XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Star Husband and

Old Woman's Grandson

Ella P. Waters

wetAhnaaʾiitawíštA niišinihtaruuwaʾó
Now I am going to tell a story what they used to tell about
súxtIt iNAhniítš niinuxwaakahUxukú atíʾAx niinuuNUxtaaʾiitUxukú.
Old Woman's Grand- son what he used to tell my father how he used to tell it.

pakúhtuʾ pakUhnaawaawiriíkuʾ suúnaaxuʾ WIšituuxIt- kAxčitAxá haakaraahnaawíkAt.
Long ago, a very long time ago young women they (du) lay sleeping on top on a drying scaffold.
WIšituxčitAxá wešohnaahtaruuwaʾó wiiteešútš
They (du) lay on top while they (du) were talking about them young men
tákuʾ niinaakunusteéʾU.
someone whom she liked.

áxkUx witiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ áxkUx tatinistéʾ wiiteešútš
One she said young woman: "One I like him young man."

na uunaáxA suúnaaxuʾ noowitiwaákoʾ tsu naátU tákuʾ kaakatinistéʾ.
And the other one lying young woman then she said: "But I I do not like anyone.
anuunaaríčI sákaaʾA tatinistéʾ natsapIsú.
That one standing there star I like it the shining one.
tiiháʾI huukakaahaahníniʾ iiwánu na iikohtakuúxa.
Here down below (ie on earth) if he were going around, and he would marry me."

Then they (du) slept.

Morning came.
noošitiroosít kooswaap- síšuʾ.
Then they (du) picked them up iron pails.
Then they (du) went for water.
wešohnačiraawaakará- ʾU tstoóxuʾ na
After they (du) filled them with water water, and
nooWIšituuteéRIt suú- nuʾ.
then they (du) saw it a porcu- pine.
There it went.

Then they (du) ran after it.
áxkUx suúnaaxuʾ noowi- tiwaákoʾ tikoosšóʾ hitčiíšuʾ.
One young woman then she said: "I want the quills.
tikuunaaweešitiíkuʾ niinatuutaánu hitčiíšuʾ.
I am running short of them what I am doing quills."
na nooWIšitunáʾAx.
And then they (du) ran after it.

na iiháʾI witIhaapé WAxakúsuʾ niinoonitsteé-
And there it was a tree cottonwood where the edge of
hAt na áxkUx suúnaaxuʾ noowitunáʾAx.
the water was, and one young woman then she ran after it.

na nátkAt uunaaríčI noowitiwaákoʾ tsuxtáʾAt kaatarátš.
And later the other one then she said: "Let me go after it an ax!
We'll knock the tree down."

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ Axtóh tíʾ NItkutaátA.
Then she said the young woman: "Surely I ca n climb up."

wešohnuuteerikú suúnuʾ wehnataátA tiʾAhnuuxaápI na
After they (du) saw it the porcupine after it had gone up this tree, and
noowitíʾAt na noowituhniRAsáʾAt niiwehnataátA.
then she went and then she climbed after it where it went up.
suúnaaxuʾ noowituhniRAsáʾAt suúnuʾ anuú
The young woman then she climbed after it the porcupine there
wenataátA wenataátA.
her climbing, her climbing.

uunuuxukakaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ noowitikaaʾiíšAt.
The other standing below young woman then she went home.
Then she told about it.
noowitiwaákoʾ tiiháʾI taanikuwetuu- tAxítIt.
Then she said "Here this is what happened.
wetuhniRAsáʾAt suúnuʾ.
She has climbed up after it a porcupine.
anuú weneehunahAsíšAt.
There she went out of sight.
kaakíʾ NItkuuteéRIt.– atsú tiNAhaápI a čiišaaNIhaaNIhaákuʾ.
I could not see her.– But this tree and here it was expanding (upward)."

kaakuhneesiíšuʾ suúnaaxuʾ anuú wenataátA wenuhniRAsaátA.
She did not know the young woman there as she climbed up when she chased after it.
nuu wititáʾAt.
There she climbed.
noowituhneésiš wehnareeWAtwaawaáhNA inoó oopiínuʾ witiihunaáʾA wehnaWIsátA.
Then she knew after she looked all around: there different there was a land when she arrived.

noowiteečitstáʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she cried the young woman.
wehnačíkAt tiʾAhnuuxátA suúnuʾ noowiwitiičiwiníhnoʾ.
While she cried, this one that had gone porcupine then it changed itself.
noowitiíʾ wiítA.
There he was a man.

noowitiwaákoʾ tičé NAxuNAhčíkAt.
Then he said: "What are you crying for?"
noowitiwaákoʾ Axtóh nuxkatiisíʾU tAxuxwaakaáhuʾ aninaaríčI
Then he said: "Certainly last night you were saying: 'That
sákaaʾA tiiháʾI hunaaníniʾ iiwánu iíʾU wiítA na iikohtakuúxa.
star here on earth if he were going around, if he were a man and he would marry me.'
wah nikuwetatíʾ NAxuhtóxwo.
Now I am the one your admiring him."

noowitireewaáta suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she looked the young woman.
noowitiwískaʾ a či kananaaxíʾ wiiteešútš.
Then she thought "And here you are not a young man!"
witookarikúʾuʾ witíʾ wiítA atsú AhnuuNUxé --
A middle aged man he was the man, but he was nice looking --
AhnuuNUxé tiwehNUtčiríkUx.
he was nice looking when she looked at him.

noowitiisiRAxkaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaanunuunakaáWI sákaaʾA.
Then he took her home where he had his home the star.
Then he led her home.
niiháʾI nikuWIšitúxkUx.
There that is where they (du) lived.

tsu nuuwenaawaató suúnaaxuʾ wenuutaakawiítIt
But when she became lonesome the young woman when she thought of them
anuú huukakaahaahníniʾ aNAhunuuwaáWI nikukohnuutaakIs-
there down below the ones going around the ones she was re-
waaWIšú wenačíkAt noowiteesšoóxIt.
lated to, when she cried, then she ceased crying.

tiraačítA wiítA híNAx noowitikawátAt.
It was the reason the man at night then he went out.
noowituuNItkhaanaánuʾ wiítA noowitíʾAt číkuʾ niikohnux- wooxuúkuʾ.
It was every night the man then he went wherever it was that he always went.
atsú suúnaaxuʾ kanohneesiíšuʾ atsú tinaákUx
But the young woman she didn't know, but this
sákaaʾA híNAx weNAhkiihiʾaáNA tsu witiʾuuneéRIt anuú
star at night when it would become but he stood upright there
skaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ niiʾAhnaaríčI.
in the sky where he stood.

ee wiináxtš noowitúhnoʾ.
Eh, a boy so she bore it for him.
piiráʾuʾ wenuh- náʾU wiináxtš witíʾ.
The baby when she bore it for him a boy he was.
wehnuhnáʾU wiináxtš witoonawé sákaaʾA nikaakíniʾ.
When she bore it for him the boy he had an image (of) a star on the forehead.

