XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Poor Boy Who Won the

Wealthy Man's Daughter

Lillian Brave

witiitUhkatAxá niiʾAhnačiisúhAt.
There was a village along the bank where the water passed.
nuukuwitaanakAhčítA niiʾAhnakaákUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ --
The lodge was up above in the distance where he lived Lucky Man --
wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wiitaneešaánuʾ tsu NAhkučitákUx.
Lucky Man, a wealthy man but who lived on (a hill).

a noowitiraaNIhuúʾU AhnaWIskáʾA šiʾaxkunuutaawaáNA.
And there were many things his wanting 'that you (pl) do things for me.'

noowitétkoʾ wiiNAxtšukaapaačíšuʾ.
Then he heard a poor boy.
noowitipAxčituúsš piirapiiraninoósiʾ.
He had a thick head an ugly child.
a noowitétkoʾ.
And then he heard.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah atináʾ škuusúxtoʾ isataáʾuʾ na itíšta.
Then he said: "Now, mother, make it for me bread and I'll have it.
isataáʾuʾ na ihná itátA.
Bread and I'll have it when I go.
tsu tatískaʾ aataahtakúʾU suúnaaxuʾ nuuNIsapakeéRA.
But I want that I marry her the young woman, the pretty woman."

noowitiraawánuʾ wiitaneešaánuʾ AhnaahaáʾU.
He was showing her off the wealthy man his daughter.
atsú noowitiwískaʾ čeésiʾ wiiteešútš aataátA číkuʾ naahtehkuraačéʾ.
But then he thought, too, the young man: "Would that I go that I might strike something good (ie win her).

tsu wačéh nikunoowituúta wiiteešútš.
But, poor thing, then that is what he did the young man.
noowitiičitawiítIt xaakooríʾas AhnaraáhNA.
Then he mounted it a scrawny pony that he had.
noowitustaNAh- katakúx.
Then he saddled it.
Then he went.

nuu wehnakaataweétA čikohnáʾU noowi- titsawaapísuʾ.
There as he was going along the bank something then it was sparkling.
noowititsawaapísuʾ čikohnáʾU.
Then it was sparkling something.

noowitiwaákoʾ čukuNAxwóʾ ootítš.
Then it said: "Where are you going, my son?"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš wetAtwóʾ.
Then he said the boy: "I am going.
wetatískaʾ aatA- haananíkUx.
I want that I be married."

wah atoó škúxtAt.
"Now why, take me!
Ahnootiraaʾaanúʾ NAxkukuhnaáNU.
It just appears you might need me.
nootiraaʾaánuʾ NAxkukawátAt NAxkukuhnaáNU.
It appears you'll have to take me out, you might need me."

na inoowitíʾ naanipIhnuuwaáhUx.
And there it was a saw.
naanipIhnuuwaáhUx na inoowitíʾ.
A saw and there it was.

noowitikawáNIt čišWIhíniʾ.
Then he put it inside in his pouch.
nuu noowitíʾAt.
There then he went.

a číkuʾ nooNAhiínaʾ wewitiwísAt.
And somewhere farther he got there.
na inoowitiikákUx čikohnáʾU noowititsawaapísuʾ.
And there it was: something it was sparkling.
It was turning round and round.

noowitiwaákoʾ čukunooNAxiiwóʾ ootítš.
Then it said: "Where are you going, my son?"

noowitiwaákoʾ atsú wetAtwískaʾ aatAhaananíkUx aataahtakúʾU
Then he said: "But I want that I be married, that I wed her
suúnaaxuʾ AhnuhneéRA.
the young woman the beautiful one."

