriwátAt.
This young man then he jumped up.
noowituhteeriíʾAt niiwenaátA naahtakúʾU.
Then he sneaked behind her where she went his wife.
noowititawiraáʾAt uu weeNUtčiríkUx weeNUstatataátA apAhníniʾ.
Then she went down, oh, as he watched her as he followed her furtively.

uu witičeswaátAt niiʾaNAhunaáNU.
Oh, he got out of the brush where the garden was.
noowitaaNItkaakákUx wiiteešútš.
There in the distance he sat in the garden a young man.
tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nikunoowitíʾAt uu
This young woman then she went there, oh,
weWIšitohnarikawaátš tinaákUx wiiteešútš AhnuuxIt- kaakákUx.
while they embraced each other, this young man as he sat in the garden.
Then they (du) went.
WIšitikaʾíšWA waraákAt.
They (du) went into the brush in the brush.

tsu šeeneeNAhtakúʾU tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wewitiitaweé- raʾAt wešinakaʾišwáNA.
But the real husband this young woman he followed her when they (du) went in the brush.
wewitiituučitawiítIt weninuuxú.
Now he lay on top of her while he was copulating with her.
atsú tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootičeswaátAt AhnarištanaáhNA.
But this young man then he came out of the brush his having a bow and arrows.
tUtčipIšawaáWI tinaákUx kuúNUx.
He shot it repeatedly this bear.
a čiišaáʾA kuúNUx tinaákUx wiiteešútš
And here it was a bear this young man
suúnaaxuʾ Ahni- nuúxu
the young woman the one who was copulating with her
wehnawakaraaNUhuuniriwátAt kuúNUx.
when he jumped up hollering the bear!

noowitiwaákoʾ a či taanikuNAxuutaánuʾ tiNAxiiNAhú.
Then he said: "And here this is what you are doing your coming here!
wetatuNAhuninoosiwaahníštA aninaátA.
I am going to chastise him that one going."
Then he shot him repeatedly.
noowiteehuukawiraná wehnakUxkoókUt kuúNUx.
Then they were sticking out of him as he ran in the brush the bear.

tsu nooteeraanuunináʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ
And then he angrily drove her away this young woman
wenapinú wenapinú.
as he whipped her, as he whipped her.
Then he drove her out of the brush.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakAxiiNAhíštA niiNItkaákUx.
Then he said: "You are not going to come where I live.
anuú kooxíʾAt niikooNAxúhtA.
There you can go wherever you are going to go.
wekaakAxkuu- NAhuné wenataakuhnaaNAxweékoočI.
You have not treated me well after my looking after you.
a či taani- kutAxanuutaánuʾ.
And here this is what you have been doing!"

wah tiweniiwanikú a čiišaáʾA kuúNUx.
Now this one he had been shooting, and here it was a bear.
kuuNUxtaáka noowitiʾá kuuNUxtaáka kuúNUx načiišawataaníčI.
A white bear then it became a white bear, a bear its being white all over.
He must not have killed it.
NIhúxuʾ nootehniwaaruúsAt Ahnuxwanikú niišíniʾ.
Only then he must have hit it here and there when he was shooting with arrows.
wah tsu witiwaaRUxtíʾ kuúNUx.
Now but it was holy the bear.
nohniihuunu- náhAs.
Then he just disappeared.

nuu tiwenuútA noowitipIhuuʾá.
Then as time passed then it got foggy.
tinaákUx wiitee- šútš wenawaawanú noowitihnaaʾiitáWI
This young man while he was going around then it told him
niikóhnoʾ níkUs.
whatever kind it was a bird.
noowitiwaákoʾ šitikuraánaʾ nataakuhnaaʾiitawíhA naáxU
Then it said: "They have sent me for me to tell you you
niiNAxuutaáNA weNAxwaaruúsAt kuúNUx.
what you did when you struck it the bear.
witíʾ piiraasš- tawíʾuʾ.
It is the beloved child.
wah kaahunaahčituúʾ wetaRAhwáʾ kuúNUx niitiNAxtaakítAt.
Now (from) the entire country they are now coming bears here where your village is.
They are going to kill all of you.–
wah tsu weneetoohnaaʾiitáWI.– kaakAxunaahneešawíhAx.
Now but I have told you.– You are numerous!
Axtóh tAxtaNAh- naaNIhuúʾU.
Surely you (pl) are many.
Get yourselves (pl) together!
Put a palisade up!
niitiNAxtaakitúhkUx šuxtaahnaáhWI.
Where your village is put a palisade up!
Make it strong!
wetaraánaʾ kuúNUx.
They are coming bears.
They are numerous.
wah šuxtaahnaa- wíreehAs niíšuʾ naraáčI.
Now get them ready arrows the ones!
wetaraaNAxUhuunaaníštA kuúNUx.
You shall battle them bears."

nawáh nikunoowituúta tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
Now, then that is what he did this young man.
Then he came home.
noowituhnaaʾiitáWI hiʾáxtiʾ.
Then he told him his father.
noowi- tiWAhtikUxítIt.
Then he began to call out.

noowiteenuhnaawiíʾaʾ tiʾAhneetúhkUx.
Then they were willing this village.
Then they put a palisade up.
čiitíʾIš wewituhnaaNAhwiraánuʾ.
Four there were rows.
wewitiinawireehaáʾAs tinee- túhkUx itUhčituúʾuʾ.
Now they were ready this village all the village.
wiiteešútš wiítA wewitiniškároʾ naakunuunoósI.
Young men, men they made arrows to be ready.
xunaahnaaNAhaáʾA tineeNAhWIsá.
"Don't be sparing of them when they do come!"

