XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Long Teeth and Drinks Brain Soup

Lillian Brave

kuwiteetuunúʾaʾ tsu
The village was coming in a long procession, and
NAhkUhunuuwaáWI saNIščituúʾuʾ NAhkUhunuuwaáWI suúnaaxuʾ
while they were going about everyone, as they went about young women
WIšitit- kAxá haakaraahnaaWIhíniʾ.
they (du) lay on it on a scaffold.
WIšititkAxá suúnaaxuʾ pítkUx wešikanaNAhkuuhuupanú.
They (du) lay on it young women two their (du) not going inside (the lodge).
sihnaah- thaakawaawáNIt.
"We might break the rule.
tsu sihtAxá haakaraahnaaWIhíniʾ.
But we'll lie on it on the scaffold.
sihtAxá haakaraahnaaWIhíniʾ.
We'll lie on it on the scaffold."

na noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx suúnaaxuʾ hásI.
And then she said one young woman: "See!
šuxteewaáta anuunaanaríčI sákaaʾA.– Ahnootatitóxwoʾ.
Look at it that one yonder star!– I just admire him.
I just like him.
AhnootatiWIskaaxiíkuʾ nikuʾaaxkohtakúʾU.
I am just wishing that I were married to that one."

noowitiwaákoʾ uunaaríčI kaakunaahé.
Then she said the other one "It is not good.
na kaaki- waakaáhuʾ.
Do not be saying that.
tiraawaaRUxtíʾ na kaneenuunaahé nikuNAxux- waákAhu.
It is sacred, and it isn't good this that you were saying.
It is not good.
It is sacred."

tiweWIšitohnaawoósA aasiinítkA a či weešeénaʾ AhnawihčeésU.
After they had gone to bed 'that we sleep,' and here it came a long arm.
Then it lifted her into the heavens.
nuuskaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ nohníNAt wehneeNIhtakuuxaáNA.
There in the sky then it took her to marry her.
sákaaʾA čiišaáʾA sákaaʾA šeeniRIhuuníčI.
A star here it was, the star one of the largest ones.

wewitiraačeéʾA wehnaaheešá noowitičirikaʾá suúnaaxuʾ.
It was a long time after morning came, then she awoke the young woman.
"Where are we living?"

noowitiwaákoʾ Axtóh wetAsihwaawanúʾ skaRAhkatA- haáhniniʾ.
Then she said: "Certainly we are living in the sky.
anuú áskAt wetAsihwaawanúʾ.
There above we are living.
nikutAxúhnaʾA nooweNAxkuraatoxwaawanú.
You are the cause your always admiring things.
wiítA tineehunuuwaawikáʾIt.
'Men here there are many living.
na tákuʾ titoóxAt.
Admire one of them.'
natsú noowetAxitoóxAt sákaaʾA.
Instead then you admired it a star.
ihwaaRUxtiíʾU titčiriNAsákUx na takukuhnaači- riikawaáWI
Their being holy they look down (on earth) and they always watch us."

na noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ kaakíʾ.
And then she said the young woman: "No.
tíštIt tuúʾUt.
Well it is.
tsu– tAtwískaʾ aaxkohtakúʾU sákaaʾA.
But– I want 'that you marry me' star.
tAtwískaʾ aaxkohtakúʾU sákaaʾA.
I want 'that you marry me' star."

nookanawitiiraačeéʾA noowititpiiránoʾ.
It was not a long time then she bore a child for him.

noowitiwaákoʾ sákaaʾA hásI.
Then he said the star: "Listen!
tiNAxwaawanú na číkuʾ kaakikaruuwatúʾ WIsuúkaʾ.
While you go about do not dig any of them turnips!
kaakunaáhe nakuxkaruuwatú WIsuúkaʾ.
It is not a good thing to dig them turnips.
kooxuhneésiš aniNAxiína.
You will find out whence you came."

na noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ tičé nuúʾUt.
And then she said the young woman: "Why is it?
tičé  naraačítA.
What is the reason?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ sákaaʾA kaakíʾ.
And then he said the star: "No.
kaakátIskaʾ aaxunaahkawaaruusakú.
I do not want it that you be digging them here and there.

noowitiinanipaahwá hiikunaWIsákUx na niinoonakiíčI.
Then he hid them digging sticks and different things.
noowitiinanipaahwá.– wekanawitiiwískaʾ
Then he hid them.– He did not want it
číkuʾ aaxuhnunaahwaapinú aaxuhnunaahnatawaaWIhú.
'that you break through the ground,' 'that you be digging holes.'

noowitiraawičeéna na číkuʾ nohnaáNAt sákaaʾA.
Then it was a while later and then he went off somewhere the star.
číkuʾ nohnaáNAt.
Then he went off somewhere.
tsu weWIšitií- kUx suúnaaxuʾ.
But now they (du) lived there the young women.
weWIšitiihuuwiraaʾá wešoh- naawaáto.
They (du) were running around their (du) being lonely.
They (du) were lonely.

