XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Brother and

Sister Given Elk Power

Lillian Brave

wah kuwiteetuunúʾaʾ tsu sáhniš
Now the village was coming in a long procession, but Arikaras
NAhkuRAxUhuh- waahnú naanookaʾaátuʾ
after they had been warring spirits
NAhkUhunuuwaáWI haáwaʾ.
when they were going around also.
anuú nookaakunaahé witinehkukawootíku sanánat
There then it was not good after they were killing each other the Sioux
weNAhkUtkAhunaneešítIt wewitinehkukawootíkA.
when they (ie the dead bodies) would get mixed up after they had killed one another.
wewitii- nakawoótIt čituúʾuʾ.
They had been killed all.

a nikuwenuúʾUt wačéh niiwenakunaaniíwis.
And that is how it was, poor things, the ones who were left.
a noo- witiiNAhnaačiteeʾá wačéh witiNAhkutwaaruuWIhtikú.
And then it became difficult for them, poor things, for them to talk to one another.
na nikunoonataakuúʾU haáwaʾ wačéh tAhnakaapaátš tiihéʾ.
"And, all my relations also, poor things, we are pitiful here.
kaneeneetuhnaahneesiíšuʾ tíNI niikohnatinihnaakáxtA
We do not know now what is going to be (planned) for us
natakuh- naapaaruuWIhtikú naanookaʾaátuʾ naanookaʾaatIsanánat
when they talk to us the spirits, Sioux spirits
kanaah- nuhniwaáRA.
their not being good."
a nikuwituhnaáNIt weniinaakAsšUhunuuwaahátkA.
And they were the ones the ones who made them forget.

wiiteešútš na itáhniʾ weWIšitIhatUhkáWA noo
A young man and his sister they (du) went in the rear there
niiwekohnaRAhwóʾ wehnaRAhkaaʾišwó.
wherever they were going when they were going home.

wah toxtaaNAhkaaʾiíšAt noo niinatanuunaakítAt.
"Now let's go home there where our village is!
niinatanuunaakítAt nuu nikuwetataraaNAhwóʾ.
Where our village is there that is where we'll go."
na noowitiraáNAt.
And then they went.
Then they went.

wešohnaahatUhkawaʾá suúnatš wituuxukákUx niiʾAhniisaah-
While they (du) were coming in the rear girl she sat on it like they used
nuuxukú wešiNIhkukawaníkA haahtaaRUxtaáhNIš.
to do when they put it on it a travois.
suúnaaxuʾ itáhniʾ weWIšitíWA.
Young woman his sister they (du) went.
They (du) traveled in the rear.

a noowiteéʾaʾ naanookaʾaátuʾ.
And then it came a spirit.
čiišaáʾA arikaraá- nuʾ naanookaʾaátuʾ.
Here it was a bull elk, the spirit.

witiwaákoʾ hásI.
He said: "Look!
čikohnáʾU wetáʾ.
Something it is coming.
Stop it!
wah suuxawiinít.
Now stop it!"

Then she stopped it.

wah nooWIšitIhatUhkáWA.
Now then they (du) went on in the rear.
nuu noowitiraáNAt.
There then they went on.
WIšitih- nuunáwaʾ.
It left them (du).
It left them (du).
weWIšitAhatUhkawáʾ čeésuʾ.
Now they (du) came in the rear themselves.

noowitiraáNAt wehniinuuwaáxI.
Then they went on as they ran.
They were going home.
atsú weWIšititatatáWA.
But they (du) were following behind.

a nikunootuúta nuu nootíʾAt arika- raánuʾ.
And then that is what it did: there then it went the elk.
Then it went down.

Then they (du) followed it.
xaawaarúxtiʾ hawá nikunoowitíʾAt wehniiNAsšoohát naanookaʾaátuʾ.
The horse also that is where it went after it was fooled by it the spirit.
nuu nootiisiRAxtawiraáʾAt.
There then it led it (the horse) down.
noowitiraanookaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaakaáWI akAhpaátu.
Then they got to the entry where a lodge was a tipi.

witiwaákoʾ wah tineetiniináka.
It said: "Now here is my lodge.
Here is my lodge."

teenikuweneesakuusiráxaʾ tinaákUx naanookaʾaátuʾ.
"Here is where he has led us this spirit.
Now he has led us here."

a nikunooWIšitiisiRAxuúkAt.
And that is where it led them (du).
They (du) got down.
suúnaaxuʾ nooWIšitinitakaáhAt.
The woman then they took her down.

