XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


A Sioux Attack on

Like-A-Fishhook Village

Alfred Morsette

wah wetatunaaʾiitíštA tsu šinikunuuNUxtaaʾii- waatihUxukú
Now I am going to tell a story but one that they used to tell me
niiʾAhnuutAxítIt tiiháʾ niiʾAhnuuxitúhkUx nuxtAhčituúʾU.
what happened here where the village was when they were together.
nootiwáčiʾ sAhkAhaáhniniʾ sáhniš AhnuxtaanoótA wiitatshaánuʾ na
They say "in the village" Arikaras their living Hidatsas, and
káNIt -- ačitaánuʾ táWIt.
Mandans -- tribes three.

wah niikohnaawíriiʾIt Axtóh kanatuhneesiíšuʾ atsú
Now whatever summer it was certainly I do not know, but
wetatunaaʾiitíhuʾ niikohnuutunaánuʾ awirítkAt.
I am telling it whatever the season was in the summer.
wetuutunaánuʾ wenaawiRIstoóku.
It was the season when it is hot.

tuuneetUhwaáhAt sanánat paatúh oopiínuʾ anuú
Those other villages Sioux, enemy different there
naahkaahunaanoótA nuu nootiRAhčituuwá sanánat.
where the country extends far off there then they gathered together Sioux.
wah Axtóh toosuxtaaNAhwísAt niitinaraanoótA ačitaánuʾ táwIt.
"Now surely let's go attack them where they live tribes three.
čituúʾuʾ toxtaakawoótIt.
All let's kill them!
Let's kill them!"

Now it is the story.
noowitiRAhčituuwá wehnaahtaku- čituuwaáhNA
Then they got together when they got together as a group
nuuneetunaanoótA sanánat.
those villages Sioux.

tiwačeehUxuúkuʾ witikaakeenutwakaʾuúʾIt sanánat tiNAhunuuwaáWI.
They always say they do not each talk the same Sioux these.
tuuNAhunuuwaáWI NAhkAxiipáhAt aahwitihwa- koočíWI na
Those others Canadians they talk a little differently, and
tuuNAhunuuwaáWI hunaanapsíniʾ na tiihéʾ tinaraanoótA
these others (in) the south and here these
waahatUhkákUx na niškúsuʾ na neetAhkasčiripásIt
Fort Yates, and Cannon Ball, and Little Eagle
niinuuxituníkUx noowititeenutwa- kaʾúʾ atsú nooNAhiínaʾ
where he had his village they talk alike but beyond
nuuNAhunaanoótA kutihwakoočiiwaáWI Ahninaahiwaaxaxkú sanánat neetUhwaáhAt.
those they talk differently when they name things Sioux the villages.
tiraaNIhuúʾU sanánat.
There are many Sioux.
niinoonakuuxaWIsiihiíʾU nootIhunuuwá sanánat.
No matter where it may be there they are Sioux.

wah noowitinoohúnoʾ naakuNAhWIsá tiihéʾ nii-
Now then they planned to come to attack here where
ʾAhnatoxtaakítAt čituúʾuʾ natakukuraakawootíkA wiitatshaánuʾ
we were camped all for them to kill us Hidatsas,
káNIt na sáhniš.
Mandan and Arikaras
čituúʾuʾ šiisiišakawoótIt.
"All let's kill them!"
niikohnaraa- čítA nikuwenihWIskáʾA aatohnaasaáhNA niikohnuhnaanáʾA.
Whatever the reason was their having wanted that 'that we do it' whatever their reason was.

wah niikooNAsákuuʾU nooWIšitiitaakeéRIt sanánat
Now whatever day it was then they saw them Sioux
wehnooNAhčeswaáta niiʾAhniščiraawiikUxukú
when they came out of the brush where they used to dip water
nuuxitUhnoowiisákUx nuunatskatAhkáʾU.
when the village was on the bank above (the river) the other side of the river.

noowitohnaanuukaataʾiíšaʾ Ahnuxtsteéhat tswaarúx- tiʾ
Then they came to the bank at the water's edge Missouri River
wehniinaakitUhwaníku niitineetUhnoowii- sákUx.
as they were shooting at the village where the village was on the bank above.
Then they went into the woods.

wah niikanaahniiNIštaawiʾiiruhkoóčI AhnuuxunuuwaáWI
Now the ones who were daring when they went around
witinehkunuunaahukoósU witišwačiʾaáhuʾ noo- NAsúx.
the ones who had held themselves brave they were saying: "Let it be!
Let them go around!
kutiraáNIš nohnaanuukataʾá witiitohnaakawiítIt čeésuʾ.
It is true when they come across then we will avenge ourselves too.
noosuxtaanuukatáʾ áriišIt.
Let them come across themselves!
niikohnihnaanuúʾU tiwenatakuraakitUhwaawaníkA.
Whatever their reason is their shooting at our village."

wah tsu nakutawé kananakuuraawiteeriwó
Now but there always being one one who does not pay heed
noowitanaanoorúhkUt apAhníniʾ.
then they got in the water in the distance furtively.
wehna- raanuukataátA noowitiitaakAsštoohaásAt.
When they went across the river then they convinced them (others).
Then they swam across.
Then they chased after them.
nuu witikaatAhaanúʾAt.
There it was level land along the base of the incline.
nuuwitiWIsuúʾU iiwenuxtaanawáNA šiniinaakiiwaatIhú čítUx sAhaánuʾ.
It extended to the point there where they used to live their telling about it Beaver Creek.
witiraanuukaaʾuúkUt čítUx sAhaánuʾ.
They went down a coulee Beaver Creek.
Then they circled around over there.

