XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Woman Who

Married an Elk

Alfred Morsette

wah niikohniíhiʾ tiiháʾ– NAhuukaawiraátA wehnaahta- kuwaʾá.
Now wherever it was here– (in) the east when they came migrating.
kaneeneetuhneesiíšuʾ NAhuukaawiraátA wehnaah- takuwaʾá
I do not know (from) the east when they came migrating
aaníčI wiitatshaánuʾ sáhniš na aaníčI káNIt.
whether they were Hidatsas, Arikaras, or whether they were Mandans.
tsu neetuhnaaʾiitUxsiíšuʾ niiʾAhnuutAxítIt.
But I do know the story what happened.

wah wiiteešútš weNAhaananiwiítIt wešohnaatí- RA
Now a young man after he married when they (du) were together
naahtakúʾU noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ Axtóh tunaahé
his wife then he said his father: "Certainly it would be good
číkuʾ nakuraawiinátA číkuʾ nakupaaniišátA.
if you went hunting, if you went on a hunt."
That is what they used to say.

nooWIšitohneeriwaátaʾ tišinaákUx tiíNI
Then they (du) readied themselves these (du) at this time
šohnačituuʾaáNA suúnaaxuʾ na wiiteešútš.
the ones (du) who got together young woman and young man.
wah xaawaarúxtiʾ kaneetehništaná.
Now horses they must not have had.
xaátš wituh- naánuʾ taWIšaápis.
Dogs they numbered eight.
noowituutIhtakUhuNAhsaawaáhpA wehninuuhaahnanaáhNA nišwačeehUxúku.
Then he packed their belongings on them on the travois as they used to say (ie call them).
tsu weWIšitiranuhkáʾIt niinehkuraawikUxšíčI.
But they (du) now had various things things that were lightweight.

nooWIšitíWA taaskaweéraaʾuʾ.
Then they (du went west here.
nikutišwačeehUxuúkuʾ nuuneesawatuúNU.
That is what they used to say "over the hill."
číkuʾ nikutehniíhiʾ.
That must have been the place.
nooWIšití- WA skaweéraaʾuʾ tuuháʾ
then they (du) went west over there
niiʾaNAhuNAhwaraáʾU niinaRAhseewaáhAt tanáhaʾ AxkaáʾA wáh
where the wooded land was where they ranged buffalos, antelopes, elks,
niinooNAh- kuúʾU kananakuuhunuuwaáWI.
different kinds, not where they (people) lived.
iiʾaNAhuNAhwaraáʾU nikutehnunaanaasíštoʾ.
Where wooded land was that is where they must have liked it.

wah WIšitiwiiruútIt.
Now they (du) camped.
teškúNIt wititsá.
Close by there was water.
noo- WIšiteekánoʾ akanaanuútuʾ nišwačeehUxúku.
Then they made a lodge a hunting lodge as they used to say.
xaátš nooWIšitiraanaxtawikúx.
Dogs then they (du) picketed them.
na tinaákUx wiiteešútš weNAhkuraawiinátA
And this young man when he went hunting
číkuʾ nuuNAhkuwaawanú witaranáʾ číkuʾ NAhkukootíkA
wherever he wandered off, he brought them whenever he killed one
NAhnunáhtš AxkaáʾA aninoóčI.
a deer, an antelope, those (kinds).
wenehkuʾá tinaaríčI xaátš noowitiraaniriwátAt wenehkukawaátš
When he would come this one, dogs then they got up their being happy
NIhkuhneesšú wetAxiínaʾ.
when they knew, "You have come."

kanawituxtaačeéʾA witaraniwísaʾ tsástš.
It was not long he brought it meat.
WIšitiwaawaa- NIšítIt wešinehkukaanunáʾU wiiteešútš.
They (du) be- gan to eat when it was cooked the young man.
wah tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ noowititaakAxkawaakarookUxítIt.
Now this young woman then she began making dried meat.
hawá štoh noowitíʾAt.
Also again then he went.