čiríkU a či wešikohniiNAsšawáNIt
Oh my, and here she must have been mesmerized by them
suúnaaxuʾ NAhkookaanunoóku inástiʾ.
the young woman to cook for them her brothers!
naanookaʾaátuʾ čiišaáNIt.
Spirits here they were!

Then they led her inside.
wah šiišiišuupáʾ.
"Now you (du) come inside!"
This is where we live."

tuunoowititkAxtoswá wiiteešútš.
There they lay in bed sleeping the young men.
They lay in bed sleeping.

Then they began talking.
tičé nuúʾUt tiwešiNAxihwáʾ.
"Why is it your (du) coming here?"

číkuʾ niikohnuúʾUt– arikaraánuʾ wešinikuusiRAxá.
"Whyever it is– the elk its bringing us (du)?"

na noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx hąąʾ naanookaʾaátuʾ kaakuhnáʾA.
And then she said one: "Yes, the spirit it was not the cause.
tuhnáʾA tinaaríčI arikaraánuʾ.
It was the cause this elk.
nikutuhnáʾA wešinikuusiRAxá.
That one is the cause its having brought us.
It mesmerized us."

Now they (du) had been led inside.
a čiišaáNIt čituúʾuʾ naanookaʾaátuʾ.
And here they were all spirits!
či kaneešaahtšičiítIt.
Here they were not alive!

na nikunoowituutAxítIt tsu wiiteešútš nooWI- šitiisiRAxuúkAt.
And then that is what happened but the young men then they led him inside.
wah šiišiišuupáʾ.
"Now come in!"

tsu xaawaarúxtiʾ nooWIšitiniisiráxAt šohnuuxiči- táWI.
But the horse then they led it off the one they (du) rode.
Then they staked it.
WIšitiisaxtawíkux wešohniinoo- hátkA.
They staked it after they had fooled it.

WIšitiinoohát sí.
They (du) were fooled, you see.

nooWIšititkAxaáhuʾ wah.
Then they called it the elk.

noo híNAx noowitiraáNAt wiiteešútš noo wehnaraanátA.
Then at night then they went the young men there where they went.

čukú nooweNAxiraaNAhwóʾ.
"Where are you (pl) going?"

aa wetAhnaNAhnaáNAt štoh.
"Ah we are going off again
We are going hunting.
wetAhnaNAhnaawiíNAt čeésuʾ niinaNAhnoswaáWI.
We are going hunting ourselves where we are lying."

wenehkUheešá noowiteeRAhwísaʾ wiiteešútš.
When morning came then they returned there the young men.
They (du) revived (ie came to their senses).

nawáh kaakAhnaákIt tiihé.
"Now we are not here.
We come and go.
wenakukuraaNAhčirikaʾaáNA tatinaaNAhkaaʾiíšaʾ.
When we wake up we come home."

wah či šikananaaxitšičiíʾIt.
"Now here you (du) are not alive.
či kananaaxi- raákIt tiiháʾ.
Here you are not one of us here."

tAhnaákIt naanookaʾaátuʾ.
We are spirits.
wah nikunoowetiraa- čítA.
Now then that is the reason."

