XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Custer Expedition

Alfred Morsette

wekoxtuuNUxUhuuniíwat xunáNIš tiihéʾ weh-
I will now talk about them awhile soldiers here when
naraaninátA itUhtaáwe.
they were settled Bismarck.
itUhtaáwe tuuháʾ niiNAhuu- katAhuúNU niineétAt
Bismarck over there the other side of the river where the camp is
wiísuʾ sAhaánuʾ iinooNUxkUxkAhaáhkUx
Mandan there where the former campground is
niiwenaraaNAxwíʾaxIt uxčés wehnaakiRAxkawátAt xunáNIš.
where they started out Custer when he led them out soldiers.
niihéʾ piʾaapaáxuʾ nikuwituxtaanúʾAt xunáNIš.
There Eagle Nose Butte that is where they were stationed the soldiers.
niihéʾ nikuwewitiraaNAxwíʾaxIt.
There that is where they started out.
uxčés nikuweteekiRAxkawátAt naawiinakuúnuʾ wehnaWIskáʾA
Custer that is where he led them out (on) the warpath his wanting
sanánat aataraaphihnáʾU Ahnuuxačeewaahú saNIštaaká
the Sioux 'that I quiet them' after his counting coups on them white men
niitiNAhunaanoótA hunaanapsíniʾ.
where this land extends in the south.

nikuwituxtsawéʾ sáhniš.
There were among them Arikaras.
AhnuxtaanátA wituxtaa- NIhuúʾU sáhNIš.
When they went there were many Arikaras.
witsuxtaánuʾ NAsawíʾuʾ.
They numbered thirty.

aniwehnaraaNAxwiʾáxIt aniweNAhunaanoótA hunaanapsíniʾ
As they started out while they went along south
aniwenatuxtaataraʾó wiísuʾ sAhaánuʾ nuu hunaahkoohaáh-
as I was talking about it Mandan there on the
kAt anuú wenaraanátA nootiRAhkaʾiíšAt waakatítkAt.
north there after they went then they went into Black Hills.
niiʾAhnawaaNAhkatisteewaáhAt noowitiwáčiʾ teenikutIhunaa- NIsanaáxIt.
At the edge of the black hills then they said: "This is where the land is rough.
nooNAhiínaʾ toxtaapóʾ.
Farther away let us go!
kaakunaáhe tiiháʾ.– tIhunaahčiteéʾIt.
It is not good here.– The land is rough
kaakíʾ nataakuraaNAsariiwaatátA.
We cannot cross through.
tsu tuukiitoosuxtaahNAhwiʾuuxítIt skaweéraaʾuʾ.
But let us begin heading in that other direction west!"

wah na nikutatuuxItkawookUxuúkuʾ weNIhkuunaaʾiit- Ihú
Now and that is what I used to hear when they were tell- ing of it
šeeniíčI niiʾAhnuxtsaweekoóčI sáhniš
the main ones those who were among them Arikaras
niiNIštaaʾiiwaátI weNItkuunaakItkoóku weNIhkuunaaʾiiwaátI.
when they told stories when I was listening when they told stories.

aniiháʾ waakatítkAt nootiRAhwísAt.
There the Black Hills then they arrived.
niikohnux- taáʾAt weNAhkuraanoótA xunáNIš niihéʾ
However long it was when they camped the soldiers there
wiiteešútš NAhkUhunuuwaáWI WIšitiisuxtaʾíhkuʾ kuuNUxsaNAxwáhAt.
a young man as they were going they used to call him Red Crazy Bear.
wituuxuuNAxaaničíWI haáwaʾ tsu kaneeneetutuuNAxaaNAsiíšuʾ.
He had another name also, but I do not know the name.
wituxčiikaahIhníkuʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ hináxtIt.
He was watering it the horse in the morning.
noowititsa- waapísuʾ niiʾAhnaačiisAhú.
Then the water was sparkling where the water was coming.
čipít nii- naatskaáhu noowitiraatsawaapísuʾ.
Spring where the water came out they were sparkling.

Then he began to pick them up.
noowituhniwá kanítš wehnootačiríkUx.
They were pretty the rocks as he looked at them.
noowitikatáWI áxkUx čiškookúʾuʾ AhnaraáhNA hawá haakaRAhkookúʾuʾ.
Then he put it on it one hat the one he had; also the bridle.
Then they sparkled.

