XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Man with the Broken Leg

and the Scalped Man

Alfred Morsette

I'm going to tell a story.
tiraaʾiitUxtaáNIš Ahnuuxunuu- waáWI nuuwehnaahtakuwaʾá.
It is a true story when they traveled around there when they migrated this way.
niikohnií- hiʾ kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ AhniihiíʾU šuúhuniʾ tinatskatAhká-
Wherever it was I do not know, if it was here on this side of
ʾU na AhniihiíʾU tuunačiisúhAt tuuNAhunaanoótA
the river or if it was the other river the other land
hunaahkoohaáhkAt AhnuuxunuuwaaWIhú naawiinakuúnuʾ.
the north when they used to go around (on) the warpath.

noowitiraáNAt wiiteešútš niikohnuhnaánuʾ wehna- raanátA naawiinakuúnuʾ.
Then they went young men however many there were when they went (on) the warpath.
anuuháʾ a čiišanaa- niRAxá číkuʾ pakúhtuʾ
There and here they had gone in the lead some time ago
NAhkuraanátA haáwaʾ.
when they went also.
wah nii- kohnuhnaánuʾ nuu wehnaraanátA nuu niiwekoh-
Now how- ever many they were there when they went there however
niitakáwe noowitiRAhwísAt.
many days they had spent then they arrived.
noowitihUshaa- nutúhAt.
There was a creek valley.
noowituhnunaniwá AhnawaraawaáWI.
There it was nice land there being trees all over.
It was rolling land.

wah taanikiitooxUhuhnaahnaanúʾAt.
"Now let us camp here for a while!
na neeteeraa- póʾ.
And we will then go on.
čikiitooxUhuhtaahnaaNAxweekáʾIt číkuʾ witinakuu- taNAxtaáhNA.
Let us go looking for things for a while that we will have some food for ourselves!"

nikunoowitsá noowitiinakánoʾ aka- naanuútuʾ.
Then that is what they did: then they made a lodge a willow shelter.
Then they readied everything.
noowitinaaNAhuu- wísAt.
Then they com- pleted it.
noowiteekaNIhuúʾU AhnaraaNIhuúNU wiiteešútš.
It was a big lodge there being many young men.
áxkUx nátš wehniiNAsačiwaapiíNA witeenunuhkáʾIt.
One wood after they had gathered it they had a fire.
nehkunaaʾiiwaawaátI tiwehnaRAhčirikáʾU uu witikatistátAt.
As they were telling stories while they remained awake, oh, it was dark.
noohníʾ tsUhiihtapaáhtuʾ.
There was a fine rain.
It rained.

noowitiwaákoʾ nehčítA ka číkuʾ kananiičiraáhkUx– tstoóxuʾ.
Then he said leader: "Is not there any– water?"

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx taroosíhUx aráh číkuʾ kaakiči- raáhkUx.
Then he said this errand man: "Say, there is not any water.
noowetUtčiraánuʾ.– čiraátoʾ ítAt.
It is all gone.– Let me go!
naahtakUhuukaa- taʾiíšAt iinačiisúhAt niinahUsAhaanoótA.
I might go to the river bank where the river is where the valley is."

na wiítA noowititawiraáʾAt.
And the man then he went down.
noowitiroswaakároʾ kanítš.
Then he picked them up stones.
nehkUhuunukaaraʾaáhu witikatistátAt.
As he was throwing them up, it was dark.
kaakuh- neesiíšuʾ niiʾAhnačísA.
He did not know where the water was.
noowititstawaáhnaʾ wehnačiiniwíhA.
Then the water made a sound when it struck the water.
nuu nuukunoowitíʾAt.
There then that is where he went.
noowiteehUshaanúʾaʾ Ahnátswo.
There a creek came the water flowing.

