XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Little Spring Peepers

and Big Lumpy Toad

Lillian Brave

wah tsu NAhkuraanawiisáxA tsustsítA
Now but when they were sit- ting on the bank little spring peepers
NAhkuraa- nawiisáxA NAhkučískUx čiisataátuʾ
when they were sitting on the bank where there was a pond stagnant water,
noowitiraawakaáhkUx Ahninaanoóku.
there was a croaking sound as they were singing.

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx áxkUx tiwehnawiisaʾiišátA.
Then he said one, one as he came to the edge.
noo- witiiNAhninuʾá.
Then they became frightened.
Then they jumped into the water.
noowititčiiniiwaáhnaʾ tsustsítA niiʾAhnačískUx čiisataátuʾ.
Then they splashed into the water spring peepers where the pond was stagnant water.

witiwaákoʾ tičé nuúʾUt wekanaNAxkuraahnaanoóku.
He said: "Why is it that you are not singing?"

He might kill us.
He might kill us."

tsu šitiininuʾá skunakaahkatawáruʾ.
But they became frightened of him Lumpy Toad.
a čiišaáʾA skunakaahkatawáruʾ.
And here it was Lumpy Toad!

štoh noowitohnaanuúsaʾ.
Again then they surfaced.

They began to sing.
Now this is what they sang:

áxWIt nakuxWAhnaáhu na
Spring peeper when it was croaking, And
tuuxawiisaʾiíšAt na nootiraanaʾiítIt.
when someone came to the edge of the pond, And then it dove into the water.

weNAtkuraahnaanoóku tsu tooxawiisaʾiíša noo- tatihraahnaanaʾiítIt.
"When we are singing but when he comes to the bank, then we jump into the water."

Then they jumped into the water.

witiwaákoʾ atíštIt na tiisaahnúʾ.
It said: "Well do it.
hUhtiísuʾ koxtee- raakawoótIt.
Finally I might kill you."
skunákaahkUx nikunoowitiwaákoʾ aatakawootikA.
Toad then that is what he said: "I might kill you."

a tikuwitiiwát číkuʾ niikohnuutaaníštA
And their length was short however he was going to do it
nuhnaanuuníkUt nikawootíkA.
when he might catch them if he kills them.

áxWIt nakuxWAhnaáhu na tuuxawiisaʾiíšAt na
Spring peeper when it was croaking, And
tuusawitsaʾiitsat na nootiraanaʾiítIt.
when someone came to the edge of the pond,
na nootiraanaʾiitit a hiroo iroo.
And then it dove into the water.

tsu noowetuhnaánuʾ.
But then that was the end.
wetoxtAhkaáʾ a kanawitihwískaʾ.
They had already danced and they did not want it.
AxikuuraakawoótIt skunákaahkUx.
"He might kill us Toad.
to titakarúx.
Truly he is big.
naáNIt titawarúʾU.
Really he is lumpy.
naáNIt titawarúʾU.
Really he is lumpy."

Then they became afraid of him.
WIšitiininuʾá skunákaahkUx.
They became afraid of him Toad.

Now the gut went in.