XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


When Bloody Hands Went

on the Warpath (Version 2)

Lillian Brave

nuukuwiteetuunúʾaʾ tsu NAhkii- tUhnuusáxA.
The village was coming in a long procession but when the village was camped by a stream.
tsu WIšititawíkUx štaánuʾ– na ikaániʾ
But they (du) lived among them Hands– and his grandmother
šiNAhkutawikaapaa- číškUx xaatAtkhaáhwarúxkAt wačéh šiNAhkuúkUx.
their (du) living pitifully among them by the dung heaps, poor things, their (du) living.

na noowiteeraakawaátaʾ NAxhuúnuʾ.– noowitihwáčiʾ wah
And then it arose warfare.– So they said: "Now,
wiiteešútš aniikohNAxuhnaahnaánuʾ wetiraataʾuúkUt NAxhuúnuʾ.
young men, however many of you there are,– it is beginning warfare.
wetataraaNAhwóʾ naawiinakuúnuʾ.
We are going (on) the warpath."
nikuwitiwaakaáhuʾ nehčítA.
That is what he was saying the leader.

na noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ nawáh atíkaʾ koxti- tawíʾAt.
And then he said Hands: "Now, grandmother I will go with them."

aa kaačíkuʾ atinátš.
"Ah, not at all, grandson!
You are ugly.
naáNIt tAxuhpiiraninoósiʾ na šiʾaathará wiiteešútš
Really you are ugly, and they'll make fun of you the young men
šiʾooteéRIt tinaaríčI nikuNAhkuutuúʾA nakuwaawanú naawiinakuúnuʾ.
when they see you this one the way that one is when one goes on the warpath."

tsu tiwitiʾookaáRIt AhnaraáhNA xaakooríʾAs.
But it stood here by the door the one he had a shaggy pony.
wačéh wi- tuhpiiraninoósiʾ haáwaʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ AhnaraáhNA
Poor thing, it was ugly, too, the horse the one he had
haahnaa- ničitawipiiraninoosíʾuʾ AhnaaniNUsaahNAhkatákUx xaawaarúxtiʾ.
a beat up saddle the one it had on it horse.

noowitihnaawiíʾAt hUhtiísuʾ wehnawiraaníkUx ikaániʾ.
Then she consented finally after he was pest ring her his grandmother.

atíkaʾ tíNI tAtwískaʾ aataátA naawiinakuúnuʾ.
"Grandma now I want that I go (on) the warpath.
hásI tAxuhneesiísuʾ atíkaʾ nootatiraawíRAt.
Listen, you know, grandma, I always win.
nootatiraa- wíRAt aniinoonakuuxaWIstaáʾU.
I always win no matter what it is.
uuxaWIstaačiteéʾU nootatiraawíRAt
No matter how difficult it is I always win."

nawáh nikukooxuúʾUt.
"Now that is how it will be.
nuu kooxíʾAt.
There you can go.
too tAxinihpiiraninoósiʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ.
Truly you have an ugly one horse.
You have an ugly one."

wah Axtóh číkuʾ kaakuúʾUt.
"Well, certainly it doesn't matter.
tsu ituhtatatáʾAt.
But I'll follow.
tsu wačéh ituhtatatáʾAt.
But, poor thing, I'll follow.
I'll lag behind."

nawáh hánuʾ.
"Now go on!
Go on!"

noowitinihnaawiíʾAt iiNAhniítš aaxátA.
Then she gave in to him her grandchild 'that you go.'
nikunoowituúta noowitíʾAt.
Then that is what he did: then he went.

nooWIšititkároʾ štípiiʾIt na tapáhtuʾ.
Then she made them (du) for him cornballs and pemmican.
noowititkároʾ tapáhtuʾ.
Then she made it for him pemmican.

wewitanuunaawáʾA kAxiítš.
Now he put them in it a pouch.
pítkUx weWIšitanustákUx.
Two they (du) hung at his sides.
štípiiʾIt áxkUx witanuhkót na uunaákUx tapáhtuʾ.
Cornballs one he had his in it, and the other, pemmican.
wah tsu wewitirá nakaréštA nakaréštA NAhtásuʾ
Well, but he now had it a skillet, a skillet (as) a shield,
hoowiRAhákUx nuu hawá noowehnaaninustákUx.
a ladle there also he had it hanging there at his side.
Now he was ready.

