XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Carries The Horn

and the Sioux Raiders

Lillian Brave

wetatunaaʾiitíštA tsu atíkaʾ niiʾaNUsuxwanuuxuúʾA.
I am going to tell about it but my grand- mother how her life was.
wituxtaahukoóʾUs skána NAhkUstaʾiikawaawanú.
She was courageous alone when she mingled among people.

noowitiiniNUhát naanookaʾaátuʾ a či
Then she was frightened by it a spirit and here
nikiišeenuhnaaʾiitUxtáʾ teenikuwetuutAxitíštA tsu nookaakunaanaasíhtš.
that one was bringing a message to her: "This is to happen," but then she did not pay attention.

noowituhnáʾAt naaníʾIs.
Then she went to get them buffalo berries.
Then she crossed the river.
noowituhnáʾAt naaníʾIs.
Then she went to get them buffalo berries.
wešohnawanú inaániʾ tsu noowi- tiripaaná inaániʾ.
After they (du) went her sister but then she hid her her sister.
noowituutiripírit nakuuhuúnu.
Then she turned it over the boat.
witiripaána inaániʾ.
She hid her her sister.
čeésiʾ nootikatáʾAt aatataráʾU naaníʾIs.
Herself then she went up (the hill) 'that I pick them' buffalo berries.

It was a steep bank.
neenikuwituuxaapá naaní- ʾIs.
That was where they grew buffalo berries.
niiháʾ nikuwituxwaraakatákUx.
There that was where the thick(est) bushes were.

naawiitakaaraahIškúsuʾ noošohniitawitaakaruuwaáhAt sanánat.– šitiitawitaakaruuwaáhAt.
All of a sudden then they quickly surrounded her Sioux.– They quickly surrounded her.
Ahnoowewiteeraawakaah- tawaʾaáhuʾ.
Then they were all just screaming.

wah tsu atíkaʾ stIšaátuʾ a čiišaáʾA kuúNUx.
Now but my grandmother Ribs Woman and here she was a bear.
a čiišanuhwakunaanoókuʾ kuúNUx.
And here she imitated its sound the bear.

ščiskaawítA nooWIšitiiNIštáʾa.
Her little finger then they hurt the hand.
Then they cut her finger.
neenikunootikawátAt kuúNUx.
Then this is when it became manifest a bear.
noowitiraahukoskawátAt AhnuxtaahukoósU sápat.
Then her bravery became manifest when she was courageous the woman.
tsu NAhkuwaawanú sapakúsuʾ sapakúsuʾ
But when she went around a big woman, a big woman
NAhkiisAhkawaawanú wituxtaahukoóʾUs skána.
when she went around the village she was brave alone.
a či šeeNUtkaapaačíštI kuúNUx kuuNUxkaátit.
And here it had pitied her a bear, a black bear.

tiwehnuútA weWIšitiitawitaakaruuwaáhAt sanánat.
As it was now they quickly surrounded her the Sioux.
wačéh nooWIšitiinuuwaʾá wešohnihkakawaá- kAt
Poor thing, then she was injured when they cut her in various places,
šohnihkawaaruúsAt šohnih- čeehú.
when they stabbed her in various places when they were counting coup.
nooWIšitihčeéhuʾ sanánat.
Then they counted coup on her the Sioux.
šíhUx witUsuxtaánuʾ.
Five they numbered.

ščiskaawítA tiwešohniiNIšukátkA neenikunootikawátAt kuúNUx.
The little finger after they cut her hand this is when it came out the bear.
wituhníWIs kuúNUx.
It appeared the bear.
noowitiʾaakawíRAt sanánat.
Then she overcame them the Sioux.
She overcame them.
She killed them.
áxkUx noo- wituutuuníkUt.
One then she caught him.
She threw him to the ground.
noowitunooʾá ukoókutš.
Then she took it off a legging.
She made him barelegged.

nuu wehnuútA noowitiwaákoʾ hiyúpo.
There after a while then he said: "Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
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