tinaaríčI wewituxčiraawíštA anuuháʾ oo-
This one now he was about to dip water over there by
kátAt AhnaʾaahkáWI.
the edge of the bank where the bank was.
noowitiwaákoʾ axiči- raawít aniihéʾ.
Then he said: "Don't dip water there!
anuú kiišuúxAt skaweéraaʾuʾ.
There go on to the west!
nuuku- tuhtsé.
There the water is better.
niiháʾ niiʾaninaaxaríčI paátuʾ AhnootičiíʾIs niiʾaninátswo.
There there where you stand blood there just is fluid where the water is flowing.
tiíNI tiku- raakuNAhát.
Here they killed us.
anineeroswá wenikuraakawooruutíkA.
They are lying all around their having killed us."

wewituutAxáRIt tinaaríčI wiináxtš AhnuxtakIsá- tA.
Now he stood there this boy the one who went after water.
noowitíʾAt niiʾAhnawaaWIhtikú.
Then he went where he was talking.

witiwaákoʾ čee aráh pakúhtuʾ tatištaahnaánaʾ naa- wiinakuúnuʾ.
Then he said: "Why, say, long ago we came (on) the warpath.
weneetuxtaNAhkaaʾiíšAt na neekuraahnaanunáx a neekuraaNAxUhuúnoʾ.
We were going home and they found us and then we had a battle
atsú neekukaaxápIt.
But my leg broke.
šikaakikuraa- húnoʾ.
They did not scalp me.
atsú neekukaaxápIt.
But my leg broke.
kutiraačítA tina- tákUx.
That's the reason my sitting here in the water.
neeneetikUxpaána niitinátkUx.
I hid here where I am sitting."

aa hawáh koxteeraawíhAt.
"Ah, now, I will lift you onto my back.
I'll take you."

tatuhneesiíšuʾ tiNAxinaahnaána.
"I know when you (pl) came.
You began talking.
neetuhneesiíšuʾ tiweNAxihtakIsá.
I knew your coming after water here.
neetískaʾ inoo- ʾikiišeétA oopiínuʾ koxtotkáxaʾ.
I thought if you were to go over there a different place I will call you.
tatoonaakItkawoókuʾ tiNAxtapaaWIhtikú.
I am hearing you (pl) what you (pl) are speaking."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah síšWA.
Then he said: "Now let us go!"

Then he put him on his back.
He lifted him onto his back.
nooWIšitiwísWA niiʾAhnaakaáWI niiʾAhnaRAh- kaáWI.
Then they (du) arrived inside where the lodge was where they were inside.

witiwaákoʾ taaneešuuxUhúhkUx.
He said: "You sit here awhile!
Let me tell them!
They might shoot us.
číkuʾ – paatúh oopiínuʾ teeNAxíʾ.
'Some– enemy different you must be.'
tsuuxAhnaaʾiitáWI iinaRAhkaáWI.
Let me tell them those inside!"

nuu witičiraNAhuúkAt tstoóxuʾ.
There he took it inside the water.
They each drank.
They roasted a rib over the fire.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaaríčI taroosíhUx tátskaʾ číkuʾ aata- waákA tiNAxtAhnaanoótA.
Then he said this errand man: "I want that I say something you (pl) here.
nootatískaʾ aatoohneésš.
I just want that I find out.
wah šuxtaapáčiʾ.
Now say it!
ka NAxtaákIt wiítA nakuraahukoósU.
Are you men valorous?"

heeʾ kaNAhnakunuuwaawíštA kanaʾaatiraakíčI wiítA.
"Yes, we would not be going all around if we were not men.
nikutiraačítA nataraakunuuwaáWI wiítA NAhnaa- kíčI.
That is the reason our going around men our being.
tičé nuúʾUt.
What is it?"

hawáh nikutátskaʾ aatoóhneesš.
"Alright, that is what I wanted that I know."

noowitiihuunaWIsítIt štoh.
Then he quickly went out again.
noowiteetakUxtA- huúkaʾ anináʾU wiítA AhnakaaxapiísU.
Then he came in carrying him on his back that one man the one with the broken leg.

wah tinaákUx kutataraákIt.
"Now this one he is one of us."

nooWIšititkaxtareewaápI nátš wešohnihkatoósA wešohniitIsawíhA
Then they tied up his leg a stick when they braced it when they doctored him,
tinaákUx nehčítA wehniiNAhuunuúʾA kunaáʾuʾ wehnihkaxkAhuukawaakaráʾU.
this leader when he doctored him medicine when he applied it to his leg.