nawáh atíkaʾ koxtíʾAt.
"Now, grandmother, I will go.
taatAsšteehuúʾU weNAxku- kunuhnaawiiʾátA nakoótA.
I am thankful that you permitted me to go."

na nikunoowituúta wehnaaheešá štaánuʾ noowitíʾAt štaánuʾ.
And then that is what he did: when dawn came Hands then he went Hands.

tiwewitohniNAseewaawaníkA nuu wewitiraaniráxAt wiiteešútš
After they formed into groups there they went in the lead young men
niinoonakuutuúʾA wiiteešútš xaahiwaaraáʾuʾ xaakatarí skaná
different kinds young men beautiful horses, fast horses, alone
niinuhniwaarakoóčI xaakatarí.
the ones that were good one fast horses.

na nikunoowituúta noowitíʾAt.
And then that is what he did: then he went.

noowitiraáNAt tsu wačéh tiwewitiihUhtatatá- ʾAt
Then they went, but poor thing, he rode here following them,
wačéh štaánuʾ piiraninoosíNIt niikoNItpiirani- noosíʾU.
poor thing Hands in ugliness, however ugly he was.
wačéh wewitiihUhtatatáʾAt.
Poor thing, he rode in the rear.

nikunoowituúta noowitiraaniíšAt nuu
Then that is what he did: then they went over a hill; there
weNAhkuraaniišátA tsu wačéh nátkAt noowiteehUhčitáʾAt.
after they went over the hill, but, poor thing later then he rode up the hill.
teehUh- čitáʾAt.
He rode up the hill.
nuu nootiʾiíšAt.
There then he went over the hill.

tsu nikuwehnuutaánu hUhtiísuʾ– anuú nohniRAhwísAt.
But while he was doing that, finally– there then they got there.
There was a depression in the land.
It was nicely grassed.
uu wituhkAhunané.
Oh, it was nicely grassed.

noowituutáwe nehčítA.
Then he followed him the leader.
nehčítA noowituu- táwe.
The leader then he followed him.
wah tiiháʾ nikukoxteeraaNAxhúnoʾ.
"Now here this is where we will battle."

noowitiRAsakaawaáhAt wiiteešútš.
Then they dismounted the young men.
haahnaaničitawíʾuʾ noowitinoswaáWI.
Saddles then they set them down.
nikuwewiteeninuhnanáʾA skunáʾA wehneeninuuníčI.
Now they used theirs for them pillows the ones they owned.
wah tiwehnuútA anuú noowitUtwitaWIšá.
Now when it was thus, there then he lay on the edge (of the camp).
wačéh nuu číkuʾ kanawewititaWIšá
Poor thing, there he did not sleep among them
niiʾAhnaroswaáWI wiiteešútš AhnineešaáNU
where they were lying (sleeping) young men the wealthy ones,
niiʾAhnineešaaníčI wiiteešútš.
where (certain) ones were wealthy young men.
He did not lie among them.
tsu nuukuwitaasá wačéh.
But he lay over there, poor thing.
anuú oowátkAt nikuwitaanookaaxá.
There outside that is where he lay on the outside at a distance.

na noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx kuuNUxwáhAt hee čuwekunáʾAt phiináNIt noonateeraakunuúWI.
And then he said one, Red Bear: "Hey, where is he (so) quietly our going around?
phiítuʾ nootateeraakunuuwá.
Quietly we are just going around.
phiítuʾ Ahnootateeraakunú.
Quiet we are just.
It is just silent.
tsu tunaa- číkuʾ NIhkunaaʾiikawaawaáWI NIhkunaaʾiiwaawaátI.
But it'll be nice if someone tells stories, to tell different things."

noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ kaakíʾ aaxuhnaakaánuʾ.
Then he said Hands: "No, don't you be doing that!
It is not good.
atíkaʾ nootiwaákoʾ na kaakiinaaʾiíwat naawiinakuhníniʾ.
My grandma she said: 'Don't tell a story on the warpath.
naawiinakuhníniʾ na kaakiinaaʾiíwat.
On the warpath don't tell a story.
It is a holy thing.'

noowitináWAx kuuNUxkaátit.
Then he laughed at him Black Bear.
He was laughing.
wah šiišuuNUxátkoʾ wačíh tinaákUx kaapaatškoótuʾ.
"Now listen to him, poor thing, this miserable wretch!
piirapiiraninoósiʾ šiišuuNUxátkoʾ.
The ugly child listen to him!"

na noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ kaakíʾ.
And then he said Hands: "No.
I am truthful.
tati- wáhNIš.
I am truthful
wah tsu nikukooxuúʾUt.
Now but it will be thus.
I will comply with you."

noowitohničiškáWAt skanúsuʾ AhnuxpAxkoóčI.
Then he removed his cap paunch the one he wore on his head.
tiiwiteéRIt xaakooríʾAs.– tiwiteéRIt wačéh.
Here it stood the pony.– Here it stood, poor thing.
číkuʾ kanawitotčis- kákUx hAxtačiítuʾ.
It did not have any- thing around its neck a thong.

witiwaákoʾ nawáh šuxtaahnaanaʾoóxIt.
He said: "Now be careful!
šuxtaahnaanawira- ʾoóxIt.
Be care- ful!
I am going to tell a fairy tale."

nikunoowituúta wehnakawátI nakaréštA.
Then that is what he did when he took it out the skillet.
taahiíšuʾ štoh noowitiránoʾ kAxiítš.
Parched corn again then he put them in it the pouch.
noowi- tiránoʾ.
Then he put them in it.
noowituNAsawitareépI štoh.
Then he tied it up again.

na nikunoowituúta noowitiraanookUxítIt tiwehnačišWAhnaawá.
And so then that is what he did: then he began singing as he whistled.

kaakunaahé weNAxkučišWAhnaáhu weNAxkuutakAxaáhu naanookaʾaátuʾ.
"It is not good when you whistle when you call them the spirits.
naanookaʾaátuʾ tAxuutakAxaáhuʾ.
The spirits you are calling them."

"Not at all.
This is included in it.
teenikutiraatawéʾ čeésuʾ.
This is included in it, too.
nakunaaʾiikáWI hawá nuu nootičišWAhnaawaáhuʾ.
When one tells a story also there then one whistles.
That is how it is with us.
atíkaʾ nikutikuhnaaʾii- táWI.
My grandmother this is what she told me
atíkaʾ nikutičitáwiʾ.
My grandmother she is the authority
atíkaʾ nikutIhíRAxa.
My grandmother she is the one who leads.
na aniinakuwaákA atíkaʾ na nikunootatuúta.
And what she says my grandmother, and that is what I do.
Then I take her word (ie comply)."

Then he took off his head covering.
He threw it over there far off.
nohneerút nakaréštA.
Then he picked it up the skillet.
nuukunoowitUtwiʾuuxítIt skaweéraaʾuʾ wehna- raanáʾU wehnaawiikaaraʾá.
Then he faced over there west when he sang when he came out with the song:

tinatistaroxtsaruuwaáWIš tiRAxhuhkaruúwa.
These cuts (lines) in my hair they are (represent) wars.

katačeé kaneenuxwačeehUxuúkuʾ.
"Say, whoever heard of that!
šiišuuNUxátkoʾ tinaaríčI piiraninoosíʾuʾ.
Listen to him this ugly one!
tiwaakaáhuʾ tiRAxhuhkaruúwa.
He is saying they are warpaths.
tehnuhnaanaʾíhkuʾ niinapAxkoótU niinapAxkostawaaríčI.
He must mean where the sores are on his head where the scabs are on his head.
nikutehnuhnaanaʾíhkuʾ wešitihtharaáhNA.
That is what he must mean," as they teased him.

kuuNUxwáhAt noowewiteečišwakaRAsaʾaáhuʾ Ahnaawáxku
Red Bear then he was roaring as he laughed,
wačeh wešohniinaWAxkú.
poor thing, while they were laughing at him.
kuúNUx pítkUx kuuNUxwáhAt kuuNUxkaátit.
Bears two: Red Bear, Black Bear.

wah štoh noowitaawiriwaátaʾ.
Now again then he came out with the lyric.
Ahnoowitičiš- taWAhnaáhuʾ aninoonakuuxaWIsiihiíʾU.
Then he was just whistling in those different directions.

Then they just whistled in different directions.
a čiišaáNIt sanánat paatúh.
And here they were Sioux, enemy!
či paatúh weešeenuhnanaánaʾ.
Here the enemy they had come to fight!

