XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Man Pitied

by the Spotted Buffalos

Alfred Morsette

nuu naapakúhtuʾ AhnuuxunuuwaáWI nuuwehnataraakIh-
Long , long ago when they went around there where we
takuwaʾá nuu naapakúhtuʾ wewitiraačeéʾA.
migrated from long , long ago it has been a long time.
tsu tinaaʾiitíhuʾ nuuwehnaaRAhwaʾá nehkuunaaʾiitIhú.
But they were telling the story when they were coming there when they were telling it.

wah kuNAhúx natiniiNIštaákUx tuxtaaʾiiwaatihUxuúkuʾ.
Now old man ours who lived he used to tell stories.
He had stories.
hawá atíkaʾ nikunooNUsúx.
Also my grandmother she was that way.

wah AhnuuxitúhkUx NAhkiituNIhuúNU nakuraa- noótA sáhniš.
Now there was a village its being a big village where they lived Arikaras.
na wiítA witíʾ wiítA NAhkUhu- NAhwaraakaʾaáhNA
And a man - it was a man - his going about in the wooded land
skána skaná NAhkuúkUx naahtakúʾU na suúnaaxuʾ.
alone, alone her living his wife, and a young woman.
nuu suúnaaxuʾ wituhné AhnaahaáʾU.
Then the young woman she was pretty his daughter.

nuu psíkAt noowitIhuNAhwaraakákUx.
There in the winter he lived in the wooded land.
wita- nuunakaáwa– pítkUx WIšitanuunáka akanaanataáʾuʾ.
He had lodges:– two he had dwellings (du) earth lodges.
na áxkUx wah kanaahneekaNIhuúʾU.
And one now it was a small lodge.
The lodge was there.

na witaawiRIstaʾá.
And summer came.
noowiteéʾaʾ iiʾAhnatoxtaakitUhwaá- hAt
Then he came where our villages were
weNAhkutaʾiwanú suúnaaxuʾ
when he would go among them (the people), the young woman
šinehkuhtawaatookoóčI wiiteešútš.
when she was being courted by various ones young men.

na witIhunaahpsiʾaanuuxítIt noowitíʾAt niiNAt- wanuuxukú psíkAt.
And when it began to become winter, then he went "where I always go in the winter.
tatiniinaahé niinátkUx.
I have a nice place where I live.
natš kaakikoosšoowaakáʾIt na takaraáhNIš naraáčI atíštIt NAtkuwaawáʾA.
Wood I'm not in want of things and hunting the ways, well my eating."
na noowitehtakúwoʾ.
And then the family was moving (back).

wiiteešútš noowititatatáʾAt suúnaaxuʾ weNAh-
A young man then he followed her the young woman his
kutooxwó NAhkuhtawaáto.
liking her his courting her.
noowitehtakuka- ʾišwóʾ niiʾAhnuuxuNAhwaraakákUx
Then the family moved into the woods where he lived in the wooded land,
tinaákUx wiináxtš weNAhkihtatataʾaáhNA weNAhkuhtawaáto suúnaaxuʾ.
this boy his following her his courting her the young woman.

atsú tinaákUx wiítA nuuwitinaanaawaʾú niiNAhkuhtaa- čiteéʾU.
But this man then he gave him ways ones which were difficult
na hUhtiísuʾ witihnuNAhát.
And finally he was killed.
He killed him.

witiraaNIhuúʾU nikukohnuutaánuʾ tinaákUx
There were many times that is what he must have been doing this
wiítA.– witakaaʾiíšaʾ.– noowiteeRAhwísaʾ niku- kohnuutaánu.
man.– He came home.– Then they arrived back as he must have been doing that.

na áxkUx tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ wah kox- tuhneésiš.
And one this young man then he said: "Now I'll find out.
tičé tAxuúʾUt tikananeeRAhWIsAhú tákuʾ NIhkustatataátA wiináxtš.
I wonder why it is their not returning here anyone when he follows a boy.
tákuʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nakuuNUxtawaáto nookaakeewísaʾ.
Anyone this young woman when he courts her then he does not come back.
a noowitI- hunáhAs šineenakaanaawaáNU wešiNIhkuRAxwé.
And then he is dead his parents when they look for him."

na tinaákUx wiítA noowitiwaákoʾ a paatúh šitehnihnunáx.
And this man then he said: "Ah, the enemy they must have found him.
They must have killed him.
šitatux- tAxwéʾ na kaneeneewísaʾ.
We looked for him, and he did not return."
na tiiháʾ nikuwitiwaa- kaáhuʾ weNAhkunaaʾiitIhú.
And here that is what he was (always) saying when he was telling it.

wewitIhunaahpsiʾaanuuxítIt psíkAt.
Now the land began to get wintry in the winter.
wah wetAhnapóʾ niinaNAhnaanawooxukú psíkAt.
"Now we are going where we always go in winter."
nuu noo- witíʾAt.
There then he went.
Then they went together.

na tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootitatatáʾAt.
And this young man then he followed.
pítkUx číkuʾ tehnuuté wehnaraanátA áwit.
Two it must have been days after they went first.
nuu nátkAt nootíʾAt wiináxtš.
There later then he went the boy.

nuu wehneehuuwiraátA witičitáʾAt.
Then when he ran to it he went on top (a hill).
nuu weNUsunaahweerikú noowiteehaátAt niiʾAh- naraanátA.
There when he was looking at the land, there was the trail where they had gone.
tinaaríčI wiináxtš nootíʾAt.
This boy then he went.

nuu wehnaátA inoowitanaanúʾAt.
There when he went there they sat yonder.
kuúNUx na WAxtás na neétAhkas na wáRUx na
A bear, and a mountain lion and an eagle, and a rabbit and
pitáruʾ witanaanúʾAt.
an ant they sat.
noo tanáhaʾ witiíkUx.
There a buffalo it sat.
uu witiRIhuúʾU tanáhaʾ.
Oh, it was big the buffalo.