wah nikuwituhnaánuʾ taWIšaápis aniwenoosuxtaanuukaata- ʾiišá.
Now these numbered eight the ones who came along the bank.
tiwehnuhnaanuukataátA nikuwituhnaánuʾ taWIšaápis haáwaʾ wešohniiNAhnaáxI.
When these (Arikaras) went across they numbered that eight, also the ones chasing them.

a či wešiišeenuutAxáWI sanánat niiʾAhnihWIskáʾA aaxuútA.
And here they had set a trap the Sioux their wanting it that it be.
nikuwituxtaateehuúʾU čituúʾuʾ nakuraanuukataátA wiitatshaánuʾ
That was the plan all for them to go across Hidatsas,
káNIt na sáhniš čituúʾuʾ niiraanuuka- taátA.
Mandans, and Arikaras, all if they went across.
wah tuuháʾ niraanuukoókUt uunahUs- haanúhAt– noošiniinaakawíhAt.
Now over there when they got to the coulee the other coulee– then they'll head them off.
niiháʾ– NAhuukaawiraátA nikuwewiwitiníkUx.
There– in the east that is where they were waiting.
Then they went around.
nooniinaakáwihAt na čituúʾuʾ niinakawoótIt.
Then they were heading them off and all they will kill them.
na noonuhnaanuukatáʾAt.
And then they will cross the river to fight.
wah niikohnuhnaánuʾ sAhkakúxuʾ čituúʾuʾ nooniinakuNAhát.
Now however many there were the ones remaining in the village all then they will kill them.
wah nikuwituxtaateehuúʾU.
Now that was the plan.
nikuwitištoohúnoʾ sanánat.
That is what they planned Sioux.

wah nookaakuutAxítIt uunariišíNIt.
Now, then it did not happen directly.
noowiteeraníhIt aniwešohniitAhniraanátA taWIšaápis
Then they were the only ones the ones they were chasing the eight
AhnuhnaanuúʾA xaá- hiniʾ aniwešiniitAhniraanátA.
their numbering, on horse(s) the ones they were chasing.
witiraanuukaaʾuúkUt anuú NAhunaahkatAhkáʾU niiwewitininíkUx.
They went to the river there the land on the other side where they were waiting.

wah tihtaraanaáʾAs tinaraanátA.
Now they were fearless these (going).
tehnuxtawéʾ wiitatshaánuʾ.
There must have been among them Hidatsas.
They must have been.
kuuNUxteksaánuʾ nikuwi- tuuNUxtaaʾiitihUxuúkuʾ haáwaʾ.– witiwaákoʾ–
Bear's Ghost that is what he used to tell also.– He said:–
wenakuhnaanapitaá- hAt wenakukuraahwaníkA štoh noošitatuuNAhnáʾAx.
"When they turn around when they shoot at us, again then we will chase them."

wah kaaxtAhtšoóRUt wiítA nootuxtaahukoóʾUs.
Now, Yellow Legs a man he was brave.
kaakuuNUx- taawiʾiiruhkáʾIt.
He was fearless.

witiwaákoʾ kuuNUxteksaánuʾ
He said Bear's Ghost:
nikuwetatuunawikatAxá tiwešinatuuNAhnaáxI
"I was running alongside of him (ie Yellow Legs) when we chased them
aninoóčI taWIšaápis nuhnaanuúʾA.
those eight their numbering.
hawá nikuneetuhnaahnaánuʾ taWIšaápis.
Also we numbered eight.
aniwenuhnaanuukoókUt nakatooxUhuunoótA.
Those went in the water where the terrace is.
tišwačeehUxuúkuʾ iinaxkUskaNIhaáhkUx.
They used to say where the prairie dog village is.
niiháʾ nikunootoohnaaNIswaátaʾ witohništíkUx.
There then they were the ones who came in sight the ones who were waiting for the enemy.
a niiháʾ nikunootiRAxUhuúna naáNIt tinaraanoótA taWIšaápis.
And there that is where there was a battle really these eight.
ka naraaNIhuúʾU.
There were not many.

"They (ie the eight) threw themselves back.
'There is a large number of them.
tikiitoxtaa- NAhkatáʾAt waahíniʾ.
Let us go up here on the hill!
wekohnaaRAhwaáʾ niinataraakíčI.
They must be coming the Arikaras.
tuunakatAhkáʾU wekohnaaraánaʾ.
On the other side over there they must have come.'"

nikuwewitiinaahuníkUx tinawaaríčI nuhnaanuúʾA taWIšaápis
They were the ones waiting these ones who numbered eight
kuuNUxteksaánuʾ niiwenatawé.
Bear's Ghost the ones he was with.

nawáh noowitiwaákoʾ kuuNUxteksaánuʾ wiiteešútš AhnáʾU sáhniš
Now, then he said Bear's Ghost: "Young man the one Arikara
šitiisuxtehkUxuúkuʾ kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt.
they used to call him Bear Goes Into The Woods.
uu xaawaarúxtiʾ witikatariíʾI AhneečitáWI.
Oh, the horse it was swift the one he rode.
nootehnaanawi- ruuwíhuʾ weNAhkuutUhuuniikaʾiišátA weNAhkooNAhwaawaníkA.
Then he ran it into them when he rode into the middle of the group when he was shooting at them.
tsu šitiináʾAx.
However they ran after him.
kaakíʾ šiNIhkuutuuníkUt.
They were not able to catch him.
kaakíʾ šiNIhkuutunaaWIsátA.
They were not able to overtake him.
xaawaarúxtiʾ tikatariíʾI neečitáWI.
The horse it was swift the one he rode.
sanánat nootehnoosanaxkároʾ anináʾU.
The Sioux then he taunted them that one.

