XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Man Who Became a

Snake and Carries The Antelope

Alfred Morsette

wetatunaaʾiitíštA naaʾiitUxpakúhtuʾ
Now I am going to relate a story an old story
niiNIštaaʾiiwaawaatIhú NAtkotkawoóku niiʾaNUsuuxiruutikú wehnataraakIhtakúʾa.
what they used to tell what I used to hear things that used to happen when we migrated this way.
niikohniíhiʾ weneetúhkUx niikohniíhiʾ kaakatuhneesiišuʾ.
Wherever it was when there was a village, wherever it was I do not know.

wiiteešútš nooWIšitiraaʾíhWA šiNAhkuraaʾIhwaawanú.
Young men then they (du) went hunting when they (du) were going around hunting.
tihwačeehUxuúkuʾ šiNAhkutakaraáhNA nooWIšiteekaaʾišwáʾ.
They used to say after they (du) had hunted then they (du) came home.
číkuʾ wešikaakiraahunáx.
They (du) had not found anything.
weWIšituNAsáʾUx wešinawaʾá.
Now they (du) were hungry when they (du) came.

Then they (du) came to a point.
There had been a prairie fire.
noowitIhunaahtara- niitúʾAt.
There the land was burned off.
na inoowitiišá nút.
And there it lay a snake.
číkuʾ nuukuwitiíʾAt.
It stretched a long way.
číkuʾ nuukuwitiiʾihwíʾAt.
It was high.

wah čiraátoʾ aráh nuukiisihwaáhAt tuuháʾ niikohnapAxawíhAt.
"Now let's, say, let's go around it there that way where the head is."

wekanawitíʾ šiNAhkuWIswáNA niikohnaawíʾaʾ.
They (du) co uld not reach the point where the end was.

wah nooWIšitikataʾiíWA.
Now then they (du) went along the side of it.
noošikana- witiiWIswanúʾ niikohnaawíhAt.
Then they (du) were going to the point where the end was.

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx– wetikoowíʾAt.
Then he said one:– "I am tired.
hawá weneekuNAsáʾUx.
Also I am hungry.
Let's stay overnight here!
na hináxtIt neesinaaNAx- wíʾAt.
And in the morning then we'll go looking for them."

na uunaákUx wiináxtš noowitiwaákoʾ aráh Axtóh wetikuriWAhteekootíhuʾ.
And the other one boy then he said: "Say, surely I am starving to death.
Axtóh niinohkhaanawíre.
Surely it smells good.
I am hungry.
tinaákUx čiwáhtš tíʾ.
This one a fish it is.
nikutotkAhaanawíʾuʾ čiwáhtš nakii- sátkA.
It smells like that a fish when one cooks it.
Axtóh koxtíʾa.
Surely I will eat it."

Then he cut it.
noowititaráhAt tsástš.
Then he sliced it the flesh.
noowitee- NIšítIt nút tsástš.
Then he began to eat it snake flesh.

atsú noowitiwaákoʾ šinaatíRA Axtóh kaakataraa- paaNUxuúkuʾ nút.
But then he said his friend: "Certainly we don't eat it snake.
naxtóh neesakuutaWIstAsáʾUx kaakunaahé niiweNAxuutaáNA.
Surely even if we're hungry it's not good what you have done."

hee Axtóh wenikuriWAhteekootIhú wehnawaawáʾA.
"Hey, surely I am starving to death," as he ate.

Now they (du) lay down.
kuwitiišá áxkUx na uu- naákUx uukuwitiišá.
He lay this way one, and the other one he lay the other way.
They (du) each had the fire.

wah wehnaaheešá tiiriwátAt– tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
Now when morning came he got up– this the young man.
tiNAxtawaáWI noowitooNAxkaraniíNIt na tineš- tawaáWI
His feet then his feet were spotted all over, and his hands
hawá witooNIškaraniíNIt.
also his hands were spotted all over.