áxkUx noowitiwaákoʾ wah tatískaʾ aatoohnaaʾiitawíhA.
One then he said: "Now I want for me to tell you.
na kaakuNAhninóʾ tinawaaríčI.
Don't be afraid of them these.
kaakíʾIt tiiháʾ.
They are not here.
tíʾIt naanookaʾaátuʾ.
They are spirits.
tsu tatiisiráxaʾ atítat.
But I brought her your sister.
tatískaʾ axkuraakaanunoóku atítat nakukuhnaahnaaNAsštáWI.
I want that she cook for us your sister that she watch over us."

noowituuNIsawaáRIt haakariiWAhnaaníkUx
Then they were tied to the lodge poles drums– a
na načiikúxtš niinoonakuuraáčI.
nd g ourds, there being different ones
They were just hanging.
a či nikiišaáNIt kukohneenaáNU
And here they were the ones the ones who owned them
naanookaʾaátuʾ wehniinakawootíkA tsu witeeninuuNIsáwa.
the spirits the ones who had been killed but they were theirs hanging.
They were theirs hanging.

noowitiwaákoʾ hásI.
Then he said: "Look!
We are going to dance.
wetataraa- NAhkaahúxtA.
We are going to dance.
wah tsu na kaakirínoʾ.
Now but don't be afraid.
na kaakikuunaah- nínoʾ.
Don't be afraid of us.
tAhnaákIt naanookaʾaátuʾ.
We are spirits."

a noowituhneésiš suúnaaxuʾ.
And then she found out the young woman.
wah atinás wetiiraʾá.
"Now, brother, it's up to you.
You are going dance.
tsu wačéh noo- koxtuuxUhuhtakásAt.
But, poor thing, I'll go after water first.
atinás koxtiraahtakásAt.
My brothers we are going after water."

So they went.
noowitináNAt taNAhaakaaxItčiraánuʾ.
So they took them buffalo bladders.
kuwiteeninuunúxIt kostš.
That is what they used (as) a pail.
Then they took them.
uu witehtakásAt.
Oh, they went for water.

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh wetatinaaNAhkaahúxtA tíNI híNAx.
Then he said: "Now we are going to dance tonig ht.
nikuneešuutIsíštA atítat.
Then you can watch that one your sister."

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ kaakíʾ.
Then she said the young woman: "No.
I will not go.
I will remain at home
tsu tatískaʾ štípiiʾIt aatoohnaahnoosíhA.
But I want cornballs that I leave them for you (pl)."

štípiiʾIt noowituutAhnoswaáWI aaxihwaawáʾA inástiʾ.
Cornballs then she put them at their beds 'that you might eat' her brothers.

na nikunoowiteeRAhkaahUxítIt naanookaʾaátuʾ wehnaaRAh- kaáhu.
And then those began to dance the spirits as they were dancing.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš nawáh šuxtaahtaRAhtšwá.
And then he said young man: "Now try harder!
wah šuxtaahnaawičirikaáʾAt čeésuʾ.
Now study it yourselves!
wah wetikuutiiWI- súhtA.
Now it's going to be my turn.
I am going to dance.
Dance hard!"

a Ahnoowiteehuúkaʾ wiínuʾ.
And then it just came flying inside an arm.
wiínuʾ witeehuúkaʾ.
An arm it came flying inside.

hawá noowitiraawičeéna páxuʾ noowiteeRAh- nuúkaʾ.
Also then it was a short time later heads then they came (bouncing) inside.
čiišaáNIt naanookaʾaátuʾ na witee- RAhnuúkaʾ.
Here they were spirits and they came inside!
noowiteeRAhnuúkaʾ akAhpaátu.
Then they came into it the tipi.

noowitiwaákoʾ WAhúruʾ.
Then it said an owl.
noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh wetAxinaa- NAhkaawáʾ.
Then it said: "Now you (pl) have danced.
You must be satisfied.
čeésiʾ tiškaáʾ.
Myself let me dance!"

Then he blew on a whistle.
noowitičišWAhnaawaáNIt naanookaʾaátuʾ.
Then he blew on a whistle the spirit.
witiraanookUxítIt WAhúruʾ WAhúruʾ Ahnuxtaa- nookUxukú.
He began to sing the owl the owl what he used to sing.
wah wetAhnaNAhnaanóxtA čeésuʾ.
"Now we are going to sing now, too."

hawá itáhniʾ noowitikúxIt haakariiWAhnaaníkUx.
Also his sister then she took it the drum.
noowitIhaakariiWAhnaáNIt čiríkU inástiʾ tiwehnaakaaʾá.
Then she beat on it, oh my, her brother as he danced.
He blew his whistle.

noowitiWAhná WAhúruʾ WAhúruʾ aa ha ha ha.
Then he made the sound an owl, an owl: "Ah, ha, ha, ha."
He was hooting.

nikunoowitiiNAhninuʾá wiiteešútš.
Then those became frightened young men.
hawá atítat atítat wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
"Oh, sister, sister, now stop it!"