AhkaakiraačeéʾA áxkUx neeneewísaʾ.
"It was a short while later one (ie another) he arrived.
xaatareeʾúx tiičítA.
A gray horse he rode.
sáhniš tíʾ.
Arikara he was.
tatuhnaʾíhkuʾ kaakaátš.
I am meaning Little Crow.
xaatareeʾúx tiičítA.
A gray horse he rode.
uu hawá nikutuúʾUt tikatariíʾI.
Oh, also it was thus: it was swift.
Now they (du) taunted them.

atsú tinehnaNAhnaáNAt niikohnaraačítA
"But here we were go- ing off whatever the reason was
axkuraahninuka- woótIt.
whether we were frightened to death.
We turned back.
atsú tinaaríčI xaataree- ʾúx neečitáWI naáNIt
But this one the gray horse the one who rode it really
Ahnootuutiikaʾišwóʾ niiNAhunuúWI sanánat.
he just went into the middle where they were Sioux.
na xaawaarúxtiʾ neešinihwaasákuʾ.
And (his) horse they wounded it.
neeneenuxtačeewíʾaʾ neečitáWI.
It slowed up the one he rode.
atíštIt wekaakuuNAxí- huʾ wenawaasakúx.
Well it was not running after it was wounded.
noowetiRAhpaáʾAt wešohnihwaa- sakú xaawaarúxtiʾ.
Then it was bloody after they wounded it the horse.

wah neeniiwaákoʾ kaxtAhtšoóRUt tíwat suxtaaʾiitáWI tinaaríčI
"Now he said Yellow Legs: 'Nephew, tell him this
sáhniš xaawaarúxtiʾ wešitihwaasákuʾ.
Arikara (his) horse now they have wounded it!
Let him get away!
They might kill him.'

neeneetiwaákoʾ -- neeneetiwakaraanúʾAt naaxičitáWI wešitihwaasákuʾ.
"Then I said -- I called out to him: 'The one you ride they have wounded it.'

"He must not have known it.
Then he saw it.
neeniihUhtaa- wátAt.
Then he rode apart.
Then he rode up (the hill).
xaawaarúxtiʾ neenuutáwi wehnačiraaWIhú paátuʾ.
The horse it stopped when it was spilling liquid out blood.
tinaaríčI wiiteešútš neeniihUhtákaahAt.
This young man he jumped off.
He ran up (the hill).
He stood on top.
neenuuNAsaakáhAt sanánat wešinihwiraaniwiítIt.
They surrounded him the Sioux as they attacked him.

wah titaraanaáʾAs tinaaríčI wiiteešútš tinaaríčI kaakaátš.
"Now he was fearless this young man, this Little Crow.
tiinuuwaawáʾAx wenakooNAhwaawaníkA.
They all ran away when he shot at them.

atsú weneekuunaahnaanawíʾAt xaawaarúxtiʾ niinatuxtaah- naaničitáWI.
"But ours were tired horses the ones we rode.
wah čikiišisiniisuuxá wačéh tinaaríčI sáhniš.
'Now let us do something for him, poor thing, this Arikara!'

atsú neečitáWI xaakaatít naWIsá áwit
"However the one he rode black horse the one who came first
weneehUhkataátA xaawaarúxtiʾ noowitiskatáʾIt na nootíʾAt.
when he rode up, the horse then he hit its face and then he went.
He stood there.
hawá neešinihwiraaniwiítIt anináʾU sáhniš kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt.
Also they attacked him that one Arikara Bear Goes Into The Woods.

hawá nuuwehnaaraaʾIhwísaʾ áxkUx wiiteešútš sáhniš
"Also when he arrived charging there another young man Arikara
-- šitiisuxtaʾíhkuʾ naahané -- hawá neešinihwiraa- niwiítIt.
-- they called him Good Dish -- also they attacked him.
a tihwirinoósiʾ sáhniš.
And they were fierce the Arikaras.

hawá áxkUx neeneeraaʾIhwísaʾ wiiteešútš.
"Also one then he came charging a young man.
hawá nikutuúʾUt sáhniš tíʾ.
Also it was thus: an Arikara he was.
watoónaašA nikUšitiisux- taʾíhkuʾ nuxkUxiíʾU nakutakaaxíku.
Watonasha that is what they called him, his being left-handed when he shoots.

wah kaakuunaNAhuuNIšáwihAt wenaNAhwaaruúsAt sanánat tinaraaNIhuúNU.
"Now there was a huge number of them his wounding them Sioux these many.
xaawaarúxtiʾ weneekuunaahnaanawíʾAt.
The horses ours were tired.
atíštIt toxtaapóʾ.
'Cautiously let us go!
Let's get away!'

wah kaakuhnaaninoosičiraʾá.
"Now there was a multitude of them.
wah kohnaaRAhwaáʾ.
Now they must have been coming.