Then he passed by.
Then he turned around.
uu tičé  nuúʾUt
"Oh, what is it?"

wehnaátA niiʾAhnaraanoótA tinaákUx kuúNUx noowitiiri- wátAt.
As he went where they were, this bear then it got up.
noowitiwaákoʾ heeʾ.
Then it said: "Yes.
wah wetunaahé weNAxiína.
Now it is good your coming.
tAhnapískaʾ tákuʾ axkuhnaačiiwaanáʾU natinihnaa- kístA
We want that someone butcher it for us the carcass we have lying here,
tanáhaʾ axkuraahteeruuwáNA.
the buffalo that you distribute it evenly to us.
nikutatinaahnaahuníkUx tiNAhnaNAhnaanoótA.
That is what we are waiting for we who are sitting here."

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiiteešútš koxtanuhnaáka.
Then he said this young man: "I will do it for you (pl)
kukaakiraačitéʾ NAtkučiiwaanáʾU.
It is not at all difficult for me to butcher it."

tinaákUx– wiiteešútš noowitičiiwaanooxítIt tanáhaʾ.
This– young man then he began to butcher the buffalo.
He finished doing it.
wah čiíRA tičé wenuutáxtA.
"Now, hello, what is going to be?"

noowitiwaákoʾ kuúNUx wah áxkUx kaáxuʾ na wiínuʾ šikoxkuúʾu.
Then it said the bear: "Now one leg and arm you give them (du) to me.
a tuunaákUx WAxtás hawá nikiišuúta.
And the other mountain lion also you do that:
neešíʾu kaáxuʾ na wiínuʾ.
you'll give it to him a leg, and an arm.
wah tsu tinaraanoótA niikohnawačéštA.
Now but these others I don't know what they are going to say."

noowitiwaákoʾ neétAhkas wah tsu koxkuuʾú NIstaákuʾ tsu koxtíʾa.
Then it said the eagle: "Now but you'll give it to me the back, and I will eat it.
I will peck on it."

natsú wáRUx wah koxkuuraánu NIšaátuʾ.
And the rabbit: "Now you'll give them to me the ribs.
I will eat them.
koxtitatatawaawaʾá NIšaátuʾ.
I will nibble on them the ribs.
nikutAt- waaNUxuúkuʾ.
They are what I always eat."

wah pitáruʾ noowitiwaákoʾ wah tinaákUx páxuʾ niku- koxkuúʾu.
Now the ant then it said: "Now this head that is what you will give me.
It will be my house.
nikukox- tikaaʾá čeésuʾ.
That is where I will walk around inside too."

noowitehteeruúWA wehnaroswaawíhA.
Then he divided things evenly as he laid things down.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx kuúNUx Axtóh wetAhnaNAhnaakAs- šteehuúʾU niitiweNAxkunuhnaakaáNA.
Then it said this bear: "Indeed we are thankful (for) this which you have done for us.
wah tsu wešitatotkaapaačíštI.
Now but we'll bless you.
tatuhnaahneesiíšuʾ niiwenaraačitáWI tiweNAxiína.
We (pl) know what the reason is your coming here.
aniweneéʾAt wiítA suúnaaxuʾ naraáhNA.
He has gone by the man the young woman his having her.
wešitatsuxkaapaačíštI wah tsu wekaneenuuNI- šáwihAt.
We blessed him, now but he has gone beyond his limit.
niiwenuutaawaáNA wekaakunaaNUhuniwá.
What he has done he has done things wrong.
wiiteešútš wetiraanuNAhát šineesUxtatatawó.
Young men he has killed them those who were following him.
a tIhunáhAs wenakUhuNAhátkA.
And he dies after he causes him to die.

wah tsu wešineetotkaapaatštiráxtA.
"Now but we are going to bless you.
nikukooxuúʾUt niiNAxWIskáʾA.
It will be that way what you want.
noowetAxunaaheéRIt niiweNAxkunuhnaakaáNA.
You have done good what you have done for us."

nawáh tinaákUx WAxtás na tinátkUx wah
Now this mountain lion: "And I here now
tákuʾ wekaakAxuhwiʾiiraahníštA weNAxwaawanú.
you are not going to be cautious of anyone when you go around.
kaakoonaačiteewaahnúxtA naapaatúh– naraáčI.
They are not going to be difficult for you enemy way– the ways."

wah tsu noowitiwaákoʾ neétAhkas wah tsu takaraáhNIš naraáʾU nikuwetataraaʾú.
Now but then it said the eagle: "Now but hunting the way (of it) I am giving you that way.
nikuwetatootA- síštA.
I am going to watch over you.
wititatuhnaahunuuwaaNAxúxtA čeésuʾ.
I am going to be hunting things for myself too.
niiweNAxkunuutaáNA taatAsšteehuúʾU.
What you did for me I am thankful."

noowitiwaákoʾ wáRUx nikuwetatuúʾUt haáwaʾ.
Then it said rabbit: "I am that way also.
taatAsš- teehuúʾU niiweNAxkunuutaáNA.
I am thankful (for) what you did.
wah wetAxkatariíʾI.
Now you'll be fast.
tákuʾ kaa- kíʾ naakuutunaaWIsátA xkuhkUxáxI.
No one will be able to overtake you when you run.
wah číkuʾ niiNAx- kunaáxI kaakoonaačiteewaahnúxtA.
Now whatever you chase, things won't be difficult for you.
na tAxuúta niiNAxkuWIskáʾA.
And you'll do it whatever you want."