Then she repeated it.
She repeated it.
wehnakaaRAxaáNA itáhniʾ.
When she became determined his sister.
wah naanookaʾaátuʾ kaakatoonaahninóʾ.
"Now, spirits, I am not afraid of you.
He and I are not afraid.
We are not afraid."

nikunoowituúta wiiteešútš wehnaraanoóku WAhúruʾ.
Then that is what he did the young man when he sang the song owl.
witinikUxaWIsítIt wiiteešútš noo sakaaWIhíniʾ.
They scrambled out the young men (ie spirits) there at the bottom of the tipi skin.
nikunoowitinikUxaWIsiiruútIt čituúʾuʾ.
Then that is where they scrambled out all.

Then they came (back) inside.
–– wah atítat wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
–– "Now sister, now let it be all!
a či šiNAxkaáRAx.
And here you (du) are powerful.
You (du) have won.
You have scared us."

a noowitiraáNAt.
And then they went off.
There they were together.

áxkUx wekanawitiipáxtA.
One there it had no head on it.
noowitiroohUhčitáRAt suúnaaxuʾ wehnaaWIhuučitawíhA.
Then she continued the young woman as she repeated the song over and over.
Then the heads came inside.
Then they rolled.

wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ atítat.
"Now let that be all sister!
wah nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
Now let that be all!
Now you have scared us.
You have beat us.
naáNIt či šiNAxwaaRUxtíʾ.
Really here you (du) are holy!"

na nikunootuúʾUt.
And then that is how it was.
na nooWIšitiraawíRAt.
And then they (du) won.
Then she beat them.

wiiteešútš naanookaʾaátuʾ witiraanaWIsítIt.
Young men the spirits they went out.
štípiiʾIt wewitinána si na noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh NAheešá
Cornballs they already had, you see, and then he said: "Now tomorrow
šikooxuhneésiš niiNAhnaNAhnoósI.
you (du) will learn where we are lying."

wah wehnaaheešá noowiteeRAhnuúkaʾ naanooka- ʾaátuʾ.
Now when it was daylight then they came inside the spirits.
There they lay.
na wituutaakeéRIt inástiʾ.
And she saw them her brothers.

witiwaákoʾ nawáh tatooxtaaNAhkaaʾaáhuʾ.
She said: "Now we were dancing.
na čeesíʾ čukUšiNAxúxWA.
And yourself where were you (du)?"

noowitihwáčiʾ kaakíʾ.
Then they said: "No.
You have already beat us.
wah wetatoohnaahnaaʾiitawíštA NAheešá.
Now we are going to tell you tomorrow.
We will go up (the hill).
neetoohnaahnaaʾiitáWI anuú niiNAhnaNAhnoswaáWI.
Then I'll tell you there where we are lying."

Then they led them (du).
nooWIšitiisiráxAt itáhniʾ na wiiteešútš.
Then they led them (du) sister and the young man.
nuu nootiRAhkatáʾAt.
There then they went up.

noowitiwaákoʾ teenikutiišá kaawítA.
Then he said: "Here he lies the youngest brother)."
nuu nikuwituutunaahaWIšá wačéh wiináxtš náʾU
There that one was lying on his side, poor thing, boy the one,
kaawitáhtš náʾU.
youngest child the one.

na niikohnuhnaánuʾ áxkUx witiinipiitatAxá.
And however many there were one he lay on his stomach.
na inoowitiinipiitatAxá wiiteešútš.
And there he lay on his stomach the young man.

Then they (du) saw them.

hawá nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
"Now let that be all!
wah tuxtaaNAhkaaʾiíšAt.
Now let's go back (to the camp)!"

witiRAhkaaʾišwóʾ atsú wituhneesiíšuʾ nuu itáh- niʾ
They were going back but she knew it there their sister
wehnuhneésš inástiʾ niiwehnaroósI.
her knowing it her brothers where they lay.

