XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Bloody Hands and Old Woman Spider

Lillian Brave

nuukuwiteetuunúʾaʾ tsu weNAhkUhunuuwaáWI
The village was coming in a long procession, and while they were going about
nuu nooWIšititawíkUx hawá– čeésiʾ štaánuʾ
there then they (du) lived among them also– they to Hands
na ikaániʾ.
and his grand- mother.
weWIšitUtwitawíkUx xaatAtkAhaahwarúxkAt niišiNAhkuwanú.
They lived at the end of the village by the dung heaps where they (du) went around.

noowiteeraawakaahtáʾ sAhkAhaánuʾ.
Then they all yelled out the village.
It has happened.
wiitakaWAhaánuʾ číkuʾ wewitiiNUhuúnuʾ.
Lucky Man something has happened to him.

noowitiwáčiʾ wah takiišuúxAt.
Then they said: "Now someone go!
See what it is!"

noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ wah atíkaʾ nuunikiišuúxAt.
Then he said Hands: "Now grandma go over there!
Ask him!
na neešaahwaákoʾ číkuʾ teeNAxeeWIs- táʾ.
You'll say: 'I thought you brought some- thing.
číkuʾ teeNAxeeWIstáʾ.
I thought you brought something.'"

na noowitiwáčiʾ číkuʾ kuwitiwaakaáhuʾ štaánuʾ ikaániʾ.
And then they said: "She is saying something Hands his grandmother.

Then they followed along.

nohnuutapítaahAt nuuwehnaátA.
Then she turned around as she went off.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ niišiisuuxaweeráʾAt čaa- tičé nuhnaanaʾíhkuʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Follow her to see what she meant!
na nootiriiwaʾúx štaánuʾ.
Why, he is knowledgeable Hands."

wešohnuutaweeraátA nuu wešohniitaweeraWI- sátA
After they followed her, there after they followed her to it
noowitiwaákoʾ tičé wenawáčiʾ.
then he said: "What did they say?"

číkuʾ nookaakiwáčiʾ.
"They did not say anything."

a či wekohniitaweéraʾAt wiítA.
And here he followed a man.

na noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ nawáh nooweteeraaníhIt na
And then he said Hands: "Now there is a single thing and
číkuʾ aatuúta natsú koxtiínaʾ.
if I could do something and I will come.

na noowitiwaákoʾ tsústIt ikaániʾ
And then she said the little old woman, his grandmother:
wetAxaahwaawaákoʾ štaánuʾ.
"You are always saying things, Hands!
You and I are poor.
NAsihkaapaátš na níʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
You and I are poor, and he is Lucky Man."

weNAhuukátA tsústIt wehnuuteéRIt síš uu
When she went inside the little old woman when she saw it a spider, oh,
witiskaawáxkuʾ AhnitčiríkUx.
it was smiling when she looked at it.
či weešehkáʾUs natihníniʾ.
Here it had bit him on the neck.
It was the one looking at her.

witiwaákoʾ wah iiNAhniíʾU a či nóʾ síš.
She said: "Now, my grandchild, and here it is a spider.
tičé NAxuutaáništA.
What are you going to do?"

I will see about it."

na noowitíʾAt.
And then he went.

či weešeénaʾ wiítA.
Here he came a man.
He brought a pipe.
nohnii- saakús štaánuʾ.
Then the pipe was laid before him Hands.

na noowitiwaákoʾ na tičé NAxwískaʾ.
And then he said: "And what do you want?"

witiwaákoʾ na wetikuunaahnaawiítIt naakúsuʾ.
He said: "Why it has now happened to us a calamity.
We have depended on you.
We are depending on you.
číkuʾ naaxkuúta.
Maybe you can do something."

na noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ neenikutatsuxtaanaʾíhkuʾ.
And then he said Hands: "This is just what I meant.
hásI noošaahWIsátA neešanooʾá karuúxuʾ.
Look, when you arrive there take it down the sacred bundle.
neešananoóʾa načiikúxtš neešiNItwitáWI.
Take them off gourds the ones (du) on the end.
neškúh- naʾ nuutiikákUx.
Bring it to me the one in the middle.
That is the one I will use."

noowituutapítaahAt wiítA náʾU wehnaraaWIšá štaánuʾ.
Then he turned around man the one after he had smoked Hands.
štoh noowitikaaʾiíšAt wiítA.
Back then he went home the man.

noowituuxuunooʾá karuúxuʾ.
Then he took it down the bundle.
noowitištAhkatateeruútIt wehnačiwátAt.
Then he pawed at it as he was taking it apart.
noowiteenuhnáʾAt štaánuʾ načiikúxtš šeenuutiikákUx AhnaRIhuúNU.
Then he brought it to him Hands the gourd the middle one the big one.

witiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ wah si neenikutatsuxtaanaʾíhkuʾ.
He said Hands: "Now, see this is the one I meant."

atinátš tičé NAxuutaaníštA.
"Grandchild, what are you going to do?"

aa kaakiraačitéʾ.
"Ah, it is not hard."

wenatuuteéRIt nootiskaawaawáxkuʾ síš tíʾ suxtiikIsíš.
"When I saw it then she was just smiling a spider. It is Old Woman Spider.
She is the one."

