XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Origin of the

Hidatsa Crazy Dog Society

Alfred Morsette

wiitatshaánuʾ kUšiteenaaʾiítUx.
The Hidatsas they own the story.
tiwenatunaaʾiitštáNI tatuuxAtkookUxuúkuʾ wenatsuxkaákUx kuNAhúx.
This that I will tell I used to hear it when I was his son-in-law the old man.
nikutikunuuNUxtaʾít tsu niikooNUsuuxuúʾIt wiitatshaánuʾ
He told me this, but whatever they were like the Hidatsas
AhnuuxunuuwaáWI AhnuuxIhtakUhunuuwaáWI tiihéʾ
when they went about when they moved about as a group here
niineetUhkatákUx aniNAhunaanúʾa.
Washburn where the land is.
niikohniíhiʾ nikuwi- tuuxitunaáhkUx wiitatshaánuʾ.
Wherever it was that is where their villages were Hidatsas.

wiiteešútš šinikoosštáWI čiitíʾIš witanuhnaánuʾ itáhniʾ
A young man one they esteemed four his numbered his sisters,
na šáxtiʾ hiʾáxtiʾ.
and his mother, his father.
witanuunaaNIhuúʾU sšúxuʾ.
He had many relatives.
WIšitiiNAsíštA tinaákUx wiiteešútš na AhnuuNIsaNIšé
They esteemed him this young man, and he was handsome,
šinehkutkawaakaroóku kaxkataʾiítuʾ na wiinaaNUxkaʾiítuʾ.
their making things for him leggings beaded on the sides and a shirt fringed with scalp hair.
witunaahiwá NAhkuwanú.
It was nice when he went around.

wituxtaanaaNIšuúkuʾ noowitaahkatáʾAt.
He always used to do it then he went up a hill in the distance.
witiwaákUx NAhkučitákUx NAhkureewaawatíRA.
There was a ill where he sat on top as he looked all around.
They prepared a meal.
nooWIšitih- káxaʾ.
Then they called him.
He ate.
They combed his hair.
štoh noowi- tikatáʾAt weNAhkučitákUx weNAhkuúkUx weNAhkureewaawatíRA.
Again then he went up to sit on top where he sat to look all around.
witsakuuniíšAt noowiteetawiraáʾ.
It was sunset; then he came down.
na nikuwituutaánuʾ.
And he was doing that.

wah niikooNAsákuuʾU wehnačitákUx noowiteé- ʾaʾ kásuʾ.
Now whatever day it was when he sat on top, then it came flying a meadowlark.
noowitiwiítIt wiináxtš weeNUtčiríkUx.
Then it alighted (lit sat down) the boy as he looked at it.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx níkUs šitikiináʾ nataakuhnaa- ʾiitawíhA
Then it said this bird: "They sent me for me to tell you
niikooNUtkaahunaánuʾ tinakaahunaáhkUx NAhunuu- waáWI
wherever the earth is this earth the ones going around
niininoohaaníčI wetohnaaNAhíštA tiihéʾ
the ones who are angry (and bite) they are going to come to fight here
tiši- naaxakawooruutikú NAhnunáhtš AxkaáʾA wáh niinooNAhkuúʾU.
these that you (pl) kill deer, antelope, elk, various kinds.
Those are the ones that do not like it.
Now they are going to come to fight.
wetaraakuNAhatčíštA kuúNUx niinooNAhkuúʾU wáh
Now they are going to kill you (pl) the bears, different kinds elks,
niininoohaaníčI kananii- naawiʾiiruhkoóčI.
the ones that bite the ones that are fierce.
wetooNAhWIsAhíštA iitiNAxtaakítAt.
They are going to come to attack here where your village is.