NAheešá noošoxtikaaʾíšWA.
"Tomorrow he and I will go home.
We will go home."

witiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš wee šiišaahWIswáNA šiišanuhnaaʾiitáWI
He said the young man: "Now when you (du) arrive, tell them (du)
atináʾ na atíʾAx tinehnakunuuwá.
our mother and our father here we are!
tikoxtaakawoótIt wiiteešútš tsu tinehnakunuuwá.
We were killed by them young men, but here we are.
siíno tAhnakunuuwá naanookaʾaátuʾ.
Yet we are going about (as) spirits.
We are going about.
šiišanuhnaaʾiitáWI atináʾ na atíʾAx.
Tell them (du) mother and father!"

na nikunooWIšituúta wešohnakaaʾišwáNA.
And that is what they (du) did when they (du) went home.

witiwaákoʾ nawáh tsu naanookaʾaátuʾ ka wešiNAxtá haahnaaWIškáhtš.
He said now but the spirit: "Do you (du) have a pipe?
nikUšitatoxtaakaáku haah- naaWIškáhtš.
We are the ones who gave it to you (pl) the pipe.
We gave the pipe to you (pl).
sáhniš wetata- kuraakaáku.
Arikaras we have given the pipe to you (pl).
nikuwetíʾ naawiʾooxiíkuʾ číkuʾ kananakuuraakaáxU číkuʾ noonakuuraawiʾooxiíkU.
That is th e one (providing) peace that there not be any violence, that there be peace.
We are the ones."

wah tsu wešinetkaaʾišwanúʾ.
"Now but we are going home."

tsu nooweWIšitikaaʾíšWA.
But then they (du) went home.
štoh nooWIšitiisiráxAt arikaraánuʾ.
Back then it led them (du) the elk.

nuu inoowiteéka.
There there there was the lodge.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiiteešútš wah šanaahnaanátA štípiiʾIt na
Then he said the young man: "Now when you (pl) move, cornballs and
tapáhtuʾ na tikuhnaahnoósI.
dried meat leave them for us.
na itinaah- naána na nikihnapaawaʾá.
And when we come, and that is what we'll eat."

na nikunooWIšituúta.
And then that is what they (du) did.
Then they (du) went home.
nooWIšitiwísWA nuu niikohnaʾítAt sáhniš.
Then they (du) arrived there wherever the village was Arikara.
Then that is where they (du) arrived.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah atinás wetatuhneesíš niiwe- naroósI.
Then she said "Now my brothers I know where they lie.
wah kukooxuúʾUt.
Now it will be that way.
We will go.
neetuhnaahneésiš niiweNAhunuúWI.
We do know where they are.
na nikunootiisá tinawaaríčI naanookaʾaátuʾ wenuuxakaaNUhkaroóku.
And then this is what they did these spirits," when she was cooking for them.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah atináʾ– na atíʾAx– wešitatoosiRAx- wóʾ.
Then she said: "Now mother– and father, we are going to take you."

Then she took them.
teenikutiišá kaawítA na čituúʾuʾ
"Here they lie the youngest one and all."

Then they saw them.
Then they went home.

nikunootiiNAhnaáʾu sšawánikUx tiwenataraahnanaáhNA
She was the one they had given the power love medicine our now having it
sáhniš tákuʾ nakoosšawániku.
Arikaras to mesmerize someone.
So that is she was given.

wah wetunaahé wešinotkAxá naanookaʾaátuʾ.
"Now it's good that they called you (du) the spirits."

a či nikUšinuúxU.
And here they (du) had been the ones.

štoh nooWIšitiisiRAxkatáʾAt.
Again then they took them (du) up (the hill).
"This is where they brought us."