Then it became foggy.
witiiheé pítkUx wehnapIhuu- ʾaáNA.
Days passed two when it became foggy.
číkuʾ atíštIt kanawitiihíʾ.
Things were no t at all well (ie everyone was uneasy).
It was getting dark.
a či kuúNUx nikiišaáNIt wehnaaraaná
And here bears they were the ones when they came
AhnaaraaNIš- taáhu.
their breath- ing!
či nikiišaáNIt kuúNUx wehnapIhuuʾaáNA.
Here they were the ones bears when it became foggy!

noowitiwáčiʾ wetehnaaRAhwísaʾ.
Then they said: "Now they must have arrived."

uu kuuNUxtAhkúsuʾ wehnaaRAhWIsá wehnaRAhkatookúku
Oh, a horde of bears when they came when they went at it
niitiʾAhnaraáhWI tsu weWIšitiinapaníkuʾ uu
here where this palisade was but they were shooting them, oh,
wehnihkawootíkA kuúNUx.
as they killed them the bears.

wah wewitunaaʾiíWIs áxkUx AhnaraáhWI nakuRAhwíRIt.
Now only it remained one palisade to knock it down.
atsú wewitiiNAhnuuwaʾá kuúNUx wešohniinapaníku.
But there were many wounded the bears as they were shooting.

wah witiwaákoʾ Axtóh wekaakatakunaaNAhuuNIšáwihAx.
Now it said: "Surely there are many of us indeed!
číkuʾ wekaneeneetohnaáka.
We have not done anything.
niinatoxtaapIskáʾA wah weneetaku- raakawíRAt.
What we thought now they have beat us.
wah niiwekohnatakunaahnaaniíWIs toxtaaNAsaawátAt.
Now the ones of us who remain let's withdraw!"

a noowitiRAhkatáhAt kuúNUx.
And then they retreated the bears.
wah tsu noowitii- ʾiinoswá.
Now but there were dead carcasses lying all around.

a noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiiteešútš hiʾáxtiʾ wah šuxWAhtít.
And then he said this young man (to) his father: "Now announce it!
wetíʾIt nakučiiwaakaráʾU tinaroósI kuúNUx.
They are to butcher them these bears.
nikutuhnaáNIt šitikuuNUxtiwóʾ sápat.
They are the ones: they took mine away woman (ie wife).
šiti- kuúNAt sápat.
They took mine woman."

a nikunoowituúta šuxtaaNAhčiiwaakároʾ.
And so that is what he did: "Butcher them!
tsástš tíʾIt aniwenaroósI kuúNUx.
Meat they are the ones lying bears."

wah taanikuwituutAxítIt.
Now this is what happened.

wah tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowituhnaawaawaʾuuníkUt naačiteéʾuʾ
Now this young man then it befell him repeatedly misfortune
wenakatoorúhkUt niiʾAhnuxWIskáʾA aatoo- taáNA.
when it occurred what he had desired 'that I will do it.'
na noowitunaačiteeʾá naawiinakuúnuʾ.
And so then the way was difficult the warpath.
číkuʾ kanawitíʾ witiNAhkuhnaahúNAx.
He was not able to find anything for himself.
noowitunaačiteewaawaahnúʾ tiwehnaáʾa.
Then things were difficult for him as he came.
nawáh wah štoh číkuʾ nookananakuuraáʾU nakuhaananiwiítIt.
Now, now again its not being at all the way for him to marry.

nuunaákUx sápat nikuwetuhnáʾA
That woman she was the one who was the cause
weniiNAhunaahUhkaráʾU sápat na kuúNUx.
when she had made it bad for him, the woman and the bear.
nikuwituxtaaʾaanúʾ wehnuNAhníwo sápat nakUtkaapaatštíRA.
That was the reason its taking his the woman for it to bless him.
atsú tinaákUx wiiteešútš kaakanuhnaawíʾuʾ.
But this young man he did not favor it
He did not like it
aahnuNAhátkA niiháʾ kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ.
Whether he killed it there I do not know.
a tinaákux sápat noowiteesš- taahUhkót.
And this woman then she died from grief.
wekaakuutsšwiʾuúʾIt niiwešiniiNAhuu- nuúʾA.
She did not feel right what they (du) had done to it.

wah taanikutuhnaaʾiitUxúʾ tiwenatunaaʾiítI.
Now this is the story what I have told.