xaátš witihnaasíštA.– tihnaasíštA tišinaákUx.
Dogs they watched.– They watched these (du).
híNAx nooWIšitiraanaxtaríkUt NAhkuRAhčiiwaawakú sčiríhtš
At night then they (du) untied them for them to be barking coyotes
nehkuRAhWIswaáhu teškúNIt.
when they were coming there close by.

wah witiraaNIhuúʾU taakáxtš wešohnaranaáNA.
Now there was a large quantity dried meat what they had.
noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wah noowetikoosšuhkaa- ʾišwóʾ.
Then she said this young woman: "Now I feel like going home.
noowetiraačeéʾA tiNAsíhkUx.
It has been a long time our being here.
weneeraaNI- huúʾU taakáxtš.
There is plenty dried meat."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš čikiisuuxUhuunaahuučitáWI.
Then he said the young man: "Let me put more on top!
štoh čikiišuuxUhuhtaakAxkároʾ.
Again make some more dried meat awhile!
na neesíhWA.
And then we'll go."
tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiraawiíNAt.
This young man then he went hunting.
anuú šakUhčituúʾuʾ kanooneekaaʾiišAhíštA tsu nuu
Then all day he would not hurry back but there
weNAhkuwaawanú čéstIt.
when he traveled around far off.

tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ áxkUx skarútš noowitikúxIt.
This young woman one hide then she took it.
Then she staked it out.
wewititačíkAx Ahneskunanooʾaáh- nu.
Now she scraped it her taking the hair off.
AxkaáʾA na aáNU NAhnunáhtš skarútš tanáhaʾ
An antelope or whether it was a deer hide, buffalo
aáNU kaakištaaʾiitáWI.
whether it was they did not tell.
noowitoonaakhaa- nawíre AhnaahuutUhwiiʾaáhu.
Then it (something unseen) smelled nicely as the wind came.
noowitireewaawati- hUxítIt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she began to look around this young woman.

na inoowitaanáRIt wiiteešútš áxkUx.
And there he stood off at a distance young man one.
She did not know him.
She looked at him.
wenehkUhuutuunúʾa uu tohkhaanawíre.
When the wind came, oh, it smelled nicely.

tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nootiroswaakároʾ.
This young woman then she picked up (her) things.
Then she went inside.
wewitiraačeéʾA nooteeWIsítIt.
It was a long while then she went out.
Then he was not there.
He must have gone off.

wah xaátš noowitinoohaanaanooxítIt šinehkuuteé- RIt.
Now the dogs then they began to get angry when they saw him.
wah niiwekohnuhnaanaánuʾ nikukohnuutaánuʾ wiiteešútš wehnaWIswó.
Now however many times it was this is what he was doing the young man when he was going there.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ tsu tatskáʾ aasihkaaʾišwáNA.
Then she said this young woman: "But I want that we go home.
kaakatinihnaatéʾ tatuuteeríkuʾ sáhniš.
I do not like it: I see him a person.
naáhkuʾ paatúh.
It might be an enemy.
naraatawé na iikukoótIt.
Perhaps and he might kill me.
naraatawé na iikuróʾ wakáʾuʾ.
Perhaps and he might make me a slave."

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiiteešútš Axtóh tákuʾ kaaki- waawanúʾ.
Then he said this young man: "Surely there is no one going around.
Axtóh wetatutunaaNIsiíšuʾ tiihéʾ.
Certainly I know the land here.
tákuʾ kaakiwaawanúʾ.
No one is going around.
wah tsu koosihkaaʾíšWA.
Now but we will go home.
štoh tuuxUhuúNAt.
Again let me go for awhile!
štoh tuuxUhuunaawiíNAt na NAheešá neesihkaaʾíšWA.
Again let me go hunting for awhile and tomorrow we will go home!"
nikuwewitsakuúʾU šohnaraateewa- níkA šinakukaaʾišwáNA.
That was the day that they (du) planned for them (du) to return.
wehnaraawiinátA tinaákUx wiiteešútš štoh noowitiwaákoʾ wah
As he went hunting this young man again, then he said: "Now
Axtóh koosíhWA.
truly we will go."

