XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Stuwi and the Four Men

Lillian Brave

iikuwiteetuunúʾaʾ tsu NAhkutawíkUx
The village was coming in a long procession, but her being among them
–– stuúWI tsu NAhkutaʾiwaawanú stuúWI tsu NAhkutawé.
–– Stuwi, but her mingling among them Stuwi, but her being among them.
WIšitihtawaátoʾ wiítA.
They courted her men.
She did not like them.
tákuʾ kana- witaaninustéʾ.
She did not like anyone.
atsú áxkUx noowiteeríhIt.
But one there was a single one.

wituhnaánuʾ wiítA čiitíʾIš čiitíʾIš wiítA.
There were men four, four men.

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx wah šiisiNIštawaátoʾ stuúWI.
Then he said one: "Now let's court her Stuwi!"

witiwaákoʾ stuúWI kaakíʾ tákuʾ kaakAtwískaʾ tákuʾ.
She said Stuwi: "No, anyone I do not want anyone.
tsu tatIskáʾ šiʾaxkuhIšáxkA niinaatAxaáNU.
But I want that you call me what I am named.
na neetuh- naawiíʾAt.
And then I'll be willing."

wah tičé kunaaxAxaáʾA.
"Well, what is your name?"

wah Axtóh tAxuhnaahneesíšuʾ čituúʾuʾ.
"Why, certainly you (pl) know all.
sAhkAhaah- čituúʾuʾ tAxuhnaahneesiíšuʾ niinaatAxaáNU.
The entire village you (pl) know what I am named."

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh.
Then he said: "Alright."

Then they began going to her bed.
tinawaaríči wiítA čiitíʾIš WIšitihkaaWIswooxítIt.
These men four they began going to her bed.

áxkUx kaRAhuukaátA kuwiteešaáʾA.
One Penis By The River Bank he was named.

wah hánuʾ.
Now go on!
It is not you.
It is not you."

hawá štoh uunaaríčI keetUhkaákaʾ noowitiwaákoʾ wekaakikuhwiíʾAt.
Also again another one Crow Penis then he said: "She was not willing."

hawá štoh kapIhuúʾ noowitIhuúkAt.
Also again Foggy Penis then he went inside.

It is not you."

nawáh hUhtiísuʾ noowitIhuúkAt tohtaruúʾUx.
Now finally then he went inside Lumpy Penis.
niku- wewitiihuunatúhkA.
That one was the last one.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šuxwiísAt stuuwirikaxtátAt.
Then he said: "Now move over, Stuwi With Her Legs Raised!"

wah šíšaʾ.
"Well, come here!
šíšaʾ parúNIt.
Come quickly!"

uu noowitUtkaneeWIšíhkUt tinaáxA wiítA.
Oh, then she pulled his penis to her that man.
naawiiNIhiítuʾ noowiteeraniwaátaʾ.
The covers then she raised them.
So they (du) lay together
Then he thrust it in her.
kanawitaaninuhwičeéʾIs uukawítš.
She had a short one dress.
uukawíruuxU či wešaNAhkAxíʾ.
Her intercourse dress her she wore it!
Her legs were raised.

wah niiháʾ nikutatuhnaanaʾíhkuʾ.
"Now here that is what I mean.
nikutAtwískaʾ tákuʾ nakukuhIšáxkA niinaatAxaáNU stuuwirikaxtátAt.
That is what I want for someone to call me what I am named, Stuwi With Her Legs Raised."

tiwehninuúxI uu noowiteepaNIšuutaʾaáhuʾ.
When he penetrated her oh then she was screaming!
aa takiišiškuunúxtAt.
"Ah, someone take me away from him!
Someone take me away from him!
He is going to kill me."

uu wewiteekaniiwákUx.
Oh, now there were thuds on the wall.
teekaniiWAhnaa- waáhuʾ.
There were thuds on the wall.
a či tiwehnaWIsá pahNIšíniʾ kaniíʾuʾ tiiháʾ
And here when it reached there in the throat the penis here
wehniiNAsšhunáʾU čiríkU noo- tuhkakaáxIt číNIš.
when it stopped her breath, oh my, then it broke hers (necklace of) beads!
It broke the string.
noo- witeekaniiWAhnaawaáhuʾ.
Then there were thuds on the walls.

noowitiwaákoʾ aa takiškuunúxtAt parúNIt.
Then she said: "Ah, take me away from him quickly!
He is going to kill me."

číkuʾ kanaWIšitiniinaanaasíhtš.
No one paid any attention to her.
anuú nooniškoó- tIt.
"There let him kill her!"

uu wehnuutaaNIštaátA tinaaríčI wiítA noowitikatáhAt.
Oh, when he finished this man, then he got away.

wah nikútAxiʾ weNAxkukuhIšáxkA naáNIt niinaa- tAxaáNU.
"Well, you are the one you who called me really what I am named."

wewitikawaačíš wehniinaaNAxwé číNIš.
Now she was happy when they were looking for them beads.

aa wetakUxawáʾaahuʾ kat.
"Ah, they were coming down hail."

a čiišaáNIt číNIš.
And here they were beads!
tihnaaxúkAt weh- naasšhuunaáNA pahNIšíniʾ.
The string was broken when she was choking in the throat.

wehnaasšhuunaáNA nooWIšitiíNAt.
After she choked then they took her from him.

nawáh wetunaahé.
"Now it is good."

noowiteeWIsítIt tinaaríčI wiítA.
Then he went out this man.

wah wetatuúta atíštIt wenatuhkaaWIsátA stuúWI.
"Now I did it well when I got into her bed Stuwi.
neeneetiwaáko šuxwiísAt stuuwirikaxtátAt.
I said: 'Move over, Stuwi With Her Legs Raised!'
čiríkU neeneekuutuuníkUt áriišIt.
Oh my, she grabbed me herself.
She put me on top of her.
neenee- tirúx.
I had intercourse with her."

Lumpy Penis.
tsu keetUhkaákaʾ na kapIhuúʾU kaRA- huukaátA kanawitíʾIt.
But Crow Penis, and Foggy Penis, Penis By The River Bank they were not the ones.
wah tsu tinaákUx nikuwitikaniiNIhuuʾU.
Now but this one he is the one who had the big penis.
He is the one who had intercourse with her.