noowitiwaákoʾ pitáruʾ wah weneetsšteehuúʾU niiweNAx- kunuutaáNA čeésuʾ.
Then it said the ant: "Now I am thankful what you have done myself.
wah tsu kaakoonaačiteewaahnúxtA číkuʾ niinoonakuuxaWIsíčI
Now but things shall not be hard for you whatever they might be
šiNIhkuripaanaáNA na tatunáx NAtwaawanú.
what they hide, and I'll find it as I go around.
That is my way.
číkuʾ niinoonakuuxaWIstaáʾU na tAtwísAt.
Even though it is that way (ie is well hidden), and I arrive there.
na nikutátiʾ NAtkuWIsátA áwit.
And I am the one for me to arrive there first.
tsu nikuwetataraaʾú.
And I'm giving you that way.
I shall watch over you.
nikuwetatoosatUhkawaakároʾ niiweNAsihwaawanuxtáNIt.
those are the trails I'll make for you where you and I are going to travel.
wah šuuxičinaanuúna.
Now make haste!

noowitiwaákoʾ kuúNUx wah šaanátA šaahWI- sátA
Then it said the bear: "Now when you go, when you ar- rive,
šaahWIswó taanikuwetuutaaníštA.
when you are arriving this is what he is going to do.
huu sčiRIhtaakAhkúsuʾ– šitanuunookaákUx.
Oh, big white wolves– they (du) are sitting outside.
They (du) are tied up.
šikooxeeraawiinahUxítIt IšWIsátA.
They (du) will attack you when you go there.
tsu naakaa- híštA.
But he is going to come out.
He will stop them (du).
nikUšiteekaniwaa- haásuʾ tákuʾ wiináxtš
They (du) are the ones eating them up someone a boy
číkuʾ niiwenakuroóhA na kaakuúta na
whenever he gives him a task and he does not do it and
noošitiraaʾú sčiríhtš.
then he tells them (du) wolves.
Then they (du) kill him.
a tinaákUx wiítA nootičiiwaá- noʾ na titsastoósI saNIsahníš.
And this man then he butchers him and he lays the meat down human.
wah nikukooxi- raakaanuúʾU áwit šinakaanunáʾU.
'Now that will be the meal, first for them (du) to cook.
tsu tišinát- kUx neešitiwaawaʾá.
And you and I sitting here we'll eat it.
We'll eat it up.'

nawáh číkuʾ niinaakuroóhA niinakuWIskáʾA na tAx- kuhnaaʾiitáWI
"Now whatever task he gives you what he wants, you tell me,
na kunoowititaatiraaʾú.
and then I'll take it upon myself."

wah tsu tinaákUx WAxtás noowitiwaákoʾ wah
Now but this mountain lion then it said: "Now
číkuʾ niinaakuroóhA NAxkoótA na kaakiraawičeéʾA číkuʾ niiNAtkuwó
whatever task he gives you for you to go and it won't be long wherever I go."

wah tinaákUx pitáruʾ wah tsu
Now this ant: "Now but
wetseeNIhtakuuxaaníštA tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ
we're going to be get-ting married to her this young woman
tinaripakú wiítA.
this one not wanting him man.
wah tseeNIhtakúxtA.
Now we shall marry her.
It will not be hard.
wah parúNIt šuúxAt.
Now quickly go!"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš nuu nootíʾAt.
This young man there then he went.

a nuuwitiwísAt.
And he got there.
a noowiteekaáwa akanaanataáʾuʾ táWIt wituutakanaánuʾ.
And there were lodges earth lodges: three the lodges numbered.
AhnaakaNIhuúNU nikuwitiRAhká.
The large lodge they lived in that one.

Then he got to the door.
nooWIšitiʾookaákUx sčiRIhtaakAh- kúsuʾ.
Then they (du) were sitting outside big white wolves.
nooWIšitiroohaanaánuʾ šohniiteéRIt.
Then they (du) became angry when they (du) saw him.

noowiteeraaWIhkaaʾá wiítA.
Then he came charging out the man.
hee kUxtaweésuʾ tíʾ.
"Hey, my son-in-law it is!
So they (du) are barking.
You (du) sit down!
kuna- kuuxAsšpAhiíʾIt
Be calm!"

wah šiišuúkaʾ kUxtaweésuʾ.
"Now come in, son-in-law!"

Then he took him inside.
wah šuxwiítIt.
"Now sit down!"

noowitiwiítIt tinaákUx wiináxtš.
Then he sat down this the boy.

noowiteerikaáʾ koskatít kóstš.
Then he brought it out a black pot, a pot.
noowiteekaa- ʾaáhuʾ.
Then it was dancing.
It was dancing around.
sápat noowiteéʾaʾ.
The woman then she came.
Then she picked it up.
Then she took it outside.
noowitičiraahanookUxítIt oowátkAt wehnakahIhníkA.
Then she began to cook meat in it outside after she made a fire.
či nikiišaáNIt– saNIštsástš.
Her that was it– human flesh.
Then she brought the kettle of cooking meat inside.

noowitiwaákoʾ pitáruʾ šišwakAhuutáʾ.
Then it said the ant: "Holler!
noošinaákUx šikooxIhaakawáʾAs.
Those (du) there they (du) will then eat."

huu tinaákUx kuúNUx na WAxtás WIšitikani- waáhAs.
Ho, this bear and the mountain lion they (du) ate everything up!
They (du) drank up the soup.

wewititčiríkUx uunaákUx wiítA waaRUxtiíʾuʾ.
Now he watched him that other man holy.

wah wetataakawáʾAs.
"Now I have eaten."