noowitiwaákoʾ sákaaʾA tičé nuúʾUt šinaakoo- waáto.
Then he asked the star: "Why is it your (du) being lonely?
niiháʾ– šiNAxkureewaataáNA anineehunaáhkUx niišiNAxiína.
There– when you look there is the land whence you (du) came.
tsu niihíʾ čéstIt naaníšuʾ tiihíʾ čéstIt.
But it is far off; really it is far off.
kaneenuunaahé aaxuuxátA.
It won't be good that you go.
You will get lost.
na tičé nuúʾUt.
Why, what is the matter?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh číkuʾ kaakuúʾUt tsu sihwaawanúʾ tiiháʾ.
And then she said: "Well, it does not matter and we'll go around here.
We'll become used to it."

noowitIhaakariiWAhnaawaáhuʾ Ahninaakawaakaroóku wiítA wiítA Ahninaakawaakaroóku.
There was the sound of drums when they were singing men, men when they were singing.
na noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ wah WIštéh.
And then she said young woman: "Now wait!
Wait awhile!"

či weešaahtaʾút hiikunaWIsákUx.
Here she stole it a digging stick.
či weešaahtaʾút.
Here she stole it.
nuu nohnaáNAt.
There then she went off.
Then she dug a hole.

čiríkU AhnoowitiroohuununáhAs.
Oh my, then it just disappeared into the ground.
There it disappeared into the ground.
či weešanuhnunaahnatáWI skaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ.
Here she had dug a hole in the ground in the sky!
wehnačirikaahtaátA na inoowitiihunuuwá niitinataraakunuuwaáWI.
When she peeped through, and there they were going about here where we are (on earth).
na inoowitiihunuuwá.
And there they were going about.

witiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ šuxkatáhAt.
She said the young woman: "Get away!
Get away!
It is not good.
hásI či kananuunaahé.
Look, here it's not safe."

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ kaakíʾ.
Then she said the young woman: "No.
tAtwískaʾ aataraawičirikaátA.
I want that I scrutinize things.
tAtwískaʾ nuu aataWIsátA niiNAsehwaʾá.
I want there that I arrive whence we came.
tatIskáʾ aataWIsátA.
I want that I arrive."

noowitiwaákoʾ uunaákUx kaakíʾ.
Then she said the other: "No.
Let's stay here!
tiiháʾ neesíškUx atsú nikuwetAxwískaʾ sákaaʾA aaxkohtakúʾU.
Here let's stay! But you are the one who wanted the star 'that you marry me.'
na nikuwenuúʾUt.
And that is how it is
wetaahtákuʾ sákaaʾA.
He married you the star.
You were the one admiring him."

Then they (du) began peeping through.
na inoowitateeraakunuuwá.
And there we were going around.

na noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ tičé NAsiitaáništA NAsihtawiraawáNA.
And then she said young woman: "What are we going to do for us to go down?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ uunaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wah WIštéh.
And then she said the other young woman: "Now wait!
We will find a way.
We will find a way."

na wiinásts tiwehnaraáhNA noowitiwaákoʾ wah koosíhWA.
And little boy when she had him then she said: "Now let's go.
wah tsu áwit tanáhaʾ šikoosiišuxkoótIt na
Now but first a buffalo we must kill it, and
anuuniikohnuhnaánuʾ Axkásuʾ– niikoNUstaNIstáʾU tanáhaʾ nii
however many there are sinews– however big the body is buffalo there
Axkásuʾ neeteeraahaxkároʾ háxtš.
sinew we will make a string a string."

síš wehniitIštatatooháku suxtiikIsíš noowitiwaá- koʾ
Spider the one helping her, Old Woman Spider, then she said:
wah nooweteeraaníhIt anuuʾIštawiraátA tiraačitéʾ.
"Now there is one thing: when you go down it is hard.
naáNIt tiraačitéʾ.
Really it is difficult.
atsú neešUsaaxáhUt.
But you'll take hold of the string.
Then you'll go down."

na nikuwenuutaáNA suúnaaxuʾ tiwehnaatawiraaʾá
And when she did that the young woman when she came down
Ahnoowitikataté niinooniihaapiwaáčI.
then she just got stuck however high the trees were.
WAxačipiriínuʾ wewitii- huunuučitAhaákuʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
A cottonwood she was swinging above it the young woman.

noowitiwaákoʾ čeésiʾ sákaaʾA nawáh wešitAxkuutIš- tatatooháxtA.
Then he said himself the star: "Now you are going to help me.
wešitAxuutIštatataʾuúhAt suúnaaxuʾ.
You have already helped them (du) young women.
wešitAxtaaʾú šinakutawiraátA.
You gave the way to them (du) for them (du) to go down.
na neeraačitéʾ.
And it is difficult.
wah tsu wešiineštaaʾú.
Now but you gave them (du) the way.
wah čeésiʾ šikoxkuutIštatataʾuúhAt.
Now too you will help me."

kanítš noowiteeranitakároʾ táWIt.
Stones then he heated them three.
táWIt kanítš noowiteeranitakároʾ.
Three stones then he heated them.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah hánuʾ.
And then he said: "Now go on!
Go on!
šuxkoótIt natiiNIhtákuʾ natsú na kaakiitUhunaáNIš.
Kill her my wife, but do not touch him.
na kaakiitUhunaáNIš natihnaáʾU
Don't touch him my child."

na nikunoowituúta nooWIšiteenuhtawiraánaʾ kanítš.
And then he did that: then they dropped it down a stone.
Then it made a slapping sound on her head.
noowitihkoótIt suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she was killed by it the young woman.
Then she fell down.

wah tsu wiinásts tiwitiiwanúʾ.
Now but the little boy he stayed around here.

suúnaaxuʾ noowitiwaákoʾ tičé NAsiitaaníštA.
The young woman then she said: "What are we going to do?
wah wešitakoótištA.
Now they are going to kill you."