Then he came running.
noowitiwísAt niiʾAhnaraanoótA xunáNIš.
Then he arrived where they were soldiers.
natsú wiiNAsaríWIš kanaNIhnaasštáwa nooWIšitiiteéRIt.
And the officers who always watched over things then they saw him.
wehneehuuwiraaʾá noowitiraatsawaapísuʾ na niinuhnaakaRAhkoóčI naaničitawíʾuʾ.
When he came running they were glittering, and his bridle, the saddle.
hawá načiškoóčI noowititsawaapísuʾ.
Also the hat he wore it was sparkling.

Then they came.
noowitiwáčiʾ tiče náʾIt tinaroósI.
Then they said "What are the these?"

na tiišiiNAstaraʾó neesiRAhpát nuuxA- xaáNU
And the one we are talking about Bloody Knife the one who was name
noowitiwaákoʾ -- saNIštaaká wituxwákoʾ -- tíʾ íhUx sanánat
then he said -- English he spoke -- he was half Sioux
na íhUx sáhniš -- kananiiraanaáNIš piirata- riíNAt.
and half Arikara -- he truly was a half breed.
noowitiwaákoʾ čukú NAxuxtaanunáx tinaroósI.
Then he said: "Where did you find them these?"

noowitiwaákoʾ tuuháʾ titsá.
Then he said: "Over there there is water.
tatskaaʾaá- huʾ čipít.
The water is coming out a spring.
anuú woohuunaakaWIhíniʾ niku- tatstawiraaʾaáhuʾ.
There way up on top of the hill that is where the water is coming down.
They are lying in the water.
That is where I picked them up."

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaroósI nikuwitíʾIt waapIsštaapi- RIhú.
Then he said: "These they are the ones valuable metal.
tinaaríčI saNIštaaká tiwískaʾ aatoohnaaʾeéRIt niiʾaNAxuxpinaáhNA.
This white man he wants that I see it' where you picked them up."

na noowitiraáNAt xunaáNIš niikohnuhnaánuʾ.
And then they went the soldiers however many there were.
noowitiRAhwísAt niiʾAhnaatskaáhu čipít niiʾAhnux-
Then they arrived where the water came out spring where he
čiikaahIhníku xaawaarúxtiʾ tinaaríčI wiiteešútš kuuNUxsa- NAxwáhAt.
was watering it (his) horse this young man Red Crazy Bear.
na noowitiiharoswá.
And there they were lying in the water.

Then they began to pick them up.
nuu noowitiraáNAt noo čitAhaáhniniʾ.
There then they went there on top.
nikuwitatstawiraaʾaáhuʾ tstoóxuʾ.
That was where water was coming down the water.

noowitiwaákoʾ uxčés saNIštaaká tinaroósI tiraapi- RIhuúʾU.
Then he said Custer the white man: "These they are valuable.
waapIsíšuʾ tíʾIt.
Money they are
aa tiraasštáWIš tiwe- NAxtaanúNAx.
Ah, they are valuable these that you have found.
wah nikuwetAxiniinaahnaatáwiʾ sáhniš ačitaánuʾ tsu
Now you are the ones to have a share in it Arikara tribe, and
atípAt kooxanuhnaahnaasštáwa.
the President he will take care of it for you."

wah áxkUx witíʾ saNIsahníš na áxkUx saNIštaaká.
Now one it was an Indian, and one a white man.
wah šiišuxtáNAt itUhtaáwe tiiháʾ niiwenakaá- WI
"Now you (du) take them Bismarck there where the dwelling is
naakAhwičeésU xunaaNIščitawíʾuʾ niiwenaraanoótA.
the tall dwelling the commanders where they are."
na noowitunaniínoʾ naawinaaʾiíwat.
And then he wrote it a letter.

a nooWIšiteewáʾ šinawaaríčI nakaWAhaáNU kuwituuxAxaáʾA
And then they (du) came the ones (du): Fortunate One he was named,
na uunaaríčI saNIštaaká wiiNAsaríWIš a
and the other one white man an officer, and
nooWIšiteeranáʾ aninoóčI waapIsštaapiRIhú.
then they (du) brought them those valuable metals.
Then they (du) brought them.