wah hánuʾ.
"Now go on!
nikiisiisuuxá atóʾ.
Let's do that then!"

noowituhnaawiíʾAt súxtIt.
Then she was willing the old woman.
Then she stretched her legs out (ie gave in).

atíkaʾ itihkaahUxítIt tAxikuričiíʾIt.
"Grandma, when I begin dancing you are just bashful.
itihkaahUxítIt itihkaahUxítIt čeésiʾ nikuneešuutaánuʾ.
When I begin dancing, when I begin dancing yourself that is what you will be doing."

wešohnawáNA nooweWIšitihAxwánuʾ tsu
When they (du) went then they (du) were no dancing around meanwhile
tuuwehnakoótihu wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
as that one was dying Lucky Man.

wekanaaxiskawiitooxáwiʾ nakukuutsuuxeériku.
You have a mean look when you look at me.
nookanaaxeewáxkuʾ ahee ahee ira eereeru.
You are just laughing, ahe, ahe, ira, ereru.

naahnooteewiriihuunukaaʾaáhuʾ atíkaʾ na nuuháʾ
"Now jump high, grandma, and over there
noonirinuʾá síš.
she'll get frightened Spider.
síš noonirinuʾá nakUhunaniiWAhnaahú.
Spider she'll get frightened when you make the ground vibrate."

wah wewiteesšuhkawataákuʾ.
Now he was expiring.

štoh štaánuʾ noowituuxUhuunaánuʾ.
Again Hands then it was a(nother) song.

nuukuwitaaNIšáwe načiikúxtš.
He had his hand extended way out the gourd.

wekanaaxiskawiitooxáwiʾ nakukuutsuuxeériku.
You have a mean look when you look at me.
nookanaaxeewáxkuʾ ahee ahee ira eereeru.
You are just laughing ahe, ahe, ira, ereru.

Then they (du) finally entered.
"You (pl) part for them.
You (pl) part for them.

atsú wenehkaniNAhkaáWI.
Meanwhile they had made a sweat lodge.
wewitihkaniNAhkaáWI wenehnaničesWAtwáʾa natš.– wewitihkaniNAhkaáWI.
They had made a sweat lodge after they brought it out of the woods wood.– They had made a sweat lodge.
číkuʾ nuukuwitikaNItwíʾAt.
There was a tall pile of rocks.

saxtš itiinikaáʾa nuuneeširaakuNIstaʾí.
"As so on as I bring it out you will add on to the fire."
Then they made plans.

noowituutáxkUx AhnuhtatateétIt.
Then she just sat there after she got stuck on him.

aa NItkú tatUsuuxaánuʾ štaánuʾ.
"Ah, I was just doing it, Hands.
štaánuʾ NItkú tatU- suuxaánuʾ.
Hands, I was just doing it (ie did not mean anything by it)."

He jerked her off.
witUtWIhnaanaáhUt čiríkU síš sškatitkúsuʾ.
He held her arms, oh my, Spider, a big, black spider.
číkuʾ nuukuwitUstakaRAxúʾ.
She was large.
witiwiinanaá- NUx wešohniiteéRIt.
She had hairy arms when they looked at her.

wah parúNIt šuxtaahkuNIstaʾí.
"Now quickly add on to the fire!"

Then they added to the fire.
čiríkU nookanawitiirooči- naanuúʾU tsu wehniinaahuníkUx AhnuutáhUt.
Oh my, then they did not hurry but while they waited while he held it.

wituuxUhuunikaáʾAt wehnaraanoóku.
He finally took her inside (the lodge) while he was singing.
číkuʾ kanawitiʾíšta načiikúxtš tsu NIhúxuʾ AhnuutáhUt
He was not holding any gourd, but only he held her
síš aaxiNItkáʾU niiʾAhnawaákAhu.
Spider 'that you hear' what he was saying.
Then that is what he did.

Then they took her.
There was a fire.
Now the fire went down.
nooWIši- tiiNIskukákux.
Then they put them on top.
štoh noowitihnuučitaroósI čitapátš čitapátš nakutaahiišíčI.
Again then they put them on top willows, willows that were dry.
They piled them on top.

áxkUx noowitičiritakáʾAx.
One then an eye burst.
It scattered them in different directions.

hawá štoh wewitiraačeéʾA.
Also again it was a while.
štoh šuxtaakuučitaroósI.
"Again put them on top!"

áxkUx noowitičiritakáʾAx.
One then the eye burst.
It scattered them in differ- ent directions.
nawáh šitehnuxčiRIhtakaruúxIt.
Now it must have had large eyes (du).

