XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Lumpy Toad and the Rain Storm

Lillian Brave

weNAhkUhunuuwaáWI tsu tiwititawéʾ skunákaahkUx.
While they were going around but here he was among them Toad.

noowitihwáčiʾ skunakaahkUxkatawáruʾ hásI.
Then they said: "Lumpy Toad, look!
wetatsU- hiínaʾ.
The rain is coming.
A rain cloud is coming."

wewitiíkUx AhnaahIštaáhuʾ tsu NAhkureewaawatíRA.
There he sat as he was breathing but as he looked all around.
weteskaʾáʾ teškunítš.
The cloud was coming a little closer.

čee wah tsuxčiiniiWAhná nokananikuučipeétIt.
"Why, now let me splash in the water so that I won't get wet!"

tiwehnaariwiriihuunukaaʾá nuukuwitanutčiiniiwaáhnaʾ.
When he took a leaping dive he splashed into the water over there.

wehneehuuNUhtaátA tsUhiínuʾ noowitootuusáʾ skuna- kaahkUxkatawáruʾ.
After it passed over the rain, then he surfaced Lumpy Toad.

noowitihwáčiʾ čiíRA.
Then they said: "Hello!
ka wenačipeétIt.
Did you get wet?"

noowitiwaákoʾ kaakíʾ.
Then he said: "No.
číkuʾ kaakikučipeétIt.
I did not get wet at all."

Ahnoowitipsíš hoorúhtuʾ.
Then he was just covered with it mud.

witihwáčiʾ Axtóh noowetAxikAhuúʾU hoorúhtuʾ
They said: "Certainly you are now just covered with it mud."

heeʾ kaakatuuxIskáʾ axkučipeétIt.
"Yes, I did not want that I get wet."