They killed her.

wah tsu wačéh wešitiraná piiráʾuʾ.
Now but, poor things, they (du) each had them babies.
piiráʾuʾ wešitiraná.
Babies they (du) each had them.

noowitiwaákoʾ uunaákUx nawáh čeésiʾ nikukooxuúʾUt hawá
Then she said the other: "Now myself it will be thus also
čeésiʾ naátU číkuʾ niikohnatuutaáništA ituhkUxáxI
myself I however I am going to do it if I run away,
itinihkUxáxI tinaákUx wiítA.
if I run away from him this man.
wekaakatinistéʾ wekananakiihiíʾU híNAx.
I do not like him now when it is not the time at night.
noowetatiWIskaaxiíkuʾ skaná aatawaawanú.
Now I am just wishing alone that I go around.
nawáh nikukooxuúʾUt.
Now that is how it will be."

Then they (du) went down (the rope).
WIšitihkoótIt áxkUx.
They killed her one.
They killed her.
wačéh noowitiišá sápat wešohnihkootíkA.
The poor thing, there she lay the woman after they had killed her.

wiinásts tiwitiwanúʾ.
The little boy he went around here.
He was aggressive.

noowitíʾAt niiʾAhnakaNIhaáhkUx.
Then he went where there was a garden.
noowituutaakeéRIt WAhúx ničiísuʾ niinoonakuraáʾU.
Then he saw them squash, corn, whatever there were.
Ahnoowewitikawaaruu- saákuʾ WAhúx.
Then he just punctured them squash.
Then he destroyed the garden.

noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt nawáh koxtuhneésiš.
Then she said an old woman: "Now I will find out.
tačé tAxíʾ -- tačé tAxíʾ tinuutaa- waanú.
I wonder who you are -- I wonder who you are the one doing these things."

noowitíroʾ piiraawikaruúxuʾ.
Then she made it a stuffed doll.
piiraawikaruúxuʾ noowitíroʾ.
A stuffed doll then she made it.
Then she laid it in the garden.

wewitiišá piiraawikaruúxuʾ.
Now there it lay the stuffed doll.
noowiteéʾaʾ wiinásts.
Then he came the little boy.
noowitiʾihkawaaruúsAt piiraawikaruúxuʾ.
Then he punctured the body the stuffed doll.
noowitunaNAhu- ninoosiwá.
Then he de- stroyed it.
He ruined it.

na noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt a či kananíʾ suúnatš.
And then she said the old woman: "And here it is not a girl.
a či noʾ wiináxtš.
And here it is a boy.
wah WIštéh.
Now wait!
koxtUtkároʾ niísuʾ.
I will make them for him arrows.
I will make them for him.
Then I'll lay them down for him."

nikunoowituúta noowitUtkároʾ niíšuʾ na noowituhnoósí.
Then that is what she did: then she made them for him arrows, and then she laid them down.

wehneená wiináxtš noowitiroosít niíšuʾ.
When he came the boy, then he picked them up the arrows.
Then he went.
noowitunaNAhuninoosiwá WAhúx.
Then he destroyed them squash.
Ahnoowewi- teeNAhwaawaníkuʾ.
Then he just shot them up.

nawáh a či noʾ wiináxtš.
"Now and here it is a boy.
nawáh číkuʾ niikoh- natuutaáništA --
Now whatever am I going to do --
číkuʾ niikohnatuutaáništA ituutaáNA ituutuuníkUt.
whatever am I going to do if I am to do it if I am to catch him?"

wah AhnooWIšitihteeriíʾa.
Now then they were just watching for him.
nooWIšitih- teeriíʾa wiináxtš.– WIšitiituuníkUt.– WIšitiisiRAx- kaaʾiíšAt.
Then they were watching for him the boy.– They caught him.– They led him home.
Then they led him home.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ tičé noʾ čikohnáʾU anina- kaáWI.
Then he said: "Grandmother, what is it something the one underneath?
áxkUx tičiriká.
One it has an eye.
ka nóʾ xaátš.
Is it a dog?
áxkUx tičiriká.
One it has an eye.
tičé noʾ.
What is it?"

a noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt aneenoonuusá.
And then she said the old woman: "Leave it lying there!
tíʾ ápaʾ.
He is your grandfather.
ápaʾ kutAxiíʾI.
Your grandfather he is yours."