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah šiíšaʾ.
And then it said: "Now come!
Take me!
nikukoo- xuhnaaʾúʾ.
It will be the same.
nikukoxkuhnáʾA haáwaʾ.
You will use me, too."

na inoowitíʾ tskawatúx.
And there it was a digger.
IšWItkoókúʾuʾ nikunoo- witíʾ.
A thimble that is what it was.
noowitikúxIt haáwaʾ.
Then he picked it up also.

noowitiwískaʾ tičé tAxuutaaníštA tinaá- kUx nikuutIštatatoóhAt.
Then he thought: "I wonder what it is going to do this one for it to help me?"

a noowitikúxIt.
And then he picked it up.
noowitikawáNIt čišWI- híniʾ.
Then he put it into it in his pouch.
pítkUx weWIšitanuhkót.
Two he now had in it.
nuu noowitíʾat.
There then he went.

nuu číkuʾ niiwehnaWIsátA štoh čikohnáʾU inoowi- tiíkUx.
There wherever he now arrived, again something there it was.

witiwaákoʾ čuwekunooNAxiiwóʾ ootítš.
It said: "Where are you going, my son?"

noowitiwaákoʾ wetAtwóʾ.
Then he said: "I'm going.
wetatískaʾ aatAhaananíkUx.
I want that I be married.
wačéh tatuhpiiraninoósiʾ.
Poor thing, I am ugly.
kaneeniiraaʾaánuʾ číkuʾ NIt- kuutaáNA.
It looks like I cannot do anything.
tsu wenehnaaʾiiranítkuʾ.
But I am trying (anyway).
wetátIskaʾ nikuʾaa- xuútA.
I want that it be thus.
wačéh naahtehkuraawíRAt.
Poor me, I might just win."

nuu noowitikaatawiíʾAt.
There so he went along the bank.
štoh nuuwehnaátA wehnakaataweétA na inoowitiikaátakUx.
Again as he went there as he went along the bank, and there it sat at the base.

witiwaákoʾ čukunooNAxiiwóʾ ootítš.
It said: "Where are you going, my son?"

witiwaákoʾ wah wetátskaʾ aatAhaananíkUx piiraneešaánuʾ.
He said: "Now I want that I be married to her the wealthy child.
neešaánuʾ witiraawánuʾ suú- naaxuʾ.
The chief he is showing her off (his) young woman.
atsú weneétskaʾ aataahtakúʾU.
And I do want that I marry her."

Then that is what he was doing.
noowitíʾAt a štoh aahwewitíʾAt hunaaNAhčéstIt.
Then he went and again he went a ways quite a ways farther on.
a inoó čikohnáʾU inoowitiíkUx.
And there something there it sat.
noowitiitaruupásuʾ AhnaákUx.
There it was moving as it sat there.

witiwaákoʾ čukunooNAxiíwoʾ ootítš.
It said: "Where are you going, my son?"

witiwaákoʾ wetItwóʾ.
He said: "I'm going.
tatIskaʾ aatAhaananíkUx sapAhneešaánuʾ šohniničitákUx.
I want that I be married to her the wealthy woman the one they have on (the hill)."

na noowitiwaákoʾ čikohnáʾU AhnaákUx hásI šíšaʾ.
And then it said the thing its sitting: "Look, come!
škuxkúxIt tuunaákUx NAxkukuhnaáNU na neeširaawí- RAt.
Pick me up there that you might use me and then you'll win.
naraatawé neškuhnáʾA na neeširaawíRAt.
Perhaps you can use me and then you will win."

na nikunoowituúʾUt noowitikúxIt.
And then that is how it was then he picked it up.
noo- witikawáNIt čišWIhíniʾ.
Then he put it in in the pouch.
nuu noowitíʾAt.
There then he went.

wah tiíNI štoh wehnakaatawiiʾátA waraačeékAt noowitiíkUx.
Well, this time again when he went along the edge of it in thick woods there it sat.

witiwaákoʾ hee šuúhuniʾ tinétkUx.
It said: "Hey, close by here I sit.
Take me!
taatIsíš koxkukúhnaʾ haáwaʾ.
I think you will use me, too."