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ tinaákUx wiináxtš tikaaNAsšóʾ WIsuúkaʾ.
Then she said the young woman: "This boy he wants to eat turnips."

na noowitiwaákoʾ neeNAhtakúʾU wah tunaahé.
And then he said her husband: "Now that is good.
na tUtkaruúWAt WIsuúkaʾ.
Dig them for him turnips.
atsú na kaakikaruúWAt iina- kuʾiitiíkUx.
But do not dig them where there is a depression.
iinakUhunaahwičeésU na nikutikaruú- WAt.
Where the land is high that is where you must dig them."

na noowitiwískaʾ suúnaaxuʾ waaxtóh tsuxtáʾAt WIsuúkaʾ.
And then she thought the young woman: "Now certainly let me go after them turnips!"

anuú wehnaátA noowitiwískaʾ tičé tAxuúʾUt
There when she went then she thought: "I wonder why it is
tiwekaakAxkuhnaaʾiitawíhuʾ iinaʾiitiíkUx kananakukaruuwa- WIsuúkaʾ.
you did not tell me this: 'Where it is low you should not dig them turnips.'
čiraátoʾ itaraaʾiiranít.
Let me try."

Then she began to dig a hole.
anuú AhnoowitinoohUhkáʾAt AhnuxtaáhNA WIsuukAhkaruuwatúx.
There then it went through what she had a turnip digging stick
Then it vanished.
a noowititkananooʾá suúnaaxuʾ.
And then she took the dirt out the young woman.
She peeped through.
na noowitiihunuuwá nuu haaWAhíniʾ.
And there they were going around there on earth.
atsú áskAt nuu wewitiíkUx skaRAhkatAhaáhniniʾ.
But up above there she was living in the sky.

a noowitikaaʾiíšAt wenačíkAt wenuutaakeéRIt niiʾAhnáʾU ačitaánuʾ.
And then she went home as she cried when she saw them where it was the tribe.
noowituuNItkóʾ sápat wehneh- wakaraanúʾa.
Then she heard her a woman when she called out to her.
sápat wehnitwaaWAhtít a čiišaáʾA Isíš
The woman the one who spoke to her and here she was a spider
suxtiikIsíš natsú noowiwitee- wíroʾ sáhniš.
Old Woman Spider but she changed herself into it a human.

noowitiwaákoʾ tičé NAxuNAhčíkAt natAhaáʾU.
Then she said: "What are you crying for my daughter?"

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ tAtčíkAt a či
Then she said the young woman: "I am crying, and here
kaahunaanoopiínuʾ NAtwanú.
(in) a different land my going around
It is not my country.
anuú haawíNIt kutatihkaahunaáʾA.
There below it is my country."

a noowitiwaákoʾ sápat šiišáʾ niinatiniinakaáWI.
And then she said woman: "Come where my house is!"

na noowitiisiráxAt.
And then she led her there.
witIhunaahnátA niiʾAhnaanu- nuunakaáWI.
It was a cave where she had her dwelling.
She led her inside.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah koxtootIštatataʾuúhAt.
And then she said: "Now I will help you.
kooxi- kaaʾiíšAt.
You'll go home.
kooxuhnaaʾiitáWI naahtakúʾU nakaaʾiišá kooxuhnaaʾiitáWI
You'll tell him your husband, when he comes home you will tell him:
nakukootíkA tanáhaʾ.
'Kill it a buffalo.
tsu čituúʾuʾ niinoonuhnaanuúʾA Axkásuʾ tanáhaʾ čituúʾuʾ noonanoowaawaʾá.
And all of them wherever they are sinews buffalo all take them out!'
na nooneenanáʾ na nooneeraánu.
And then he'll bring them and he'll give them to you.
na neškuuraánu.
And you'll give them to me.
koxtoosaáxtoʾ háxtš.
I'll make it for you a string.
nuu kooxiwísAt.
There you'll arrive.
kooxuutaakeéRIt niikunooNAxiiNAhnaawaáNU.
You'll see them the ones you are related to."

kunoowituúta suúnaaxuʾ noowitikaaʾiíšAt.
Then she did that the young woman: then she went home.
wehnuhnaasštáWI a čeésuʾ áriišIt Axkásuʾ
As she waited for an opportunity and too herself (from) sinew
noowitIhaáxtoʾ háxtš.
then she made a string a string.
číkuʾ niikohniihaáxIt tsu noowitIhaáxtoʾ.
However long the string was, but then she made the string.
noowitiripaána wehnuutaaNIštaátA súxtIt
Then she hid it after she had finished doing it the old woman,
weeNAhaaxtáʾU háxtš Axkásuʾ wenohnanaáNU.
after she had made the string string sinew what she used.

na wiináxtš tsu wewitUtpsiwá číkuʾ šíhUx wehnawaákA
And the boy but he was now winters perhaps five when she said
súxtIt wetatuutaaNIštát natoosaxtoóku háxtš.
the old woman: "I have finished doing it my having made it the string."

anuú nootíʾAt.
Over there then she went.
wiítA neeNAhtakúʾU kanawituxkaákUx.
The man her husband he was not home.
noowitíʾAt noowititáhpA wiináxtš.
Then she went. So she carried him on her back the boy.
a noowiteéRIt súxtIt.
And there she stood the old woman.

wehnehnaxtaʾá háxtš na nooWIšitista- reewaápI.
After she brought the string string, and then she tied them (du).
na noowitiirá nátš.
And there she had it a stick.
noowiteehatawi- RIhúnoʾ niiʾAhnuxkawátI WIsuúkaʾ.
Then she made a big hole where she had dug it the turnip.
noowitiikári- WIš.
Then she put it across.
noowitUstareepI háxtš tiʾaNAhaásA.
Then she tied it the string here where the wood was.

na suúnaaxuʾ noowituutIsčeeriípI
And the young woman then she tied his face
AhnuxtaahpiinaáhNA piiráʾuʾ.
the one she had on her back child.
noowituutIsčeeriípI kanaʾaaxiNIskawaanuuNIhú.
Then she tied his face 'so that the wind won't blow in your face.'
noowitUsteeniičíWAt anuú weneeʾátA weNUsaxteeniičii- ruuwatú
Then she unwound it there as she flew when she was un- winding it
tiʾAhnaáxA nátš.
here where it lay the stick.

nuu naahuunéʾ noowitAhaaxaweešítIt.
There at length then the string began to end
na áriišIt AhnuxaaxtaáhNA suúnaaxuʾ
And herself the string she had the young woman,
noowitsaxkawiʾoohtáWI na ítAt noowitAhaaxaweešítIt.
then she connected the string, and even then then the string became depleted.
niikohnuuxaapičeéʾIs nikunoowitiihaáxIt.
Wherever the highest tree was that was the length of the string.
tsu tiweNUstákUx.
And there she hung.

natsú anuú áskAt neeNAhtakúʾU wetiNAxwéʾ na NAhaáʾU wiináxtš.
But there above her husband he looked for her, and his child the boy.
noowitiWIsxá Ahnuxtaraʾó WIsuúkaʾ.
Then he remembered her talking about it turnips.
anuú noowitíʾAt niiʾAhniisuxtaaʾiitawíhA naahtakúʾU WIsuúkaʾ Ahnuxkaruuwatú.
There then he went where she had already told him his wife turnips where she had dug them.
Then he went.

There there was a hole.
a noowitičirikaáʾAt a noowituuteéRIt.
And then he peeped through and then he saw her.
noowitanustákUx naahtakúʾU wehnaahaaxawee- šítIt.
There she hung his wife where the string ended.
It did not reach it.
kanawiteštaanuNAhwiítIt tiNAhunásA.
Her feet did not reach the ground here on earth.