či siinó kohnaaraanaáhuʾ haáwaʾ sáhniš.
"Here yet they must have been coming also Arikaras.
NIhúxuʾ nootíʾIt sáhniš wiitatshaánuʾ.
Only then they were Arikaras, Hidatsas.
nootatinaah- naníhIt taWIšaápis.
We were the only ones eight.

wiiteešútš kutuuxAxaáʾA haakariiWAhnaaníkUx na NAhkAxiikatít.
"A young man he was named Drum Beater, and (one) Black Robe.
neešiiníhkootIt tišináʾU wiitatshaánuʾ.
They killed them these (du) Hidatsas.
wah tinawaaríčI táWIt čiitíʾIš čituúʾuʾ tiraanunáhAs niihéʾ.
Now these three (or) four all they were dead there.

tuuNAhunaanoótA niiweNAtWIswaawáNA naahatúhkAt kaakuhnaaninoosičiraʾá.
"That land where I had gone all around the last there was a multitude.
wekaakuúʾUt niikohniišískaʾ aatohnaasaáhNA
It was not now thus as they had wanted 'that we do'
niiniiNAhčiteeʾá sanánat.
its being difficult for them the Sioux.
tinaraanoótA wenaRAhWIswáNA niikohnihnaahukoosuúʾA nootiiNAhnaačiteeʾá.
These when they arrived there however brave they must have been then it became hard for them.
neewitiinihkUxawáNIt sanánat na neeraaNIhuúʾU
They fell back (ie withdrew) the Sioux and there were many
weniinaNAhwaaruúsAt weniinakawootíkA.
their being wounded, their being killed."

anináʾU huunúxAx kaakaátš AhnuxtaáhNA nikuWIšitihkoótIt
The one society staff Little Crow the one who had it, they killed that one
anináʾU wiiteešútš kaakaátš AhnuuxA- xaáNU.
the one young man Little Crow the one who was named.
nawáh šitehnuxtawéʾ taróxpa tišinawaaríčI.
Now, they (du) must have been members of it Taroxpa these (du).
tišiNAstaraʾó nikU- šitehnihkoótIt.
These (du) I am talking about they (du) were the ones who were killed.

wah witsuxtaanuukatáʾAt.
Now they crossed the river.
noowititihkUxawáNIt saná- nat.
Then they pulled back the Sioux.
aráh Axtóh wekaakatakuunaaNAhuuNIšáwihAt.
"Say, surely they have overcome too many of us.
na kaneeniiraaNIhuúʾU wenatakuuraaNAhwaaruúsAt.
And there are not many they who have wounded us.
wenatakuuraaNAh- katoókUt kaakiraaNIhuúʾU.
They who have gone against us they are few.
na iiraaNIhuúNU a čituúʾuʾ aatakuuraakawoótIt čituúʾuʾ
And if there were many, and all they would kill us all
oohnaána niikoh- nuhnaánuʾ wekohniinawireehaáʾAs.
if they had come however many there are they must all be ready.
aataraahNAhwii- sátA huukaatAhaáhniniʾ kaakatakuunaaNAhuuNIšaWIháxtA.
If we had gone closer to it on the river bank, they would indeed get the best of us.

tinaraanoótA sáhniš tihwaaRUxtíʾ.
"These Arikaras they are holy.
šinitkAxá tuunaáhu tsUhiínuʾ šinitkAxáhu
If they call it the thunder, the rain if they call it,"
wehninaaʾiitawaaWIhú šinittsUhiihkAxá kaakatakuunaaNAhuuNIšaWIháxtA.
as they were telling about each, "if they call the rain they're certainly going to overwhelm us!
We will be dead."

wah tákuʾ niikukohnaaroohuúʾU sanánat sanánat tinaa- čitaanoósI
Now whoever had the idea the Sioux, Sioux these bands
číkuʾ niikohnuutačitanaánuʾ tákuʾ niikukohnóxta AhnuuxIskáʾA
however many bands there were, whoever had the idea his having wanted
sáhniš čituúʾuʾ aatakawootíkA na wiitatshaánuʾ na
Arikaras all 'that I kill them,' and Hidatsas, and
káNIt wah niikohnáʾAt niikoh- nuúta čeésuʾ.
Mandans, now wherever he went, whatever he did too.

na wiiteešútš witiraanunáhAs.
And young men they were dead.
tatsuxwaaʾeéRIt naátU.
I saw the hill I.
kaakiraačeéʾA NItkuwaawanú šinikuusuxtaaʾiitawaawihUxukú.
It was not a long time when I wandered around what they used to tell me.
iiháʾ siinó tiwaákUx.
There yet the hill is.
The hill is there.
It is a big hill.
iiháʾ nikuwitiʾiínos sanánat.
There that is where the bodies lay Sioux.
That is where they lay on top.
áxkUx šihUxtaánuʾ NAsawíʾuʾ na áxkUx nikuwituhnaánuʾ
One hu ndred thirty-one that was the number
AhnuuxIhčitaroósI na tuuhéʾ Ahniškawooruutikú.
the bodies lying on top and there their having been killed.