a či nikiišeeNIhtákuʾ súxtIt.
And here that one was her husband the old woman.
či nikiišeeNIhtákuʾ.
Here that one was her husband.

noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
Then she said the old woman: "Let it be!"

a či nawaaRUxtíʾ piiráʾuʾ.
And here he was holy the child!
piiráʾuʾ či nawaa- RUxtíʾ.
The child here he was holy!

na nooWIšitiininoosítIt wačéh weNAhkuwanú
And then they began fearing him, poor thing, when he went around
wiináxtš– weNAhkitkaakawaawanú.
the boy– when he wandered in the gardens.
čituúʾuʾ– neéšuʾ ninoonakuuraáčI čituúʾuʾ noowitiiraanaahUhkawaakároʾ.
All– corn their being various things all then he destroyed them.
Then he was destructive.

They lay in wait for him.
hUhtiísuʾ nooWIšitiituuníkUt.
Finally then they caught him.
wačéh wiinaxtš nooWIšitiínoʾ wakáʾuʾ.
Poor thing, the boy then they made him a slave.
noošohnis- teéroʾ.
Then they tamed him.

a čiišaáʾA aáhčes.
And here it was Long Teeth.
Here he was holy!
They did not know.

tsu weWIšitihteeriíʾa.
But now they lay in wait for him.
WIšitiituuníkUt wešohninaáhNA.
They caught him their having him.

noowitiwaákoʾ anuuhéʾ tatiniinós taahiíšuʾ.
Then he said: "Over there I have them parched corn."

"Where is it?"

anuuháʾ niinačísa čipít niinačísA
There where the water is spring where the water is,
nikutatiniinós taahiíšuʾ.
that is where mine are parched corn."
a čiišuutAhnaʾíhkuʾ skaapiróx.
And here he was meaning shells.
a čiišuutAhnaʾíhkuʾ skaapiróx.
And here he was meaning shells.

wah tsu wešohnihnuníkUx hUhtiísuʾ nooWIšitii- tuuníkUt.
Now but while they waited for him finally then they caught him.
nooWIšitinikaáʾAt činiNIsísuʾ.
Then they took him inside a sweat lodge.
nooWI- šitinikaáʾAt činiNIsísuʾ šiʾaasinaačiwátI.
Then they took him inside a sweat lodge 'that we change his ways.'

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ.
Then he said: "No.
kaakíʾ tiiháʾ šiNAxkukunaačiwátI.
You can not cha nge my ways here."

Then he ran away.
Then he ran to the (creek) bank.
čiríkU wenehkiihuunukaaʾá nuukuwitanutčiiniiwáhnaʾ.
Oh my, when he jumped up he splashed in the water way over there.
anuú noowitiihuununáhAs.
There then he quickly disappeared.

wah tičé natuhnaakaaníštA šiisiituuníkUt.
"Now what are we going to do for us to catch him?"

wah WIštéh.
"Now wait!
nooxUhuúna štoh.
Let him come at last again!"

na noowiteéʾaʾ štoh.
And then he came again.
atsú iwitikaaxá taapAxčiRIhčiíkaʾ.
Meanwhile he lay inside there Drinks Brains.
He lay inside.

noowitiwaákoʾ a či tAxanuxwaaRUxtíʾ na pakúhtuʾ na kaakAxeénaʾ.
Then he said: "And here if you were holy, and long ago why didn't you come?
tsu tiwešiineekuhnoohuunaawaanúʾ.
But now they've been doing things to me.
They have treated me like a simpleton.
tsu AhnootAxaahwaawanúʾ.
But you have just been going all around over there.
tsu tAxaahkaákUx.
But you have been living over there."

noowitiwaákoʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ kaakíʾ.
Then he said Drinks Brains: "No.
áriišIt tAxuh- náʾA.
Yourself you are the cause.
a či kananaaxiwaaRUxtíʾ.
And here you are not holy at all!
atináʾ inuúsA na nooʾaaxičirikaʾaanít.
My mother when she lay there, and why didn't you bring her to life?
na nikuwetatuhnáʾA weNIhčirikaʾaanítkA
And I am the one who is the cause when she was awakened
atináʾ niíšuʾ weNItkoowaníku.
my mother an arrow when I shot it.
nootatiwaákoʾ atináʾ atináʾ šuxwiísAt.
Then I just said 'Mother, mother, move over!
Get up!
An arrow is flying.'"

witikatiíʾIt awít wehnariišawaníkA.
It was black first when he shot an arrow.
It was black.
wah štoh wehnariišawaníkA witiraaNUstAhkátaaʾA.
Now again when he shot an arrow it was yellow.
na anuú štoh AhnariišawaníkA witičiRAhpAhaáʾAt.
And there again when he shot an arrow it was bright red.
wah tinaáxA witičiišawataáʾA.
Now this one it was white.
a či nikiišaáʾA naanookaʾaátuʾ načiišawataáNU.
And here that was the one a spirit, the white one.

witiwaákoʾ atináʾ šuuxiriwátAt.
He said: "Mother, get up!"
The arrow flew.