nawáh wewitiRIšaatItkatáWI wehnihwaawáʾA.
Now, he now roasted a rib their eating.
wewitihwaawaa- NIšítIt.
Now they began to eat.
noowitunaaʾiitihUxítIt tinaákUx wenakaa- xapiísU
Then he began to tell the story this the one with the broken leg:
wetatuxtaakaaʾišwóʾ niinataraakítAt.
"We were going home where our village is.
witiinehnaNAhnaanunuuwaanáx sanánat.– neekuraaNAxUhuúna.– noo-
We found each other Sioux.– We battled.– Then
tiʾiinoswá tinahUshaanoótA niinikuraaNAxUhuunaáNA.
there were dead bodies lying all around this coulee where we battled.
They broke my leg
Then I ran into the water
I hid.
anineeRAxá táWIt anuuhnaanuúʾA táWIt.
There are lying in the water three, (I think) their numbering three.
nakukUxoókUt noošitihkoótIt.
If he jumped in the water then they killed him.
wah nikutíʾIt aniwenatswó paátuʾ NUtčii- neéšI.
Now they are the ones there where it flows the blood its being mixed in the water."

wah witAheéšaʾ.
Now morning came.
noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx nehčítA šeeniinačitawíʾU nátš šikooxohnoswaáWI.
Then he said this leader the main leader: "Wood they'll leave it for you.
taakáxtš neeraaNIhuúʾU.
Dried meat there is a lot.
na tsástš.– tstoóxuʾ šinotčiranoswaá- WI.
And meat.– Water they will leave it for you.
wah weneetAhnapóʾ na nuuʾAhnapIswó niinata- raakítAt
Now we are going and when we arrive there where our village is
neešiituutAhnaaʾiitáWI niikuNAxuutaakIsšú xáx na haáʾAx.
we will tell them the ones you are related to your mother and your father.
Then they will come after you."

nawáh nikunooWIšitihnaanoswaáWI nátš tstoóxuʾ
Now, then those were the things they put down for him, wood, water,
tsástš taakáxtš.
meat, dried meat.
nawáh wetAhnapóʾ.
"Now, we are going now."
anuú nootiraáNAt.
There then they went.
They started out.

Then it was a long time.
tákuʾ kanawiteeWIsaáhu.
No one was coming there
wehna- čirikaʾaáNA wewitunaanoohAswóʾ nátš hawá
When he awoke his supplies were shrinking wood, also
tstoóxuʾ na taakáxtš AhnuxtsawaáWI.
water, and dried meat that that was hanging.
čituúʾuʾ noowitunaanoohAswanúʾ.
All then his supplies were dwindling.

huu áxkUx wewituuníWIs.
Oh, one (piece of dried meat) there now remained.
Then he took it down.
Then he began to roast it.
nátš noowewitanuhnaanúhtA haáwaʾ.
Wood then his (supply) was going to be depleted also.

tiwehnáʾA noowituuniíwit.
After he ate then he left a piece.
wah hináxtIt koxteéʾa.
"Now in the morning I'll eat it."
tinaákUx neesaWIhaáhniniʾ noowitikaáWI taakáxtš.
This one under the pillow then he put it under dried meat.

wah hináxtIt koxteehaakawáʾAs.
"Now in the morning I will eat.
wah wetAxku- riWAhteekootíštA inoó tákuʾ kaneešihWIsá
Now you are going to starve me if no one arrives,"
iwehnaákUx hiíš.
while he sat there in the evening.
hiíš wewitikatistatateetíkuʾ.
In the evening now it was becoming dark.
He sat inside.
He cried.

wewitohnaričíkAt sáhniš Ahnoowiteehuúkaʾ.
While he cried for himself a person then he just came in.
čee tičé nuúʾUt aahnooʾaatičíkAt.
"Hey, why is it that you are just crying?
tičé wenuúʾUt.
What is it?"

hee wititAhničíkAt kananiiraáʾU číkuʾ NItkuutaáNA.
"Oh I'm crying for myself since I canno t do anything.
My leg is broken.
They left things for me.
na wenuhnaanuú- ʾAt číkuʾ niikohnaRAhwóʾ.
And everything is now gone wherever it has gone.
nátš natiniNIštoósI noowetuhnaánuʾ.
Wood that which was mine it is now gone.
tstoóxuʾ noowetUtčiraánuʾ.
Water it is now gone.
na tsástš taakáxtš noowetuhnaánuʾ.
And meat, dried meat now it is gone."