nakutawé NAhkuwaasakúx na WIšitinikaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnuuxitUhwaáhAt.
At times when he had been wounded and they took him home where the camps were.
niihéʾ niiweneetúhkUx wenihwačee- hu Beulah niihéʾ
There where the town is what they call Beulah, there
nikuwituuxitUhkaátUx sanánat AhnuuxunaanoótA.
that is where the camp was in the ravine Sioux where they were camped.
nikuwituuxitUhwaáhAt aniweNUsuxtAhWIsátA.
That is where the camps were when they arrived to fight.

wah kanawituutAxítIt niiʾAhništoohunáʾU.
Now it did not occur what they had planned.
nootiraa- nunáhAs.
Then they died.
nikuwituhnaánuʾ čiitíʾIš sáhniš wiiteešútš
That is how many there were: four Arikaras young men
niiwenaraanunáhAs na pítkUx wiitatshaánuʾ NAhkAxiikatít
the ones who died and two Hidatsas: Black Robe
AhnuuxAxaáNU haakariiWAhnaaníkUx.
his having been named, Drum Beater.

tinaákUx haakariiWAhnaaníkUx nikuwitóx hiʾáxtiʾ tiíʾAt.
This Drum Beater that one was his his father He Flies.
nooweteeríhIt sápat wenuuniíWIs.
She is now the only one woman the one who remains.
tiíʾAt nooxaanaáNU čituúʾuʾ wetiraanunáhas.
He Flies his children all they are dead.
nooweteerí- hIt tinaákUx sápat wenuuniíWIs.
She is the only one this woman the one who remains.
nikuwituuxAxaáʾA wiitatshaánuʾ haakariiWAhnaaníkUx.
That one was named the Hidatsa Drum Beater.

atsú tinaákUx– NAhkAxiikatít– wiitatshaánuʾ tehnuuxaana-
But this– Black Robe– the Hidatsa he must have
níkUx sáhniš.
been married to her an Arikara.
staNAhaakaatít atípaʾ nikuwitóx na neetAhkaráni.
Black Buffalo Woman her grand- father he was the one, and Spotted Tail.
kuúNUx kananiikatariíNU nikutuuxAxaáʾA haáwaʾ.
Slow Bear he was named that also.
wah nikuWIšitóx anináʾU hiʾáxtiʾ káNIt witíʾ.
Now that one was his; that one his father a Mandan he was.
atsú witaáʾ íhUx wiitatshaánuʾ íhUx káNIt haáwaʾ.
But he was half Hidatsa, half Mandan also.
nišwačeehUxuúkuʾ NAhkAxiikatít kuúNUx kananiikatariíNU nikuwitóx atípaʾ.
They used to say Black Robe Slow Bear that one was his grandfather.
wah tinaákUx staNAhaakaatít nikuwitóx inástiʾ kuúNUx kananiikatariíNU.
Now this Black Buffalo Woman she was the one his brother Slow Bear.
Sanishtaaká his mother she was theirs (du).

wah taanikutatsuuxItkookUxúʾ pítkUx táWIt NIhku- naaʾiiwaátI
Now this is what I used to hear two, three their telling the story
tinaraaʾiítUx tiwenatunaaʾiítIhu.
this story the one I am telling.

wah tinaákUx kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt wetatunaaʾiitíštA niiʾAhnuutaáNA.
Now this Bear Goes Into The Woods I am going to tell about it what he did.
wah tinaákUx wiiteešútš wituxtaahukoóʾUs naahnuuxAxaáNU watoónaašA.
Now this young man he was valorous the one who was named Watonasha.
WIšituxtiraáhuʾ wiiteešútš.
They (du) were always together the young men.

wah taróxpa weNAhkučeehaáhkUx wenehkuraakawaakaroóku na
Now Taroxpa when it had its dance when they were singing and
witeenunuunaakaanunós taakáxtš niinooNAhkuúʾU xaátš neščiraánuʾ
they had their foods there dried meat different kinds, dog, sweet corn,
WAhúx wenehkuraakawaakaroóku taróxpa.
squash, when they were singing Taroxpa.

wah tsu tišinaákUx WIšituxwaawanúʾ iitineetuunoótA.
Now but these (du) they (du) were wandering around where this village was.
hawáh šiisiiNIšakaakawáʾAs taróxpa.
"Hey, let us eat theirs Taroxpa!"

nooWIšitIhuúpA weWIšitohnuunáWIswo.
Then they (du) entered while they sang their death song.
WIšitUtčeehaahtaakárahAt niiʾAhnaraanoóta taróxpa.
They (du) went around the inside of the room where they sat Taroxpa (members).
Then they (du) took up the pot.
Then they (du) took the pot of cooking food outside.
"Let us eat theirs!"
wah nikuWIšituúta.
Now that is what they (du) did.
wah nikuwituxtaateehuúʾU.
Now that was the custom.
nikiišuutaáNA šuunačiraahAhkúxIt taróxpa wah
If you do that if you take their pot of cooking food the Taroxpas, now
nikuwetAxiniitaakaaníštA niinaraawiitoóčI naahukoósuʾ
you are going to have to do that for them what is a manly act a warrior
tinaraáčI číkuʾ nakuutaáNA.
these ways, to do something.
You have now obligated yourself.
That is what I used to hear.
wah tišinaákux nikuWIšituúta.
Now these (du) that is what they did.