Then they told them.

nooWIšitiisiRAxkaaʾiíšAt nuu niikohnuuxitúhkUx.
Then they led them (du) home there wherever the village was.
aáka nooWIšituhneesíš kuNAhúx na suxtIhnáʾU niiNAhaanaáNU
Oh, then they (du) knew old man and the old woman their children
niiweNAhunuúWI niiwehnaroósI.
where they were where they lay.

inoowiteeká akAhpaátu.
There there was a lodge a tipi.

wah tsu kunooxeéka.
"Now but the lodge will be there.
kunooxeéka áriišIt naanakAhwíʾuuhAt.
The lodge will be there itself until the lodge falls over.
na kooxaanakAhwíʾuuhAt áriišIt.
And the lodge will fall over itself."

naanookaʾaátuʾ weniinaakawirátA –– tinaákUx
The spirits their having been beat by him –– this
wiiteešútš wehnaakaáhu noowitiʾaakawíRAt.
young man when he was dancing then he beat them.
nikutiraána WAhúruʾ.
That one had the way of it the owl.
NAh- kučišWAhnaawaaníkA na anuuháʾ witeesšawáNIt.
When he was blowing the whistle and over there it mesmerized him.

nikunoowitiisá wehniiNAhnaanúhA šawánikUx sáhniš.
Then that is what they did when they gave it to them love medicine Arikaras.
sáhniš kutataraákIt wehniiNAhnaanúhA.
Arikaras we were the ones when they gave it to them.
naanookaʾaátuʾ noowitiinaaʾít čituúʾuʾ.
The spirits then they told it to them everything.
Then they were the ones.
naakunaáʾuʾ nikutatakuraahnaawaʾú.
The medicine way that is what they gave us.

WAhúruʾ a či nikiišaáʾA tinaaríčI wiiteešútš
An owl and her he was the one this young man
wešohniiNAsšawaníkA itáhniʾ.
when they mesmerized them (du) his sister.

tuunooWIšitisiRAxkaaʾiíšAt haáwaʾ.
Then they took them (du) home over there also.
wah tsu itáhniʾ wetehnaanuunáwaʾ naanookaʾaátuʾ.
Now but his sister she left them the spirits.
Then they (du) went home.
suúnaaxuʾ wewitikaaʾiíšAt.
The young woman now she went home.
She left them.
wah wetAtkaaʾiíšAt.
"Now I am going home."

hawá niišuxkaaʾiíšAt.
"Also you (du) go on home!
tsu wetataraahnaáʾu.
But I have given you (pl) the power.
na tiisaa- paahnúʾ atíštIt.
Be using it well.
na tiisaahnúʾ šiNIhkookaanunoóku naa- nookaʾaátuʾ.
Use it when you cook for them the spirits.
na nikunootuúta huukaawiraátA nakuʾaakAsšteerátA naanookaʾaátuʾ.
Do it this way the east to please them the spirits.
wah na tihneesiíšuʾ wačéh wešiti- koosšteéRAt arikaraánuʾ.
Now you must remember, poor thing they have pleased me the elks.
tsu tinawaaríčI arikaraánuʾ tsu nikukooxeeraahnaaʾú.
But these elks, but they are the ones who will give you the power.
They will pity you (pl).
wah nikunootiiNAhnaáʾu haáwaʾ čeésiʾ nakučišWAhnaáhu.
Now it is the one who is giving them the power also itself to blow on it (the flute).
nikuwetiraána arikaraánuʾ.
That is the one having the power the elk.
nikuwetaraahnaaʾú čeésuʾ.
It is the one that has given it to you itself."

witiiNAhnaawaʾú čituúʾuʾ.
He gave them the powers all.
suúnaaxuʾ nikuwetuhnáʾA.
Young woman that one was the cause.
wewituhnaʾít tinaaríčI wiiteešútš šeewehnuhnaáNU šohniiNIsšawaníkA.
He told him this young man his being the first one his being mesmerized by them.
He was charmed by them.