či kanítš weešaahkúxIt wiítA sákaaʾA.
Here a stone he picked it up the man star.
wiítA noowitikaNItkúxIt.
The man then he picked up a stone.
nikuwituútuʾ niiʾAhnuutIšuúʾA ščiškúsuʾ.
It was thus how his finger was the thumb.

noowitUtwaaWIhtít tinaákUx kanítš.
Then he talked to it this stone.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah tateehUhtawiraawaníštA tiNAhaaxtáWI.
Then he said: "Now I am going to send you sliding down this string.
anuú IšWIsátA anuú Axteehaahníniʾ wetAxtiwíštA sápat.
There when you arrive there on the pate you are going to hit her the woman.
You are going to kill her.
tsu na kaakiraʾá.
But do not hurt him.
na kaakithaahtakúx natihnaáʾU.
Do not wound him my son."

nikunoowituúta tinaákUx kanítš nuu we- neehUhtawiraátA.
Then that is what it did this stone there when it slid down it.
nuu witiwísAt niiʾAhniisuxtaaʾiitawíhA Axteehaahníniʾ nootiníWI sápat.
There it arrived where it was told: "On the pate hit her the woman.
a nootikoótIt.
Th en kill her."

wah niikohnuutAxítIt nooWIšitIhuukakaaʾuúkUt
Now whatever happened then they (du) fell down below
wešohnuxtawiíNA WAxakúsuʾ tiʾaNAhaápI
where they (du) were caught on it cottonwood this tree
wehnuxtawiíNA wehnaahaaxaweešítIt.
where she caught on it after the string came to an end.
nooWIšitIhuukakaaʾuúkUt hunaaníniʾ.
Then they (du) fell down on it on the ground.

na wiináxtš noowitiihUhkáwatAt niiʾAhništaahpiinaáhNA šáxtiʾ.
And the boy then he jumped out of it where she carried him on her back his mother.
noowitiihUhkáwatAt nuu weNAhkiihuuwiraawaawanú.
Then he jumped out there as he ran all around.

witikatiisiʾá a noowiteéʾaʾ.
It became dark and then he came.
noowitikaáʾAt štoh niiʾAhnuxkaáWI šáxtiʾ weNAhkuʾeétI.
Then he went in again where he had been inside his mother when she had nursed him.

noowitAheéšaʾ na noowitikawátat štoh.
Then morning came and then he got out again.
nuu noowitaáNAt.
There then he would go off.
noowitiihunaáʾA neéšuʾ AhnaraanaáNU WAhúx.
There there was–a garden, corn their being planted squash.
noowititarookUxítIt neéšuʾ.
Then he began to pick it the corn.
noowitiwaʾá čipaásuʾ neéšuʾ wehnawáʾA.
Then he ate it uncooked, the corn when he ate it.

natsú súxtIt iišehnaanunuhnunaáNU noowiteéʾaʾ.
But the old woman the primary one who owned the garden then she came.
noowitaaxwá piirátš.
There were tracks a child.

noowitiwískaʾ ka tAxíʾ wiináxtš na kuʾaaxaáNU suúnatš.
Then she thought: "I wonder if you are a boy or whether you are a girl?"

tiwehnakaaʾiišátA noowitiriškároʾ.
After she went home then she made arrows.
súxtIt noowitiriškároʾ.
The old woman then she made arrows.
na xáwos noowitíroʾ na natš.
And a ball then she made it, and a stick.
noowititkaakaroósI wehnaWIskáʾA wah inoošaáNU
Then she left them in the garden her thinking "Now if you are
wiináxtš na šaahtiNAhnoswaakároʾ.
a boy, and you'll take the bow and arrows.
na inoošaáNU suúnatš na xáwos kiišaahkúxIt.
And if you are a girl, and the ball you'll pick it up."

noowitikaaʾiíšAt wenaroswaawíhA.
Then she went home after she put the things down.

wah tsu wiináxtš nuu nootikawátAt šáxtiʾ niiʾAhnuúsA
Now but the boy there then he got out his mother where she was lying
šáxtiʾ wehnatsaskootaánu.
his mother after the flesh was rotting.
nookaakiiwooxítIt štoh šáxtiʾ niiʾAhnaáxA.
Then he didn't start going back his mother where she lay.

na noowitiirištós na inoowitiíkUx xáwos witohniisuxkUxwiNUxukú.
And there the arrows lay, and there it sat the ball the one they used to play shinny with.
Then he picked the bow and arrows.
nii WAhúx AhnatawaáWI na noowiteepanikUxítIt.
Where squash their growing and then he began to shoot them.

a či súxtIt či weešeeNItkaakaʾiíšaʾ.
And here the old woman here she came into the garden.
Then she saw him.
Then she caught him.
noowitiwaákoʾ aa atinátš wetatootaWIseéRIt.
Then she said: "Ah, my grandson, I have finally seen you.
wetiraačeéʾA natohnuníkUx.
It has been a long time my waiting for you.
Now you have arrived."

Then she led him home.
iNAhniítš nootsiRAxkaaʾiíšaʾ nuuwešinakaákUx ikaániʾ.
Her grandson then she led him home their (du) living there in it his grandmother.

noowitiraačeéna atsú wiináxtš tiRAxAhaátuʾ.
Then it was a long time and the boy he was growing up.

súxtIt noowituutaánuʾ weNAhkuRAhkateenaáhNA ničiíšuʾ.
The old woman then she was doing it her parching it corn.
noowitiroswaáWI čeehaahníniʾ.
Then she laid them out in the lodge.
noowiteeWI- sítIt súxtIt.
Then she went out the old woman.
noowituutakáxaʾ kaáxIt.
Then she called to the blackbirds.
"You (pl) come!
tiwetatohnaahnoswaáWI ničiíšuʾ NAxkuraapáʾA.
I have spread them out for you (pl) here corn for you (pl) to eat."

Then they came flying
kanawituuneešawíhAx tiwehnaakUxúʾaʾ.
There was a multitude when they came flying.
noowitíʾAt nooʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU tsu níkUs
Then she went where her garden was, and the birds
wewitikUxUhunuupóʾ nehnihwaʾá ničiíšuʾ.
now they were flying inside as they ate it the corn.
čituúʾuʾ witihkanéʾIs.
All they ate it up.
Then they flew out.

wah skaná wehnakaákUx wiináxtš wehnaátA
Now alone when he was inside the boy, after she went
ikaániʾ niiʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU noowitiwískaʾ wiináxtš
his grandmother where her garden was, so he thought the boy:
waxtóh čeésiʾ toosuuxá atíkaʾ niiNAxuutaánu.
"Surely myself let me do it my grandmother what you do!"

nootiRAhkateenaaNIšítIt ničiíšuʾ.
Then he began to parch it corn.
nookanawituuneeša- wíhAx wehnaRAhkateenaáhNA.
There was a large quantity after he parched it.
noowitikUxAhú čeehaah- níniʾ.
Then he scattered it on the floor.
Then he went outside.
noowituutakáxaʾ kaáxIt ikaániʾ niiʾAhnuutaánu.
Then he called them blackbirds his grandmother as she would do.

wah wetatohnaahNAhkateéna ničiíšuʾ.
"Now I have parched it for you corn.
Come inside!"

wah– tiwehnakUxUhunuukátA čituúʾuʾ níkUs tiwehnakUxUhu-
Now– when they flew inside all birds after they flew
nuukátA noowituuNAhneekáWI.
inside, then he shut the door on them.
čituúʾuʾ suuxaakAhíniʾ noowituutIsawaaháNIt kananakuukUxUhuunaWIsítIt.
All the smokehole then he closed all of them so that they couldn't fly out.
wah noowitiirút nátš.
Now then he picked it up a stick.
wituuxItkatAxá NAhnéswis.
It lay by the fire a poker.
wehnaaNAhčiiNItwinú čituúʾuʾ witikawoótIt níkUs.
After he hit them on the nape, all he killed them birds.
Then he gathered them.
Then he put them into a pile.