wah tuuhéʾ niikohnuutAxiruútIt kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ.
Now over there whatever happened I do not know.

wah tsu tinaraanoótA xunáNIš nootiraáNAt.
Now but these soldiers then they went.
tsu wetitčiškaRAhwaáWI niiweeNUsunaahkUxúʾ niiwešiniWIhúNAx waapIsíšuʾ.
And they put up stakes where the place was where they found them the metal.
noowitiraáNAt niihéʾ arikúsuʾ huukaahaah- čiripásIt.
Then they went there the Little Big Horn River.
Then that is where they went.

tiwehnaraanoótA natsú paatúh wewitineeNAhčituúnoʾ.
Where they were but enemy they had bunched up.
či wewitišeeNAhčituúnoʾ.
Here they had bunched up.
nikuwitsuuxačitanaánuʾ nooxiniiwaáNA weneetunaáhkUx.
The tribes numbered nine where their camps were.
witiituNIhuúʾU sanánat weh- niinakuníkUx tinaraanoótA
It was a big village the Sioux when they waited for them these
xunáNIš niRAhWIsátA.
soldiers when they arrive.
wewitiraateehuúʾU čituúʾuʾ NIhkukawootíkA.
It was the plan all for them to kill them.
nikuweWIši- tiroohúnoʾ šeešiniíʾU šeešineekiRAxaáhNA
That is what they (du) planned the main ones (du) the leading ones (du)
xoosakhuúnuʾ na skatsUhiínuʾ na hukós tiíkUx.
Crazy Horse and Rain In The Face; and Sitting Bull.

na xunáNIš tiwenaraanátA čituúʾuʾ tinaanuhkáʾIt tinaakúsuʾ
And soldiers when they went everything they had them cannons
na tinaákuʾ nuhniwaáRA na tirištaaNI- huúʾU.
and guns ones that were good and there were plenty of shells.
witiNAhkookuraná xaawaarúxtiʾ na taNAhaataaká.– tsu
They were driving them horses and oxen.– But
noowitiraaniráxAt.– witsuxtaánuʾ áxkUx  šihUxtaánuʾ wiitáʾuʾ na šíhUx
they went ahead.– They numbered one hun- dred twenty-five (soldiers)
wenaraaniRAxátA wenaakiRA- xaáhNA uxčés xaanaaničitáWIš.
when they went ahead when he led them Custer the cavalry.
That is what they used to say.
witiraaniráxAt niiʾAhništištanaáhNA na tinaákuʾ
They went in the lead those who carried the cartridges and the guns
niiʾAhniinanaáhNA na niiʾAhninaakaanuunanaáhNA.
those who had them and those who carried the food.
nawáh noowitiraaníNAt xunaáNIš wehnaakiRAxaáhNA.
Now then they camped soldiers the ones in the lead.

na kuwituuxAxaáʾA -- tatsuuxeéRIt -- sákaaʾA tipAhaáʾAt na
And he was named -- I saw him -- Red Star and
šohnuxtíRA wiiteešútš.
they (du) were together a young man.
He was the only one.

noowitiwaákoʾ tAtkoótIt NAhnunáhtš.
Then he said: "I killed it a deer.
wetAtčiiwaánoʾ neeniiraaNIhtatatawiíhAt.
As I butchered it they did pass by.
čiitíʾIš tuhnaánuʾ sanánat.
Four they numbered Sioux.
tinaná xaawaarúxtiʾ.
They had them horses.
They were packing it.
tehniška- woótIt NAhnunáhtš haáwaʾ.
They must have killed them deer also.
taatAsíš šitikuuteéRIt šiʾaaxkuuteéRIt.
I think they saw me, 'that you might have seen me.'
Then they passed by.
nuuwekuti- raáNAt.
They went the other way.
číkuʾ niikohnaaraánaʾ kaakatuhneesiíšuʾ.
Whence they came I do not know."

wehnaaWIsá noowitunaaʾít.
When he returned he told it.
wehnunaaʾiitIhú atsú tinaákUx neesiRAhpát noowitiniinaaʾít uxčés.
While he was telling it, but this Bloody Knife then he told him Custer.