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh hásI.
Then he said: "Now, listen!
niiʾaninaRAhkaawaáWI čipáNUs nikuwetiRAhkaawá paatUhuúnuʾ.
Where their lodges are moles, that is where they are inside blood vessels.
šuxtaNAhkawátAt čituúʾuʾ.
Get them out all!
Pick them up!
Then you'll bring them.
Then you'll put them on the fire."

wah nikuwewitsá.
Now that is what they did.
wituhnaathaanáwiʾ nút.
It looked like a snake.
Now they were moving around.
They put them on the fire.

wah ahnoowitičiRIhtakákaʾAx.
Now then the eyes were just bursting.
či wešehwaa- waahíNIt paátuʾ paatUhuúnuʾ.
Here they burned them up blood, blood vessels.

anuú toonaahkaatAhíniʾ čiišaáhkUx.
There on the hillside here it was.
áxkUx kanawi- tiRIhuúʾU.
One it was not big.
či nikiišaáhka tiiháʾ AxčiskaawítA.
Here that is where it was inside here (on) the little toe.
či nikiišaáhka.
Here that is where it was inside.

čituúʾuʾ wewitiNAhkaruuwátAt.
All they had dug them out.
šuxtaahnaawičirikaáʾAt niinihtaruupIsú.
"Study them carefully where they are moving!
nikutiká áxkUx.
That is where it is inside one."

číkuʾ kaneetehniisuxtaaʾeéRIt.– čituúʾuʾ nootihwaahíNIt.
They must not have seen any.– "All they have burned.
wahnoó wetuhnaánuʾ.
Now then that is all."

wehnaRAhkaaʾiišátA noowitiwaákoʾ suxtiikIsíš wah
After they had gone home then she said Old Woman Spider: "Now
áxkUx wešitAxkukuuniíwit.
one you (pl) have saved mine.
na tihneesiíšuʾ áriišIt wetAxuhnaahnaáNAt.
You (pl) must know yourselves you (pl) have done it.
wešitAxkukúroʾ tseskiíNIt.
You have made me tiny.
naáNIt wešitAxkukúroʾ tseskiíNIt.
Really you have made me tiny.
číkuʾ niinataakuhkaátA na kanaaxuhneesiíšuʾ.
Wherever I crawl into yours and you won't know.
tsu tuuNUxtaahé natuxtIhuúNU.
But it was good when I was big.
šeéNIt tatinaawiínaʾ.
Plainly I came in anger.
tsu weneešuhnaahnaáNAt áriišIt.
But now you have done it yourselves.
wah tíNI áriišIt kooxehtawiraáʾAt.
Now today yourselves you will come down.
síš tikunakUtpI- saanuúčI kooxikatiítIt.
Spiders their being little ones they will be black.
wah naakukoósA wah nooteekót.
Now when one bites you now then you'll die.
áriišIt wetAxuhnaahnaáNAt.
Yourselves it is your own fault."

nooWIšitinikaaʾiíšAt načiikúxtš wehniisaNIštaátA.
Then they took it home the gourd after they finished doing it.
Then that is what they did.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wah niisuuxúNAt ákaʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Now go after her your grandmother!
tiihéʾ ákaʾ nikUšikooxee- kánikUx.
Here your grandmother this is where you and she can keep house."

noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt kaakíʾ.
Then she said old woman: "No.
kaakíʾ nakuútA tiiháʾ.
That ca nnot be here.
tsu atinátš tikaáRAx.
But my grandchild he is powerful.
číkuʾ niinoonakuuxaWIstaáʾU atinátš kaakunaačiteewaahnúʾ.
No matter what it may be my grandson things are not hard for him.
natsú nuunootikaákUx.
And you can live here.
tAxteešaáʾA tsu čeésiʾ netkaapaátš.
You are wealthy, but myself I am pitiful.
atinátš wačéh šiNItkuupinuhkoóčI
My grandchild, poor things, our picking up things
weNAxkuraakUxawaawaníkA na nikUšitAtwaawaʾá.
when you throw things away, and that is what we eat."

wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ nooWIšitiisaákus.
It was the same: then they laid the pipe before him.

We are pitiful.
tsu šitAstakaahuúʾU.
But we are poor.
tiiháʾ kunoošohtiíkUx niitišinatiniinakaáWI akaninoósiʾ.
Here we'll remain, here where we have our lodge an ugly lodge."

nikuWIšituxkaákUx xaatAhkAhaahwarúxkAt tsu šiNAhkuúkUx.
That is where they (du) lived by the dung heaps but their (du) living.

wah wetiraawíRAt štoh štaánuʾ.
Now he had won again Hands.
He won.

nikunootIsá paatUhuunukaásuʾ či áxkUx kohnaahtoonaahkatákUx.
Then that is what they did: blood vessel here one it was on the hillside.
nikunootiʾá síš.
Then that one became a spider
niku- nootiitapaaWIhtít.
Then that is the one that talked to them.
noowitiwaákoʾ áriišIt wetAxuhnáʾA wešiNAxkukoʾoswaníkA.
Then it said: "Yourself you are the cause when you (pl) made me small.
You (pl) made me small.
tsu nikukooxuúʾUt.
But that's how it will be.
I'll be small.
I will be black.
na tateénaʾ.
And I'll come.
Then I'll go inside yours.
Then I'll bite you.
na tiraatawéʾ nooneekót.
And sometimes then you will die.
wetAxuhnaahnaáNIt áriišIt.
You (pl) are the cause yourselves."

nikuwituhnáʾ štaánuʾ.
That one was the cause Hands.
tiraatUhwáNIt štaánuʾ.
He made a mistake Hands.