ikaániʾ wehnaahuúka noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ
His grandmother when she came in then he said: "Grandma,
šitooNUxkaniwaahaásuʾ tinaroósI níkUs.
they used to eat up everything these birds.
wenetkawoó- tIt.
Now I have killed them.
Here they lie.
íhUx nootAxiroosít.
Half you take them.
nootAxi- waanáxIt NAsIhkuwáʾA
Then you cook them for you and me to eat them."

noowitiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ naa wetunaahé nii- weNAxuutaánu.
Then she said his grandmother: "Why, that is good what you have done."

anuú sškaaWIhíniʾ tsu wetiiNAsštáʾa.
There in her mind but now she felt hurt.
a či níkUs tinaroósI nikiišeenunuhnaasíštA niiʾAhnaanu- nuhnunaáNU.
And here birds these they had watched over it for her where her garden was.

na noowitiRAsačiwaapí súxtIt.
And so she gathered them up the old woman.
noowitiRAh- kakúx sAhuútš.
Then she put them in it a robe.
anuú noowitiraniwaraakaʾiíšAt.
There then she took them into the woods.
noowituutapaaWIhtít wah niišuxtaahnaáNAt.
Then she spoke to them: "Now you go on!
tiwaaRUxtíʾ wiináxtš niiwenuutaáNA.
He is holy the boy what he did.
Now go on!"

štoh noowitiRAhtšičiíta níkUs.
Again then they became alive the birds.
súxtIt a či nikiišeenuxtáʾAt.
The old woman and here they belonged to her.

anuú wenuúta wenuúta na štoh witiwaákoʾ
Then after it was, after it was, and again she said
šuxtIt na kaakíʾAt iiháʾI.
the old woman: "Do not go there.
It is not good.
kaakíʾAt iiháʾI.
Do not go there.
tikaʾá áxkUx WAxtás.
There is in the brush one mountain lion."

noowititkaakaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU.
Then she went into the garden where her garden was.

na wiináxtš wenuhkaahuuniíWIs skána noowitiwískaʾ čeétoʾ itáʾAt
And the boy after he was left inside alone, then he thought: "Let me go
niiNAxuxwaakAhú atíkaʾ axíʾAt.
where she said my grandmother: 'Do not go!'"

nuu witeekaáʾ a nuu noowitíʾAt.
Then he came out and there then he went.
číkuʾ niikoh- niiraawiiʾót wehnaátA noowiteeraaWIhčeswaátaʾ WAxtás.
However far it was his going, then it came charging from the woods a mountain lion.

tinaaríčI wiináxtš noowitiwaákoʾ pAhiítuʾ šiíšaʾ.
This boy then he said: "Quietly come!
číkuʾ axuúta.
Do not do anything!
pAhiítuʾ šiíšaʾ.
Quietly come!"

nikunoowituutá WAxtás číkuʾ nookanawituúta wehnuxwaraahaanaánu.
Then that is what it did the lion: it did not do anything after its getting mad.
číkuʾ nookanawituúta tiwehnaaʾá.
Then it did not do anything when he came.
Then he put a rope on it.
nuu noowitsiRAxkaaʾiíšAt tinaákUx ikaániʾ.
There then he led it home to her this his grandmother.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ tiwetatanoosiRAxá NAxkiičitáWI
Then he said: "Grandmother, I have brought it here for you for you to ride
NAxkuwó niiNAxinihnunaáNU.
when you go where your garden is."

na ikaániʾ tiwehnuuteéRIt nootiwískaʾ a či
And his grandmother when she saw it then she thought: "And here
NAxwaaRUxtíʾ tinaaxaríčI wiináxtš.
you are holy you standing here boy!"

a noowituutuuníkUt WAxtás.
And then she took hold of it the mountain lion.
anuú noowitsiRAxwaraakaʾiíšAt súxtIt.
There then she led it into the woods the old woman.

noowitiwaákoʾ aniišuúxAt.
Then she said: "Go on!
He'll kill you.
tiwaaRUxtíʾ wiináxtš atinátš.
He is holy the boy my grandchild.
He'll kill you.
číkuʾ anuunaahnunaa- náwaahAt aniišuúxAt.
Some other land way off go there!"

wah štoh číkuʾ niiwehniihaweéNA noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt štoh
Now again after days had passed then she said old woman again:
axíʾAt anuunaahwaraákUx.
"Do not go those woods over there!
Don't go!
ti- kaʾá kuúNUx.
It is in the woods a bear.
It might kill you.
It might eat you up."

nootitkaakaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU súxtIt.
Then she went into the garden where her garden was the old woman.
Then she went into the garden.

atsú noowitiwískaʾ wiináxtš čiraátoʾ itáʾAt atikáʾ
But then he thought the boy: "I think I'll go my grandmother
niiNAxuxwaákA na kaakíʾAt.
where she said: 'Do not go.'"

Then he went out.
anuú wenaátA AhnoowiteeraaWIh- česwaátaʾ kuúNUx.
There as he went then it just charged out of the woods a bear.
witiwaroočíWI niiwehnaraa- WIhčeswaáta.
It was different woods where it came charging out of the woods.

wenuxwaraahaanaánu na wiinaxtš noowitiwaákoʾ axiwaraahaanaánuʾ.
When it was becoming angry, and the boy then he said: "Do not get mad!
tičé NAxuNAhwaraahaanaánuʾ.
Why are you getting mad?"

kuúNUx wewitiʾoóxIt.
The bear it calmed down.
noo wehnaáʾa wehnaáʾa noowituutuuníkUt wiináxtš.
Then as it came as it came then he took hold of it the boy.
Then he led it home.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ tiweneetanoosiRAxwísaʾ niinaakunuhnaasštawaáWI.
Then he said: "Grandmother, here I've brought it for you one to watch over things for you."

súxtIt nootiraawíroʾ nakukačiíšU atsú wewi- tanuunaátoʾ sškaaWIhíniʾ.
The old woman then she pretended to be glad, but she was angry in her mind.
noowituutuuníkUt kuúNUx.
Then she took hold of it the bear.
Then she led it into the woods.
wekaakiiteérikuʾ iNAhniítš nuu weNAsiRAxwaraakaʾiišátA.
He didn't see her her grandson there as she took it into the woods.

wah noowitIhaxtaríkUt.
Now then she untied it
wah aniišuúxAt.
"Now you go on!
anuú čikii- niišuúxAt.
There go off somewhere!
anuú naahnunaanawaáhAt aniišuúxAt.
There the land in the distance go off there!
tiwaaRUxtíʾ wiináxtš.
He is holy the boy.
He'll kill you."

witIhaxtaríkut kuúNUx.
She untied it the bear.
nuu noowitíʾAt.
There then it went.

wah štoh niikohniihawé štoh noowitiWIskáʾ
Now again however many days it was again then she thought
súxtIt wah číkuʾ niikohnatootaáništA.
the old woman: "Now I do not know whatever I am going to do.
koxteekoótIt atinátš wiináxtš.
I must kill you my grandchild boy."

noowitiRAhkateenaaNIšítIt ikaániʾ ničiíšuʾ.
Then she began to parch it his grandmother corn.
a noowitikawísAt.
And then she ground it.
noowitiraahaanús napakuxtaákuʾ.
Then she put it in it a wooden bowl.