noowitiwaákoʾ uunaákUx wah hAsí niinataakuu-
Then he said the other one: "Now look what I told
NUxtaanipakú kananaatuuxIskáʾA aáxA nút wah číkuʾ wekutooNAhuúnuʾ.
you not to do my not wanting it that you eat it snake now that is what happened to you.

hee Axtóh nootunaahé.
"Hey, surely it is nice.
sihWIswáNA iinataraa- kítAt ituhnaaniriiwaapíhA a
When we reach it where our village is when I roll them up and
tinaatukoóčI kunoxtihkax- karaniíNIt itIsAhkaʾaáhNA.
my leggings my legs will be spotted when I go in the village.
suúnaaxuʾ kunoo- šikooxikuutoxwóʾ nooʾitištAhkaraniíNU.
The young women then they will admire me then when my hands are spotted."

nuuwešohnaawaʾá noowitiwaákoʾ aráh wetikoowíʾAt.
Then as they (du) came then he said: "Say, I am tired."
noowiteetaRAhtšá wehnaáʾa.
Then he felt heavy as he came.

noowitiwaákoʾ taaNAsakuusuuxé.
Then he said: "Let's stay overnight here!"

nooWIšitohneewáʾus štoh.
Then they (du) lay down again.
číkuʾ kanawitíʾ číkuʾ nakuu- taáNA wehnohkaraniinaánu.
He was not able to do any- thing when he was becoming spotted.
uunaákUx nikuwewiti- kawahIhníkuʾ.
The other one he was now the one making fires.

Axtóh tatooNUxtaanipákuʾ kanaʾaaxiʾá nút.
"Truly I told you not to do it that you should no eat it the snake.
You were not listening to me.
wah hAsí kaaku- naáhe niiwenooNAhuunuúʾA.
Now, look, it is not good what has happened to you!"

nooWIšiteewaʾá štoh.
Then they (du) came again.
Then he became worse.
noowi- tohkaraniíʾI niinooNUstaNIhtaʾuúʾA.
then he was spotted his entire body being that way.
taRAhtšíniʾ weWIšitikaaxawóʾ.
Barely now his legs were stepping.
nooWIšituté štoh.
Then they stayed overnight again.
tehniíhiʾ čéstIt niišikohnuxwáNA.
It must have been far wherever they (du) went.

wah witAheešáʾ.
Now morning came.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah siináNI wekaakíʾ NAhkiiriwátAt.
Then he said: "Now, brother, I cannot get up.
noowetatičituúʾ– wešikaakItkáxtA hawá wešikaneeneetiwíhtA.
Now I am whole:– I have no legs; also I have no arms.
wah wetunaaʾiíWIs tiNAtpAxtáWI.
Now it just remains my head.
wah tsu netskáʾ aatohnaaʾiitawíhA na kaakikuuninóʾ.
Now but I want that I tell you: 'Do not fear me.'
koxkuutaa- rúxtAt teškúNIt niiwenetsteéhAt tswaarúxtiʾ.
You must drag me close where the water's edge is Missouri River.
nuukuneškutpAxwiʾuurút huukaawiraátA.
You lay my head facing over there east.
na nuuku- koxtUtwiiraasawíhAt waakastAhkatáʾuʾ.
And the end of my tail will be there Killdeer Mountains.
na nuukoxtipAx- awíhAt piʾaapaáxuʾ.
And my head will be as far as Eagle Nose Butte.

nawáh nootAxinaahnaanuukatawaáhuʾ tinakatAhkáʾU
"Now you (pl) will be crossing the water this side of it
číkuʾ nuunaakuuraána na štípiiʾIt šitikuʾú.
their coming from somewhere, and cornball they must give me.
na nootatihnawaátaʾ na nootatUsaapIhaʾús na nootAxinaahnaanuučitaʾaáhuʾ.
And then I will surface and then I will make a bridge and then you will come across on top (of me).
tsu wešitAxkuʾú štípiiʾIt.
But you (pl) must give me a cornball.
tAxtaNAhnaanuukatáʾAt čituúʾuʾ.
You (pl) will go across all.
hawá nuukutAxunaahnaánaʾ wah štoh nikunootAxuhnaáka.
Also you (pl) will come from the other way; now again you (pl) will do that.