That was the day.
taakáxtš AhnuxkaawíhA neesaWIhaáhniniʾ wehneeriwátAt
Dried meat that which he put under it under the pillow when he arose,
na nookanawitiíkUx taakáxtš.
and then it was not there the dried meat
nikuwewitIsákuuʾU wewitohnaričíkAt.
Now that was the day when he cried for himself.
tičé wetAxuúʾUt.
"I wonder what is wrong?"
nikuwewitsakuúʾU anináʾU tshunúxuʾ wehnaahuúka.
Now that was the day that one scalped man when he came inside.

čee wah šuxtakásAt.
"Hey, now go fetch water!"

noowitiwaákoʾ noowetatinitčiraánuʾ.
Then he said: "I don't have any water.
My leg is broken.
kaakíʾ NItkoótA
I cannot go."

čiraátoʾ aatootkaaxeéRIt niiʾAhnaaxapiísU.
"Let me see the leg where it is broken."

Then he felt his leg all over.
Axtóh číkuʾ kaakeepií- ʾIs.
"Surely it is not broken anywhere.
aniišiščiranáʾ tstoóxuʾ.
Go bring water water!"

tinaaríčI wiítA noowitiiriwátAt AhnuxkaaxapiísU.
This man then he got up one with the broken leg.
Then he went
uu noowitikúxIt kóstš.
Oh, then he picked it up a pail.
nuukuwitaah- tawiraáʾAt.
He went down (the hill) over there in the distance.
He dipped water.
Then he came.

wewitaWIsAhíštA noowitikaaxápIs štoh.
Now he was going to return, then his leg broke again.
witeštAhweeraʾuúkUt AhnačiraawaáWI.
He fell over his spilling the water.

noowiteewaxkUxítIt tshunúxuʾ.
Then he began to laugh the scalped man.
noowitiwaákoʾ hee parúNIt šuuxiriwátAt.
Then he said: "Hey, quickly get up!
I am dying of thirst."

My leg broke."

noowiteetawiraáʾ tshunúxuʾ.
Then he came down the scalped man.
čiíRA aatootkaaxeéRIt.
"Let m e see your leg."
číkuʾ tuukunoowitiitAxwiʾuúrut.
Then he turned his foot in another way.
hawá štoh noowewi- tiinawáxkuʾ.
Also again then he was laughing.

hawá niišuúxAt.
"Also go there!"
He made him well.

Then they (du) went.
nooWIšitIhuúpA niiʾAhnaakaáWI.
Then they (du) entered where the lodge was.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx tshunúxuʾ aráh šuuxaWIskA- híNIt.
Then he said this scalped man: "Say, at least make a fire!"

noowitiwaákoʾ inaákUx nakaaxapiísU aráh číkuʾ wekaakatiniínoos nátš.
Then he said that one with the broken leg: "Say, I do not have any wood."

wah siiNAhúhWA iinatiniinakaáWI.
"Now let's go for a while where my lodge is.
tAxuhnee- siíšuʾ niinatiniinakaáWI.
You know where my lodge is."

kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ a či tiihéʾ– NAxiniinakaáWI teškúNIt.
"I do not know, and here here– you have your lodge close by!"

Axtóh ineešuxkaákUx witeeNUtwakAhuutáʾ.
"Surely you were in there," he hollered.