Then that is what he did.
He picked it up.
na inoo- witiíʾ xúhtš.
And there it was a moccasin
xúhtš inoowitíʾ xunátš.
A moccasin there it was a wooden moccasin.
noowitikawáNIt čišWIhíniʾ.
So he put it in in the pouch.

noo wewitičišwitawá niinooNAhkuuraáčI.
There his pouches were full there being different things.
Then his pouches were full.

witiwaákoʾ– nooNAhiínaʾ– wehnaátA witiwaákoʾ hee
It said– farther on– when he went; it said: "Hey,
čukunooNAxiíwoʾ ootítš.
where are you going, my son?"

witiwaákoʾ wah wetItwóʾ nuu naanakAhčitáWI.
He said: "Now I am going there the lodge on top in the distance.
na nikuwetItwóʾ nuuháʾ.
And that is where I am going there.
wetátIskaʾ čeésiʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
I want, too, the young woman.
I might win her.
tátIskaʾ nikunakuútA NItkohtakúʾU.
I want for it to be thus for me to marry her."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šíšaʾ.
Then it said: "Now come!
Pick me up!
naaxkukuhnáʾ haáwaʾ
You might use me, too."

Then that is what he was doing.
He picked it up.
na inoowitíʾ kaákaʾ.
And there it was a raven.
witikoóʾAt tsu AhnawaaWIhtiíku AhNItwaaWIhtikú.
It was dead but its talking, its talking to him.
Then that is what it did.
hawá witikúxIt.
Also he picked it up.

witiwaákoʾ wah škúxtAt tuunaákUx nakuhnaáNU na
It said: "Now take me this other one to use it! and
naraatawé neeširaawíRAt.
perhaps you will win."

nuu noowitikaatawiíʾAt.
There then he went along the bank.
nuu noowitiwísAt.
There then he got there.
nuu noowitiʾookaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaraanoótA neešaánuʾ.
There then he reached the doorway where his family lived the chief.

There was a fence surrounding it.
wiiteešúts noowituu- NAsaakákUx šohnihtawaáto suúnaaxuʾ.
Young men then they were sitting around it the ones courting her the young woman.

Then he went to the doorway.
noowiteekaáʾ wiitanee- šaánuʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
Then he came out the wealthy man, Lucky Man.

witiwaákoʾ čee čuwekunooNAxiiwóʾ wiináxtš.
He said: "Say, where are you going, boy?"

witiwaákoʾ tiiháʾ nikutatiínaʾ.
He said: "Here this is where I have come.
Maybe I will win.
tAhnaatóxwoʾ ceésiʾ.
I desire it myself.
naahtehkohtákuʾ tsu aataahtakúʾU suúnaaxuʾ aaNAxtaáhNA.
I might marry her but that I marry her young woman the one you have."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ hásI šiškaáʾ suúnaaxuʾ číkuʾ nikukohnaaxaáʾA.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Look, come outside, young woman!" whatever her name was.
witiwaákoʾ šiškaáʾ.
He said: "Come out!
suuxeéRIt tiweneéRIt.
See him here where he stands!
weteesšóʾ aatootIšáhUt.
He wants 'that I hold your hand.'
wetiwískaʾ aatootIšáhUt.
He wants 'that I hold your hand.'"

a noowiteekaáʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
And then she came out the young woman.
čiríkU tiwehnii- teéRIt aahnoowewiteewáxkuʾ.
Oh my, when she saw him then she just laughed.
Then she roared with laughter.

noowitiwaáko hásI tinaaxaríčI wiiteešútš NAx-
Then he said: "Look, you standing here young man, you
pAxčiščituusíšU natihnaáʾU nooweteetóxwoʾ.
thick headed one, my daughter so she likes you.
nooweteera- wáxkuʾ.
So she is laughing at you.
taatAsíš nikuwešitAxiitiráxtA.
I think you (du) will be the ones together."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš kaačíkuʾ.
Then he said the young man: "Not at all.
Axtóh nootatuhpiiraninoósiʾ.
Surely I am ugly.
Axtóh nuuNIsapáke NAxtaáhNA.
Certainly she is a beautiful woman the one you have.
suúnaaxuʾ nuuNIsapáke.
The young woman she is a beautiful woman."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šiišUhuhnuúkaʾ.
Then he said: "Now come inside for a while!
tátIskaʾ aaxuhnaaʾeéRIt niitiNItkaákUx čeésiʾ– niiNItkukawanakaákUx.
I want that you see it where I live, myself– where I live in pride.
I am proud.
hawá čituúʾuʾ neeneetiraačeéhuʾ niinoona- kuuxaWIstaáʾU.
Also everything I always strike them whatever it may even be.
I just have good fortune.
nikutiraačítA šinakukuhnéhku wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
That is the reason their calling me Lucky Man."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šiišuúkaʾ.
Then he said: "Now, come inside!
čituúʾuʾ suxtaa- weéRIt niitiNAhnaNAhkaáWI.
Everything look at it all here where we live!"