wah šuuxuneehaáNIt.
"Now be ready!
nikuwešitikuhnaaʾiitáWI tiwenatiína nuuneskoóhAt níkUs nakUxuhkaátUx.
They told me that when I came there (in) the sky birds the ones flying in the sky.
niku- wešitikuhnaaʾiitáWI nataakuhnaaʾiitawíhA NAxkuhneésš.
That is what they told me for me to tell you for you to know it.
wah witiišuxtaakawíreehAs tiNAxtaNAhnaanoótA ačitaánuʾ.
Now ready yourselves you (pl) sitting here (as) a tribe!
Build a palisade!
čiitíʾIš nakuNAhwiraanuúʾA.
Four let there be rows.
šuxtaahniš- karoókuʾ.
Make arrows!
kaakiraačeéʾA naakuNAhWIsá.
It won't be long their coming to fight."

Then it flew up.
áxkUx wiiteešútš noowitiiriwátAt.
One young man then he arose.
Then he went down.
He ate a meal.
noowiteesšúnahAs niišoh- niisuxtaaʾiitawíhA.
Then he forgot what they had told him.

na tAheéšaʾ štoh noowitiwiítIt weNAhkučitá- kUx.
And morning came again then he sat down where he sat on top.
nuu noowiteewísaʾ.
There then it arrived.
níkUs wekuwitíʾ.
The bird it was the same one.

noowitiwaákoʾ wekaakAxunaaʾít niinatuxwaákA.
Then it said: "You did not tell what I said.
wah šuuxičinaanuúna.
Now hurry!
wah niinatoosuxtaaʾiitawíhA nakuutAhnaaʾii- tawíhA šuuxičinaanuúna.
Now what I told you to tell them hurry!
štoh itiína nookaneešuhnaa- kaáNA niinatoxtaaʾiitaWIhú wah
Again if I come then if you do not do it what I told you, now
wetaraahnaanunáhAs čituúʾuʾ.
you (pl) will die all."

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowititawiraáʾAt.
This young man then he went down.
wah niinuu- taánu nootiiNAsšúNAhat weNAhkUhaakawáʾAs čeésuʾ.
Now as he had been doing then he forgot after he ate too.

wah štoh witAheéšaʾ nootikatáʾAt niiʾAhnawii- tikú weNAhkučitákUx.
Now again morning came then he went up where he was sitting down where he would sit on top.
Then it came flying.
wekuwitíʾ níkUs.
It was the same one bird.

noowitiwaákoʾ wetAxtaanoóxAt.
Then it said: "You have failed.
tiíNI nikunoowetiraa- hatúhkA tiwenatiína.
Now this is the last time my coming here.
wah štoh wekaakatiiNAhíštA nataakoosšxeeráʾU.
Now again I am not going to come for me to remind you.
wah šuuxičinaanuúʾU niiwenatuxwaákA.
Now hurry as I have said!"

tinaákUx wiiteešútš noowitiírut čeewáʾut.
This young man then he picked it up sage.
noowitikataʾús iiʾAhnotkareewaápI.
Then he laid it against where his braids were.
He went down.
He ate.

noowitiwaákoʾ atinás tičé nuúʾUt aniweNAxii- sitkáWI čeewáʾut.
Then she said: My brother, why is it our putting it in your (braids) sage?"

wewitiwaákoʾ– heeʾ wetAxkuWIsxáNIt.
Now he said:– "Yes, you have reminded me.
wetatiiraanuu- waawáNIt pítkUx.
I have failed in the ways twice.
tiíNI nikuwetiraahatúhkA.
Now this is the final time.
čeewáʾut tiwenatiisitkáWI tikoosšuNAhaásuʾ.
Sage this that I have in mine it reminds me.
Now you have reminded me.