AhwitiraawičeéʾA tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ noowiteenuh-
It was a little while this young woman then she
naakaanuNAhuúkaʾ taakáxtš na štípiiʾIt.
brought food in for him dried meat and corn balls.
atíštIt noowitIhaakawáʾAs tinaákUx wiináxtš.
Well then he ate this boy.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah taanikukooxiíša.
Then he said: "Now you can sleep right here."

čikohnáʾU noowitiʾookatákUx.
Something there it sat in the corner.
It was blue.
It had lumps (ie warts).
wituunáwiʾ skunákaahkUx.
It had the appearance a toad
noowitiroohaanaánuʾ haáwaʾ.
Then it was getting mad also.

nuukuwitaahkoosAxá suúnaaxuʾ.
She was lying up on top (of her bed) over there the young woman.
tsu hiʾáxtiʾ na šáxtiʾ WIšitIhuukakaaxá.
But her father and her mother they (du) lay on a lower level.
noowitiraačitéʾ nakuhkaaWIsátA.
So it was difficult to reach her in bed.

tinaákUx pitáruʾ noowitiwaákoʾ šuuxUhuuNItká.
This ant then it said: "Sleep awhile!
kaakiraa- čitéʾ.
It is not difficult.
koosíhWA niinaáxA.
We will go where she lies."

noowititaruúpIs čikohnáʾU iiʾAhnaʾookatákUx.
Then it moved around something where it sat in the corner.
noowitika- takAxaahUxítIt.
Then it began to croak.
It sat with its mouth open as it croaked.

noowitiwaákoʾ– tinaákUx– kuúNUx wah WIštéh.
Then it said– this– bear: "No wait!
Bring it!
škuúxu nátš aninaáxA.
Give it to me stick the one lying over there!"

noowitiʾú nátš.
Then he gave it to him the stick,
whatever it was.

wah weNAhkUhaakaareétIt čikohnáʾU AhnaʾookatákUx weNAh-
Now when it opened its mouth the thing which sat in the corner when
kUhaakaareétIt noowitIhaakarikúxWI.
it opened its mouth, then he put the stick in its mouth.
noowitunaačiteeʾá nakUhaakatačipiítIt čikohnáʾU
Then it was difficult for it to close its mouth the thing
AhnaʾookatákUx AhnawakaraanookataʾaáhNA.
the one sitting in the corner the one in the corner making the noise.

noowitiiriwátAt wiítA.
Then he got up the man.
Then he made a fire.
tičé weNA- xuNAhuúnuʾ.
"What did you do to it?"

witiwaákoʾ– tičé natuutaánuʾ.
He said:– "I'm not doing a thing
číkuʾ niikohnóʾ naWAhnaáhu NUsaakarikúxWI.
I don't know what it is the one making the noise the one with the stick in its mouth."

He took it.
na nooNAxkuutaruupIsú NAxkuroohaanaánu.
"And you moving around, you getting mad!"

na noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš inoó štoh niiroohaanaa- nuuxítIt koxtipaNIšúkAt.
And then he said the young man: "If it begins to get angry again, I will cut its throat."

noowitirinuʾá tinaákUx wiítA.
Then he became frightened this the man.
noowituni- nuʾaanúʾ tinaákUx kUxtaweésuʾ.
Then he was becoming afraid of him this son-in-law.

noowehnareetkAxítIt noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx pitáruʾ
Then after they had gone to sleep then it said this ant:
wah wetAsihWAhúhtA niinaáxA suúnaaxuʾ.
"Now you and I are going to go where she is lying the young woman."

Then they (du) went to her bed.
noowitaahtakuúxa tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ šohništipakú Ahništaačiteekaroóku.
Then he married her this young woman their opposing it their making it difficult (for a man).

wah witiraačeéna tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx
Now it was later this young man then he said this
wiítA wah nikUtkaákUx kUxtaweésuʾ tikukaaNAsšóʾ wáh.
man: "Now, my in-law, son-in-law, I want to eat an elk.
nakučiišawataáNU tikoosšóʾ skuúnuʾ.
One that is white I want to have the fur.
tinaákUx súxtIt kooxeerúhnoʾ na ItwítAt nipsiʾaáNA.
This old woman she'll tan it and I'll wear it when it gets cold."

witiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiiteešútš– číkuʾ kaakatuuteerikUxuúkuʾ wáh
He said this young man:– "I have never seen any elk
načiišawataáNU atsú koxtiRAxwéʾ.
a white one, but I will look for it.
číkuʾ niikohnii- raáʾAt tiNAtkuraaʾIhwaawanú
However long it has been my going around here hunting,
číkuʾ nookaakatuuteeri- kUxuúkuʾ wáh iiwánu iičiišawataáNU.
I have never seen any an elk if it went around if it were white."

nuu teeWIsítIt wiiteešútš.
There he went outside the young man.
nootikatáʾAt waahíniʾ.
Then he climbed up on a hill.
tsu tinaákUx neétAhkas noowiteehuuwaátaʾ AhnareewaawatíRA.
And this eagle then it flew up as it looked all around.
Then one was found.
He killed it.
teetsastanáʾ tsu tišinaákUx šikananiítI šinehkutsastanaʾá.
He brought the meat, but these (du) their (du) being together their (du) bringing the meat.
teškúNIt witiihiʾá iiʾAhnaakaáWI.
Close by it was getting to be where the lodge was.
They (du) packed (the meat) on their backs.
He took it inside.

wah tiweneerós niiNAxuxWIskáʾA.
"Now here it is what you wanted."