hawá tíNI WIšitiisiráxAt weNAhkunaaʾiitIhú štoh.
Also now they took him where he was telling of it again.
witiwaákoʾ sákaaʾA tipAhaáʾAt kaakatinihnaatéʾ štoh nooNAtkunaaʾiitIhú noowenatiRAhuučitawó.
He said Red Star: I don't like it again my telling it, my repeating it.
I saw them."

a tinaákUx uxčés noowitiwaákoʾ kooxiraahnaáNAt.
And this Custer then he said: "You (pl) will go.
kooxuhnaánuʾ tšaápis.
There will be six.
sákaaʾA tipAhaáʾAt kooxitawíʾAt čiraátoʾ xiwáhNIš.
Red Star, you'll go with them to see if you are truthful.

nikunoowitsá hináxtIt.
Then that is what they did early in the morning.
siinoó kanawituuxIha- tawiítIt.
Yet it was not day- light.
noowitiihuuniriwátAt tinaákUx sákaaʾA tipAhaáʾAt.
Then he jumped up this Red Star.
noowitiičitawiítIt anuú nootíʾAt.
Then he mounted, there he went off.
nuu noowitiihUhka- táʾAt iinawaaNAhwičeésU.
There then he rode up a hill where the high hills were.
aniiháʾ arikúsuʾ huukaa- haánuʾ anuú noowitiitúnaahkUx.
There Little Big Horn River there there were camps.
kanawituhnaaninoosičiraʾá nuuhneetunaanoótA.
It was a huge one the camps extending there.
naawiíšuʾ noowitíʾ aniNAhuukaa- haanoótA.
Smoke there was where the valley extended.

anuú noowituutUhuunapitaáhAt.
There then he swung around.
wewitawísaʾ atsú wewitiraáNAt AhnuhnaanuúʾA tšaápis wiiNAsaríWIš.
Now he came back and now they went those numbering six officers.
niku- wituxtawéʾ neesiRAhpát.
That one was among them Bloody Knife.
noowitiwaákoʾ Axtóh wetatuxwísAt
Then he said: "Certainly I went there
aniweniitúnaahkUx saNIštAhkúsuʾ.
where those camps are clustered lots of people.
číkuʾ niikohnatohnaakaaníštA.
I do not know what we are going to do.
nooNAhwiíʾa koxtakuuraakuNAhát.
When they come to fight they will kill all of us."

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaaríčI uxčés tičé nuhnaanaʾíhkuʾ.
Then he said this Custer: "What is he meaning?"

noowitiwaákoʾ neesiRAhpát taanikuwetiwaákoʾ
Then he said Bloody Knife: "This is what he has said:
nooNAhwiíʾa koxtakuuraakuNAhát.
'When they come to fight they will kill us.'"

Then they turned around.
witiwaákoʾ kooxiraanaáNIš.
He said: "It will be true.
We will go.
We'll have a battle with them.
koxteeraakároʾ wakáʾuʾ.
We will make them captives."

noowitiwaákoʾ neesiRAhpát Axtóh kaakíʾ NAxkuutaáNA.
Then he said Blood Knife: "Surely you cannot do it.
There are many.
They will massacre us.
nootiituNIhuúʾU aniwenunaaʾiítI wehnuutaakeéRIt.
It is a large village what he has told you when he saw them."

noowitiwaákoʾ nikukooxuúʾUt niiNAtkuwaákA.
Then he said: "That will be whatever I say."
tinaákUx uxčés nikunoowitiwaákoʾ niiNAtkuwaákA nikuwetuutáxtA.
This Custer that is what he said: "What I say that will occur."

wah tinaraanoótA áxkUx šihUxtaánuʾ wiitáʾuʾ na šíhUx
Now these one hundred twenty-five
nikunoowituNAsaʾuúkUt wehnaWIskáʾA aatakaráʾU wakáʾuʾ.
then they were the ones to strike his wanting it 'that I make them captives.'