Then they (du) went.
nooWIšitiwísWA iiʾAhnaanu- nuunakaáWI tshunúxuʾ.
Then they (du) arrived where his dwelling was the scalped man.
There there was a fire.
uu noowitiiRIšaatItkátA haáwaʾ.
Oh, there there was a rib over the fire (cooking) also.

witiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ neešúxkUx.
He said the scalped man "Stay!
siiNIštaaʾii- waáwat.
Let us tell stories!"
nikuwitiwaawaakaáhuʾ tshunúxuʾ.
That is what he was saying the scalped man.

noowituhnaačiriikáwa tinaákUx nakaaxapiísU.
Then he was looking all around this one with the broken leg.

witiwaákoʾ nešwaákoʾ koxkuusuuxUhuunanáʾ nátš.
He said: "You said: 'I will bring it to you at last wood.'
There it is."

niiʾAhnuxkaákUx inoowitiiʾookatarós na taakáxtš inoowitiikaaniišuúhAt.
Where he lived there it lay by the wall and dried meat there it hung on a line.
či nikiišaahtawaʾuútuʾ.
Here he was the one stealing it!

witiwaákoʾ– škuusuuxUhuunanáʾ.
He said:– "Bring it for me at last
tsu neetinanáʾ.
But I brought them."
witithará iwešinaákUx weniiNAhuunuúku iinakaaxapiísU.
He was teasing him as they (du) sat while he was doctoring him that one with the broken leg.

nawáh noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx tuuxUhuúNAt iina- taraakítAt.
Now, then he said this one: "Let me go a while where our village is!
a číkuʾ aaxeeWIsítIt.
And do not go out!
Don't walk outside!
tsu na tikaákUx.
But stay inside.
inoohnátA niinakučirikaawó nakureewaátU.
There is a hole where one can peep out to look.
nawáh tuuxUhuúNAt iinataraakítAt.
Now, let me go a while where our village is!
neetuutAhnaaʾiitáWI wetoonaaheereétIt.
I will tell them: 'He must be well.'"

noowitiihuununáhAs tshunúxuʾ.
Then he vanished the scalped man.

uu witiraačeéʾA noowiteewísaʾ.
Oh, it was awhile then he came back.
Then he came in.
neéšuʾ witiraná na xúhtš.
Corn he had, and moccasins.

tinaroósI haáʾAx toxtaánu.
"These your father he gave them to you.
neewaákoʾ niišuxtáNAt.
He said: 'Take them!
na witinaaNAxúhNIt.
And he'll put the moccasins on.
na tinaroósI neéšuʾ xáx nikunuxtaná.
And this corn your mother she had it.
nootiwaákoʾ wetunaahee- reétIt niináxkUx číkuʾ šinakuwaawáʾA neščiraánuʾ.
Then she said: 'He is get- ting well where you are their (du) eating some fresh corn.'"
nikuwitanuhnaaʾiitUxuúʾIt tshunúxuʾ niitinaákUx
That is the way he told it the scalped man where this one sat
wiiteešútš nakaaxapiísU.
young man the one with the broken leg.

witiwaasItkUxítIt neéšuʾ neešiinawaawáʾA.
He began to roast it the corn as they (du) ate.

noowitiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ tuuxUhuúNAt niinataraakítAt.
Then he said the scalped man: "Let me go for a while where our village is
ka číkuʾ naásšoʾ.
Do you want anything?
tičé natuhnaaʾii- tawíštA haáʾAx.
What shall I tell him your father?"
as he was saying that.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx nakaaxapiísU Axtóh číkuʾ kaakihwaakaáhuʾ.
Then he said this one with the broken leg: "Surely they did not say anything.

Axtóh wetiraačeenaáNIš weNAxuútA.
"Surely it has been a really long time your being (here).
wekohnihwískaʾ wekohnaahunáhAs.
They must think you must be dead.
Axtóh tatuutAhnaaʾiitáWI NAsíhkUx.
Truly I told them our living together.
wetihneesiíšuʾ NAsíkhUx nikuNAhkuwaawaákAhu tshunúxuʾ.
They know now our living together," as he was telling that the scalped man.