witiwaákoʾ wah hAsí naáNIt noošiikaWAhaáNU thee tátIskaʾ aaxiíkUx.
He said: "Now, see, really if you are fortunate here I'll want that you stay.
inaahwaroóhAt niinačísA natswó
Where the trees extend over there where the water is where the water flows,"
noowitiwaákoʾ tátIskaʾ aaxiíkuʾ niiháʾ aaxaakakátkA.
then he said: "I want that it be you there that you cut the wood.
nuu tíštIt AhnootatireewáʾAt niinačísA natskatariíNU.
There well (ie clearly) I'll just look where the water is the fast water.
nikutátIskaʾ aatareewaátU.
That is what I want that I look."

witihtawiišUxítIt apAhníniʾ.
It began poking him furtively.
wewitihtawiíšuʾ naanipIhnuuwaáhUx.
Now it was poking him the saw.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah škuxkáWAt.
Then it said: "Now take me out!"

Then he took it out.
witohnáʾA naanipIhnuuwaáhUx.
He used it the saw.
noo- witirikaʾiíšAt waraačeékAt.
Then he took it into the woods in the thick woods.

škúxkux anuuhaáWIt.
"Put me there at the base!"

Then the trees were going down this way and that.
nuu šeéNIt noowewitiíhiʾ niiʾAhnačísA.
There visible now it was where the water was.

witiwaákoʾ– wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
He said:– "Now let that be all!
You have felled them."

noo nikunoowituúta wiiteešútš wačéh.
There then that is what he did the young man poor thing.
štoh noowitiripaána naanipIhnuuwaáhUx.
Again then he hid it the saw.

hawá štoh nikuwitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ hawá neetIskáʾ
Also again that is what he said Lucky Man: "Also I do want
aaxiíkuʾ tiiháʾ axkunuutaáNA.
that it be you this that you do it for me.
wah hásI.
Now, look!
Come to the doorway!
teeneešireewaáta niinatiniineekáWI.
Then you can look here where my door is.
tiikiišuuNUxatáWI na nikunoonets- kaaʾaáhuʾ načiisawitariisúku.
Dig a hole here and that is where the water will come out the fast water.
Let it come out!
na nikuničiisUhuuwiraahaákuʾ.
And that's where the water will flow by
nuu nooniitIsaʾií- šAt nuuweNAxuhnatunáʾU.
There then it'll flow into the other water there where you made the trail.
ituhnaaʾeéRIt AhneeteesšteehuúʾU.
When I see it I'll just be so thankful."

na nikunoowituúta wiiteešútš.
And then that is what he did the young man.

na noowitihtawiíšuʾ.
And then it was poking him.
na parúNIt.
"Why, quickly!
parúNIt škuxkáWAt.
Quickly take me out!"

noowitikáWAt IšWItkookúʾuʾ.
Then he took it out the thimble.
IšWItkookúʾuʾ noowitikáWAt.
The thimble then he took it out.
na nikunoowitaanuuxítIt niiʾAhnuhnataWIhú
And then he began doing that: where it was digging the hole
nuukuwiteenawaníkuʾ IšWItkoókuʾu nuu áskAt.
it was throwing it up the thimble there up.
hUhtiísuʾ noowitičiisuhkaáʾ.
Finally then the water spurted out (of the ground).
čiríkU nuukuwi- taahčiisuúhAt skaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ.
Oh my, the water went up over there into the sky.

na nikunoowituúʾUt wehnuhnaačiríkUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
And then that is how it was when he looked at it Lucky Man.

hawá nooNUsuuxaWIstaánuʾ.
"Also let that be all at last!
hawá xikuuhuučíNIt.
Also I might drown."

