XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Coyote Fools Lucky Man

Alfred Morsette

sčiríhtš wešiNIhkuuniiwaátI tsu– niinanuhnoohuunuúčI sčiríhtš
Coyote when they tell about him but– what his pranks are Coyote
NAhkuwaawanú witiNAhkukaanuNAxweekoóčI .
while he wanders around while he looks for meals f or
self . . . .

sčiríhtš wehneehuuwiraátA noowiteeraaWIškaaʾaáhuʾ.
Coyote while he was running there was smoke coming out.
It was a lodge.
wehnaWIsátA noowituutakAhčiríkUx.
When he arrived then he looked at the lodge.

aa noowitoonaakaaNUhkhaanawíre AhnačiraahAh- khaanáWI.
Ah, then the food smelled good to him its smelling like boiling meat.
hee aráh.
"Why, oh my!"

Then he went.
noowitiʾookaaʾiíšAt iiʾAhnaakaáWI akanaanataáʾuʾ.
Then he went to the entrance where the dwelling was earth lodge.
sčiríhtš noowitičitUtWAhnaáhuʾ hą́ą́ hą́ą́ ųhą́ą́.
Coyote then there was a sound in his throat: "Ha, ha, uha."
Now that is what he was saying over and over.

nuu kaahaahníniʾ noowitiwaákoʾ hą́ą́ kananeehuu- kAhíštA
There inside then he said: "Hey, surely you are going to come in,
tákuʾ niinooNAxkuúʾU NAxkuwaawanú.
whoever you are you wandering around!
na tAhuúkaʾ
Come in!"

sčiríhtš noowitIhuúkAt.
Coyote then he went in.
hą́ą́ Axtóh tunaahé wenataakUhúNAx tiWIsíRIš tsu
"Ha, certainly it is good my finally finding you, uncle, but
NAtkuwaawanú naawiinakuúnuʾ.
while I am going around (on) the warpath.
nuu waakatítkAt nikuwetatiínaʾ.
There Black Hills I have come from there.
Our war just ceased.
nikuxtaaNAxUhuunaánuʾ paatúh.
We were warring with them the enemy.
We counted coup on them."
nikuwitiwaawaakaáhuʾ sčiríhtš.
That is what he was saying Coyote.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wiítA tinaákUx -- wiitakaWAhaánuʾ
And then he said man this one -- Lucky Man
nikuwiteešaáʾA wiítA tiiʾAhnaákUx.
that one was named man this one.
hee wah šuxwiítIt.
"Hey, now sit down!"

noowitičiraahAhkáWAt tinaákUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
So he took the cooking meat out this Lucky Man.
noowituutanaxtoswaáWI tinaákUx sčiríhtš.
Then he dished out meat for him this Coyote.

či nikiišaahwískaʾ aatAhaakawáʾAs.
Here that is what he wanted 'that I eat.'
tiwaawaa- NIšítIt uu wehnunaaʾiiwaawaátI wenehkučeštaruuwátAt.
He began to eat, oh, as he told stories as he told various fibs.

noowitiwaákoʾ waaxtóh wetAtkaawačiíʾIt.
Then he said: "Now certainly I am full.
wah tuúxAt.
Now I will go!"


noowiteeWIsítIt sčiríhtš.
Then he went out Coyote.

nuu wehnaátA noowituutUhuunapítaahAt.
There while he was going then he swung around.
čą́ą́ číkuʾ witiʾaatohnaahúNAx.
"Why, I wish I would find something for myself!
če tatootaa- níštA.
I wonder what I am going to do?"
nikuwewitiWIskawaáwaʾ sčiríhtš.
That is what he was thinking over and over Coyote.

nawáh číkuʾ witiitoxtaʾá číkuʾ naaxkukuʾú tsástš.
"Now let me hurt myself in some way that you will give me some meat!"