wah iiháʾI witeekaanukáriWIš tanáhaʾ wehnaaRUtkawaakaráʾU.
Now there there was a partition hanging buffalo (hides) ones she had tanned.
There they hung.
noowitiRAhwiraʾuú- hAt.
Then she pushed them aside.
nikunoowitiraahAhkaáWI tiwehnuuxuunáʾU ničiíšuʾ na
Then she put a bowl under that after she had made mush corn and
noowiteeWIsítIt štoh niiwenaáwo niiʾAhnaanunuhnunaáNU.
then she went out again where she was going where her garden was.

noowitiwískaʾ wiináxtš čiraátoʾ itareewaáta.
Then he thought the boy: "Let me look."
na inookanawitiiRAxá napakuxtaákuʾ weNAhkukawátI
And there was not any in it the wooden bowl when she would take it out
his grand- mother.

noowitiRAhwiraʾuúhAt tanáhaʾ arúhtuʾ.
Then he pushed them aside buffalo hides.
na inoo- witiišá wehnitčiríkUx nuutawáčeš.
And there it lay as it stared at him a water monster.

a noowitiirút áxkUx tinaátš na niíšuʾ.
And then he picked it up one bow, and an arrow.
Then he shot it into its mouth.
anuú noowitiihUhtawíʾAt wehnakootíkA.
There then it slid down after he killed it.
nuu AhnoowitičiisUxaáhuʾ wehnakootíkA.
There then the water was just roaring after he killed it.
Then it slid down.

na ikaániʾ wehnaakaaʾiišá nootiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ wetatotkoótIt.
And his grandmother after she came home then he said: "Grandmother, I have killed it for you.
wetItkoótIt niinooNUxkaneehAsUxukú weNAxkUhuunáʾU weNAxkuraahaanúsA.
I have killed it the one that was always eating it up the mush that you cooked what you had in the bowl.
a či nikunooNUxkaneehAs- Uxuúkuʾ.
And here that was the one that used to eat it up.
čikohnáʾU wetAtkoótIt.
The thing I have killed it."

na súxtIt noowitiwaákoʾ na wetAxkoosšteéRAt
And the old woman then she said: "Why, thank you,"
wehnaraawiroóku aataasšteehuúNU.
as she pretended 'that I am thankful.'
a či wekooNAhnii- NAsštaʾá súxtIt.
And here now she felt bad the old woman.
tiraačítA a či nikii- šeeNAhtákuʾ súxtIt.
It was the reason and here that one was her husband the old woman.

noowitiwaákoʾ sškaaWIhíniʾ aa wetAxkoótIt ápaʾ
Then she said in her mind: "Ah, now you have killed him your grandfather,"
wehnuhneésš súxtIt.
after she found out the old woman.
a či NAxwaáRUxtiʾ tinaaxaríčI wiináxtš.
"And here you are holy, you here boy!"
noowitiwískaʾ nawáh tičé tatootaáništA.
Then she thought: "Now I wonder what I am to do?
tinaaríčI koxteekoótIt.
This one I must kill you."

na noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt atinátš axíʾAt anuunaahwaákUx.
And then she said the old woman: "Grandson, do not go that hill over there!
šitikaákUx wiítA.
They (du) live there men.
šitiwaá- RUxtiʾ.
They (du) are holy.
na kaakíʾAt.
Do not go."

na nootitkaakaʾiíšAt.
And then she went in the garden.
She went in the garden.

tsu wiináxtš noowitiwískaʾ čeétoʾ itáʾAt niiNAxux- waakAhú
But the boy then he thought: "Let me go where you were saying
atíkaʾ axíʾAt.
my grandma: 'Don't go!'
čiraátoʾ šiitooteeríšAt wiítA šooNAxwánu.
Let me go see them (du) men you (du) who are going around!"

anuú noowitíʾAt wiináxts.
There then he went the boy.

na nooWIšitiikoótIt tanáhaʾ taNAheesápat.
And there they (du) had killed it buffalo, a cow.
a noo- WIšitiikoótIt.
And there they (du) had killed it.
wešohnačiiwaanáʾU tiwešohnakaNAhkatarátA atsú wiináxtš
While they (du) butchered it when they (du) opened its stomach, but the boy
now he was watching them (du) do it.
noowitiihuká aniipáhAt.
There it was inside a fetus.

na áxkUx niikanaahniraaNIhtíšU wiítA noowitií- rut.
And one the one who was not old man then he picked it up.
Then he brought it to him.

noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt iNAhniítš aniisuxtikaaʾiíšAt tinaákUx ákaʾ.
Then he said: "Old Woman's Grandson, take it home to her this your grandmother!
Give it to her!"

na noowituhneésiš wehnaátA nitsíniʾ wiináxtš wehnuníno.
And then he realized it when he went backwards the boy his being afraid of it.
noowitiWIskáʾ wiítA a či NAxuninóʾ.
Then he thought the man: "And here you are afraid of it!"

atsú wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ AhnarátA Ahnuhnitatataá- tA
But he continued his carrying it, his taking it to him
niiwehnaátA wiináxtš.
as he went the boy.

na wiináxtš noowitikUxtáʾAt.
And the boy then he scampered up.
It was a tree.
na noowitiisaWAtkaʾús aniipáhAt.
And then he laid it over a limb the fetus.
Then he laid it over a limb.
It was a fork in the tree.
atsú wiináxtš nooNAhiínaʾ wewititáʾAt.
But the boy farther now he climbed up.
niiNAhaakawiiʾátA noowitiisaWAt- káʾus.
Where the fork was then he placed it over the limb.

wah kanatawiraaʾaáhuʾ wiináxtš.
Now he was not coming down the boy.
tsu– nuu noo- teéʾaʾ wiítA.
But– there then he came the man.
Then they (du) took the meat home.
WIšiti- tsastoosít wešohnačiiwaanoxtaátA nii-
They (du) took the meat after they (du) had finished butchering it where
šohnaanunuunakaáWI atsú wiináxtš wenatákUx wenuninó
their (du) lodge was but the boy his sitting in the tree his fearing it
aniipáhAt kanaʾaateetawiraaʾá.
the fetus, not wanting'that I come down.'

hUhtiísuʾ– a noowitiRAhčíš.
Finally– and then he was skinny.
noowiteéʾaʾ áxkUx wiítA číkuʾ niikohniihawé tsu aniipáhAt
Then he came one man however many days passed, and the fetus
wekaakúh- ne.
it was not good.
The flesh was rotten.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiítA inoó IškiíhA ákaʾ koxtiritákaahAt tinaákUx.
Then he said the man: "If you give me your grandmother, I will take it down this one."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš wetataʾú atíkaʾ.
Then he said the boy: "I give her to you my grandma."

nikunoowituúta wiítA noowitiritakaáhAt.
Then he did that the man: then he took it down.
na wiináxtš noowititakaáhAt.
And the boy then he descended.
anuú noowitikaaʾiíšAt wiináxtš.
There then he went home the boy.