Then he vanished.

wewitAheéšaʾ noowitIhuúkAt.
It was morning then he entered.
wah čiíRA.
"Now, hello!
wetikux- taaNAsačipiítIt.
We had a meeting.
I arose.
neeneetiwaákoʾ -- tAtwískaʾ wetaahtakuʾaáhuʾ tiihéʾ niitiNAsíhkUx.
I said -- I think a group is coming here where we are here.
nikukooxitUh- waáhAt niitiNAsíhkUx tiNAhukaahaanoótA.
They will camp there here where we are (in) this river valley.
neeneetuu- tAhnaaʾiitáWI číkuʾ kaakuúʾUt tsu tunaahé
I told them: 'There is nothing to it, but it would be good
nikuNAxkuhnaakaáNA nakiitUhwiítIt.
if you were do that to camp.
titsá tstoóxuʾ.
There is water.'
wetatuutAhnaaʾiitawaáWI inaániʾ iišiineétkUx.
I was telling them: 'My brother he and I live there.'"
nikuwewitiwaawaakaáhuʾ Ahnaačešwaáhnu.
That is what he was saying as he was telling lies.

witiwaákoʾ wiináxtš nakaaxapiísU hee Axtóh kooxuunaahé
He said boy the one with the broken leg: "Hey, surely it will be good
naahtakuwaʾá tiihéʾ– atíʾAx atináʾ šiNIskuuteéRIt.
if the group comes here,– my father, my mother when we see them (du)"

Axtóh wešitatsuxtaaʾiitáWI taatináxkUx.
"Truly I have already told them your living here.
They (du) know."
nikuwitiwaawaakaáhuʾ tshunúxuʾ.
That is what he was saying the scalped man.

uu wewitiraačeéʾA niiwekohniihawé noowitiwaákoʾ
Oh, it was now a while later however many days had passed then he said
tshunúxuʾ čee aráh šuxteewaáta.
the scalped man: "Why, say, look!
There there is the camp.
They must have arrived now.
Axtóh tiwáčiʾ koxtiraahnaáNAt.
Certainly they said: 'We will go.'"

noowitiiríwatAt tinaákUx nakaaxapiísU.
Then he arose this one with the broken leg.
wehna- reewaataáNA noowitiituunúʾAt xaawaarúxtiʾ Ahnihciika-
When he looked there was the village horses their water-
waahIhnikú NAhkukawáʾIt nehkitkatawaawaaríčI.
ing them, there being fires their standing by different ones.
They (du) were looking all around.
nuu noowitíʾAt.
There then he went.

noowitiwaákoʾ čiraátoʾ síhWA.
Then he said: "Let us go!"
Then they (du) went.

noowitiičíkAt wiítA.
There he cried a man.
He cried.
noowitiwaákoʾ tíʾ haáʾAx aninačíkAt.
Then he said: "He is your father the one crying.
tíʾ haáʾAx.
He is your father.
xáx naahUxuúkuʾ.
Your mother she comes once in a while."

The village was sleeping.
noowiteswaátaʾ anináʾU šáxtiʾ wewitohniinanikawaátš.
Then she came in sight that one his mother their being glad to see one another.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx hiʾáxtiʾ ka NAxiinaáhuʾ.
Then he said this his father: "Are you coming?"

noowitiwaákoʾ nakaaxapiísU anuuháʾ tatuuxUhuhwóʾ
Then he said the one with the broken leg: "Over there I am going for a while
na itiinaahUxítIt na šitohnaaʾiitáWI.
and when I start to come, and I will tell you (du)."

nawáh nooWIšiteesšteehuúʾU wešohnuuteéRIt NAhaáʾU.
Now, then they were glad when they (du) saw him their son.

Then he vanished.
nikuwewituútuʾ tshunúxuʾ.
That one was like him a scalped man.
Then he arrived.

noowitiwaákoʾ ka NAxuúxAt haáʾAx niinuxčíkAt.
Then he said: "Did you go your father where he cried?"

witiwaákoʾ nakaaxapiísU na neetuúxAt na inoo tákuʾ kaneeniíkUx.
He said the one with the broken leg: "Why, I did go and there was no one there."

uu witeeWAxkUxítIt tshunúxuʾ.
Oh, he began to laugh the scalped man.
hee nikutuu- tAxiruútikuʾ witiwaawaakaáhuʾ.
"Yes, that is what always happens," he was saying over and over.
He knew how to say things.