níkUs tikuhnaaʾiitáWI.
"A bird it told me.
kásuʾ tiwaákoʾ witii- šuxtaakawíreehAs tiNAxtAhnaanoótA
A meadowlark it said: 'Ready yourselves you living here
ačitaánuʾ wiitatshaánuʾ.
tribe Hidatsa!
wetaraahnaanunahAsíštA nookaneešuhnaakaáNA niiwešinikuhnaa-
You are going to die if you do not do what they have
ʾiitawíhA nataakuhnaahnaaʾiitawíhA.
told me for me to tell you (pl).
wah– šuxtaakičinaanuúna.
Now– hurry!
parúNIt šuxtaahnaáhWI.
Quickly put up a palisade!
čiitíʾIš nakuNAhwiraanuúʾA.
Four let there be rows.
wah šuxtaahniškaroókuʾ.
Now make arrows!
wetohnaaNAhíštA niikooNUtkaahunaánuʾ tinakaahunuuwaáWI niinihwirinoosíčI.
They are going to come to fight wherever the earth is these living here the fiercest ones.
kuwetuNAhwiʾúʾ niitiNAxtaakitúhkUx.
They are headed for it where your village is here.
You are going to be killed.
wah nikutatiínaʾ nataakuhnaaʾiitawíhA.
Now I have come thus for me to tell you.'

níkUs tuutAhnáʾA tuuNAhnakunuu- waáWI čeésuʾ.
"The bird it is the cause of them those of us who are living ourselves."

hiʾáxtiʾ noowitiWAhtikUxítIt.
His father then he began to announce it.
a nikunoowitIsá noowitinaáhWI.
And then this is what they did: then they put up a palisade.
Then it went around the village.
wah čiitíʾIš wewituNAhwiraánuʾ.
Now four there were rows.
wah noowitiniškarookUxítIt.
Now, then they began to make arrows.

Now the village was ready.
witiraaneehaáʾAs niiNAh- kuúkUx niiNAhkukatákUx.
Everything was ready where each one sat where he sat against it.

nawáh wah tsu tuunaakaáWI xaátš akaánuʾ tuuhéʾ tunee-
Now, now but that lodge Dog Den there there
waákUx wehnaraahUhtačipiiruútIt.
is a butte there where they all gathered together.

sčiRIhtšuneešaánuʾ noowitiwaákoʾ wah tsu kanaaxtíʾAt
Coyote Chief then he said: "Now but I won't go
niiweNAxuhnaaNAhwó anineetúhkUx niiweNAxuhnaaNAhwó
where you're going to attack that village, where you are going to attack
iinee- túhkUx saNIštaapé.
that village human being.
tatinihtawéʾ áxkUx natsuxkaa- paatštíRA.
I have among them one one whom I blessed.
He is my child.
šuuteéRIt niRAhkos- čiísU nikútiʾ.
When you see him if he's painted white all over he is the one.
He is my child.

wah suxtaakuneehaáNIt.
"Now be ready!
He will kill you.
kooxee- raahnásIt.
He will shoot you.
kutatihnáʾ wiiteešútš.
He is my child the young man.
kutiraačítA kaakátskaʾ NAtkutawé.
That is the reason I do not want for me to be among them."

aa tsu wetarinuʾá.
"Ah, but you are afraid."
They ridiculed him.

tiraaNAxwíʾaxIt kuúNUx niinooNAhkuúʾU niinihwirinoosíčI tanáhaʾ.
They started out bears different kind the fierce ones buffalos.
tohnaánaʾ niiʾAhneetunaáhkUx wiitatshaánuʾ.
They came to fight where the villages were clustered Hidatsa.
Then it became foggy.

atsú tuunaákUx sčiRIhtšuneešaánuʾ nootuunuhtapáNIt.
But that other one Coyote Chief then he scurried.
Then he circled around quickly.
witiwísAt niitineetunaáh- kUx wiitatshaánuʾ.
He arrived here where these villages were clustered Hidatsa.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah tatiínaʾ číkuʾ nataakunuhnaakaáNA.
Then he said: "Now I have come for me to do something for you.
wah wetohnaánaʾ niitiNAxtaakítAt.
Now they are coming to attack here where your village is.
They will count coups on you.
nawáh– wah– tsu– nikutatiínaʾ číkuʾ nataakuhnaakIštatatoóhAt.
Now,– now– but– I have come thus to help you (pl) in some way.
wah šištaahnanaʾaáhuʾ čeewáʾut.
Now you (pl) be bringing it sage!"