wah tsu tatíʾ íhUx káNIt íhUx wiitatshaánuʾ.
"Now but I am half Mandan, half Hidatsa.
nawá wetatskáʾ– taanikuNAxkukunuutaáNA.
Now I want– for you to do this for me
wah niiNAxkukuu- naaniwó nikukooxuutaáhuʾ.
Now whatever you ask of me that is what will be."

wah tinaákUx wiiteešútš wenačíkAt wenaričíkAt nooteetaaRUxtaáʾ.
Now this young man when he cried when he mourned then he dragged him.
He dragged him to the edge of the water.
wah taanikutAxwaákoʾ siináNI.
"Now this is what you said, brother."
noowituutIsaapiraa- wáNIt.
Then he rolled him into the water.
He went into the water.

nooteekatáʾ tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
Then he came up the bank this young man.

noowitunaaʾít taanikuwetuutAxítIt.
Then he told it: "This is what happened.
šinatuuxáNI wetiʾá nút nuutawáčeš.
My brother he became a snake, a water monster.
tiʾá nút tsástš.
He ate it snake flesh.
I told him not to do it.
He didn't listen.
This is what was.
wah wetIhunáhAs.
Now he has disappeared.
He no longer exists.

tsu taanikuneewaákoʾ NAxkuraahnaanuukatawó štípiiʾIt
"But this is what he did say: 'When you (pl) go across, cornballs
šitAxkuraanuúhu natsú tataraahnaNAhu- úʾAt.
you (pl) give them to me and I'll take you (pl) across.
nikunootatiniisuxthatéʾ štípiiʾIt NItkuwaawanú.
That is what I used to like the taste of cornballs when I went around.'
* * * *

wah nikunootiraaʾiitUxthuNAhwiítIt tinaákUx– AxkaáʾA natakUxtaáhNA.
Now this is where the story commences this– Carries The Antelope.
wah nikuteeNUsuuxawiʾúʾ NAhkuraa-
Now this one must have had the way when he
ʾIhwaawanú NAhkutakaruhkoóčI.
when he went around hunting, when he hunted various things.

tsu AhnooweniisiRAxátA anuú čéstIt skaweéraaʾuʾ tuuhéʾ
And when he was just led there farther west over there
tuuNAhunaanúhAt wenataraapačeéhu– Mandaree wah niiháʾ nikuwewitiihíʾ.
the land lying over there what we call now– Mandaree, now there that is where it was.
wituxwaawičeéʾIs Ahnux- waákUx.
It was a tall hill the hill that was there.
neenikunoowituté AxkaáʾA titakUxtá.
Right there that is where he stayed overnight Carries The Antelope.
anináʾU AxkaáʾA titakUxtá noowiti- kAhíNIt.
That one Carries The Antelope then he made a fire.
tiiháʾ– koxkuúte na neeteeraa- WIhkaʾaaNIšítIt.
"Here– I will stay overnight and then I will begin to hunt."
Then he spent the night.

Then it became daylight.
na noowitiihunaaničíWI wehnačirikaʾaáNA.
And there was a different land when he awoke.
wehnataapeerawiítIt noo či wešiišee- noóʾAt waarúxtiʾ.
When he sat upright, there here he had been carried up by them thunder(birds)!

nooWIšitiíkUx pítkUx.
Then there they (du) were two.
Ihániʾ či šii- šaaná.
Young ones here they (du) were!
wešiNAhkureeWAtwaáhNA noowitiwaawaápIs.
When they (du) looked around then it lightninged.
wah šiNAhkuraaNItwihtaruúpIs a
Now when they (du) moved their wings,
noowitIhaahniiNAhkUxuhkaruuwa- taákuʾ naraaNItwihtawaáWI wešiNUtčiríkUx.
then the sparks would fly out from under them the wings as he watched them (du).

aa tičé tAxuutAxítIt tiiháʾ– tiwenatakoosáxA.
"Ah I wonder what happened here– my lying on top here?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx nawáh.
And then it said one: "Now."
Then the rain came.
noowitetskUxawáʾ AhnaWAhnaáhu waarúxtiʾ.
Then drops of rain fell as it was thu ndering.