Then they were ambushed.
Then they were surround- ing them on all sides.
nohniitaNA- saakaruuwaáhAt.
Then they were surrounding them on all sides.

noowitihwáčiʾ wiiteešútš aa štaánuʾ nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
Then they said young men: "Ah, Hands, stop!
Put your cap on yourself!"

čiríkU noowewiteeWIhuučitawíhuʾ.
Oh my, then he was repeating it.
noowitiihunaaNIsaNAxá štaánuʾ.– kaakíʾ kaakatoonaakItkóxtA.
Then he became excited Hands.– "No, I am not going to listen to you.
neenikutAxtapískaʾ NAxkuraapIskáʾA aaxunaaʾiikawaáWI.
This is what you wanted your wanting it 'that you tell fairy tales.'
kaneenuunaahé nakunaaʾiikawaáWI naawiinakuhníniʾ.
It is not good to tell fairy tales on the warpath.
It is not good."

na anuú nikunoowituúʾUt.
And there then that is how it was.
noowitiwaraasšá štaánuʾ.
Then he became angry Hands.
tiwehnawaraahaanaáNA nooWIšitihnaʾít witii- šuxčiškawáNIt štaaaánuʾ.
After he had become angry then they told him: "Put it on your head, Haaands!"

čiríkU tiwešohniNAxwé haahnaaWIškaáhtš číkuʾ  niišikohnihnunáx
Oh my, when they looked for it a pipe, wher- ever they found it,
nikunoošitiisaakatáWI haahnaaWIškaáhtš.
then that pipe is what they offered him the pipe.
nooWIšitiisaakatáWI wačéh štaánuʾ.
Then they offered him the pipe, poor thing, Hands.
nooWIšitiisaakatáWI wačéh štaánuʾ.
Then they offered him the pipe, poor thing, Hands.

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh.
Then he said: "Alright.
atsú wetaraakakúx.
But you have been ambushed.
íhUx wetaraakawoótIt.
Half you have been killed."

Now the dead lay there.

noowitirinuʾá kuuNUxwáhAt.
Then he became afraid Red Bear.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ štaánuʾ.
Then he said: "Now stop it, Hands!
a či NAxwaáRUxtiʾ.
And here you are holy.
a či naaninoosíʾuʾ NAxwaáRUxtiʾ.
And here the most you are holy!"

na nikunoowituúta štaánuʾ noowiteepakUhtaraʾóʾ wešohniisaakatawíhA.
And so that is what he did Hands: then he heeded them after they offered him the pipe.

nikunoowituúta noowiteewiirút nakaréštA.
So that is what he did: then he grabbed it up the skillet
či nikiišaáʾA tiʾAhnaraáhNA NAhtásuʾ.
Here it was the one this that he had a shield.
či nikii- šaáʾA nakaréštA.
Here it was the one the skillet.
na tiʾAhnuxhuukawiRAháku AhnuúxU hoowiRAhákUx a či
And this that he stirred with what was a ladle and here
nikiišaáʾA napaarúxtiʾ.
it was the one a holy stick.
tinikii- šaáʾA napaarúxtiʾ.
This was the one a holy stick.

nooWIšitiiNIsšeéRIt štaánuʾ wehnaraaninuʾaáNA.
So they satisfied him Hands after they had been afraid.
So that is what happened.
Then everything calmed down.

tiwewitohnapAxkawátI čiríkU číkuʾ nuukuwitiiʾux- wát.
When he took it off his head, oh my, he had long hair!
There his hair was black!
číkuʾ kanawitiipAxkoóʾAt.
There his head had no sores!
There his hair was clean!
His head shone.

wešohniiNIštaʾiwánu nawáh wetunaahé štaánuʾ.
When they were stroking him: "Now it is good, Hands.
nawáh nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
Now that is enough!
You have pleased us."

čiríkU noowiteéʾaʾ kuuNUxwáhAt.
Oh my, then he came Red Bear.
čee nooNAxkuutaawaa- nú.
"Say, why do you do these things.
AhnooNAxkuutaawaanú NAxkiihUhwaa- RUxtiiwaahnú
Why do you just do those things your trying to act holy!"

wačéh noohnihtaarikotkakúx.
Poor thing, then he conked him on the head.
wačéh noowitiituneeráhAt.
Poor thing, then he was knocked unconscious.

noowitihtaarúxtAt niiʾAhnaaraanuukáWI.
Then he was dragged where a watering hole was.
nikunoo- witihnaʾí.
Then that is where they threw him in the water.