číkuʾ niiwekohniihawé noowiwiteewireéhAs naakuusiRAx- kaaʾiišá.
However many days it was, then he got ready to take him home.

noowitiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ wah wetAxúhtA.
Then he said the scalped man: "Now you are going to go.
wah wewititaaxawireehaásuʾ naakukaaʾiišátA.
Now you will get ready to go home.
Now it is good.
Let the group come back awhile!
niiháʾ niitUhwiítIt nikuneešíʾAt.
There when they camp that is where you will go."

Now he was waiting.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah tiíNI wetiraawáhNIš.
Then he said: "Now now it's the truth.
kaakuhnaaʾúʾ niiNUsuxtaaʾuúʾA.
It is not as it used to be.
sAhkAhaánuʾ nikutiráʾ niiNUsux- taaweéRIt.
The entire village it was thus what one used to see.
It is not true anymore.
wah tiíNI nikuwetiraa- wáhNIš aniwenaahtakuʾaáhu.
Now, now that is what is true the ones coming as a group.
taanikuweneewiitikúxtA niitiNAsíhkUx.
They will camp here here where we are.
číkuʾ axuúta.
Do not do anything!
číkuʾ na kaakikutaraʾóʾ NAsíhwaNA nii haáʾAx na
Do not talk about me when you and I go where your father and
xáx šinanuunakaáWI.
your mother their (du) lodge is."

tsu wešitAxsuuxeéRIt.
"But now you have seen them (du).
nanookaʾaátuʾ wetAxuhnaáʾit.
An image you have dreamed.
wah tiíNI nikuwetiraawáhNIš aniwenaahtakuʾaáhu.
Now now that is what is real the ones coming as a group.
niiʾaNUsuxtaaʾuúʾA nikukooxuhnaaʾúʾ šanuhnaaweéRIt.
As it used to be that is going to be when you see it."

Then they (du) went.
inoowitiičíkAt hiʾáxtiʾ.
There he was crying his father.

witiwaákoʾ wah niisuxwaaWIhtít haáʾAx.
He said: "Now you speak to him your father!"

wiiteešútš noowitíʾAt na inoowitiíʾ hiʾáxtiʾ.
The young man then he went and there he was his father.
He (ie the father) was glad to see him
wah tuusíšWA.
"Now let us go over there!
xáx suuxeéRIt.
Your mother see her!"

nooWIšitíWA iiʾAhnaakaáWI.
Then they (du) went where the lodge was.
nooWIšitinita- ʾiíʾIt.
They were glad to see him.
witiraasškáčiš itáhniʾ wešiniiteéRIt.
They were happy his sisters when they saw him.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakatiišUhuhkaaʾiišAhíštA.
Then he said: "I am not going to come home for a while.
kutiraáNIš neetíhwisaʾ.
Later on I will come back.
nawáh niinikutkaapaatštíRA tátskaʾ aatooxUhuunátA niinaákUx.
Now, the one who had pity on me I want that I go for a while where he lives."

noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ waaxtóh tunaahé.
Then he said his father: "Why, certainly it is good.
Do that!"

noowitiwaákoʾ šinaatáNI teesšóʾ neesítš na haxkaa- tít
Then he said: "My friend he wants a knife, and a dark rope,"
niikohnuutuúʾIt haxkaatít.
whatever kind it is a dark rope.

nooWIšitihnaaxú na neesítš na naaWIškaánuʾ.
Then they (du) gave him a rope, and a knife, and tobacco.