áxkUx noowitiwaákoʾ -- či šaáʾA wiináxtš -- noowiti-
One then he said -- here he was a boy -- then he
waákoʾ atíʾAx wetikuraaʾú nataakuhnaaʾiitawíhA kaakAhuNAhaásuʾ.
said: "My father he has given me the was for me to tell you: you are not to die.
kooxíʾAt štoh niiNAxiniinítAt.
You will go back where your village is.

tsu taanikuneeraačítA wešinoosiRAxá weNAxihWIsá
"But this is the reason their (du) bringing you when you arrived
tiiháʾ niitiNAhnaNAhnaanoótA.
here where we are living.
tiiháʾ atíʾAx nikuneewaa- kaáhuʾ wešitatootíštI.
Here my father this is what he is saying: 'We are depending on you.
wekaakoonaačiteewaahnúxtA tiNAxwaawanú
Nothing is going to be difficult for you as you go around
NAxkawooruutikú niinoonakuúʾU NAxkutakaruhkoóčI.
when you kill various things whatever it is when you hunt various things.
wah wešitatootíštI.
Now we are depending on you.
nikutiraačítA tiwešitoosiRAxá tiiháʾ tiwenáxkUx.
That is why our bringing you here here where you sit.'

nawáh aninaákUx atítat kutatiíʾI.
"Now that one my sister she's mine.
tinaákUx tíʾ suúnatš na neetíʾ wiináxtš.
This one she is a girl and I am a boy.
wah atináʾ na atíʾAx na tiWIsíRIš čituúʾuʾ taraanaáhuʾ.
Now my mother and my father and my uncle all they are coming.
šitooteeRI- šaáhuʾ tiiháʾ tiwenataraahnaanoótA.
They are coming to see you here where we are now.

nawáh niiwenaraateehuúNU wešiNItkiiriWAtwaahakú šiNIt-
"Now when it is the time when we are getting up for us
kiiʾaáhNA kúhtuʾ wenakuraanoókUt tiiháʾ tičiWAhaanúʾAt skaweéraaʾuʾ.
to fly down feathers when they drop on the water here there is a lake (in) the west.
taatihAxá nút.
Here it lies in water a snake.
pítkUx šitiipáxtA.
Two it has (du) heads.
áxkUx tuukutakataahUxuúkuʾ skaweéraaʾuʾ.
One it comes up on the other side (in) the west.
na áxkUx huukaawiraátA tuukunooteekatáʾ.
And one (in) the east then it comes up over there.
pítkUx šitiíʾA.
Two they (du) are.
Then it eats us up.
niiwekohnuhnaa- naánuʾ nikunuutAxitikú.
I don't know how many times that is what has been happening.

wah taanikuweneeraačítA tiweNAxiína
"Now this is the reason your having come here
tiwešinoosiRAxá tiihéʾ.
their having brought you here.
wah taanikuwešitAxkootíštA tišinaáxA nút.
Now you are going to kill these (du) these (du) snakes.
wah taanikunuútA nikiišuutaáNA na wetAxtaasš- teeRAhúhtA.
Now if this be what you'll do and you are going to do a thankful thing.
tinaawaáhAt wešikooxooteérikuʾ.
The Elements they will look upon you.

wah taanikuwetuutáxtA.
"Now this is what is to happen.
We will prepare you.
wešiteehíštA pítkUx kawíʾuʾ niiweNAxih- naaNUxtáNIt.
They will give them (du) to you two arrowheads what you are going to use."

noowitikatiisiʾá štoh.
Then it got dark again.
He was waiting.
noowitAhee- šáʾ na štoh noowitetsUhiínaʾ waaRUxtí wehnaWAhnaáhu.
Then morning came and again then the rain came as it was thundering.

na noowitiwaákoʾ– tinaákUx wiináxtš noowitiwaaWIhtít šiišuxwiísaʾ.
And then he said– this boy; then he talked: "Come closer!
Now I am going to tell you."