tiwehnuutUhuunuʾiítIt noowititakaáhAt haakeesuuxíniʾ.
After he sank then he dropped in a smoke hole.

noowitiwaákoʾ takohnáʾU sápat tičé nuúʾUt weNAx- kuʾá.
Then she said someone, a woman: "Why is it your coming?"

tuhnáʾA kuuNUxwáhAt.
"It is his fault Red Bear.
wetikukoótIt kuuNUxwáhAt.
He killed me Red Bear."

wah WIštéh.
"Now wait!
nikUšinatuhteeriiʾaáhNA čeésiʾ.
That is the one we are laying for, too.
We will kill him.
čeésiʾ nikukoxtuhnaáka.
Ourselves we will do that.
šikoxtikoótIt na tiiraapaawaʾá haáwaʾ.
We will kill him and we'll eat him, too.
Then we will be pleased.
wah nikuwetuhnáʾA kuuNUxwáhAt.
Now he is the one who is the cause Red Bear.
tsu kuuNUxkaátit sinoó nuuneewanúʾ.
But Black Bear yet he is there."

nooWIšitiitakáxaʾ piirátš čítUx piirátš.
Then she called them children, beaver children.
noo- WIšitinikatáʾAt.
Then they took him up (to the opening).
Then they took him outside.

nawáh tičé nuúʾUt.
"Now what is the matter?
tičé wenuutAxítIt.
What is happening?"

wetikukoótIt kuuNUxwáhAt.
"He killed me Red Bear.
nikutuhnáʾA wenikukootíkA.
That one is the cause the one who killed me."

na noowitiwaákoʾ kuuNUxkaátit nawáh wah WIštéh.
And then he said: "Black Bear, now, now wait!
šikoxtitaripiruukawaakároʾ kuúNUx.
We will trim him all over Bear.
kuuNUxkaátit šikoxti- taripiruukawaakároʾ.
Black Bear we will trim him all over.
We'll make him ugly.
nikukooxiraa- čítA wenakootíkA.
That will be the reason his killing him."

na nikunoowituúʾUt.
And then that is how it was.
nooWIšitiiteéRIt štoh štaánuʾ.
Then they saw him again Hands.

witiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ ninaá čiikáʾAx čuwekunáʾAt štaánuʾ.
She said his grandma: "Oh, m y goodness, where is he Hands?
čuwekunáʾAt štaánuʾ wešohníNAxwe štaánuʾ.
Where is he Hands?" as they looked for him Hands.
či nuuweešaahkootAxaahká
Here there he was at the bottom unconscious
wešohnihnaʾiíNA nuu čipítkAt.
where they put him in the water there in the spring!

tiwešohneenuNAhuusaʾá čeésiʾ nikunootii- tiiwísAt kuuNUxkaátit.
After they brought him to the surface himself then it was his turn Black Bear.
kuuNUxkaátit weWIšitiituuníkUt.
Black Bear now they caught him.
Then they cut off his ears.
nikuwitiraačítA kuuNUxkaátit wenapAxtiwiruúʾU.
That is the reason a black bear its head being round.
nikuwitiraačítA wačéh štaánuʾ šohniinišiiWIsú.
This is the reason, poor thing, Hands when they took up for him.
noošohnipAxtaripiruukawaakároʾ kuuNUxkaátit.
Then his head was trimmed all over the black bear.

nuu wehnaRAhkaaʾiišátA štaánuʾ wehnaraawirátA nuu
There when they went home Hands after he had won, there
wehnaRAhkaaʾiišátA noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ na witi- tiRAhpAhaáhnoʾ.
after they went home then he said: "Grandma, paint yourself.
na wititiskakhuúnoʾ saʾúhtuʾ.
Smear your face with it soot!
neešihkUx- Iskawíʾaʾ itiína.
You'll come running in the lead when I come."

kanaanakuxwaakaáhu atinátš.
"Do not be saying those things, grandson!
Axtóh tAxuhpiiraninoósiʾ.
Surely you are ugly."

hawá Axtóh číkuʾ kaneenuúʾUt.
"Why, surely it does not matter.
kohnatuunaWAspiirani- noósiʾ na wešitikuuniiwaawásuʾ čítUx.
Even though I am ugly, and they sided with me the beavers."