noowiteeʾookaaʾiíšaʾ wiiteešútš Ahnuuteériku.
Then he came to the entry young man the one she was seeing.
noowiti- waákoʾ wah tatootuníʾaʾ.
Then he said: "Now I came after you.
Hurry up!
Let's go!"

tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nootiihuuniriwátAt.
This young woman then she jumped up.
tehnii- NIsšawáNIt.
He must have mesmerized her.
Then she followed him.
tsu xaátš noowehniinoohaanaánuʾ.
But the dogs then they were getting mad.
Then he took her.
noowewitiNA- hunáhAs.
Then he eloped with her.
Then they (du) went.
Then she followed him.

noowitawísaʾ wiiteešútš šeeneeNAhtakúʾU.
Then he returned young man the primary husband.
na wehnaRAxwé naahtakúʾU kanawitiiwanúʾ.
And when he looked for her his wife she was not there.
noowi- tiiroswá aNAsuxtarihnuuwanú niikoNUsuuxaánu.
There they lay what she had been sewing whatever she had been doing.
xaátš noowitiiNIsčisčíkAt.
Dogs they were whining.

noowitiwaákoʾ tAxtapaaRUxtíʾ xaátš.
Then he said: "You are holy dogs.
wah šiškuusuuxu- naaniitáWI niiwekohnáʾAt.
Now tell me the land (ie place) where she went!"

Then he untied them.
xaátš noowitikUxUhuuniriwátAt na nootiraáNAt wešohnistatataátA niiwešohnawáNA.
Dogs then they jumped up and then they went their following them (du) where they (du) went.

nuu witičitaʾuúkUt.
There there he went onto (a hill).
It was a high hill.
inooWIšitaáhWA aNIšináʾU wiiteešútš na
There they (du) went at a distance the ones (du) the young man and
naahtakúʾU suúnaaxuʾ.
his wife the young woman.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah taanikiišuxtaahkaaʾišwóʾ.
Then he said: "Now from here you (pl) go home!
wah číkuʾ niikohnatuutaaníštA.
Now I do not know what I am going to do.
naahtehkuusiráxaʾ štoh.
I might bring her back."

xaátš nootuhnaanáwi tsu tinaákUx wiiteešútš nootiraawiíNAt.
Dogs then they stopped but this young man then he went angrily.
He overtook them (du).
nootuunawíhAt tinaákUx wiiteešútš.
Then he got ahead this young man.
na inoowitíʾ wáh.
And there it was an elk!

noowitiwískaʾ aateewaníkA.
Then he wanted 'that I shoot at it.'
weNAhkuuwaníkA číkuʾ nuukuwitaniišúʾAt.
When he shot at it, the arrow went somewhere else (ie glanced off).
kukanawituhnu- kaaʾišwóʾ.
It did not pen- etrate it at all.
It would not pierce it.

tiwehnaraanátA tiwehnaraanátA witohnuništaaNIsuúwot.
Following them, following them he used up his arrows.
Then they (du) went on top (a hill).
There there was a valley.
There was a lake.
That is where they were headed.

wah číkuʾ niiNAhkUsuuxaáNA tinaákUx wiiteešútš we-
Now whatever he did this young man, when
NAhkuunaWIháku naahtakúʾU číkuʾ kanawitiinawiteeriwóʾ.
he headed her off his wife she paid no attention to him.
weNUstatataátA tinaákUx a čiišaáʾA wáh.
As she followed him this one, and here it was an elk!

tinaákUx wáh noowitIhaʾuúkUt.
This elk then it went in the water.
nuu noowitI- haʾiíšAt suúnaaxuʾ haáwaʾ.
There then she went into the water the young woman also.
They (du) went underwater.