tinaákUx wiítA noowitiwiítIt.
This man then he sat down.

tiwešineéša wešiNAxihnaaNIštáNIt.
"Here they (du) are the ones (du) you are going to use."
huu WIšitískoʾ niíšuʾ.
Oh, they (du) were sharp arrows.
"These are the ones you are going to use.
wah wetiraawireehaáʾAs.
Now everything is ready.
wah hináxtIt weneehaahtawiitiikUxítIt tipIhuuʾaanuuxuúkuʾ.
Now in the morning when it begins to become daylight, it usually becomes foggy.
nikuwitiwaakaáhuʾ atíʾAx nuu kaakiíhiʾ šeéNIt.
He says that my father: 'There it is not plain.'
wah tsu weneešuhnaasštawíštA tuuháʾ huukaawiraátA niku- tiíhiʾ.
Now but you are going to watch over there (in) the east that is where it is.
nikutIhiRAxaáhnuʾ wenaakukataʾá.
That is the first one when it comes up.
wenaa- kupAxkataʾá tiipAxtIhuúʾU naáNIt.
When the head comes up the bank it is a big head really!
tiiháʾ saaWIšíniʾ haawíNIt– iinooneepaaNIšaakaratáWI tiiháʾ tikatitkatákUx.
Here on the jaw below– where the mouth of the throat is here there is a black spot.
This is where you are going to shoot.

natsú tuunaákUx naakukataʾá wah nikuneešuúta.
"And the other on when it comes up now you'll do that.

wah tsu wešitatootIštatatooháxtA.
"Now but we are now going to help you.
tuuhéʾ áskAt šikooxiinuhkaRIškároʾ šiNIhwaawanikUxítIt.
There above they will weaken him when they proceed to shoot him (with lightning bolts).
na atíštIt neešiiwáNIt.
And well you will shoot him."

na tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowiwititeewireéhAs.
And this young man then he readied himself.
Then he strung the bow.
wewitikatákUx niiʾAhnakaNItka- tákUx.
Now he sat by it where the stone was against it.
iiʾAhnaakataahUxúku witikanítkUx.
Where it habitually comes up there was a stone.

wituhníWIs niiʾAhnawaákA.
It appeared where he had said.
wewitIhaakaareétIt wehnaraawiinoótA niišohnaákUx.
Now it opened its mouth when it went at it angrily where they (du) were.
tiiwáNIt niiʾAhnawačíʾA.
He shot it where they had said.
uunariišíNIt nikuwitiriišúʾAt.
Straight the arrow went there.
The arrow disappeared.

Then it fell back.
noowitIhaahkAhaahniWAhnaawaáhuʾ iiwehnuutIsaapiraátA.
Then there were thumping sounds as it went down the side of the cliff as it rolled down.

tuukunootíʾAt tuuháʾ skaweéraaʾuʾ.
Then he went over there there (in) the west.
Now it came up.
hawá nikutuuNAhuúnuʾ hawá witiwiináhAt tuuháʾ áskAt
Also that is what he did: also he felled the head (lit arm) there above
wešinihwanikú haáwaʾ tinaraanoótA waarúxtiʾ.
while they were shooting it also these thunderbirds.

noowitiihaána AhnooxAsuuʾá.
Then it (the sky) became clear after it had rained.
Then the sun came out.
Then it lay on the prairie yonder.
číkuʾ nuukuwitiiʾiítAt.
There there was a long body.
pítkUx WIšitiipáxtA.
Two there were heads (du).

hawá noowitiwaákoʾ wešitataRAhúhtA tinaákUx atítat
Also then it said: "We are going to take you this one my sister
na naátU.
and I.
You will hang onto us.
neešiiteéRAhuukakaa- ʾuúkUt.
We will take you to the bottom.
wah wetAxčiwaanóxtA aniwenaáxA na neešikákAt.
Now you are to butcher it the one lying there and you will cut it up.
wah kaahunaahčituúʾuʾ níkUs tinakUxuhkaáxA wešitiinaníštA.
Now the entire earth birds these that are flying around they are going to eat it.
They are going to eat a meal.

wah niíheʾ atíʾAx na atináʾ tiWIsíRIš
"Now here my father, and my mother, my uncle,
atípaʾ atíkaʾ wešitotwaaWIhtíštA.
my grandfather, my grandmother they are going to talk to you.
wah šiškuusuuxawaʾuuníkUt.
Now you grab onto us (du)!
Our arms (ie wings) are close together."