wah tinaákUx weNAheešá
Now this one when morning came
wehnuunačiraahAhkúxIt wešohnačiraahanikaaʾá wah
after they took their pot of cooking food after they brought the pot out, now
kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt suúnaaxuʾ uu wituhné
Bear Goes Into The Woods a young woman oh, she was pretty
AhnaahtakúʾU hiwaaráNIt.
his wife beautiful.
nooWIšitohnaánaʾ naakunaánuʾ nakaánus xuúhuniʾ
Then they (du) came after them Juneberries, chokecherries close by
niiNAhunaanúʾa huukaawiraátA niinuuxitúhkUx
where the land comes extending east where the village was located
nuuxitUhčituúʾU šohnaawaʾá.
when the village was combined as they (du) came.
kookuríhIt WIšitIhukákUx.
A one horse cart they (du) rode in it.

uu witiraaNIhuúʾU naakunaánuʾ nakaánus wešohna- taráʾU.
Oh, there were many Juneberries, chokecherries as they (du) picked.
uu tinaaríčI xaawaarúxtiʾ noowewitiisaNAxaánuʾ AhnačiškataWAhnaáhu.
Oh, this horse then it was uneasy its continually whin- nying.
nuukuwitireewáʾAt niišohnoxwaʾá.
Over there it looked from where they (du) had come.

wah nikunoowitiiraawiiʾót wehniinaakitUhwaawaníkA
Now then it was just about that time when they were shooting at the village
anuunatskatAhkáʾU wehnoosuxtaanuukaataʾiišá.
there (from) the other side of the river when they (the enemy) came to the bank of the river.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaaríčI kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt wah nataahtakúʾU tatooxAsíštA.
Then he said this Bear Goes Into The Woods: "Now, my wife, I have loved you
wah tsu taanikuneetuúta tatuunakaakawáʾAs taróxpa.
Now but this is what I did: I ate theirs Taroxpa.
naahukoósuʾ neéʾIt.
Brave men they are.
wah číkuʾ  niiNItkuutaáNA– kaakíʾ NItkunaaninó.
Now what- ever I do,– I cannot be afraid.
wenataahtakúʾU tatoo- xAsíštA.
My wife, I have loved you.
I am going to leave you now."

xaawaarúxtiʾ noowewitiisaNAxaánuʾ.
The horse then it was uneasy.
Then he unhitched it.
Then he took the harness off.
noowitiwaákoʾ tuhnaʾít xaawaarúxtiʾ tinaaríčI hee tičé nuúʾUt Ahnoonaakurinó.
Then he said, he told it the horse this: "Hey, what is it your fearing it?
tAxkatariíʾI na kaneeneešiwiroóhuuʾU.
You are fast, and you certainly are a winner.
nikutatíʾ nakukUhunáhAs.
I am the one for me to die.
tAxtooxuúʾU NAxkatariíNU xaawaarúxtiʾ tinaáxU.
You are beautiful your being swift, horse you here.
I am the one.
I will be the one to die."

nootiičitawiítIt tinaaríčI xaakaatít.
Then he mounted it this black horse.
It was nice looking.
wituuNIšaʾiwáNIt tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ.
He shook her hand this young woman.
Then she cried.

tineečitáWI wiiteešútš noowituuNAxíNIt uhtaRAhčiíšuʾ aniwehnaaʾá.
This young man then he made it run a fast speed as he came.
aa witikatariíʾI xaawaarúxtiʾ nuuwehneesAhkoó- kUt.
Ah, it was swift the horse as it went there into the village.
noowitiihUhtawiraáʾAt niiwehnaraanuuka- tawó.
Then it ran down where they were crossing (the river).
Then he went in the water on horseback.
He crossed.

anuú noowitiihUhkatáʾAt niiwehnaRAxUhuhteéhAt wehnooNAhčitawaʾá.
There then he ran up where the edge of the battle was where they came over the top (of the hill).
Then he arrived.
Then he jumped off.

tinaaríčI xaawaarúxtiʾ niikohnuutUhuúna WIšiteenuusuuxi- RAxwísaʾ
This horse whatever became of it they brought it for him
štoh anináʾU– xaakaatít tsu AhnuuxičitáWI wewitIhunáhAs.
back that– black horse but the one who rode it he was now dead.
weWIšitihkoótIt kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt tsu
They had killed him Bear Goes Into The Woods but
kanawituunaNAhuuNIšáwihAt wehnaakuNAhátkA
he had killed a large number of them when he killed them,
wehnaawaaruúsAt xaawaarúxtiʾ wehnuunakawooruutíkA.
when he wounded them, horses after he killed various ones of theirs.
wah nikuWIšitiininuʾá.
Now they became afraid of that one.

wah tuunaákUx naahané šohniisuxtéhku hawá
Now, that one Good Dish the one they used to call also
nikuwitiʾá kuúNUx.
that one became a bear.
noowitehnikawaawáRIt sanánat.
Then he scattered them the Sioux.
noowituutUhuunoohtawiítIt kuúNUx.
Then he transformed into it a bear.
noowiteekawoótIt sanánat.
Then he killed them Sioux.