Then he stared at it.
uu witUtčiríkUx.
Oh, he stared at it!
witiičiiša- wataáʾA wáh.
It was white the elk.

wah tineékUx.
"Now here it is
tsu titakarúx.
And it is big.
wah tinaákUx skuúnuʾ skarútš nikutikoosšóʾ.
Now this fur, the hide that is what I wanted."
Then he began to butcher it.

witiraačeéʾA na štoh noowitiwaákoʾ.
It was a while, and again then he said it.
wewitip- siʾá psíkAt.
It was now cold in the winter.
noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiítA wah kUxtaweésuʾ
Then he said this man: "Now, son-in-law,
čikuʾ nootikukaaNAsšóʾ– niWAharít.
I want to eat some– plums.
čikú škunoosux- táʾAt.
Go after some for me!
tuxwaʾá niWAharít.
Let me eat them plums!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš číkuʾ kaakitawaáwihuʾ niWAharít psíkAt.
Then he said the young man: "There aren't any on (trees) plums in the winter.
psiikaríkAt wenakiihiíʾU číkuʾ kaa- katuutaakeerikUxuúkuʾ niWAharít
Midwinter when it is, I have never seen any of them plums
iitawaáWI psiikaríkAt.
if they should be on (trees) in midwinter."

"You have (too) many words!
parúNIt šuúxAt.
Quickly go!"
tinaákUx wiiteešútš nooWIšitiinú niikarúxtš.
this young man then they gave it to him a sack.

nuu nootíʾAt.
There then he went.
nuu weNAhuusawaawanú niiʾAhnawaraawaáWI
There where he went along the coulees where the trees were scattered
AhnawaraaNAsaaweewaáRA witIhunaaxá.
where the trees were on slopes there was snow on the ground.

noowitičíkAt wehnetkAxtíRA.
Then he cried while he fasted.
There was a clump of plum bushes.
It was a big stand of bushes.

noowiteečeswaátaʾ wiináxtš.
Then he came out of the bushes a boy.
noowitiwaákoʾ atináʾ totkAxaáhuʾ.
Then he said: "My mother she is calling you.
Follow me!"

noowitUstatatáʾAt wiináxtš.
Then he followed him the boy.
nooWIšitika- ʾíšWA.
Then they (du) went into the brush
inoowiteekaáhkA akanaanataáʾuʾ.
There was a lodge there in the brush an earth lodge.
It was a big lodge
Then they (du) went inside
inoowitiíkUx sápat.
There she sat a woman.
She was cooking food
taakáxtš witičiraahanoókuʾ.
Dried meat she was boiling.

ootítš nooNAxiwaawanú wah šuxwiítIt.
"Sonny, you who are just going around, now sit down!
či kiišuuxaakawáʾAs.
Here you must eat!"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiwiítIt.
This young man then he sat down.
WIšitihnaakaanu- noswaáWI taakáxtš wešinawaawáʾA.
They placed food before him dried meat as they (du) ate.

aa tičé wenuúʾUt.
"Ah, what is the matter?"

noowitiwaákoʾ wenatUtkaákUx wiítA tikaaNAsšóʾ niWAharít.
Then he said: "My father-in-law the man he wants plums.
waaxtóh čukú natawaawíhuʾ niWAharít psíkAt.
Now certainly where are they growing plums in the winter?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ sápat hee wetiroohUhči- táRAt.–
And then she said the woman: "Hey, he's gone beyond his limit.–
noowekaakuuNIšáwihAt nikuwenuutaawaanú.
He has gone beyond all bounds the things that he is doing.
nikUšitatsux- kaapaačíštI.
We were the ones who blessed him.
tuxkaapaátš NIhúxuʾ nuxčikAxčitaʾuunaweewaarikú.
He was pitiful alone when he stood on various hills crying.
wah wetiroohUhčitaríwoʾ.
Now he is going beyond his limit.
kaakunaahé niiwenuutaawaanú.
It is not good what he is doing.

wah číkuʾ koxtanuúta.
"Now I'll do something for you.
wah šuuxIhít ani- NAxwítAt.
Now spread it out what you are wearing!
na neešeeWIsítIt na neešináʾ niWAhaRIh- naákuʾ.
And you go out and bring it a plum bush.
neeširitáʾAt niiháʾ anineesuuxaakaratáWI.
You'll take it up there where the smokehole is.
saxtš NAhnaanookUxítIt neešuhnaakawiíšA.
As soo n as I begin singing, you shake the bush."

nikunoowituutá tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
Then that is what he did this young man.
noowi- tiritáʾAt na tinaákUx sápat nootiraanookUxítIt.
Then he took it up and this woman then she began to sing.
He shook the bush.

uu witiraniiWAhnaáhuʾ naWAharít wehnaRAsakaáhAt.
Oh, there were thuds plums as they fell down.

na noowitiwaákoʾ waaxtóh kaakuneešawíhAx.
And then she said "Now certainly there is plenty.
wah niišuuxaápI štoh niikooNAxuuxaapít niikooNAxuxwít
Now put the bush back where you dug the bush, where you dug it up
na šaánus.
and you lay it down!"

na tinaákUx wiiteešútš nikunoowituúta.
And this young man then that is what he did.