Then they (du) brought him to the bottom (of the hill).
They (du) put his feet on the ground.
nooteekUxuúʾaʾ haawíNIt.
Then they flew down below.
They flew low.
nooWIši- tihkúx na tinaákUx wiiteešútš
Then he was set down by them and this young man
AxkaáʾA titakUxtá tičiwaánoʾ.
Carries The Antelope he butchered it
uu tikákAt tsastiwiruúʾuʾ.
Oh, he cut up chunks of meat.
noowitikoo- haahkaroósI.
Then he laid them on the prairie.
noowiteekUxaWIswáʾ níkUs uu niinooNAhkuúʾu.
Then they flew down to it here and there birds, oh, different kinds.
Then they ate.

witisteeriítIt.– štoh noowituutaakeéRIt.
It clouded up.– Again then he saw them.
noowitiirós šiniitAhnéhku nakaáxuʾ nakuraaNAhwaapinú–
There they lay what they call the flat sticks to whip things–
nawaawaapIsú wenakuteépI.
lightning when one hits it.
číkuʾ nootuúta.
Then one does something.
číkuʾ nootiraakúx.
Then one has done something (a deed).
They are the ones.

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh tuhnaanúʾ taWIšaapiswaáNA.
Then he said: "Now they number seven.
nawáh tinaroósI– nootičipiriíNIt tsu nuuNAhatUhkáWI
Now these– they are all new, but the last one
nikutipá- kut.
that one is old.
You will take that one.
You will use that one
naáNIt nikutitaRAhčíš tinaáxA.
Really that one is the strongest this one.
It is old now.
It has been there (for a long time).
They have had it for a long time.
tinaroósI tičipiriíNIt.
These they are all new.
naáNIt kaakikUxuhtaRAhčíš.
Really they are not swift (ie strong).
They are not as swift."

wah noowitiwaákoʾ ka weNAxWIskáʾ NAxkoótA niiNAxinii-
Now then he said: "Do you want to go where your
nítAt na aaxaahWIskáʾA NAxkutawé tiihéʾ.
village is, or would you want that you be among us here?
tAhnapískaʾ NAxkuʾá nataakuuxUhuunaahtíRA.
We want for you to come that we be together for a while.
wah áxkUx tuu- niíWIs.
Now one there remains.
Kill it for us!
It lies there in the water.
niihéʾ neeRItwiiraasawíhAt teškúNIt.
There there is the tail close by.
There's its head way down there.
wah nikiišuxtaawiinúʾAt niinapAxáWI.
Now you attack that one where the head is!
škuusuxtaakoótIt haáwaʾ.
Kill it for us also!
haa koxkuuraakAsšteéRAt inoonikiišuutaáNA.
Oh, we will be thankful if you do that for us.
wah neešíʾAt niiNAxiniinítAt.
Now you will then go where your village is.
We will take you.

wah wekaakoonaačiteewaawaahnúxtA niiNAxkuWIskáʾA
"Now things won't be difficult for you what you want,
naapaatúh naraáčI.
the enemy way the ways.
čituúʾuʾ noowetAxiraanuhkáʾIt niinoonakuuxaWIstaáʾU.
Everything you'll have all the ways whatever the way may even be."

wah wenaakutsUhiína nuuwitakUxuuʾaáhuʾ tuuNAhukaa-
Now when rain came there they were flying (from) the
haanúʾAt wešinehkuRAxwé tiiháʾ– Ahnuu- xáxA
valley over there as they looked for it here– the one lying in the water
wešinihnoósA tiiʾAhnuúxA tiwenatuuNUxiitIhú.
the one that was put in the water the one who ate it (the snake) the one about whom I was telling.