šáxtiʾ noowitiʾihtaruuwaápIs.
His mother then the corpse moved.
Then she put her legs over the edge (of the scaffold).
Then she got down.
wituxtaaNIsxá WAxačipiriínuʾ.
It was a scaffold (of) willow.
witux- taaNIsxá.
It was a scaffold.

tsu noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes tAxaahwaaRUxtíʾ.
But then he said Long Teeth: "You are supposedly holy.
na číkuʾ witikaakAxhuhniWIsíkuʾ.
Why don't you let it be known!
NIhúxuʾ nootAxikaatAxá.
Only you lie in the back.
witikaakAxhuhniWIsíkuʾ niitinatuutaáNA wewitiNItkuhniWI- sikú
You do not let it be known as I do when I let it be known
atináʾ weNItkutšiciináʾU atináʾ aaxwaa-
my mother when I brought her to life my mother 'that
wanú tiihéʾ.
you would go around' here."

wehnihwaawáʾA wehnaaWIsá inaániʾ witiwaákoʾ áxkUx
When they ate after he returned his brother, he said one
piiráʾuʾ áNA škuusuxčé.
child: "Brother, share with me!
áNA škuusux- čé.
Brother, share with me!"
wehnihwaawáʾA taakáxtš noowitiwaákoʾ piiráʾuʾ áNA škuusuxčé.
When he was eating dried meat then he said the child: "Brother, share with me!"

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes neenuxwačeehUxuúkuʾ.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Whoever says (ie imagine)!
a či tAxanustačíš.
Why, here you are greedy!
číkuʾ kaakAxkukuhwaʾá skaapiróx.
You would not eat any of mine shells.
taahiíšuʾ nikutatiniíNIt.
Parched corn those are mine."

na noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ.
And then he said: "No.
kaakAhnapaaNUxuúkuʾ aninuutuúčI.
We do not usually eat them that kind.
na nootooNAhkatawáʾ.
Why, then one vomits them."

tiwešohninikaátA činiNIsísuʾ wačéh aáhčes
When they took him inside the sweat lodge, poor thing, Long Teeth
-- wešohninikaátA činiNIsísuʾ wešoh-
-- when they took him inside the sweat lodge after
nihteeriiʾaáhNA wešohniituuníkUt a nooWIšitii- tuuníkUt.
they lay in wait for him when they caught him and then they caught him.

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes aa tAxanuxwaaRUxtíʾ atsú na tAxaahnákUx.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Ah, if you were so holy but you should be in that water!
na kaakootuusaʾaáhuʾ natsú– naahnootIhákUx kaakAxaahwaaRUxtíʾ.
You should not surface but– you should just be in the water if you are that holy!
weNAxkuutuusaʾá wešinaakuutuuníkUt.
When you surfaced they caught you."

hUhtiísuʾ wehnihkoósA taapAxčiRIhčiíkaʾ noošohniituuníkUt.
Finally when he was bitten by him Drinks Brains, then they caught him.
noošohninikaáʾAt činiNIsísuʾ.
Then they took him inside sweat lodge.
wešohninuuwanú wešohninuuwanú
After they did it to him after they did it to him,
wešohnihwaapinú čeewáʾut wehneenuhnaáNU
when they were whipping him, sage their using,
noowitooNAhkatáʾ čituúʾuʾ skaapiróx na niinoonakuúčI.
then he vomited them everything shells and different things.
Then he vomited them.

tiwehnuhkUxáxI nooWIšitihtakúx čikohnáʾU činitíniʾ
After he ran away then they put it on him something on his nape
kaaxItčiraánuʾ šohnihtakúx Axtee- haahníniʾ.
a buffalo bladder, their putting it on him on the head.
tiwehnuhkUxáxI nii čipít načísA wehnaariwiriihuunukaaʾá
When he ran off where spring where a pond was when he jumped up high
a tootUhuunuʾiítIt čiisukarí- kAt.
and then he dove into it in the middle of the water.
tiwehnuutUhuunuʾiítIt nuu noowitootuusáʾ.
When he dove into it there then he surfaced.

witiwaákoʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ ató tAxanuxwaaRUx- tíʾ a
He said Drinks Brains: "Surely you are supposed to be holy, and
či naáNIt kananaaxiwaaRUxtíʾ.
here really you are not holy!"

štoh noowitootuusáʾ.
Again then he surfaced.

tiwehnaakataʾá noowitiRAhkawiiwé čituúʾuʾ.
After he came out then he vomited everything.
noowiti- RAhkawiiwé skaapiróx niinoonakiíčI.
Then he vomited shells, their being different things.

witiwaákoʾ nawáh wah niisiškaaʾíšWA.
He said: "Well, now let's go home!
a či naáNIt NAxwaaRUxtíʾ.
And here really you are holy!"

na noowitiwaákoʾ šáxtiʾ hásI šinatAhaáʾU a
And then she said his mother: "Look, my children, and
neetiwanúʾ wiítA.
he goes around there a man.
kaakúhne wiítA.
He is not good the man.
He is not good.
He is holy.
na šikaakuhWIswóʾ.
Don't go near him!
na šikaa- kuhWIswóʾ.
Don't go near him.
He is holy."

na noowitiwaákoʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ nawáh koosíhWA.
And then he said Drinks Brains: "Now let's go.
koosiiteeríštA čiraátoʾ tičé noʾ.
We are going to see him to see what is it?"

na noowitikaʾá wiítA.
And then he walked on it the man.
AxkAstaániniʾ Ahnoo- witanuNAsákUx haahniítuʾ.
On the ankles he just had them around his live coals.
na wituutuhtaakárahAt niinakUhaapičeésU.
And he went around it where the high(est) tree was.
Then the tree fell over.
tsu iwehnuNAhwanú noowewitIhaahnoswá
And after he had been doing that then there were trees lying around
wehnaahUhwiinuuwaáhAt wehnaahUhwiinuuwaáhAt.
after he had knocked them over, after he had knocked them over

wah štoh nooWIšituúta WIšitikoótIt hawá anináʾU.
Now again then they (du) did it: they (du) killed him also that one.

hawá noowitiwaákoʾ šáxtiʾ hásI neetika- ʾá wiítA.
Also then she said his mother: "Look he walks on it there a man.
He walks on it there.
na šikaakuhWIswóʾ.
Do not go near him.
He is holy.
naaníšuʾ tiwaaRUxtíʾ.
Really he is holy!"

atináʾ tičé naraačítA.
"Mother, what is the reason?"

"He is not good.
He has a large mouth.
naáNIt tIhaaka- karúx.
Really he has a big mouth!
He will kill you.
naáNIt kaakuhne.
Really he is not good.

tiwehnaaWIsítIt šáxtiʾ noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes wah
After she went out his mother then he said Long Teeth: "Now
nuu koosíhWA.
there we will go."

nooWIšititeewíroʾ níkUs na nooWIši- tíWA.
Then they (du) changed into them birds, and then they (du) went.
Then they (du) heated rocks.
kanítš nooWI- šiteeranitakawaakároʾ.
Rocks then they (du) heated them.
Now they were red hot.

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes wah awít kukoxtí- ʾAt.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Now first I will be the one to go.
You are clumsy.
You are not tough.
kukox- tíʾAt áwit.
I will be the one to go first."

čiríkU tiwehneétA haakeesuuxíniʾ tiwehneeʾátA áwit
Oh my, when he flew in the smoke hole when he flew, first
aahčes kanítš nootitakaaráhAt.
Long Teeth a stone then he dropped it.
nootUtkatawá- NIt aNAhaakakaruúxU.
Then he choked him the one with the large mouth.

noowitiwaákoʾ aa nootišWItsáwax.
Then he said: "Ah, it has a sharp claw.
Ahnootehneeš- WIhčeésIt.
It must just have long claws.
It scratched my throat."

a čiišaáʾA kanítš.
And here it was a stone!

wah štoh niinootuúta čeésiʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ nootiíʾAt.
Now again then he did it himself: Drinks Brains then he flew.
noowititakaaráhAt kanítš.
Then he dropped it a stone.

aa wetAxkukupaNIšuuníNIt.
"Ah you burned my throat.
wah– tuúxUhuhčeewiríčit.
Now– let me put the fire out!"

Then he drank.
noowitičiíkaʾ tstoóxuʾ.
Then he drank water.
tiwehnaciíka tstoóxuʾ čiríkU noowitotkatáʾ
When he drank it the water, oh my, then he coughed it up
niinuutAhú činiNI- sísuʾ wenaakukaaʾá awiriítuʾ.
as it is a sweat lodge when it comes out heat (steam).
Then he belched steam.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaneetehnuuxAxWIhčeésIt.
Then he said: "It must have had really long claws.
You have scratched my throat.
You have scratched my throat.
You (du) must have been really holy.

Then they (du) killed it.
They (du) killed it.
Now he lay there.

atináʾ wešitatotkoótIt NAxuxwaákA tiwaaRUxtíʾ.
"Mother, we killed him for you (the one) when you said: 'He is holy.
He is not good.'
a či kananuhné.
And here it was not good!
a či atináʾ nikunuhnáʾA naakootíkA.
And here, mother, that one was the cause his killing you!
a či nikunuhnáʾA naakootíkA.
And here that one was the cause his killing you!
áxkUx tičiriká.
One he had an eye."

aa šinatAhaáʾU kaakunaáhe.
"Ah, my sons, it is not good.
He is holy.
wešii- neškoótIt.
Now you (du) have killed him.
nikutuxtaawaaRUxtíʾ tiihéʾ.
That was the sacred one here.
hawá wešiineškoótIt anináʾu.
Too now you (du) have killed him that one."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah wetuhnaánuʾ.
Then he said: "Well, that is all."

wah wešiNAhkuwaawanú piíreškI
Now while they (du) were traveling around the children,
šiNAhkuwaawanú WIšitiwaaRUxtíʾ áxkUx tíʾ
while they (du) were traveling around they (du) were holy: one he was
aáhčes na áxkUx níʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ.
Long Teeth and one he was Drinks Brains.

na noowitiwaákoʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ nawáh tičé NAsiitaa- níštA haáwaʾ.
And then he said Drinks Brains: Now what are we to do too?
wetAsihkawaawoótIt niiʾAhnuxwaaRUxtiíčI.
We have killed everything those that were holy.
niiʾAhnuxwaaRUxtiíčI wetAsihkawaawootIt.
Those that were holy we have killed everything.
wah štoh noošikananihwiraaniwiítIt atináʾ.
Now again there is nothing to bother her our mother.
atináʾ atíštIt noonaahwaawanuuxítIt.
Mother nicely then she'll go around."

witiwaákoʾ taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ nawáh nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
He said Drinks Brains: "Now let that be all!
a či kananuunaahé.
And here it is not good.
číkuʾ sinaatAhwáNIt.
We might do some damage.
číkuʾ sinaatAh- wáNIt.
We might do some damage."

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes kaakíʾ.
Then he said Long Teeth: "No.
What do you just fear?
a či naaxIskUxaáʾAt.
And here you are a sissy.
a či naaxIskUxaáʾAt.
And here you are a sissy."

witiwaákoʾ tapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ kaakíʾ.
He said Drinks Brains: "No.
I am not a sissy.
I am not easily scared.
tsu nikutAxtinukoóʾAt weNAxkunaaninoowá.
But you are the one who is easily scared your being afraid of things."

tiwewitohneésA suxtiináʾU wewitohneésA hawá piíreškI weWIšititiʾús.
When she lay down the mother, when she lay down, also the children they (du) now lay down.
či weešehwihtawiraáʾ nawíhčeesU.
Here an arm came down Long Arm.
a noowitehwihtawiraáʾ.
And then the arm came down.

wetawihtawiraáʾ čikohnáʾU.
"An arm has come down something.
It is a long arm."

čiríkU aáhčes nikunootiwiinúkAt.
Oh my, Long Teeth so he was the one who cut the arm off.
áwit nootištoohUhtákaahAt.
First then he chopped the hand off.
He chopped the hand off.
The hand now lay there.
hawá štoh noowitehwihtawiraáʾ.
Also again then the arm came down.

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes wah tíNI taapAxčiRAh- čiíkaʾ šuxwiinúkAt.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Now this time, Drinks Brains, cut the arm!"

So he cut the arm off.

hUhtiísuʾ noowewitiwiiniwiíkUx.
Finally then there was a pile of arms.
There was a pile of arms now.

na noowitiwaákoʾ AhnuxwaaRUxtiíʾU wihčés nawáh anuú niišiišúxwanuʾ.
And then he said the one who was holy Long Arm: "Now there go there!
kaakiraačeéʾA na štoh neešiitootuuníkUt.
It won't be long and again I'll catch you.
neenikuneešiiteéroʾ wakáʾuʾ.
Then I'll make it out of you a slave."

aáhčes wešohnitkAxítIt na tičiríkuʾ.
"Long Teeth," when they (du) fell asleep, "stay awake.
na tičiríkuʾ
Stay awake."

I am sleepy."

na tičiríkuʾ.
Stay awake.
na tuhnaasíštA.
Watch things.
It's lying in wait for us.
It's lying in wait for us.
naawaaRUxtiíʾuʾ skaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ niinaákUx atíʾAx --
The holy thing in the sky where he lives our father --
aniinaákUx atíʾAx.
where he lives our father."

na noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes nawáh nikukooxuúʾUt.
And then he said Long Teeth: "Now it will be thus."

na áxkUx wewitičiríkuʾ.
And one he was awake now.

Then the hand came down.
aa tiwehnuutIšaawaáNA noowitiNItkáNIt.
Ah, when the hand felt round then it put him to sleep.
Then it put him to sleep.
nuu noowiteenuhkateéri.
There then it lifted him into the sky.
nuu noowitiniwísAt nii šáxtiʾ nuu
There then it took him there where his mother there
niiʾAhnoóxa Išáxtiʾ.
whence she had come his mother.

iiwitiitúhkUx itUhkúsuʾ.
There was a village there a large village.
nikunoo- tiisAhkaʾiíšAt.
That is the one he entered.
That is the one he was taken to.

Then they hung him up.
nooWIšitiináWI nii- ʾahnakáʾIt čeekawikúsuʾ čeekakúsuʾ.
Then they spread-eagled him where the fire was a big fire, a big fire.
nikunoošitii- náWI aáhčes.
He is the one they spread- eagled Long Teeth.
They tied him securely.
He hung there.

atsú taapAxčiRAhčiíkaʾ tiwewitíʾAt čeésuʾ.
But Drinks Brains he went there, too.
niísuʾ čeésiʾ nikuwewitíʾ wewitohnaawaníkA
An arrow, too, that is what he was when he shot himself
naraaNUstAh- kataáNU na nakatiítU na napAhaátU na načiišawataáNU.
a yellow one and a black one and a red one and a white one.

nooWIšitiniwísAt nuu niiʾAhnaákUx aáhčes.
Then they took him there where he was Long Teeth.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah tiweneetiínaʾ.
Then he said: "Now now here I have come.
aáhčes tiweneetiínaʾ.
Long Teeth, here I have come."