na nikunootuúta wiiteešútš.
And then that is what he did the young man.
witi- kúxIt IšWItkookúʾuʾ.
He picked it up the thimble.
He hid it.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šiišičitawiʾookaaʾiíšaʾ tiiháʾ.
Then she said: "Now ride in front of the door here!
wah taanikuwetuúʾUt.
Now this is how it is now.
You have won.
wetAxkukoowíRAt tiNAxuhpiiraninoosíʾU
You have won me, you who are ugly."

witiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš kaakíʾ.
He said the young man: "No.
tinaaríčI áriišIt suúnaaxuʾ nikukooxičitáwiʾ
This herself young woman that one will be the judge
niikohnohnehčíštA niikohnoonaaNAhúhtA.
whatever she is going to ask of you whatever she is going to ask of you."

witiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ wah hawá niinohnanitooxuúʾA
She said the young woman: "Now also as warm as it is
tičé naaxIsíš NAxkuutaáNA.
what do you think that you can do?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ aaxtóh nooteeraaníhIt číkuʾ nakiisátkA
And then he said: "Certainly there is a single thing to roast something
nuu šakuúnuʾ Ahnoonehkuranitaroóku.
there the sun when it makes it hot.
áriišIt nootiinanáxIt.
Itself then it is cooked by it."

wah noowitiwaákoʾ tinéhna.
Now then he said: "I have this."

noowitikáWAt xúhtš.
Then he took it out the moccasin.
čiišaáʾA nátš.
Here it was wood.
Then he put it over the fire.
Then he made a fire.
noowitis- kukákux weeNAhuunikú.
Then he put it over the fire when it was burning.

tičé NAxuutaaníštA aniwenačeekákUx.
"What are you going to do (with) that fire?"

Axtóh na aatísAt číkuʾ nikUskoótuʾ.
"Certainly I could roast it one a rotten bird!"
noo- witiwaákoʾ Axtóh tinehná čiripístš čiripístš tinaákUx.
Then he said: "Certainly here I have it a raven, raven this one.
I'll put it over the fire.
Then it will cook."

aa čeésiʾ či NAxkaáRAx.
"Ah, yourself here you are powerful.
naáNIt neščiri- kuúʾUx
Really you are wise."

Then that is what he did.
wačéh nootiraawíRAt.
Poor thing, then he won.

wah nuukooxikaaʾiíšAt.
"Now you can go home.
neešeenuusiráxaʾ xáx na theenikUšiškaákUx.
Then bring her your mother, and this is where you can stay!"

nowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš kaakaatAsíš atináʾ nakuWIskáʾA.
Then he said the young man: "I do not think my mother for her to want it.
kaakaatAsíš atináʾ nakookAhnuunáwa niišiNItiniinakAhkótWI.
I do not think my mother for her to leave the lodge where our rotten lodge is.
atsú Axtóh tiiháʾ tAxiniinakáne.
But surely here you have a nice lodge.
anuú neešuxkaákUx.
There you can stay in (yours)!
nuu neešuxteešAhkaákUx.
There you can live in your wealth!"

niisuuxúNAt xáx.
Go after her your mother!"

Then he rode back home.
tsu tiwehnaátA noowitiʾá isataáʾuʾ.
But as he went then he ate it bread.
wehnariWAhteekootIhú wačéh noowitiʾá isataáʾuʾ šáxtiʾ
When he was famished, poor thing, then he ate it bread his mother
AhniisuxtáʾU anaxkátox isataataraawíš.
what she had made for him flat bread, gray bread.
nuu noowitikaaʾiíšAt.
There then he went home.

nuu noowituhnaʾít šáxtiʾ wah wetAhnaawíRAt atináʾ.
There then he told her his mother: "Now I have won, mother.
wah wetatiiNIhtakúxtA piiraneešaánuʾ.
Now I am going to marry her the chief's daughter."

aa natAhaáʾU NAsihkaapaátš.
"Ah, my child, we are pitiful.
tičé naraačítA weNAxkuWIskáʾA aatAhaananíkUx.
What is the reason your wanting it 'that I be married?'
tičé nuúʾUt.
Why is it?"ʾ.