Then they took them (du) down.
nikunoowituhnaaʾúʾ suúnaaxuʾ noowitUtwaaWIhtít arikaraánuʾ.
So that is the way it was: the young woman then she talked to it the elk.
arika- raánuʾ nikunooWIšitUtwaaWAhtít.
The elk then that is the one they (du) talked to.

wah tsu sáhniš wetataraahnaaʾú sáhniš.
"Now but Arikaras I am giving you the power Arikaras.
čeésiʾ nikuwetatuhnáʾA wešinatoosiRAxkaaʾiíša.
Myself I'm the one who is the cause my being the one who brought you (du) home.
nikutiraačítA tatIskáʾ aaxuhneésš nii ánas niinaroswaáWI.
That is the reason I want for you to know where your brothers where they lie.
na nikuweneškuunaáNAt haakariiWAhnaaníkUx.
And now you have asked me for it the drum."

tsu nikuwewititaáWAt AhnakaáxU AhnuxtsawaáWI niiʾaNAhuuwatuúNU.
But she chose that one the tattered one where they hung where the doorway was.
suúnaaxuʾ wewitikúxIt haakarii- WAhnaaníkUx AhnakaáxU.
The young woman she took it the drum the tattered one.
It was kind of worn out.
Then it was worn out.

na noowiteeWIsítIt.
And then she went out.
nawáh šikoxtiranikaaʾiíšAt.
"Now we will take them home."

Then they were the ones they (du) took home with them.
Then they were the ones they (du) took home with them.
tsu noošikaakiRAsaáWAt AhnuhniwaáRA.
But they did not choose them the good ones.

weWIšitiinaawaʾú čituúʾuʾ.
The powers were given to them all.
sáhniš kuwetatakuraahnaawaʾú naanookaʾaátuʾ.
The Arikaras they were the ones who gave us the powers the spirits.
nikuwetatakuraahnaaʾú AsšawaníkUx tiwenataraahnanaáhNA.
They were the ones who gave us the way love medicine what we have now.
WAhúruʾ nikuwešituh- náʾA suúnaaxuʾ.
The owl they (du) were the cause the young woman.
That is the power she begged from them.
She begged the power from them.
naanookaʾaátuʾ kuWIšiiniinaaʾú.
The spirits they gave them (du) the power.

hawá tinaákUx haahnaaWIškáhtš wetatakuraáku.
Also this pipe they gave us the pipe.
hawá wiiteešútš nikuwetuhnáʾA
Also the young man that one was the cause
šiNAhkuraáhNA atíštIt witiiNAwitiiNAhkuranaáhNA
for them (du) to have it well, for them to have (ie take care of) each other
atíštIt witiiNAhkuRAhwaawanú kanaNAhkuuraanaahUhkawaakaroóku.
well, for them to take care of each other for them to have no troubles.
natsú na tiraapAhiíʾIt.
"But let there be peace.
na kaakiinaanaahUhkawaakaroóku šiNAhkuraáhNA haahnaaWIškáhtš.
Do not have troubles when you (pl) have it the pipe.
wewitiinaáku kanaNAhkuuraanaahUhkawaakaroóku atíštIt nakUhunuuwaáWI.
The pipe was given that you (pl) have no troubles, well for you to live."
kuwetiraačíta wehniinaakúhA haah- naaWIškáhtš atíštIt witiNAhkutwaaruuWIhtikú.
That is why their being given it the pipe, well to talk to one another.
naanookaʾaátuʾ nikuwetiraačítA wehniitakaapaatštíRA.
The spirits that is the reason their pitying them.

suúnaaxuʾ nikuwetiraačítA
The young woman she was the one who was the reason
wehniiNAhnoóha wehniiNAhnoóhA
their having been given the power their having been given the power
kunaáʾuʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
medicine the young woman.
tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nikuwetuhnáʾA.
This young woman she was the one who was the cause.

tsu nooWIšitikaaʾíšWA.
But then they (du) went home.
Išáxtiʾ weWIši- tihnaaʾiitáWI suúnaaxuʾ.
See, her mother she was told by them (du) young woman.
witiwaákoʾ theenikuwitiišá.
She said: This is where they lie."

suúnaaxuʾ weWIšitiinaaʾú wiiteešútš
The young woman they gave them (du) the power the young man
naanookaʾaátuʾ tsu nuuháʾ witiRAhkaaʾiíšAt.
the spirits, but there they went home.
nuu witiRAhkaaʿiíšAt.
There they went home.