atsú nuuNAháxA wetuhneesiíšuʾ
But that one lying in the water now he knew about it
wehnihteeriiʾaáhNA Axkaá natakUxtaáhNA.
as he was spied on by him Carries The Antelope.
He knew it.
noowiteehawaátaʾ tuuNAháxA.
Then he surfaced that one lying in the water.
noowitiwískaʾ teškúNIt šiš- wiísaʾ.
Then he thought: "Close you approach
I am going to take hold of you."
nikunoowituúta wenaahkutsuutaa- hUxúku
Then that is what he did when the water usually rises
weNAhkučiNIhuunaánu wenaakutsuutaʾá.
when the water gets deep when the water rises.
nikuwituúʾUt wehnaatsuutaʾá.
That is what happened when the water rose.

tsu Axkaá titakUxtá wehnareewaawatíRA wehnaRAxwé nootuuteéRIt.
But Carries The Antelope when he was looking all around as he looked for him, then he saw him.

There his head was close to the bank.
Then he sat down.
tsu tuuháʾ wewitUtkUxuhtaakAhaákuʾ wešohnitčiríkUx.
But there now they were flying in circles as they watched him.
tiwiítIt wehnuhteeriiʾaáhNA aatačiwiNIščé.
He sat down while he spied on him 'that I trick him.'

tsu wewititčiríkUx tuuNAháxA.
But he watched him the one lying in the water.
teškúNIt tiwiísAt.
Close he went towards it
tinaRAtwiirastáWI witiinawitáʾIt.
(With) this tail he smacked him.
witii- nawihoóhtIt.
He was snagged in the mouth.
He was taken underwater.
aa tuuhéʾ waaRUxtí wešinihwanikú wetiNAhuuʾiítIt.
Ah, there as they w ere shooting lightning, he was taken underwater.

wah anuú tsuukaaWIhíniʾ nuu nikuwitíʾ wiiteešútš
Now there underwater there he was the one young man
AhnuúxA tsástš nút.
the one who ate it meat snake.
na noowitiwaákoʾ wah siináNI wetAxtaanoóxAt tiweNAxkuuNUxteeriiʾaáhNA.
And then he said: "Now, brother, you have done wrong when you have been spying on me.
tatuhneesiíšuʾ niiweNAxuutaáNA.
I know what you have done.
wetAxwaáRUxtiʾ na niku- neetuúʾUt wetAtwaáRUxtiʾ.
You are holy, and I am that way: I am holy.
tsu weneetuunuhčitáʾAt wenatoo- tuuníkUt.
But I have bested you when I caught you.
wah wetatoonaaniwóʾ nooNAsúx.
Now I now am begging you let it be!
štoh aaxuúta.
Again do not do it!
wah wetatačiwatíštA niiweNAxUsuúxA.
Now I am going to change you how you are."

čiNIsísuʾ nooWIšitikaáWA.
Sweatlodge then they (du) went inside.
noowiteenutskataruuwaahUxítIt niikohnaraáʾIt
Then he began to make him throw things up whatever the ways were
niikooNAsuxtaánaanuʾ niiwekohnuxtaanuh- káʾIt tinaákUx Axkaá natakUxtaáhNA.
whatever they were whatever things he had this Carries The Antelope.
Then he changed him.

noowitiwaákoʾ– wah wetAxúhtA niiʾAhnataraakítAt.
Then he said:– "Now you'll go where our village is.
wah štoh aaxuúta.
Now again don't do it!
tatuhneesiíšuʾ.– wekaakoonaačiteewaah- núxtA.
I know.– Things won't be difficult for you.
atsú weneetačiwiNIščéʾ.
But now I have cheated you
wah áxkUx noowetee- raaníhIt wenikuunaačiteeʾaáNA
Now one there is a single thing that is difficult for me:
tiišiNAxteewaátU waawaapIsúxuʾ siinó– tAxtaaná
the vision of your eyes lightning yet– you have,
šiNAxčirikaáWI waawaapIsúxuʾ NAhkureewaawátI.
(in) your eyes lightning when you look around.
atsú koxteeʾú kunaáʾuʾ neekaánuʾ.
But I'll give it to you the medicine (of) shed buffalo hair.
šihnikAhtarét na kananiiwaawaapísuʾ NAxkureewaawaátU.
You will tie it on your forehead, and it will not lightning when you look around.

wah šuúxAt niinataraakítAt.
"Now go where our village is!"