wiiteešútš noowiteečitstáʾ wehnačikAxuukaataʾaáhNA.
The young man then he cried while he was at the edge of the water crying.
uu noowitikatiisiʾá.
Oh, then it became dark.
wewitAheešAhíštA noowiteehawaátaʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
When it was going to be morning, then she came to the surface the young woman
noowitiwaákoʾ wetiNAxkukaaʾiišátA.
Then she said: "You must go home!
kaakíʾ  štoh NIskuutíRA.
We can- not be together again
wetiraačitéʾ niiwenátkUx.
It is difficult where I now am.
nawáh natsú šuúxAt.
Now but go on!
tatuuxičinaanuúʾU natuuxIskáʾA aasihkaaʾiš- wáNA.
I was in a hurry when I wanted that we go home.
You did not heed me.
wah wetuutAxítIt niikana- naatuuxIskáʾA aaxuútA.
Now it has happened what I did not want for it to be.
wah áriišIt tAxuhnáʾA.
Now yourself you are the cause.
wah šuúxAt.
Now go!

wah tsu číkuʾ niiNAxkuWIskáʾA -- naawiinakuúnuʾ naraáčI
"Now but whatever you want -- the warpath the ways
na takaraáhNIš naraáčI -- taanikutAxihwísaʾ.
and hunting the ways -- you come right here.
šitAxkuh- naaʾiitáWI číkuʾ niiNAxkuWIskáʾa.
You tell us (du) whatever you want.

wah tiwenapsiʾátA nuu naawiRIstaʾaanuuxí- tIt
"Now after winter passes, then when it begins to become summer
neešiinanuuwáʾ uukawítš na thuneepiínuʾ na xúhtš.
you'll bring them to me a dress and belt and moccasins.
tiiháʾ neešiiroósI.
Here you will lay them.
Bring them for me!

wah tsu wešineešiitiráxtA suúnaaxuʾ.
"Now but you will be together with her a young woman.
niitinatuutuúʾA nikukooxuútuʾ.
As I am she will be thus.
It is not going to be long.

wah šuúxAt.
"Now go!

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitaawiroosawáʾ.
This young man so he hastened to gather his things.
Then he came home.
nuu witawísaʾ niišohnaanuuNUxakaá- WI.
There he arrived where their (du) lodge was.
He gathered things.
noo xaátš witiiraanúʾAt.
Then dogs there they were sitting.
noowitootaaksiráxaʾ xaátš wehnuutIhtakUhuNAsaawaahpíhA.
Then he brought them the dogs as he loaded up his gear.

nuu witaWIsáʾ niikohnatoxtaakítAt niikohnuuxi- túhkUx.
There he arrived wherever our village was wherever the village was.
noowitiwísAt híNAx.
Then he arrived at night.
He entered.
noowi- tohníʾus.
Then he lay down.
Everyone was now sleeping.
tákuʾ kanawituhneesiíšuʾ wehnaaWIsá.
No one knew it when he returned.
Then he put things away.

na witAheešáʾ hiʾáxti na šáxtiʾ itáhniʾ
And morning came his father and his mother, sisters
wehnaraaniriwátAt noowitiišá anináʾU wiiteešútš.
when they arose there he lay the one young man.

parúNIt šuxtaahnaaniriwátAt.
"Quickly get up!
hásI tineeriwiíkUx taakáxtš.
Look, here is a pile dried meat.
He must have brought it here
skurúxuʾ číkuʾ wetehnáʾAt.
Our daughter-in-law she must have gone somewhere.
naahkukaaʾiíšAt niina- nuunakaáWI šáxtiʾ.
She must have gone home where her home is her mother."
That is what they were each saying.

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiiriwátAt.
This young man then he arose.
noowitiwaákoʾ skurúxuʾ tišiNAxtAxwé wekaákiʾ.
Then he said: "Daughter-in-law the one you (pl) seek she is not.
taaniku- wetuutAxítIt šitiNAhunáhAs.
This is what has happened: they eloped.
wáh tuhnáʾA wenikunátA sápat.
An elk it is the cause its taking mine woman.
na taanikuneewaákoʾ.
And this is what she said
áriišIt tatuhnáʾA.
Myself I am the cause.
tuuxIskáʾ parúNIt aasehkaaʾišwaʾá.
She wanted quickly that we come home.
kanee- neetuúta.
I did not do it.
kutikuroočehwáNIt NAhnaaWIhkaʾaáhNA.
It delayed me my hunting.
číkuʾ nookaa- kiraačitéʾ NItkukawooruutikú.
It was not at all difficult for me to kill all kinds.
I liked that.
I was getting to like it."