nuu wehnuútA wehnaaRAhkaaʾiišá wiiteešútš
Then after awhile as they were coming home the young men
wewititaWIhiRAxá štaánuʾ.
he was in the lead among them Hands.
čiríkU pAxIskuúxuʾ číkuʾ nuukuwitiiraáNAt NIhúxuʾ
Oh my, scalps there was a long string of them only
wehnaranaáhNA pAxIskuúxuʾ wehnaranaáhNA.
the ones he now had, scalps what he had.

noowitiwaákoʾ štaánuʾ– wah WIštéh.– itaraakIsAhkaʾiš-
Then he said Hands:– "Now wait!– When we begin going
wooxítIt tsu atíkaʾ nikunooneekUsAh- kawíʾaʾ.
into the village, but my grandmother she'll be the one to come meet us."

anuú wehnaraanátA tiwekuwitiiʾót teškunítš wewitiraáNAt.
There as they went it was close by here a little way off they went.
They got onto the top (of a hill).
nuu witiRAhčitaʾuúkUt na inoowiteénaʾ tsústIt.
There they got onto the top, and there she came in the distance a little old woman.
wewitiiskákhuʾU saʾúhtuʾ.
Her face was covered with it soot.
wewitootsutkareewát wewitohnaRAhuuWIsátA.
She now had her braids wrapped around her head her having gotten herself all ready.

čeésiʾ nikutuxwaákoʾ atinátš.
"Himself he is the one who said it my grandchild.
wah čeésiʾ nikukoxtuúta.
Now, too, that is what I will do."

nikunootuúta nikunoowitiihuuNIsAhkáʾAt.
Then that is what she did: then she went through the center of the village.

wah atíkaʾ teenikutatuxwaákoʾ.
"Now, grandma, this is what I said.
atíkaʾ neešuh- neesiíšuʾ.
Grandma, you know it.
I am holy.
NItkú Ahnookaakatiwánuʾ.
I am no t here just for no purpose.
NItkú Ahnookaakatuhpiiraninoósiʾ.
I am n ot just ugly for no purpose.
tsu tItwaáRUxtiʾ.
But I am holy.
na nikuwenuúʾUt.
And that is how it is.
tiweneešiniinós pAxIskuúxuʾ.
Here they are for you scalps."

a noowitinaánu.
And then they were given to her.

noowitihwáčiʾ aniišuuxiRAxuúkAt áwit.
Then they said: "Lead into it first!
šuuxiRAxuúkAt niinaakaáWI iinakaákUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
Lead into it where the lodge is where he lives Lucky Man!
You will go inside dancing.
naahnooteekaaʾaáhuʾ atíkaʾ.
Now then just be dancing, grandmother!
na kaakunaaNAhaáʾA.
Don't hold back!
na nootIhunaaniiWAhnaaníkuʾ.
Make the ground vibrate.
na AhnootIhunaaniiWAhnaaníkuʾ išiihAxuukátA.
Just make the ground vibrate when you go inside dancing!"

nawáh nikukooxuúʾUt.
"Alright that is what will be.
wah– nikukooxuúʾUt atinátš niitiwenuxwaákA.
Now– that is what will be, grandchild, this that you have said."

tiwešohninaanúhA pAxIskuúxuʾ tiwehnaraána
After they gave them to her the scalps when they came on
wehnaranátA niiʾAhnakaákUx wiitakaWAhaánuʾ nikunootIhuúkAt.
as she took them where he lived Lucky Man then that is where she entered.
nootuutihAxtaakáwaahAt nii karuúxuʾ naRAsawaáWI.
Then she danced around in circles where the sacred bundles their hanging.
nikunoowitUstaakáwaahAt weNUstaakAháku.
Then that is where she went around in circles, as she was going around.

tiwetiraáNAt wiiteešútš.
Now they went here the young men.
noowitiRAhnuúkAt na niihéʾ na nikunoowitiinaaʾít.
Then they entered and right there and then that is where they told the story.

čee Axtóh nakuuwaaRUxtiíʾU tinaákUx štaanápaaʾAt.
"Say surely he is (so) holy this Bloody Hands!
Axtóh nakuuwaaRUxtiíʾU.
Surely he is (so) holy.
a čihnookananuhpiiraninoó- siʾ nátkuʾ.
And here he's just not ugly for no reas on!
a či naraačítA.
And here there is a reason!
a či naraa- čítA wačéh niitinuútA.
And here there is a reason, poor thing, the way he is!"