Then he brought him to the surface.
Then he doctored him.
na nootíʾAt.
And then he went.
tikaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnuuxítAt niikohniíhiʾ
He went (back) home where the village was, wherever it was
niiʾAhnuuxitUhwaáhAt wiitatshaánuʾ káNIt na nataraakíčI sáhniš.
where the villages were Hidatsa, Mandan and ourselves Arikara.

wah nikuwitsuuxaanuuxuúkuʾ anináʾU wiítA.
Now that is what he used to do that one man.
weNAhku- reewaataáNA anoowitiwaawaapIsúʾ tišinačirikaáWI.
When he would look then it lightninged his (du) eyes.
na nikuwi- tohnikAhtarét anináʾU.
And that is what he had tied on his forehead that one.
wah WIšitiNIštinoóhuʾ.
Now they feared him.
niiNAh- kuwaákA na nikunoowituúʾUt.
Whatever he would say, and then that happened.
wenaakutsUhiína na kanawi- tuúʾUt na nooWIšitihnánoʾ
When rain came and it did not happen, and then they filled (a pipe)
číkuʾ naakutsUhiína číkuʾ nakuraaNAhčipeeruútIt naakoosuúʾa.
for it to rain some to wet things (ie gardens) when it rained.
nikunoowituúta noowitUtsUhiihkáxaʾ na noowitaasuúʾaʾ.
Then he did that: then he called the rain and then it rained.

wah atíštIt weWIšitiná.
Now well they had him.
atíštIt wewititaweekáʾIt.
Well he was in crowds.
wekaakunaačiteewaahnúʾ xaataʾuútuʾ paatUhkaraáhNIš wewitaraanuhkáʾIt.
Now things were not difficult for him: horse stealing hunting for the enemy he had the ways.
nikuwituhnaaʾúʾ nakučitawíʾU nakureešaáNU.
That was the way for him to be a leader, to be a chief.
wah nikuwitíʾ AxkaáʾA natakUxtaáhNA ti- wenatanuuniítI.
Now he was the one Carries The Antelope the one I've told you about.
niiniiNIštaaʾiiwaawaatIhú na kana- witiinaaʾiitIhú awirítkAt
What they used to tell and they would not tell it in the summer
wenaakoóhu waarúxtiʾ.
when it was coming thunder.

weNAhunáhAs tinaákUx wiítA číkuʾ nuunoowitaáNAt.
When he disappeared this man it is not known where he went off.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah wetikUhuNAhaásuʾ.
Then he said: "Now I am dying.
wah tsu wetatiiNA- húxtA niinatiniNIštaateehuúNU.
Now but I am going to be coming (to do) what I am supposed to do.
nakuraatawé nakuWIsxaáNA šiškuusaakatáWI.
Sometimes remember: give me the pipe!
uu koxteesšteehuúʾU.
Oh, I'll be thankful.
Offer me the pipe!"
wah nikutsuusaapaahnuuxuúkuʾ AhnuuxunuuwaáWI.
Now that's what they used to do when they used to be around.

wah wekaakAhnaNAhnaanuhkáʾIt aninaraáčI.
Now we don't have the things those ways.
wetikuraaka- weešítIt.
Now we are negligent.
NIhúhtš niišinikuusuxtaaʾiitawaawíhA nee- tuhneesiíšuʾ.
A little the things they used to tell me I do know.
neetuutaanuuxuúkuʾ na neekoowiteeriwooxuúkuʾ
I usually do it and he always grants me
číkuʾ niiNItkunaaniwó niiNItkuWIskáʾA.
what I beseech of him what I want.