tsu sanánat tuuhéʾ pakúhtuʾ či šeenuutaakeé- RIt.
But the Sioux over there long ago here they had seen them.
či wešeenawireehaáʾAs aniwehnaRAhkataátA wehnuunaníWIs.
Here they were now ready when they went up the hill when they showed themselves.
noowiteeRAhčitawaahUxítIt nehkurikaahtaʾá.
Then they began to come over the hill after their peep- ing over the hill.
noowitiwaákoʾ uxčés niikohnuhnaánuʾ wenaroósI
Then he said Custer, however many there were their lying
hunaaníniʾ na xuúhuniʾ wenaraanoótA nakupaahuNAhwí-
on the ground, and closer where they were one's kneeling on
kUx na xuúhuniʾ wenawaaríčI wenaraanoótA šitaaxapanikúxtA.
one knee, and closer their standing where they were, "You are going to shoot them."

noowitiwaákoʾ neesiRAhpát -- noowituutAhnaaʾiitáWI sáhniš
Then he said Bloody Knife -- then he told them Arikaras;
witiwaákoʾ nookiišuxtaNAsawiraáʾAt tuuhéʾ.
he said: "You (pl) go down the hill over there!
číkuʾ aaxuhnaáka tsu taakunoxteéRIt.
Don't do anything but then I'll stand here!
wešitatuxtoohUh- taRAhtštoókuʾ uxčés.
I have been argu- ing with him Custer.
kaakatuuxískaʾ nikunakuútA atsú kaneenuhtaRAhtšthuúʾU.
I did not want for it to be that way, but he was obstinate.
wah wetatakuuraakuNAhatčíštA nooNAhwiíʾa.
Now we are going to be killed when they come.
There are many.

aninaawakhuutaʾaáhuʾ sanánat áxkUx.
"There he is yelling Sioux one.
tiwaakaáhuʾ šuxtaahnanaʾuúhAt niinawaákA hukós tiíkUx.
He is saying: 'Go to one side what he said Sitting Bull!
saNIsahníš wiiteešútš tiRAsawéʾ.
Indians the young men they are among them
na číkuʾ kaakiNIštaʾuúkUt.
Do not lay a hand on him.
na šikaakihkoótIt.
Do not kill him.
tsu saNIštaaká niinoóčI xunáNIš.
But white men those soldiers.'"
That is what he was saying.

kanawituxtaačeéʾA wehnohnaanuhčitaʾá.
It was not long when they came up on the hill.
wešoh- niinapaníku číkuʾ kanawitihnaawiʾiirá.– wewitiiNAhnaana- wiruuwíhuʾ.
As they were shooting them they were not careful.– They were running into them (those on bended knees).
Then they killed them
wah WIšitihkoótIt niinihčitawíʾU na íhUx–
Now they killed him the commander, and half–
noowitiinuuwáʾAx xunáNIš.
then they ran away soldiers.
Then they hid.
íhUx kanawitiiraanunáhAs íhUx nihnakawoótIt.
Half they were not killed, half their being killed.
wah uxčés WIšitihkoótIt.
Now Custer they killed him.
neesi- RAhpát noowitIhunáhAs na kuuNUxatuúnuʾ --
Bloody Knife then he died; and Bear's Trail --
kutehnuuxAxaáʾA xunaaNIščiripásIt -- na uunaákUx
he must have been named (then) Little Soldier -- and that other
hukostaríkUs weniihéʾ nikuwitiraanunáhAs waahuukaahaánuʾ
Bobtailed Bull right there they were the ones who died Elk River
AhnaRAxUhúh- kUx.
where the battle was.
na wetiraaʾíWA.
And it was now the end.

tsu nátkAt wewitiwísAt šeeniirakuuhuúNU Ahnihti-
But afterwards now it arrived the main one the ones
naahnanaáhNA AhnuxtsatataátA AhnoxtaaNIhuúNU
who had the guns he ones who were following here being many
šeeniiraaNIhuúNU xunáNIš AhništinaahnanaáhNA.
the main body soldiers the ones having guns.

wah niiháʾ nikuwitiiraaniwáNIt.
Now there that is where he erred.
nikuwituxtaateehuúʾU AhniRAhčituuʾaáNA tuuhéʾ
That was the plan: when they got together there
nikuwitoxtaanaáhu hunaa- napsíniʾ.
they were coming there (from) the south.
skaweéraaʾuʾ nikuwitoxtaanaáhuʾ hawá xunaNI- štAhkúsuʾ.
West they were coming there also a large body of soldiers.
aniihéʾ atípaʾ nikuwituxtawéʾ šhiipiiráʾuʾ.
There my grandfather he was among them Chippewa Baby.
wah tuuháʾ koohaáhkAt Ahnaaraána nátkAt witiRAhwísat wehniRAxUhuunaweétA.
Now over there north when they came afterwards, they arrived after the battle had ended.