Then they made a fire.
uu šuxtaakahIhníkuʾ.
"Oh, be building the fire!"

čeewáʾut wenehkuraniWIsá noowitiraaNAhuuNIsku- kawíʾAt niitiiʾAhnakáʾIt.
The sage after they brought it then they passed it over the fire where the fire was.
a noo nikuwitíʾIt niiʾAhniškaroóku.
And then they were the ones where they were making arrows.
wah tinaroósI nikuwitihwaaRUxtiiNIhuúʾU.
Now these they were the holiest ones.
AxkiísAt nuu nootiwiʾuúhAt.
When you shoot him there then he falls over (dead).
He bloats up.

noowitiRAsaʾuúkUt kuúNUx wehnaRAhkatoókUt niinihwiri-
Then they arrived for battle the bears when they went against it, the fierce
noosíčI tanáhaʾ.
ones the buffalos.
It was the outer palisade.
witiiNAh- wíRIt.
They knocked it down.
wah tsu weWIšitiinapaníkuʾ.
Now but they were now shooting them.
tsu tinaákUx wiítA naRAhkosčiísU weNAhkutaátA
But this man the one painted white all over after he had gone up
niitiʾAhnaakaáWI akanaanataáʾuʾ hawá witiwiináhAt weNAhkoowaníkA.
here where a lodge was earth lodge, also he knocked it down when he shot it.

wah áxkUx wewituNAhwiʾiíWIs.
Now one (palisade) it remained upright.
nootikAxaahU- xítIt niikóhnoʾ kuúNUx a niikóhnoʾ wáh
Then it began to call whatever it was a bear or whether it was an elk:
wah naahuunéʾ wetatakuraahnuuwaʾá.
"Now so far they have wounded us.
aninataʾaáhNA nikutúhnaʾ wenatakuraačé.
The one on the lodge he is the cause the one striking us.
wah naahuunéʾ toxtaaNAhkatáhAt číkuʾ niiʾitanuhnaakaáNA.
Now (before any) further let's get away before we do anything!
wekaakatakuhnaa- NAhuNIšáwihAt.
They have killed a lot of us!"

nootiRAhkatáhAt kuúNUx tanáhaʾ niinooNAhkuúʾU niinihwirinoosíčI.
Then they retreated bears, buffalos, all different kinds the ones that were fierce.

atsú tinaaríčI sčiRIhtšuneešaánuʾ wituhniikawaakároʾ.
But this Coyote Chief he washed himself.
nootuunuuxItpaNItkúx niiweNAhkoótA.
Then he ran back where he went.

tsu tiwenaRAhWIswó niinaakaáWI xaatš akaánuʾ
But when they were arriving where the lodge was Dog Den
wehnihwaa- RUxtiiwaahnú wewitinihnaNAhuunuúku
as they were acting holy as they were doctoring each other
wehniinaNAhwaaruusakú weNAhkuraʾaanú
where they had been wounded where it was hurting
niišiNIhkuhwaníkA wehniNAhnaahiwaarikú kunaáʾuʾ
where they had been shot when they were being made well medicine,
iwitiíkUx kuúNUx.
there he sat a bear.
kuNAhúx witíʾ.
An old man he was.

a noowitiwáčiʾ wah nikuwetAxuhnaasíštA.
And then they said "Now you will be the one to watch for him.
taatAsíš tinakaaʾaáhNA sčiRIhtšuneešaánuʾ
I think this one going around inside Coyote Chief
nikutuhnáʾA tiwenatakuraa- kuNAhátkA.
that one is the cause of our being killed.
wah wetunaawiítIt inooneeWIsá.
Now it will be his way if he comes.
wah weši- tsihkootíštA.
Now we will kill him.
wah suxtaakuneeNAhaaNAhuúʾU.
Now be ready!
Be ready!
You are holy.
tákuʾ niikóhnoʾ sáhniš nooneekhaáʾU wešitsihkootíštA.
Whoever it is a human if he has its odor, we are going to kill him."

kuúNUx wewitiíkUx AhnaRAhwaahú sčiríhtš.
The bear he sat there when they were coming the coyotes.
noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ.
Then he said: "No.