"I just desire it.
wiiteešútš AhnoowetuuNIsaaká- kUx tsu nikuweneetihnuučitáʾ.
Young men they are all just sitting around it, but I am the one who came on top.
wetAhnaawíRAt tiʾAhnatuhpiiraninoosíʾU.
I have won, I who am the ugly one.
I won."

na noowitiwaákoʾ šáxtiʾ kaakíʾ.
And then she said his mother: "No.
niišuxkaaʾiíšAt natAhaáʾU.
Go on home, my child!
skaná šanuxwanúʾ nuuháʾ.
Alone go on over there there!
tsu čeésiʾ kunoxtiíkUx.
But myself I'll stay.
I'll live here.
tsu anuú šaahwaawanúʾ.
But there you can go around!"

kaakí atináʾ šíšaʾ.
"No, mother, come!
See it!
NIhúxuʾ neesux- taaʾeéRIt
Only see it!"

noowitUsiráxAt Išáxtiʾ.
Then he led her his mother.
nooWIšitikawaawáNIt xaakooríʾas šohnaraáhNA.
Then he harnessed the (du) scrawny ponies the ones (du) they had.
saapiraaniwoxkoótuʾ noošooNAhuukawiíruutIt.
A beat up wagon then they (du) got into it.
Then they (du) went.

tiwehnuhnaaʾeéRIt sápat noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ natAhaáʾU.
When she saw it the woman then she said: "No, my child.
ikunooxiíkUx tiihéʾ– tsu neškurikaaʾiíšAt natsú nuuháʾ neetiRAhwákotkUx.
You stay here,– but take me home, and there I'll live pitifully."
tsu tiiháʾ neešaahwanúʾ.
But here you can go around.
tsu wewititAxuhnaačéʾ.
But you have struck your own fortune.
wah wewititAxuh- naawíRAt.
Now you have won her for yourself.
You are wealthy."

hásI atináʾ wekaakAxuhnaaʾeéRIt niiwenatuutaáNA.
"Look, mother, you have not seen all what I have done.
uu noowetatiwaraawiína.
Oh, then I took down the trees.
hawá nuuweneetitskáWAt tstoóxuʾ aniinuuxIskáʾA wiítA.
Also there I did draw it out the water, just as he wanted the man.
čituúʾuʾ wetatuúta.
Everything I did."

aa natAhaáʾU tičé NAxuúta.
"Ah, my child, what did you do?"

na nookaakiniinaaʾít.
And then he did not tell her.
kaakiwaákoʾ tiiháʾ nikuwetAhnoswaakároʾ.
He did not say: "Here this is where I have taken them."
He did not tell.
Then he hid it from her.

wah tiwehnakaaʾiíšátA wehnarikaaʾiišátA šáxtiʾ wewitičíkAt wiitaneešaánuʾ.
Now when he went home after he took her home his mother, he cried the wealthy man.
wah niišištáʾ.
"Now bring her!
tiihéʾ nuuneešiišuxkaákUx.
Here you (du) can live here!
na nuuhéʾ neetíʾAt.
And there I'll go.
na nuuhéʾ niikítkUx.
And there it is where I'll stay.
I'll live there in my wealth."

na noowitiwaákoʾ sápat kaakíʾ.
And then she said woman: "No.
Axtóh wačéh šitItkaapaátš.
Surely, poor things, we are poor.
nikUšitátuuʾUt wačéh šiNItkuúkUx niišiNIhnanuhkoóčI
We are thus, poor things, our (du) living the things that we have,
šiNItkuupinuhkoóčI šiNItku- waawáʾA.
the things we (du) pick up for us (du) to eat.
I do not want it.
I am not willing."

noowewitičíkAt wiitaneešaánuʾ.
Then he was crying the wealthy man.
Then he was crying.

tiiháʾ nikutátIskaʾ tákuʾ niiniraawirátA nikuwetíʾ.
"Here that is what I wanted: whoever is the one to win he is the one.
wetuutIšáhUt natihnaáʾU.
He'll hold her hand my child."