xunáNIš WIšitinoohuuniričíšAt uxčés AhnuuxawiRIhuú- NU.
The soldier they killed him Custer the one who was bullheaded.
wah tinaraanoótA sanánat noowitiraaNAxwíʾaxIt.
Now these Sioux then they started out.
Then they scattered.
niinehkuxtaána noowitiraáNAt
Whence they had come then they went there
weNAhkoohtakutaaweerooʾátA weNAhkoohtakUhúh- wo wehnaRAxUhuunaweétA.
their going with their gear up the hillside their going with their gear when the battle was over.

nawáh nátkAt wewitiRAhwísAt niiʾAhnuxtsawé
Now later they arrived the ones who were enlisted
nataraakíčI haáwaʾ.
our people also.
wah nikuwituxtawéʾ sčirí tuúNAx.
Now he was one among them Running Wolf.
wiiNAxtšu- neešaánuʾ na kuuNUxwáhAt -- wituxtaaNIhuúʾU -- kuuNUxkanaánuʾ.
Boy Chief and Red Bear -- there were many -- Bear's Belly.
wah nikutíʾIt nuxtsawé niihéʾ aniwehna- RAxUhúhkUx.
Now they were the ones who were among them there there where the battle was.
wah íhUx wetiRAhčíšIt sáhniš wehnaRAhkaaʾiišá.
Now half they were saved the Arikaras when they came home.
noowitiwaákoʾ aniwenaWIsá xunaaNIš- čitawíʾuʾ wah šuxtaakaaʾišwóʾ.
Then he said when he arrived the com- mander: "Now you (pl) go home!
wah tsu kukoxtuutAhniraá- NAt číkuʾ niiwenaahtakuwáNA.
Now but I will chase after them wherever the groups have gone.
I might head them off."

atsú noowitiiNAhkaawihUxítIt niiwenaraanunáhAs xunáNIš niiwešohnihkawootíkA.
And then they began to bury them those who had died soldiers those they had killed.
noowitiiNAhkaawihUxítIt weniisiinawaákoočI.
Then they began to bury them as they all were working.

atsú nataraakíčI sáhniš nooteeRAhkaaʾiíšaʾ xaáhiniʾ.
And our people the Arikaras then they came home on horseback.

wah neesiRAhpát wetIhunáhAs.
Now Bloody Knife he died.
kuuNUxatuúnuʾ weneehu- náhAs.
Bear's Trail he died.
Bobtailed Bull.

wah kuuNUxatuúnuʾ AhnuuxičitáWI xaawáčiʾ Ahnaa- wísaʾ.
Now Bear's Trail the one he had ridden pinto it came back.
It came back.
wekaakawísaʾ kuuNUxatuúnuʾ.
Now he did not return Bear's Trail.
anináʾU xaawaarúxtiʾ niikohnuuxawé wehnaáʾa čeésuʾ taanikuWIšitihnunáx.
That one horse however many days it was its coming itself that is the one they found here.
noowitihneésiš AhnuuxičitáwI kuuNUxatuúnuʾ.
Then they found out the one he rode Bear's Trail.

wah taanikutatuutAtkookUxuúkuʾ ništaataruuwaʾoóhu.
Now this is what I used to hear what they used to tell.
atsú nakutawé NIhúhtš AhtanuunaaʾiitUxičí- WI.
But some (ie others) a little he has a slightly different story.
wah uunakuúkUx AhtanuunaaʾiitUxičíWI.
Now another he has a slightly different story.
nikutatuuNUxAtkookUxuúkuʾ wáh nuhwakareéRA.
That is what I used to hear from him Nice Voiced Elk.
niku- tuuNUxtaaʾiitihUxuúkuʾ na sčirí tuúNAx niitiweNAtwaákA.
That is what he used to tell and Running Wolf this that I've said.