čiríkU AhneečitáWI xaawaarúxtiʾ číkuʾ nuukuwitii- wíʾAt.
Oh my, the one he rode horse it was so tall!
It had such small hoofs!
It had such small hoofs!
AhnoowitiiNAhčíštIt haahnaaničitawíʾuʾ.
It was just nice the saddle!

neenikunootiraawíRAt wačéh štaánuʾ štoh
Then this is where he won, the poor thing, Hands again
wenaraNAhuukátA pAxIskuúxuʾ.
when he took them inside scalps.

niiháʾ nikunootiniinaaʾít wiitakaWAhaánuʾ kuúNUx neeneekukoótIt
Right here then he told that one Lucky Man: "Bear I killed it,
tsu kuúNUx aniweneewanúʾ čeésiʾ.
but Bear he is going around there, too.
kuúNUx anineewanúʾ.
Bear he is going around there.
He now has a round head.
The sides of his mouth are sliced back.
They cut off his tail.
šeéNIt wetotčirihnátA.
Plainly his anus shows.
šeéNIt wetotčirihnátA kuuNUxkaátit.
Plainly his anus shows Black Bear.
wah aniihéʾ nikunoošitinaahúnoʾ kuúNUx.
Now there that is how it was planned for it the bear."

na noowitinaawičirikaáʾAt wiiteešútš.
And then they studied the situation the young men.
a či nikunuúʾUt.
And here this is how it was!
a či NItkú Ahnookananuhpiira- ninoósiʾ.
And here he was just not ugly for no reason!
a ci naraačítA.
And here it is the reason!
a či naraa- čítA.
And here it is the reason!
wah neenikunoošitiituuníkUt čeésiʾ kuuNUx- kaátit.
Now then this is the one they caught himself Black Bear.
They trimmed him all over.

noošitihnaʾít kuuNUxkaátit wah hánuʾ.
Then they told it the black bear: "Now go on!
anuú kiišanuxwaawanúʾ šuuxakawooruutíkuʾ.
There wander around over yonder! Kill various ones!
šuxakawoo- ruutíkuʾ.
Kill various ones!
na nikutuutaánuʾ.
You can do that.
na tuhneesiíšuʾ kuúNUx čeésiʾ tAhnapaaRUxtiíʾIt teetiNAhnakunuuwaáWI.
Remember, bear, too we are holy we who live here.
niinoonakuu- xawásU na tiwaaRUxtíʾ sáxaniʾ
Whoever it may even be (ie anyone) and he can be holy even
xaawaarúxtiʾ aninuuxookaaríčI xaapiiraninoosíʾuʾ.
horse that one standing outside the door the ugly horse.
aniwe- neeʾookaáRIt xaahiwaaraáʾuʾ.
There he stands outside the door a beautiful horse."

wešohniiteériku čee či NItkú Ahnookananuh- piiraninoósiʾ
When they looked at him: "Say, here he is not ugly for no purpose,
wačéh štaánuʾ.
poor thing, Hands."
a či nikunaraa- čítA.
And here this was the reason!
či nawaaRUxtíʾ.
Here he was holy!

anuú nikunootuúʾUt wehninoosíkA pAxIs- kuúxuʾ.
There that is how it was when they picked them up the scalps.
nooWIšitiínoʾ nátš.
Then they made it a stick
noowitiiNAsawaáWI pAxIskuúxuʾ.
Then they tied them on it the scalps.
na neétAhkas niiháʾ nikunoowitiiNAsawaaričít neétAhkas.
And eagles there that is where they hung them eagle (feathers).

hawá wešitAhnoókuʾ šiNAxkuraáhNA nakuraačeéNA
"Also we're making it for you to have it for a long time
nehkuhnaahneswatáku štaánuʾ nuxkaapaačíšU nuuNUxpiira- ninoosíʾU
for them to remember Hands when he was poor when he was ugly."

nikuwetiraačítA čeésiʾ– tiíNI tiwešiNAsinaáhNA uukawítš
Now this was the reason, too,– today our having it now the staff
uukawítš nikuwešiNAsinaáhNA.
staff that one that we now have.
na niku- witanuhčítA wačeh štaánuʾ.
And that one was the reason, poor thing, Hands.
štaánuʾ nikuwita- nuuNUxčítA wešiNAsinaáhNA uukawítš.
Hands that one was the reason our having it the staff.