Then he went inside.
noowitiRAsačipí niWAharít nooniikarós.
Then he gathered them the plums there where they lay on (the robe).

wah parúNIt šuúxAt.
"Now quickly go!
He might know it
kaakatskáʾ aaxuhneésš.
I don't want it 'that you know.
wah– šuúxAt.– na číkuʾ kaakiwaákoʾ.– na tiwaákoʾ nooniitawá.
Now– go!– Don't say anything.– Say: 'They were there on a tree.
They must not have frozen.'"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš kananiikatariíʾI.
This young man he was very swift indeed.
anuú witeewísAt.
There he arrived.
nookanawituxtaawičeéʾA noowitIhuúkAt.
Then it was not a long while then he entered.
tsu sčiríhtš nooWIšituunawiʾoóxIt wešiNAhkuúkUx.
And wolves then they (du) were calm as they (du) sat there.
He took them inside.
Then he laid them down.

noowitiwaákoʾ tineerós niWAharít.
Then he said: "Here they are the plums.
kaneetehnux- waáNAs.
They must not have frozen
They were there on a tree
neeneetitaróʾ awita- RAsíniʾ.
I picked it in a hurry.
číkuʾ natawaawíhuʾ niWAharít psíkAt.
Are there any on (trees) plums in the winter?"

heeʾ heeʾ witiwaakaáhuʾ wiítA.
"Yes yes, he was saying the man.
Then he began to eat.

noowitiwaákoʾ šuxkanéʾIs.
Then he said: "Eat them up!
číkuʾ aaxunaaniíwit.
Don't leave any!"

uu tinaákUx witikanaaNAsšuúna.– taRAhtšíniʾ wewitiwaʾá niWAharít.
Oh this one he gorged himself.– Barely he ate them the plums.

wah witiraačeéna na štoh nikunoowitiwaákoʾ hee číkuʾ
Now it was a while and again then he said that: "Hey, some
naakunaánuʾ číkuʾ aatawáʾA.
Juneberries I wish I might eat some.
haa kUxtaweésuʾ číkuʾ šuxtaaNAxwíʾAt
Ha, son-in-law, go look for some!"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ čukú natawaawí- huʾ
This young man then he said: "There are not any growing on trees
naakunaánuʾ psíkAt.
Juneberries in winter!
na nootAxiraači- teerá.
Why, you are just having it difficult!"

nootAxiniinaaʾiitUxtaaNIhuúʾU kUxtaweésuʾ.
"You have too many words, son-in-law.
kooxiíwoʾ NAxkunaaNAxwé.
You must go for you to look around for them.
číkuʾ aatAhuNAhátkA.
You won't lose any- thing (by it)."

atsú tinaákUx wiiteešútš anuú nootíʾAt.
And this young man there then he went.
niiweh- naákUx šáxtiʾ noowituhnaaniwiísAt taanikuwetuúʾUt.
Where she lived his mother then he put it before (ie told) her: "This is the way it is."

a nikunoowituúta niišooNUsuuxaáNA áwit.
And then she did that what they (du) had done formerly.

naakunaánuʾ wenaakUhaahnaʾá suuxaakarataWIhíniʾ nootuhnaakawiíšA.
Juneberry after he brought the bush in the smokehole then he shook the bush.
na inoowitiitawá naakunaánuʾ.
And there they were hanging from it Juneberries.
Then he began to pick them.

wah šuxtáNAt parúNIt.
"Now take them quickly!
na číkuʾ kaakiraatAhkáWI.
Don't divulge anything."

Then he went.
Then he arrived.

wah tiweneéros.
"Now here they are.
koonakuxkanéʾIs čituúʾuʾ.
You must eat them up all!
číkuʾ  kanaanakuuNUxtaaniíwit
Don't leave any!"

wah tinaákUx AhwewituuNUhuninuʾaánuʾ wehnitkaákUx.
Now this one now he was becoming rather fearful of him his son-in-law.
wiítA tinaákUx weNAhkuwáʾA taRAhtšíniʾ witikanéʾIs naakunaánuʾ.
Man this when he ate them barely he ate them up Juneberries.

a iwehnuútA noowitiwaákoʾ haa wetaawiRIstaʾaánuʾ.
And when it was later then he (father-in-law) said: "Ha, it's getting warm now.
teškúNIt wetiihiʾaanúʾ nataakuraapó iinateenaakítAt.
Closer it getting to be for us to go where our village is.
na škuusuxtAxwéʾ tanáhaʾ naakuhkaraniíNU.
And you look for it for me buffalo a spotted one!
na šiiniWIsá skarútš tinaákUx súxtIt nooneerúhnoʾ.
And when you bring it the hide, this old woman she'll tan it.
na itaraápoʾ niinataraakítAt.
And we'll go where our village is.
atsú tAtwítAt NAtkuuwanú taNAhaakaraní sAhuútš.
And I'll wear it when I go around spotted buffalo a robe."

na noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš aa
And then he said the young man: "Ah,
číkuʾ kaakIhunuuwá NAtkutapeériku tanáhaʾ
there are not any going around my not seeing them buffalo
číkuʾ iitáweʾ naakuhkara- niíNU.
if any were among them a spotted one.
NIhúxuʾ tatuutaakeerikUxuúkuʾ nakučiišawataáNU tsu
The only ones I always see them a white one, but
naakuhkaraniíNU kaakatuutaakeerikUxuúkuʾ.
a spotted one I do not usually see them.
atsú koxti- reeWAtwá nátkuʾ.
But I will look around anyway."

nuu nootíʾAt šáxtiʾ niiwehnaákUx.
There then he went his mother where she was.
noowituh- naaʾiitáWI wah tsu aninaraáʾU tikuunaačiteeʾá.
Then he told her: "Now but this task it is difficult for me."