šeeweniíʾU sčiRIhtšuneešaánuʾ wenuxtAxUhunoóku či
The main one Coyote Chief the one who was fighting here
weešaahkúxIt skhuúʾ WAhúx.
he picked it up a mushy one squash!
ničiíšuʾ wituh- nanéš.
Corn it was mixed with it.
heeʾ wah kuNAhúx tatohnáʾ tinaákUx číkuʾ nehkoosškhaása.
"Yes, now, old man, I have brought this one for you to taste it."
noowituutIškatáWI WAhúx.
Then he put it in his hand the squash.

tsu tinaákUx kuúNUx noowiteeNIšítIt wehnáʾA WAhúx.
But this bear then he began to eat it when he ate the squash.
noowiteesšuNAhát niišohniisuxtaaʾiitawíhA.
Then he made him forget what they had told him.

hee Axtóh naakuhthaneéRA atíštIt wetikuwá.
"Hey, certainly its tasting so good nice I now feel.
uu tákuʾ kaakuxwanúʾ.
Oh, there was no one around.
áriišIt tAxuhnaahnaáNIt noo- NAxkuhnaaNAhwó.
Yourself it is your fault your going to fight them.
kaakuuNUxtaahé niiwenaakuhnaaNAhuunuúʾA.
It was not good what they did to you."

kuúNUx nikučiišanuhneesiíšuʾ.
The bear here that one knew!
hawá nikuwitíʾ niišapanikú.
Also he was the one his shooting them.
tsu weWIšitiitUhčituuʾá.
But they (du) now got together.

tsu hawá tačé nóxtA.
"But also who might it be?
tákuʾ kaakiwanúʾ.
There is no one around.
atíštIt wetikukaawačiíta.
Nicely I've become full.
kaakAxihthané WAhúx.
It tastes really good the squash!"
That is what he was saying.
nawáh wah taanikuwituutAxítIt.
Now, now this is what happened.

wah tinaákUx wešiniitísš nooWIšiteenuh- kaáraʾ sčiríhtš.
Now this one when they learned of it, then they sent him out the coyote.
"Go on!
tiiháʾ kaakíʾ NAxkukaa- ʾaáhNA Ištóh.
Here you cannot stay inside again.
wah niišuxtawéʾ niiNAxuuNUxaakiiWIsú.
Now be among them those whom you sided with!"

noowiteéʾaʾ sčiríhtš.
Then he came the coyote.

nikuwitiraačítA Ahnuxtaatawé neekakUxpíNUx
That is the reason the way being among them Doorway songs
NIhkuhnaasštawaáWI híNAx xaátš.
their watching over things at night the dogs.

tinaraaʾiitUxtoósI nikutíʾIt naaNIščiwákuʾ nesčíri xaátš
These songs they are the ones the Fox society, Fox Way the dogs
NIhkuhnaasštawaáWI paatúh kana- naakuRAhWIswaáhu
when they watch over things the enemy that they do not come close
niitiNAxtaakitUhnaáhkUx NIhkuraakawaakarookú híNAx.
"here where your villages are clustered" while they are singing at night.
wah taanikuwitiraačítA wiitatshaánuʾ– xoosakhuúnuʾ– tininaataraʾoohú.
Now this is the reason the Hidatsas– Crazy Dog– the one they always talk about.
wah taanikutiráʾ naaʾiitUxwiitatshaánuʾ.
Now this is the story a Hidatsa story.