tiwehnaaʾá wiináxtš noowitiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ čukú NAxuxwanúʾ.
After he came the boy, then she said his grandmother: "Where were you?"
tsu ikaániʾ witiwískaʾ wešitee- NAxihkoótIt.
But his grandmother she thought "They must have killed him."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš wiítA tuxWIskáʾ aatakoo- tíkA.
Then he said the boy: "A man he wanted that I kill you."
noowitunaaʾít aniipáhAt nuuxukaáWI
Then he told about it, the fetus its having been in it
wešinačiiwaanáʾU tanáhaʾ.
when they (du) butchered it the buffalo.
neešiineekiihUxítIt na neetuNUxtinóʾ.
"They (du) started to give it to me and I was afraid of it.
na neeneetikUxtáʾAt.
And I ran up it.
iiháʾI tIhaapeé.
There there was a tree.
na neeneetikUxtáʾAt.
And I ran up it.
na neeniisaWAt- káʾus aniipáhAt.
And he laid it over a limb a fetus.
nikutiraačítA wenikuNAsáʾUx wenikuhAstaáhIš.
That was the reason my being hungry, my being thirsty.
neeniiwaákoʾ akáʾ inoó Iš- kiíhA na
He said: 'Your grandmother if you give her to me, and
neetirooʾá aniipáhAt.
I'll take it off the fetus.'
na neenee- tiwaákoʾ heeʾ kooxirá atíkaʾ.
And I said: 'Yes, you can have her my grandmother.'
na neeniiritakaáhAt.
And he took it down.
nikutiraačítA tiwenatihkaaʾiišá.
That is the reason my coming home."

wehnakaaʾiišátA anuú AhnaWIsátA ikaániʾ nootiwískaʾ
After he went home, there after he arrived, his grandma then she thought:
a či weNAxiínaʾ atinátš.
"And here you have now come, my grandson!
neetískaʾ wešiteeNAxihkoótIt.
I thought they (du) must have killed you."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš heeʾ wetataʾaáku.
Then he said the boy: "Yes, I gave you away.
kutiraa- čítA neeniiritakaáhAt aniipáhAt wenuuxIsaWAt-
That was the reason he took it down the fetus the one he put over the
koósA niiNAhaakawiiʾátA.
branch where the tree forked.
He took it down."
noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš weneetaʾaáku.
Then he said the boy: "I gave you away.
wetaataʾú wiítA.
I have given you to him the man.
nikutiraačítA neeniirooʾá aniipáhAt.
That is the reason he took it off the fetus."

číkuʾ kanawitiiwaákoʾ súxtIt.
She said nothing the old woman.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiítA šitiwaaRUxtíʾ šinakaá- kUx.
Then she said: "Men they (du) are holy the ones (du) living there."
noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt aniišuúxAt nii- šinakaákUx wiítA
Then she said the old woman: "Go there where they (du) live the men,
a neešiwaákoʾ tičé NAxkii- híštA atíkaʾ wenateéhA.
and you'll say: 'What are you going to give me my grandmother my giving her to you?'"

na noowitíʾAt niišohnaákUx wiítA.
And then he went where they (du) lived the men.
tsu ikáaniʾ wewituhnaaʾiitáWI iNAhniítš nootuutuhtaakáhAt hunaanapsíniʾ.
But his grandma she had told him her grandson: "Then run around on the south side.
iiháʾI šíhUx tirištsaaweeRAxá.
There five there are bows and arrows leaning against (the wall).
uukaríkAt tinaáxA tinaátš nikuneešiírut.
(In) the middle this one bow you'll take that one.
na neešiwaákoʾ tinaáxA tinaátš nikukoxtiírut
And you'll say: 'This bow I will take that one
wenateéhA atíkaʾ.
for my giving her to you my grandmother.'"

na nikunoowituutá wiináxtš.
And then he did that the boy.
noowitíʾAt niišohnaa- nunuunakaáWI wiítA.
Then he went where they (du) had their lodge the men.
noowituutuhtaakáhAt wiináxtš niiʾAhniisuxtaaʾiitawíhA ikaániʾ.
Then he ran around the boy what she had told him his grandmother.
nikunoowituúta na tišinaákUx wiítA šikanawitaanunuhnaatéʾ
So he did that and these (du) men they (du) did not like it
wehnaRAsaawátI tinaátš na niíšuʾ uukaríkAt AhnuxtoósI.
when he chose them the bow and arrows in the middle the ones lying.
na noo- witikaaʾiíšAt wiináxtš.
And then he went home the boy.

na noowitiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ haa tunaahé niiweNAxuutaánu.–
And then she said his grandmother: "Ha, it is good what you did.–
tatskáʾ– nikuʾaaxtanaáhNA tinaáxA tinaátš na tinaroósI niíšuʾ.
I want– for you to have those this bow and these arrows.
wah witikooxUtkawiítIt.
Now you can avenge yourself.
witikoo- xUtkawiítIt tinaáxA napAhnaáhUx.
You can avenge yourself (with) this flute."

na noowitiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ tineešá napAhnaáhUx.
And then she said his grandma: "Here it is a flute.
kooxíʾAt niišinakaákUx na neešiWAhnaanikUxítIt niišinaakaníkUx.
You must go where they (du) live, and you'll start to blow it where they (du) have their home."

na nikunoowituúta noowitíʾAt wiináxtš
And then that is what he did: then he went the boy
niišohnaakaníkUx wiítA.
where they (du) had their home the men.
na noowitiWAhnaahUxítIt napAhnaáhUx oowátkAt.
And then it began sounding the flute outside.
atsú kaahaáhniniʾ wešohnatkáʾU wiítA nooWIšitirinuʾá.
And inside when they (du) heard it the men then they (du) became afraid.

nooWIšitiwaákoʾ hásI.
Then they (du) said: "Hark!
šuuxItkoókuʾ weNUstaakA- háku niišohnakaákUx.
Listen!" as he was going around where they (du) lived.

wah tsu weWIšituhwakarinuʾá kAšinaaWIsiruutíku.
Now but now they (du) became afraid of the sound their (du) not even going out.
čituúʾuʾ nooWIšituutIsawaaháNIt niišohnakaákUx.
All they (du) stopped up every hole where they (du) lived inside.

atsú wiináxtš wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ AhnaWAhnaanikú napAhnaáhUx
But the boy he continued it his blowing it the flute
tiwešohnakaawiraaníkUx wiítA.
as he harassed them (du) inside the men.
noowiwitUtkawiítIt wiináxtš.
Then he avenged himself the boy.
wešohnuhwakarinuʾaáNA wiítA šohnakaákUx čituúʾuʾ
After they (du) became afraid of the sound men the ones (du) inside, all
WIšituutaawaaNIšteéWA naakaanuúnuʾ na tsástš.
they used it up food and meat.
na niišohnuxtanuhkoóčI taakáxtš čituúʾuʾ weWIšitikaniwaáhAs.
And whatever they (du) had, dried meat everything they (du) ate up all of it.
nooWIšitiriWAhteekót na niišohnuxkaákUx noowiteekaanúkUt.
Then they (du) starved to death, and where they (du) lived then the lodge fell down.
nooWIšitihkaáWI wiítA wešinakoótI.
Then it buried them (du) the men after they (du) died.

na noowitikaaʾiíšAt wiináxtš.
And then he went home the boy.

noowituhnaaʾiitáWI ikaániʾ tunaahé niiweNA- xuutaánu.
Then she told him his grandmother: "It is good what you have done.
wewititAxUtkawiítIt čeésiʾ niišinoosuxtA- huunuúʾA šiʾaasihkootíkA.
Now you have avenged yourself too what they (du) did to you 'that we (du) should kill you.'
na wewitiineešUtkawiítIt.
And now you have avenged yourself."