wah tinaákUx watoónaašA weWIšitihwiraaníkUx haáwaʾ.
Now this Watonasha they were attacking him also.
nikuwitUstaraaNAsúʾ haáwaʾ.
That one was just as fierce also.
tsu AhnuxkUxíʾ.
But he was lefthanded.
nikuwitunaačiteeʾá niíšuʾ wehnuNAhkatakUxiiNIhú.
It was difficult for that one shells when they were choking it.
witíʾIt šohniisuuxAhnehkUxukú nariišpAhaatíčI noowehneeRAhWIsá ništAhkatAxá.
They were ones they used to call red arrows when they first arrived breechloaders.
noowituNAhkatakUxiiníhuʾ tinaákuʾ atíštIt kanawitiirištAhká.
Then it choked (ie jammed) the gun; well (ie correctly) the shells were not loaded.
Then they killed him.

wehnaRAxUhuunaweétA nooWIšitiiniinaNAxwíʾAt iiʾAhnaʾiinoswaáWI niiwehniinakuNAhátkA.
After the fighting ended then they went to look for bodies where the bodies lay the ones who had been killed.

wah tinaákUx naahané tehnaawísaʾ.
Now this Good Dish he must have arrived back.
atsú uunaraanoótA táWIt wewitiraanunáhAs.
But those others three they were now dead.
kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt kaakaátš na watoónaašA na
Bear Goes Into Woods, Little Crow, and Watonasha, and
pítkUx wiitatshaánuʾ na káNIt.
two (others) Hidatsa, and Mandan.

wah tiwenaraakoxkAhaahwaawaáhNA
Now when there got to be peace everywhere
weniinaaʾiiwaawaátI sanánat wenuuxIhtakUhuhwaawanú
when they told different stories Sioux when they were wandering as a group
anuú niškúsuʾ na waahatUhkákUx na niihéʾ
there Cannon Ball and Fort Yates and there,
wetikuunaahunáhAs niiNIš- taaʾiiwaawaatIhú aninaraaʾiitUxíčI
I forgot the place when they were telling stories those stories,
wah taanikutuutAxítIt.
"Now this is what happened."

wah witiRAhkoxkAhaáNAt sáhniš niihéʾ niiʾAhneetúhkUx niškúsuʾ.
Now they went on a friendly visit Arikaras there where the village is Cannon Ball.
noowehnaRAhkaawaáhu uu witiraačiškáʾIt.
When they were dancing, oh, they had a good time!
wehnaraanoótA kananiiraaNIhuúʾU sanánat.
When they stayed there were so many Sioux!

anuú kuwitaahwé nátš.
There it was upright at a distance a stick.
pAxIskuúxuʾ witUstákUx.
A scalp it hung from it.
hawá áxkUx uukuwitiwé.
Also one another was upright
pítkUx pAxIskuúxuʾ šohnuuxuhwaáWI šohnihkootíkA.
Two scalps their (du) hair their (du) having been killed.

Then they recognized them (du).
noowitiwaákoʾ tináWI pAxIskuúxuʾ nikutíʾ
Then he said: "This scalp it is the one
kuúNUx tikaʾiíšAt a tuu- naáhWI nikuníʾ kaakaátš.
Bear Goes Into The Woods, and that one over there it is the one Little Crow."
tehnuxpAxkariwíʾ NIhúhtš wiiteešútš.
He must had had a curly head a little the young man.
WIšitiitIswaáwiš sáhniš tatstaraʾóʾ sáhniš
They recognized them (du) Arikaras, I am talking about it Arikaras
wehninaanaawiitikú Ahnatakuraačeewá
as they were showing them off their having counted coup on us
AhniikawootíkA aninoóči.
their having killed them those.

AhništaanuhkoóčI naawaaRUxtiíʾuʾ noowitiránoʾ NAhnaaWIškáhtš.
The ones who had them holy ways then he filled it the pipe.
They offered the pipe.

na tiwenehnaNAhnaanúʾAt ačitaánuʾ niiNAsiíNU.
"And here we sit tribe ours.
wah číkuʾ šiNAxkuraáwiš.
Now you must smoke some.
wah uunáxkUx kaakaátš tiwenee- tinaapIsaáhu niiwešinaraáhNA.
Now you other one Little Crow we have come here where they have you.
wah čeésuʾ číkuʾ WIšiti- NAxkUtkawiítIt čeésuʾ
Now too maybe you will avenge yourselves (du) ourselves
NItkuraakIsšteehuúNU niiwešinooNAhuunuúʾA.
that we might be thankful after what they have done to you.
atsú wenuunaahé atíštIt šitehnaára
But it is good well they must have you (du),"
wešohnitwaaWIhtikú áwit AhnuuxunuuwaáWI.
when they were talking to them (du) formerly the ones who were living.

nootiraačiškawá AhnaRAhkaáhu.
Then they had a good time as they were dancing.

wah suúnaaxuʾ tiwitiihAxwánuʾ.
Now a young woman she was dancing around.
wituunáwiʾ piirapIskhuúnuʾ.
She resembled a doll.
nikutišwačeehUxuúkuʾ suúnaaxuʾ noonuhneeRAhú.
That is what they used to say a young woman one who was nice looking.
noowewituutuNAhkatAhaákuʾ niitiʾAhnaraanoótA sáhniš.
Then she was dancing in front of them here where they sat the Arikaras.

