XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Coyote and the Young Fish Women

Lillian Brave

sčiríhtš NAhkUhaakuneesAhkaʾaáhNA nooNAhkureewatíRA
Coyote when he was going around the village feeling horny his (always) looking
sápat tákuʾ aatataawátI wewitiraaniteeháxtA číkuʾ niinooNAhkuuxaWIsihiíʾU.
a woman 'that I might select one' he kept right on doing it wherever it might finally be.

noowiteéʾaʾ sápat na noowitiwaákoʾ tišineetinih- waáRIt
Then she came a woman and then she said: "Here are mine (du)
suúnaaxuʾ pitkUx.
young women two."

aa šiišiisuuxiráxaʾ.
"Ah, bring them (du) here!"

nooWIšitoosiráxaʾ suúnatš.
Then she brought them (du) the girls.
They (du) were a little older (ca 15 years old).
She brought them (du).

wehnootuusaʾá či wešiišanutčirihkAhuúnoʾ.
When one surface her she had smeared their (du) rectums.
nooWIšitUtčirihkAhúʾ kostaaká.
Then their (du) rectums were smeared with it white clay.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ.
Then he said: "No!
a či šiiNUtčirihpsíš NIhúxuʾ kostaaká -- kostaaká.
And here you have smeared their (du) rectums only white clay -- white clay."

hawá noowiteswaátaʾ sápat.
Also then she appeared a woman.
noowitiwaákoʾ aa tičé kuNAxuutAsšuúʾIt tišinatinihwaaríčI.
Then she said: "Ah, what do you think about it these (du) of mine?
šitUtčirihčii- šawataáʾA.
They (du) have white rectums."

witiwaákoʾ hawáh čeétoʾ šiišiisiRAxIswaátaʾ.
He said: "Alright, bring them out into the open!"

nooWIšitoosiRAxIswaátaʾ čiríkU tiwehnuutUhuunuuʾiítIt.
Then she brought them (du) out into the open, oh my, after she dove into the water.
Then her rectum was white.

wah nikuwetíʾ.
"Now that is the one."

hawá uunaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ noowituutUhuunuuʾiítIt tsu witíʾ čiwáhtš.
Also the other young woman then she dove into the water, but she was a fish.
She dove into the water.

witiwaákoʾ wah tišinawaaríčI nikuwešitíʾA.
He said: "Now these (du) they (du) are the ones.
They (du) are the ones I am going to marry."

čiríkU noowitohnaraawíreehAs.
Oh my, then he got ready.

Then they (du) were diving in and out of the water.
Their (du) rectums were white.
wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ šohnootUhuunuusawaʾaáhu čiwáhtš.
They continued doing it their (du) diving up and down the fish.
They were showing off.

wah Ištóh witeehuuNIswaátaʾ.
Now again he ran into sight.
wah štoh wituutUhuunuu- ʾiítIt.
Now again she dived into the water.
wah tsu iwehnuNAhwanú čiwáhtš tsu wačéh noowitiihuunaaNIsaNAxá.
Now but as she was doing it repeatedly the fish, but, poor thing, then he was frantic.
sčiríhtš haakuni- taapé uu witiihuunaaNIsaNAxá.
Coyote, the one with a perpetual erection, oh, he was frantic!

Then he came into a clearing.
nawáh tiwešohnootuusaʾá čiríkU nooWIšitiičirihčiráNIt.
Now when they surfaced, oh my, then their (du) rectums were white.
noowitunaačitee- ʾá sčiríhts tsu weWIšitaawičešwaahnúʾ.
Then it became difficult for him Coyote, but now they (du) were showing off.
They (du) were showing off.

šuúhuniʾ šiišIswaátaʾ.
"This way come out!"

čiríkU suúnaaxuʾ ahnoowituúta.
Oh my, the young woman then she just did it.
There she had a white rectum.

atsú noowitiraawíreehAs sčiRIhkaapinát.
And then he was prepared Wolf.
noowititiči- pIškároʾ.
Then he stripped himself.
witíʾ čeewariínuʾ.
He was naked.
Then he repeatedly poked the bank (with his erection).

witiwaákoʾ wetikoonaačiteeʾá.
He said: "It is too difficult for me.
nookaakíʾ šiNIt- kuutuuníkUt.
I cannot c atch her.
Axtóh tunaahé šikaanuhčirihkatií- tU.
Certainly it is nice that they don't have black rectums.
It is nice.
atsú weneekunoohčiteeʾá a šiNIt- kuutuuníkUt.
But it was impossible for me fo r me to catch them (du)."

witunaačiteeʾá niiháʾ.
It was impossible for him there.
Then it was impossible for him.
wačéh NItkú wewitohwaátaʾ.
Poor thing, he had an erection for naught.
Then his was flabby.
noowituhkarúx wačéh kaniitaahíš.
Then his was flabby, poor thing, a dried up penis.

Now it was the end.
wetunoohUhčiteeʾá sčiríhtš tsu suxtIhnáʾU
It was too difficult for him Coyote, but the mother
nootuutuuníkUt natsú nikutírux suxtIhnáʾU
then he caught her and he had intercourse with that one the mother.