wah niikohniiraawiiʾót štoh noowitiwískaʾ tinaákUx súxtIt
Now sometime later again, then she thought this old woman:
a či NAxwaaRUxtiiNIhuúʾU tinaaxaríčI wiináxtš
"And here you are greatly holy, you who are here boy!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wah na kaakíʾAt iinaahwaákUx.
Then she said: "Now do not go that hill over there.
Don't go!
kaakunaáhe iinaahwaákUx.
It is not good that hill in the distance."
na niiʾAhnuutaánu wiináxtš noowitíʾAt.
And what he was doing the boy, then he went.
noowitiwískaʾ tičé tAxuúʾUt wekananaaxiWIskáʾA aaxátA.
Then he thought: "I wonder why it is you do not want it 'that you go.'"

na noowitíʾAt wiináxtš nuu witiwaákUx.
And then he went the boy there it was a hill.
ti- waawičeéʾIs.
It was a tall hill.
There was a hole.
noowitikaNItkúxIt siinó– kanaʾAhnuuxuupó tiiʾaNAhunaahnatáWI.
Then he picked up a stone yet– his not having gone inside where this cave was.
noowiti- kaNItkúxIt.
Then he picked up a stone.
It was a flat stone.
Then he went inside.

iweNAhuukátA na inoowitiRAhká nút.
When he went inside and there they were inside snakes.
They were inside.
iwehnaákUx tsu noowiwituhnuxkakúx anináʾU kanítš.
When he was sitting but then he placed it under his rectum that stone.
Then he placed it under his rectum.

wehnuutáxkUx noowitiwaákoʾ thaáwiʾ šikanaʾaaxkuunaa- síhtš.
As he sat then he said: "It seems that you don't want to recognize me.
thaáwiʾ kanaʾaaxinihnaatéʾ tiwenatoh- naakeeRIšá.
It seems that you do not like it my coming here to see you."

áxkUx noowitiwaákoʾ heeʾ.
One then it said: "Yes.
wah wetAxiwáhNIš súxtIt iNAhniítš.
Now you are truthful, Old Woman's Grandson.
You are truthful.
We will feed you."

na áxkUx číkuʾ niikohnuúta nooWIšitiiNIskukáʾus
And one, whatever it did, then they put it on the coals
wehnaahaaNItkapIhnaʾá wehnaahaaNItkapIhniwiʾá.
after it raked the coals after it spread the coals out.
nooWI- šitiiNIskukaʾús neskaaʾiítAt.
Then they put it on coals a long gut.
WIšitiitUhuuniriwaapirít NIhúhtš.
They flipped it over a little.
nooWIšitiinú wiináxtš.
Then they gave it to him the boy.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš tiihíʾ čéstIt niiwenatiína na weneekuNAsáʾUx.
Then he said the boy: "It is far whence I came and I am hungry."

na noowitiirút wiináxtš neskaaʾiítAt.
And then he picked it up the boy the long gut.
nii- ʾAhnaawíʾa nooWIšitičituunóʾ.
Where the end was then he put them (du) together.
noowitipAxičirát tsu noowituunaakItkoókuʾ wehnihwačíʾA
Then he twisted the head but then he heard them their saying it
anuunaraanoótA nút.
those snakes.
Now he took the head off.
Then he picked up the head.
noowi- tipAxIskukoohaásAt haaNItkapítkAt.
Then he threw the head in the fire in the coals.

"He killed it."

tsu wiináxtš tuunaakItkoókuʾ.
But the boy he was hearing them.

tičipaáʾAs tinaákUx.
"It is raw this one."

noowitiskukoohaásAt AhnuuNUxiíWIs neskaaʾiítAt.
Then he threw it in the fire what remained the long gut.
tiwehnuútaaNA anuú noowititaraniíta.
As he did it there then it became charred.

na noowitiwaákó wiináxtš atsú tiNAxtaNAhkaáWI
And then he said the boy: "But, you inside here,
NAxuxtaapiʾaananíkUx waaxtóh číkuʾ kaneetehnatoonaah- naaʾiiwaáwat
you who were catching eagles, surely we must not be telling stories."

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx nút tAxiwáhNIš súxtIt iNAh- niítš.
Then it said one snake: "It's true, Old Woman's Grandson.
wah nikiišuuxiRAxá.
Now you be the one to lead!
You tell a story!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš kaakíʾ.
Then he said the boy: "No!
áriišIt kiišuxtaa- kiRAxá
Yourselves you (pl) lead!"

noowitiwaákoʾ nút šehniičitawíʾU -- wititakarúx nút
Then it said the snake the leading one -- it was big the snake
-- noowitiwaákoʾ heeʾ.
-- then it said: "Yes.
nawáh koxtiRAxá.
Now I will lead.
I will tell a story."

anuú nikunoowitunaaʾiiwaatIšítIt anuú wiináxtš šáxtiʾ
There then that one began to tell a story there the boy, his mother
niiwenuutAxítIt nuu wešinatáxA haakaraahnaa- wíkAt wenatóxwo sákaaʾA.
what happened: "There as we lay on the scaf- fold my desiring him the star."
nikunoowituúta čituúʾuʾ noowitunáxtAt suúnuʾ
Then it did that: all then it told everything: a porcupine
wehnuhniRAsaátA kaahunaanoopiínuʾ wehniisiRAxkataátA sákaaʾA.
when she chased it up (the tree) another country when he took her up the star.
čituúʾuʾ nikunoowitunaaʾiíwat.
All then it told that.

wehnuutaaNIštaátA na noowitiwaákoʾ wah čeésuʾ
After it had finished doing it, and then it said: "Now, you
súxtIt iNAhniítš čikiišuuNUxtaaʾít.
Old Woman's Grandson, you tell something!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš hawáh.
Then he said the boy: "Alright."

čeésiʾ noowiwituuniíwat anuú niiwenaraa- hiRAxaáhNA
Himself then he told about himself there where the way began
šáxtiʾ wenatáxA haakaraahnaawíkAt
his mother when she lay on it on the scaffold,
wenataksátA wešinatakswáNA na
when she went for water, when they (du) went for water and
wešinuuteéRIt suúnuʾ wenakUxtaátA AhnuuxaápI
when they (du) saw it porcupine when it ran up the tree
WAxakúsuʾ na áxkUx suúnatš wenakaaʾii- šátA.
cottonwood, and one girl when she went home.
nuu čituúʾuʾ noowitunáxtAt wewiwitinuuniiwaátI wiináxtš
Then everything then he related it, his telling about himself the boy
niiweniisiRAxtaátA áxkUx sákaaʾA wiítA na
when she was led up by him one star man and
niiwenuutAxítIt wenatakaaʾá šáxtiʾ weh-
what happened when she came down his mother, when
nihkootíkA kanítš wenuhnaáNU hiʾáxtiʾ.
she was killed by it the stone his having used it his father.
Ahnoó čituúʾuʾ noowitunáxtAt.
Just everything then he related it.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah anuú naakUhuutá hunaahnaa- wíNIt
Then he said: "Now there when a wind comes in the south
naakUhuúta na niiʾAhnuxtaanoótA nút čituúʾuʾ
when the wind comes," and where they sat snakes all
noowitiiNItkáwa niiʾAhnaRAhkaáWI.
then they slept where they were inside.
wituxtaataa- hurúx nátš.
It was cir- cular a wood.
The wood (ie log) was across it.
nikuwitiRAh- pAxtaanuučitAhúNA nút.
Their heads were on top of that one the snakes.
tiwehnawaákA wiináxtš hunaahnaawíNIt wehnaahuutá
As he said the boy: "(From) the south when the wind comes,"
niiʾAhnuxtaanoótA hunaahnaawíNIt noowitiinaakItkáNIt.
where they were in the south then he put them to sleep.
na niiʾAhnuxtaa- noótA skaweéraaʾuʾ noowitiinaakItkáNIt
And where they were (in) the west then he put them to sleep
niiʾAhnuxtaa- noótA nút.
where they were the snakes.
na niiʾAhnuxtaanoótA hunaahkoohaáhkAt čituúʾ noowitiinaakItkáNIt nút.
And where they were in the north all then he put them to sleep snakes.
noowituutIšá iiʾAhnaraataahuruúxU.
Then he moved his hand where the circle was.
Then he moved his hand.
čituúʾuʾ noowitiiNItkáwa nút.
All then they slept the snakes.