eehéh či tAxaahwaaRUxtíʾ.
"Eheh, here you're supposed to be holy!
nootAxiihuúʾU skUxát.
You're that way a sissy.
You are not tough.
naáNIt kaakAxkaáRAx.
Really you are not tough."

noowitaahtáʾAt pitáruʾ.
Then it went up there an ant.
pitáruʾ noowititáʾAt nuu haakeesuuxíniʾ niiʾaNUstákUx aáhčes.
An ant then it went up there in the smoke hole where he hung Long Teeth.

noowitiwaaWIhtít Itkhaáhniniʾ.
Then he spoke in the ear.
"Here I stand.
wah inaániʾ tiweneetáRIt.
Now, brother, here I stand.
I have arrived."

Axtóh nikuʾaatUtwaaRUxtiiʾuúʾA na pakúhtuʾ weʾaatíhwisaʾ.
"Certainly if I were holy that way, and long ago I would have arrived.
pakúhtuʾ aatíhwisaʾ.
Long ago I would have arrived.
tsu tiíNI– tiweneešiínaʾ.
But now– you have arrived.
tsu– weneekoonáx íhUx.– íhUx tikutaNIhteenáx.
But– now I am roasted half.– Half my body is cooked.
They have roasted me.
I am cooked."

It became late at night.
wewitiRItkhaahčeéʾA Ahninaakaroóku ahninaakaroóku číkuʾ niikohnaraaʾiitúxIt.
Now it was late in the night their singing, their singing whatever songs they were.
Morning had not come.

hawá štoh nookanawiteeheéšaʾ.
Also again morning had not come.

anuú čiitíʾIš nookanawitiihé.
Then fourth it was not a day.
The sun had not risen.

noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes šuxtaRAhtšwá inaániʾ.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Be strong, my brother!"

Now they slept.
či weešeenaakItká.
Here they all slept.
They fell asleep.
či weešeenaakItká.
Here they all slept.
Then they slept soundly.

noowitiiríwatAt aáhčes.
Then he arose Long Teeth.
nuu noowititawiraáʾAt.
There then he went down.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ tiweneetiínaʾ.
Then he said: "Grandmother, I have now come here.
štoh wetatihwísaʾ.
Back I have come.
wenetwískaʾ aaxkuutIštatatoóhAt.
I want that you help me."

wah hánuʾ.
"Now go on!
tiíNI koxteeraahnaáNAt.
Now we will go.
We will go."

suxtiikIsíš nikunooWIšiteenáʾ.
Old Woman Spider then that is the one who brought them (du).
Then that is the one who brought them (du).
Then they (du) dropped down.
atíštIt nooWIšitiʾuúkUt nii šáxtiʾ AhnuúsA.
Nicely then they (du) landed where his mother her having lain.

witiwaákoʾ teenikutuúsa atináʾ.
He said: "This is where she lay my mother.
tsu wenee- titšičiínoʾ.
But I have brought her to life.
wetUtšičiínoʾ atináʾ.
I brought her to life my mother.
nuu weneewanúʾ.
There she is now going around.
čituúʾuʾ wešiineetuhnaakawooruútIt.
All we have killed them for her.
niinoonakuuxaWIstaawaaRUxtiíʾU wešitAhnaakawooruútIt.
No matter what the holy ones even were we killed them."

na witiwaákoʾ naʾaahčeesíčI tinaaríčI tii- skUxaáʾAt čeésuʾ.
And he said the one with long teeth: "This one he is a sissy too.
kaakuúʾUt niitinatuútA.
He is not here as I am.
I am tough.
naáNIt tAtkaáRAx.
Really I am tough."

noowitiwaákoʾ suxtiikIsís nawáh či nikunuúʾUt.
Then she said Old Woman Spider: "Now here it is thus.
či nunaahé.
Here it's nice!
či NAxkaáRAx.
Here you are tough!
wah nikutuúʾUt.
Now it'll be that way.
na tuutAsíštA áNA.
Watch over him your brother.
hásI šikooxihtee- riíʾA.
Look, they will lay in wait for him.
áNA a či nikunawaaRUxtíʾ niísuʾ
Your brother and here he is the holy one arrow
witinuhwakunaanoóku áNA.
this one who transforms himself into it your brother.
nawáh xáx wešiNAxtšičiináʾU wah či
Now your mother when you (du) brought her to life now here
tinaaríčI nikunóʾ niíšuʾ na naáxU nikuweneešíʾ síš.
this one he is the one an arrow, and you you are the one spider.
wetAxkuwakunaanóxtA čeésuʾ.
You are going to imitate me too."

na nikuwitiraačítA tíNI tiNAsaakaríčI niíšuʾ wenakaaraáxU wenatakuraakawootikú.
And that is the reason now today an arrow its being fierce that it can kill us.
hawá síš tinaákUx nakoósA nooneekoótIt síš nakatiitíčI.
Also spider this when it bites him then it kills him spiders the black ones.
nakoósA nooneekoótIt.
When it bites him then it kills him.