uu noowitanuhkaaníš wiítA.
Oh, there he had plenty of it the man.
noowitireewáʾAt sčiríhtš číkuʾ aatohtaʾút taakáxtš čiríkU
There he looked Coyote, wishing'that I steal some' dried meat, oh my,
haátuʾ niinooNAhkuuraáʾU.
tongue, all kinds of that sort.

noowitiwaákoʾ hą́ą́.
Then he said: "Hey!"
witiraawiinookaaʾiíšAt sčiríhtš.
He charged to the door Coyote.
nuu noowitiraánoʾ sčiríhtš.
There then he sang a song Coyote.
wehnaraanoóku teehuunukaawaʾaáhuʾ wehneehAxwánu
While he was singing he was jumping around while he danced around
wehnakaawiraaníkUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wehnuutawičešwaahnú.
while he was bothering him inside Lucky Man as he was teasing him.
Then he sang:

wiitakaWAhaánuʾ tataraawiiNIsáWI.
Lucky Man, I am pleading with you (for your food).
čiwákuʾ čiwákuʾ
Fox he is dancing well, Fox he is dancing well.

witakaáʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
He came out Lucky Man.
Then he gave him a rib.

atsú wekuwituutuhtaRAhtšúʾ sčiríhtš tinaraanoóku Ahneehuunukaawaáhu.
But he was determined Coyote this one singing as he was jumping around.
hawá číkuʾ witiínu.
Also he gave him something.

wah wekuwituhnaáʾuʾ Ahnaraanoóku.
Now he continued his singing:
(Sung) wiitakaWAhaánuʾ tataraawiiNIsáWI.
Lucky Man, I am pleading with you (for your food).
čiwákuʾ čiwákuʾ
Fox he is dancing well, Fox he is dancing well.

wah wewitinaawaʾuúhuʾ niinoonehkiíhA taakáxtš.
Now he was giving him things, different things he was given dried meat.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ hą́ą́ kaakAxíhtoʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Hey, you sure are pesky!
tinawanú číkuʾ kaneeteeNAxeesšteehuúʾU niiwenataakiíhA.
This one you must not be at all thankful (for) what I have given you.
hą́ą́ wah wetatakoótIt.
Hey, now I'll kill you."

wah noowiteewičitoohaásAt.
Now then he nocked an arrow.
wačéh sčiríhtš WIšitihwakoohuuniričíšAt wešohnitkaxčipIšawíhA.
The poor thing, Coyote he was brought down screaming (in pain) when his leg was shot.
noowitíʾAt tinaaríčI wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
Then he went this Lucky Man.
noowititaaRUxtAhuú- kAt.
Then he dragged him inside.
He took it from the leg.

nawáh tiWIsíRIš nootatiiWIskaaxiíkuʾ tiiháʾ NItkih- tatataʾaáhNA.
"Now, uncle, I am just wanting here for me to be around.
Axtóh nootAxuhkaanuniwá.
Surely you have good meals."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ heeʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Yes.
číkuʾ kaneenuúʾUt.
I do not care.
škutčiranuuwaáhuʾ tstoóxuʾ.
You will bring it to me water.
tsu Išwánuʾ tiiháʾ niikohniiraačíštA na wenohkaaxeereétIt.
But you'll stay here however long it is going to be, and your leg will be well."

tsu weNAhkuraawiinátA wiitakaWAhaánuʾ atsú tinaaríčI sčiríhtš
But when he went hunting Lucky Man, but this Coyote
noowitunaaNAhuuninoosiwá weNAhkuwaawáʾA.
then he greedily got into things as he ate.
He ate everything up.
wehnuhwaawáʾA či nikiišaahwískaʾ aatohwaawáʾA wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
While he ate his here that is what he wanted 'that I eat yours (food)' Lucky Man!

nikukananiiraaná sčiríhtš naakučešwaahnú witinakukaanuNAxweékoočI.
That is the way he always was Coyote to be lying to be looking for food for himself.