atsú kaneeniiraačitéʾ.
"But it is not difficult.
nuukiišuúxAt huukaawiraátA.
You go there (to) the east.
niiháʾI tIhuusAhunuuwá.
There they'll be in a valley.
taWIšaapiswaáNA tuhnaánuʾ.
Seven there are.
tanáhaʾ tooNAhkaraniíʾI.
Buffalos they are spotted.
nooneenuuwaáxI neešihwakAhuutáʾ atináʾ skuuNUxwáhAt
If they run away you'll yell out: 'My mother, Red Bear Woman,
tikuraánaʾ na taanikutiwaá- koʾ kooxeewakUhtaraʾóʾ.
she sent me and this is what she said: 'You will comply.'"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootíʾAt.
This young man then he went.
wehneehuuwiraátA witikatáʾAt.
As he ran he climbed up (a hill)
noowitiihuusAhunuuwá čituúʾuʾ noowituhniwá.
There they were in the valley all they were handsome.
They were spotted.
Then they ran off.
saNIštaapé wetaáʾ.
"A human being he has come."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš šeenookaakatiínaʾ.
Then he said the young man: "I didn't come purposefully.
atináʾ tikuraánaʾ skuuNUxwáhAt.
My mother she sent me, Red Bear Woman.
taanikutiwaákoʾ tiwenatiína.
This is what she said when I came."

heeʾ hawáh.
"Yes Alright."
Then they stopped
noowiteeraanáʾ na noowitiraaníNAt.
Then they came and then they sat down.

na noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx wah tičé wenuutAxítIt.
And then it said one: "Now what has happened?"

noowitiwaákoʾ natUtkaákUx taanikutiwaákoʾ.
Then he said: "My father-in-law this is what he said."

haa Axtóh wetiroohUhčitaríwoʾ tiíNI.
"Ha, truly he is going beyond his limit now.
nikUši- tatsuxkaapaačíštI anináʾU.
He is the one we blessed that one.
tuxkaapaátš naakutčikAxuneš- waáhu.
He was pitiful his having cried until morning came.
wah tsu wenuutaawá oopiínuʾ.
Now but he's doing things wrong.
wah noowetuhnaánuʾ šinatsuxkaapaatštirakoóčI.
Now that is the end the blessings that we have given him.

nawáh tiraačitéʾ wah tsu koxtuhnaáka niikohna- tuhnaahtaRAhtšúʾ
"Now it is difficult, now but we will do it whatever our power is."

wah niišíštaʾ kanítš nakukatiítU.
"Now you go bring it rock a black one.
noošiitiikaa- xíkA kanítš wešitsihnuNAhatčíštA.
If we crack it the rock we are going to kill him."

tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootikatáʾAt.
This young man then he went up.
Then he found it.
Then he brought it.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah tiweneékUx.
Then he said: "Now here it is."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah wešitaatIšúxtA.
Then he said: "Now we shall hit it.
noošiitiikaaxíkA wešitsihkootíštA wiítA.
If we crack it we are going to kill him the man.
wah noonikuunaahnaači- teeʾaáNA wetatakuraahnaanunáhAs čituúʾuʾ.
Now if we fail (lit if it gets difficult for us), we'll be dead all."

wah tinaraanoótA taWIšaapiswaáNA nuhnaanuúʾA nooWI-
Now these seven their numbering then
šitiiNIšUxítIt číkuʾ niinehkuratiinaʾaáNA.
they began to hit it to see which one might hurt its neck.

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx kuNAhúx -- hukoskaahiíkuʾ wewitíʾ tatuuxískaʾ
Then he said one old man -- old buffalo bull he was: "I thought
tákuʾ áxkUx– NAxtačipiríiNU tákuʾ niku- kooxúhnaʾ.
someone one– you who are young, someone you'd be the one.
wah niikohnatUstaRAhtšúʾ wekaakAstaRAhčíš naáNIt.
Now whatever is my strength I am not strong now really.
wah niikohnatuutaaníštA.
Now I do not know what I am going to do.
naahtAhku- tAhunaáNIš.
Maybe I'll strike it.
Maybe I'll do right (lit fix it)."

na nikunoowituúta wewitohnaratiinaʾaáNA noowitikaáxIt kaNItkatít.
And then that is what he did: his now hurting his neck, then he cracked it the black stone.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah číkuʾ wekaakíraakUx.
Then he said: "Now there is no obstacle.
wah wešitsii- nawíRAt.
Now we have overcome him.
wah wešitsiinuhčitáʾAt.
Now we have gone ahead of him.

nawáh niiweNAxIskáʾA tinawaaríčI tanáhaʾ naraaNIh- tíšU
"Now whatever you want these buffalo the oldest one
kaakikatariíʾI naáNIt tsu xuúhuniʾ tinaaríčI nikuti- katariíʾI.
he isn't swift really, but closest this one he is the fast one.
He moves quickly.
wah nikUšikooxíWA.
Now you (du) will be the ones to go.

wah šišWIswáNA teškúNIt aniNAxtištanaáhNA
"Now when you arrive close by the arrows that you have,
neeširaaničírat neešiwaáWI iinareskuNIhuúNU.
you'll twist them, you'll stick them where the fur is heavy.
wah kooxuhnaaʾiitáWI tinaaríčI niikohnuutaáništA.
Now he will tell it this one what he is going to do."