noowitiwáčiʾ wah WIšteetóʾ.
Then they said: "Now wait!
wetuhkohninoosíštA tinawanú.
She's going to be abused this one."

hawá áxkUx uuwehnawánuʾ.
Also one that was going about.
čiitíʾIš wituhnaánuʾ suúnaaxuʾ wehneenuutaakawičešwaáhnu
Four there were young women ones who were showing off in front of them
sáhniš tinaraanoótA wehnihnaanuúNU
Arikaras these, (when they ridiculed in) their action
Ahnatakuxtaačé aninoóčI tišinaákUx wiiteešútš šohnihkootíkA.
when they counted coups on ours the ones these (du) young men whom they killed.

wah nootiraaʾíWA.
Now then the dance ended.
núxkUx šohniisuxtéhku kaakaawaapIsíšuʾ– na
The one who was the one called Iron Crow– and
sčirí tuúNAx nooWIšitiRAhunáhAs tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ
Running Wolf then they eloped with her this young woman
AhnuhneéRA AhnuxtAhkAxiiNAhkataá- NU.
the pretty one the one who had a yellow dress.
uu suúnaaxuʾ niwaaraáʾuʾ wehniitapsiwaawaahnú
Oh a young woman beautiful her having winters
nooxíniʾ na taWIšaápis nuukunoowiteewítat.
eighteen she was that age.
na uunawaaríčI nooWIšitiinaNAhunuuwaáhAs wehnaahtakukaaʾišwaʾá.
And those others then they eloped with them when the party came home.

na tinaákUx sčirí tuúNAx na kaakaawaapIsíšuʾ noo-
And this Running Wolf and Iron Crow then
WIšitoosiráxaʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
they (du) brought her this young woman.
noowitiwískaʾ tinaákUx– suúnaaxuʾ
Then she thought this– young woman
wešiteeNAxkuusiRAxkaaʾiišúhtA niiʾAhnatoxtaakítAt tiihéʾ.
"You (du) must be going to take me home," where our village was here.

číkuʾ wetehnuutunaánuʾ wehnatakuraahNAhčituuwaáhNA
It must have been the time when we (Indians) got together
wehnaraanawáNA koohaáhkAt.
when they were living dispersed on the north.
wehnaraa- nawáNA nikunoowetehniiraawiiʾootšaanúʾ.
When they were living dispersed it must have been getting to be that time.

noowitiwískaʾ tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wešiteeNAxkoh-
Then she thought this young woman: "You must be
takúxtA sáhniš.
going to marry me Arikara."

či wešiišeenuusiRAxáʾ witiNIhkutAhkatAhakú niikoh-
Here they had brought her for each of them to be taking her sexually however
nuhnaánuʾ wiítA aniwenuuxunuuwaáWI.
many it was men the ones who were living then.
wah na niišaakIhtakuranuhkáʾIt.
Now and each of these had wives.
ka náʾIt wiitaníhUx.
They were not single men.

niikohniíhiʾ načiiʾuuháWI skAhuukaawíʾAt
Wherever it was Cannon Ball; Face Submerged In The Water
nikuwitiíhiʾ wehneétAt.
that was the place where the camp was.
wah čikiitooxUhuunaakaakawáʾAs na neeteeraapóʾ.
"Now let us eat something first and then we will go!"
Then they camped (lit sat down).

noowiteečitáʾ aninaʾU kaakaawaapIsíšuʾ
Then he came over the hill that Iron Crow
wehniinakiwaaxaxkú šiišUhuúnaʾ.
when he named different ones: "Come here!"
Then he went up.
a či nikuwešiišeeníkUx anináʾU suúnaaxuʾ Ahnooxawičešwaahnú.
And here that is where they had her that young woman the one who had been showing off.
wah niiháʾ nikunooWIšitinuxwanuuxítIt wewitohnitkatAhakú.
Now there that is where they proceeded to rape her as each one took his turn.
WIšitiiNAhuunuxteéWA na nooWIšitiiníʾit.
They finally finished with her and then they let her go.

hawá uunaaríčI Ahnooxawičešwaahnú hawá nikuWIšitiiNAhuúnuʾ.
Also the other one the one who had been showing off also they did that to her.
weWIšitíʾa pítkUx.
There were (du) two.

wah wah teéRIt sanánat a či wešiišeenuNAhunáhAs
Now Standing Elk a Sioux and her they eloped with his
haáwaʾ tsu anináʾU šitehniinaáku štoh.
also, but that one they must have given her back again.
tehneenuutUhuuniraanoósaʾ sanánat.
He (the husband) must have tracked her down the Sioux.
noowi- tiisiráxAt wah teéRIt nooxAhtakúʾU sápat.
Then he took her (back) Standing Elk his wife the woman.
piiráʾuʾ wituxtá.
A baby she had.

Then they came home as a group.

wah niiháʾ nikuwituutAxíruutIt.
Now there that is what happened.
noowitaahtaku- wísaʾ.
Then the group came back.
atsú wewitiiNAhnaawaawaʾú Ahništeš- waawaahnú.
Meanwhile now they had been given things their donating to them.
wah taanikuwituutAxítIt.
Now this is what happened.
wah taanikutatuuNUxaakIt- kookUxuúkuʾ niiNIštaaʾiiwaawaatIhú.
Now this is what I used to hear from them when they used to tell stories.