wah taanikunuutAxítIt wetiíkUx.
"Now this is what happened: she lives there.
wetIhá- kUx nuu nawaanaáhkUx.
She lives in the water there where the hills are clustered."
witIhunaa- niitáWI.
He told the place.
nikutiíhiʾ niiwenaákUx.
"That is where it is where she is.

na taanikuneewaákoʾ koxkuhnáʾ uukawítš
"And this is what she did say: 'You will bring it to me a dress,
xúhtš na thuneepiínuʾ.
moccasins, and a belt.
weNAhunaananitawaah- nuuxukú naawiRIstaʾaanuuxukú nikukooxuutunaánuʾ.
When the weather usu- ally gets warm when it usually gets hot that will be the time.

wah tsu áxkUx wešiineešiitiráxtA áxkUx sápat.
"'Now but one you (du) will be together one (another) woman.
niitinatuutuúʾA nikukooxuútuʾ.
Just as I am (ie as I look) that is how she will be.
It is not going to be a long time.'"

wah nikunoowituutAxítIt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ niku- nooWIšitiitiRAxítIt.
Now that is what happened: this young woman then those (du) began to be together.
nikunoowituútuʾ áxkUx.
Then she looked like that one one.

wah wenaawiRIstaʾaanuuxukú weNAhunaananitaʾaanuuxukú
Now when it usually gets warm when the land gets warm
wenakataahkaawaahUxukú wenaakoowiRIstáʾU tinaákUx wiiteešútš
when the green grass comes up when it was hot this young man
noowiteekiráxAt naawiinakuúnuʾ na wewitiraná uukawítš na
then he led them (on) the warpath and he had them a dress and
xúhtš na thuneepiínuʾ niiwenawaákA awít šinuxtíRA.
moccasins and a belt what she said formerly the one he had been with.
Then they went.
nuu aniiháʾ nikuwitiRAhwísAt.
There right there that is where they arrived.

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitíʾAt.
This young man then he went.
wah tsu taa- tuuxUhuúNAt.
"Now but right now let me go for a while!
I will look around."
nuu nuukunoo- witíʾAt niiʾAhnačiWAhaáhkUx.
There then he went there where the lake was.

noowitiwaákoʾ tiweneešiniinoswá niiNAxuxwaákA.
Then he said: "Here are your things what you said."

Then she surfaced.
noowitiwaákoʾ wetAxkoosšteéRAt.
Then she said: "You have pleased me.
atsú wenuúʾUt niiNAxuxWIskáʾA.
But now it is thus what you wanted.
wekaakoonaačiteewaah- núxtA.
Nothing is going to be difficult for you.
číkuʾ niiNAxkuraaNAxweétA nikukooxuúʾUt.
Whatever you go to seek it will be thus."

nawáh noowitutuuʾiítIt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
Now then she went underwater this young woman.
tsu tinaákUx noowitikaaʾiíšAt niiwenaraanoótA wenihtíRA.
but this one then he went back where they were camped the ones with him.

wah nikuwituúta wehnaačeewaahú.
Now that is what he did while he counted coups on them.
nootiʾá neešaánuʾ.
Then he became a chief.
nikunoowitiítunahNIšítIt wehnaraanuhkoóčI wehnaranaáhNA
Then he began to have the village, his having everything his having them
xaawaarúxtiʾ hiʾáxtiʾ wešohnaranaáhNA.
horses, his father their (du) having them.

wah nikuwitiíhiʾ.
Now this is where it was.
This is what happened
kaaka- tuhneesiíšuʾ kUšiʾeenaaʾiitúxU sáhniš na
I do not know if it is their story Arikaras or
wiitatshaánuʾ na káNIt.
Hidatsas, or Mandans.
I never found out.