tinaákUx tanáhaʾ nohkaraniíNU na wiiteešútš noo- WIšiteehuuwiraawáʾ.
This buffalo spotted one and the young man then they (du) came running
teškúNIt WIšitiwísWA.
Close they (du) arrived
tinaákUx tanáhaʾ nootiʾá uu nohkaraniíNU.
This one a buffalo then he became, oh a spotted one.
noowitiwaákoʾ aniNAxtištanaáhNA šuxtAhkaawaáWI
Then he said: "Those arrows that you have stick them in it
niiNAhneskuNIhuú- NU.
where my fur is heavy!
I will hemorrhage from the mouth
na neešíʾAt nii- naakaáWI.
And you go where the lodge is
neešihwakAhuutáʾ na neešiwaákoʾ– wetatinaánaʾ niiNAxWIskáʾA.
You'll holler and you'll say:– 'I drive it what you wanted.
I found it.
na neeweneetinihništaanuúʾIt.
And I don't have any arrows now.
čeésiʾ číkuʾ nakuraawiinúhAt.
Yourself you can help somehow.
číkuʾ naaxAhkuúta.
Maybe you can do something.'
saxtš naraaWIhkaaʾá teškúNIt naraatawé wetaatiruukúxtA.
As soo n as he comes rushing out close maybe I am going to hook him."

nikunoowituutá tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
So he did that this young man.
Then they (du) came.
uu tinaákUx tanáhaʾ noowewitiwaawiriíkuʾ
Oh, this buffalo then he was staggering around now
wešohnawáNA niiʾAhnaakaáWI.
when they (du) went where the lodge was.
tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitikAxaahUxítIt hee tičé NAxuutaawaanúʾ.
This young man then he began to call out: "Hey, what things are you doing?
You must hurry out (to help).
tiweneéRIt niiNAxWIskáʾA.
Here it is what you wanted.
I have no more arrows."

tinaákUx wiítA noowiteeraaWIhkaáʾ.
This man then he rushed out.
noowiteewáxkuʾ wehnuuteéRIt tinaaríčI taNAhaakaraní.
Then he was laughing when he saw it this spotted buffalo.
noowiteerišta- nikaáʾ.
Then he brought the arrows out.
noowitíʾAt teškúNIt wehnapaanaanuNAhwíkUx tanáhaʾ.
Then he went close where it was on its knees the buffalo.
wewitiraáwiʾ weNAhkukootIhú.
It appeared to be dying.

teškúNIt witeewísaʾ anináʾU tiwehneehuuniriwátAt tanáhaʾ
Close by he came up to it that one, when it jumped up buffalo
tinúxkUx tiwehnaawiriwíhAt tinaákUx wiítA.
this one who sat when it knocked him down this man.
Then it began hooking him.
Then it gored his stomach.
witiwihtároʾ wehnakaxtaráʾU.
It tore his arm off, its tearing his leg off.
It took all his intestines out.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šiišuuxuuníNIt parúNIt.
Then it said: "Now burn him quickly!
wah aNIši- nawaaríčI sčiríhtš šiišuuxiʾít parúNIt.
Now these (du) wolves release them quickly!
Let them (du) go!"

kUxuúnuʾ nooWIšitíWA.
Running then they (du) went.
wakáʾuʾ WIšitíʾA.
Captives they (du) were.

wah tsu kunoxtíʾAt tiʾAhnatAhkuu- xáRIt.
"Now but I will go right on since I have a long distance (to travel).
wah šiišuuxunaahtaraniínoʾ aniweNAhunaaNAhpaa- tíčI.
Now burn the ground where blood is on the ground!
noošiiraahnaaniiwaníkA na inoó štoh nuhníWIs.
If you make a mistake, and there he'll appear again.
kaakuhneeráxtA tiíNI.
He will not be good now.
He is not going to fear us.
wah šiišuxtaaNAhuuwísAt
Now make preparations!"

tinaákUx tanáhaʾ noowitiihUhtaawátAt.
This buffalo then it departed quickly.
Then it ran off.

tinaraanoótA nooWIšitihtaraniínoʾ wiítA uu wehni-
These then they burned him the man oh while
noosíhA nátš wenaahtakúʾU suúnaaxuʾ na we-
they piled it up wood his wife the young woman and his
NUtkaákUx súxtIt.
mother-in-law the old woman.
uu WIšitihnuuníNIt.
Oh, they burned him.
čituúʾuʾ witinaataraNItkároʾ niiʾAhnuúsA
Everything they burned all of them where he lay
niišohniškatAtkú čituúʾuʾ neésuʾ wešinihtaraniináʾU.
where he had been hooked all intestines when they burned them.

wah taanooNUsúx niinuutakoóčI.
"Now let it be here as things are!"

noowitinoswaakároʾ AhnuxtAhwíwaatAt -- sAhuútš -- suúnaaxuʾ
Then they took them the things they wore -- robes -- the young woman
na šáxtiʾ.
and her mother
noowiteeRAhkaaʾiíšaʾ– niiʾAh- natoxtaakitUhwaáhAt.
Then they came home– where our villages were spread out.

noowitiwáčiʾ wetaRAhwísaʾ.
Then they said: "They have arrived."

noowitiwaákoʾ– wiítA wešitatuNAhát.
Then he said:– "The man we have done away with him.
či tiiháʾ nikuNUsuuxaanúʾ.
Here this is what he was doing.
wetiraanuNAhát wiiteešútš wenakawootíkA.
He did away with them the young men when he killed them.
He was the one mistreating them."

witiwaákoʾ tinaákUx sápat haa wačéh tatúx wakáʾuʾ.
She said this woman: "Ha, poor thing, I was a slave.
tikuhtaahnaná wakáʾuʾ.
He kept us slaves.
nootiwaákoʾ inookaneešuu- taáNA tišinawaaríčI sčiríhtš
He said: 'If you do not do (as I say), these (du) wolves
noošineeka- néʾIs.
then they (du) will eat you up.'
wah taanikutiraačítA iinatsuxtaakUhuunuúčI nii- nakuwaákA
Now this is the reason the way we were living what he said."