Then he went.
noowitiihuununáhAs nakaaxapiísU.
Then he vanished one with the broken leg.
nootIhuúkAt niišohnanuunakaáWI tshunúxuʾ.
Then he entered where their (du) dwelling was the scalped man.

noowitiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ aa tatootuxčiriikáwa.
Then he said the scalped man: "Ah, I was watching you.
wetunaahé niiweNAxuutaánu.
It is good what you were doing.
wetAxkuhnanáʾ uuxa- páhAt číkuʾ nakuraawíšA.
You have brought me kinni- kinnick to smoke some.
aniinikuuxAsšó wenéhna.
The one I wanted now I have it.
xaataʾuútuʾ haáxtš néhna.
(For) horse stealing the rope I have it.
nawah weNAheešá nikuwetAxkaaʾiišúhtA.
Now, in the morning that is when you are going to go home."

wah tsu wetatoohnaaʾiitawaawíštA.
"Now but I am going to tell you things.
niinatoosuxtoo- huunaawaanú kunaáʾuʾ tiráʾ.
How I treated you medicine it is the way.
kutatinihnaaʾúʾ čeésuʾ naakiisaRIšwaáhnu.
It is my way mine to do in a joking manner.
atsú nikiišuxtaʾoóxIt čeésu.
But take care of yourself too!
tístIt šuxwaawanúʾ.
Well you go around!
axuutaawaanú tinaraáčI niinatoo- suxtaaʾiitaWIhú niinatoosuxtaanaawiiruutikú.
Do not do them these ways the things I was telling you what I was showing you!
Do not do it!
You will take care of yourself."

a nikunoowituúta štoh wehnakatiisiʾaáNA nooWIšiteewáʾ.
And then that is what he did: again when it became dark then they (du) came.
nooWIšitiwíswaʾ niiʾAhnaanunuuna- kaáWI hiʾáxtiʾ šáxtiʾ nakaaxapiísU.
Then they (du) arrived where he had his home his father his mother the one with the broken leg.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah atsú číkuʾ nakoótA taanikutAxií- naʾ.
Then he said: "Now but whenever you go you must come here.
wekaakiraačeenúxtA wetAxtaakIhtakuúwo.
It will not be long you (pl) are going to move."

a nikunoowitsá niikohnuxtaáʾAt kanaahnuxtaačeéʾA.
And then that is what they did: however long it was it was not a long time.
AhnuxtaaʾátA nootiraáNAt.
After time passed then they went.
They began going as a group.

tinaákUx wiiteešútš nakaaxapiísU noowitIhaananiwiítIt.
This young man one with the broken leg then he married.

atsú wewitiraaná nakiisawaaWIhú.
But he had the way to doctor them.
nehkuwiina- pítkA noowituutIsáWI.
When someone broke an arm then he doctored him.
noowitunaaheereétIt číkuʾ nehku- raʾaáNA.
Then he got well after he got hurt.
kunaáʾuʾ witanuhniwá.
Medicines his were good
Then they depended on him.

noowitiwaákoʾ číkuʾ na kaakikutaraʾóʾ.
Then he said: "Do not tell anything.
na číkul kaakiwaákoʾ tiiháʾ tiwanúʾ.
Don't say anything: 'Here he lives.'
tsu wetatoosuxkaapaačíštI tsu wenikux- toóhA Itkhaánuʾ.
But I have blessed you but his having given me the way Night.
wah tsu wetAxwaawanúxtA tíštIt.
Now but you are going to go around well.
You have grown up.
piirátš witiišuhnaNAxáhAt.
Your children now you will rear them."

na nikuwituúta.
And that is what he did.

wah niikohnuutunaánuʾ wačéh noowitIhunáhAs.
Now whenever it was, poor thing, then he died.
weNA- hunáhAsu tinaákUx nakaaxapiísU noowitiwaákoʾ
When he was dying this one with the broken leg, then he said:
wah tshunúxuʾ nikutikuxtaanaawaaʾú.
"Now a scalped man he was the one who gave me those ways.
He blessed me.
a neewaákoʾ NAhunáhAsUxítIt koosakuuhunáhAs AxkunoóNIt.
And he said: 'When you die, we will die together.'
Now it must be.
wah nikuwekooNAhunáhAs čeésuʾ.
Now that one must have died, too."

wah taanikuwituhnaaʾiitUxúʾ.
Now this is how the story is.