noowitikáWAt neesitAhuúnuʾ.
Then he took it out a flint knife.
neesítš Ahnuxtaáh- NA tAhuúnuʾ witúx.
Knife the one he had flint it was.
noowitikáWAt tiwehnaapAxkakAt- wehnakatawiíhAt wehnareesawikakAtkú.
Then he took it out as he was cutting the heads, as he passed along as he was cutting the necks.

He finished doing it.
AhnuuxatUhkáWI wewitireewaáta.
The last one now it looked.
Now it awoke.
nút tiwehniiteéRIt niiʾAhnuutaánu wehnakawootíku
The snake when it saw him what he was doing his killing them
čituúʾuʾ tiʾAhnuxtAhkaáWI– nút noowitikUx- kaáʾAt.
all these inside– snake then it quickly slithered into it.
Then it looked back.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah witiisuuxAsíštA tiweNAxwaawanú.
Then it said: "Now watch yourself when you go around!
Watch yourself!
nikuwetatanuúʾUt paatúh.
I am the one to you an enemy.
witiineešuu- tAsštawíštA niiwenatuutaaNIštáNIt.
You'll watch yourself what I am going to do."

wiináxtš noowituxWIskáʾ aatootuuníkUt atsú we- witikaáʾAt.
The boy then he wanted 'that I catch it,' but it now went into a hole.
na wewituuNAhnaaniwóʾ wiináxtš takohnoó šikanaNIhkukoósA tiNAhunásA.
And he was now begging them the boy that they not bite anyone here on earth.

noowituúta noowituhnaawiíʾAt nút.
Then it did it: then it was willing the snake.
noowiti- waákoʾ haaʾ kanaaxtuúta takohnoó kananakukoósA.
Then it said: "Yes, I won't do it to bite someone."

noowitiihuununáhAs hunaaníniʾ.
Then it vanished quickly in the ground.

wah witikaaʾiíšAt wiináxtš wenaakawoótikA nút.
Now he went back home the boy after he had killed them snakes.
tsu áxkUx wetuhčíšAt.
But one it had survived.

wah tsu niiNAhkoótA wiináxtš noowitiríšWI hawá
Now but wherever he went the boy then he stuck an arrow up, also
uuháʾI niišinapaatáWI.
the other there where his knees (du) were.
na uušinaáxA niišuʾ nii wiireesakUxíniʾ áxkUx
And the other ones (du) arrows there on the shoulder(s) one
noowitíWI na áxkUx tuuháʾI.
then he put it, and one (on) the other side.
weNAhkitkAxítIt wenehkuʾá nút na áxkUx noowitirišwíRIt.
After he fell asleep when it might come the snake and one then an arrow fell over.
Then it hit him.
noowitičirikaʾá wiináxtš.
Then it woke him the boy.
nikuwenuutaánuʾ na weNAhkuhAstaáhIš anuú noowitikatáʾAt
He was doing that, and when he was thirsty there so he went up
waanaaníniʾ kanítš iiʾAhnarooswaáWI tstoóxuʾ– naakuuxIsuúʾa
on the hills rocks where they were all around water– where it had rained
číkuʾ niiNAhkučískUx nikuwitičiikaáhuʾ.
wherever the water sat in a pool that is where he drank.
kanawituuxískaʾ iinatskaawaahú čipít naku- čiíka
He did not want where the water came out spring water to drink
tstoóxuʾ kanaʾaxkuutUhuunookoótA nút wenihteeriiʾáahNA.
the water not wanting'that you to slip into my mouth' the snake as it spied on him.

wah naáNIt wewitisčípi wiináxtš.
Now truly he was sleepy the boy.
naáNIt wewitis- čípi wekanaahnitkáWA.
Truly he was sleepy (from) his not sleeping.
na tiwewitohneésA tsu noowitirišwaáWI
And when he lay down but then he stuck the arrows upright
niiʾAhnuutaánu a tinaátš noowiwituutIsákux.
as he always did and the bow then he put it under his head.
nuu noowitítka wehnaáʾa nút.
There then he slept as it came the snake.
áxkUx noowitiwiináhat.
One then it knocked it down.
It hit him.
He was not awakened by it.
hawá uunáWI noowitihtaʾiwát.
Also another then it fell on him.
kanawitiičirikaʾá wiináxtš.
He did not awake the boy.
hawá uuháʾI hawá uu- háʾI.
Also the other side, also the other side.
Then he was not awakened.

anuú hUhtiísuʾ noowiteéʾaʾ WIsooWIhíniʾ tiwehnaátA.
There finally then it came on the stomach as it came.
na noowituúta wiináxtš atsú AhnatšičiíʾIt wiináxtš tsu tiwaaRUxtíʾ.
And then he did it the boy: but he was alive the boy, but he was holy.
Then he was alive.
noowitiišúhAt neesítš aatootuuníkUt.
Then he moved his hand the knife 'that I take hold of it.'
Then it slipped into his mouth.

nuuwenaáxa wiináxtš tsu wititšičiíʾIt.
As he lay there the boy, but he was alive.
hUhtiísuʾ Ahnoowitiʾá neksaánuʾ čiíšuʾ wenaʾaáNA.
Finally then he just became a ghost, bone when he became.
witíʾ čištIhúxuʾ.
He was only bone(s).

na noo áskAt tsu hiʾáxtiʾ wituhnaaʾeérikuʾ
And there above but his father he was watching him,
hiʾáxtiʾ sákaaʾA.
his father the star.
Now he was watching him.
nuuweNAhku- ʾuuneéRIt hiʾáxtiʾ sákaaʾA híNAx anuú
When he stood upright his father the star at night, there
wituuteéRIt NAhaáʾU niiwenuutiituúʾA.
he saw him his son what his condition was.

Then it was windy.
noowititpAxIsaapiraawáNIt pAxčiíšuʾ.
Then it rolled the head the skull.
noowititpAxkatAhkaarawiíʾAt tiwehnaasuúʾa.
Then the head turned over on its backside when it rained.
noo- wititstaareešítIt na ítAt nookanawitiikawátAt nút
Then it filled with water and even then then it did not get out the snake
weNAhaʾaáhNA anuú pAxčiišíniʾ.
as it went in the water there in the skull.

anuú witiwískaʾ hiʾáxtiʾ nawáh.
Then he thought his father: "Now."
šakuúnuʾ nikunoo- witiʾá naaʾištiráxuʾ
Sun then he turned to that one with confidence
aaxihwiisá teškúNIt tiNAhunásA naakuraananitaʾaáNA.
'that you come towards it' close this earth to get warm.

nikunoowituúta šakuúnuʾ tiwehnaawiisá tiNAhunásA
Then that is what he did Sun: as he moved towards it this earth,
tiwehnaaraananitaʾaáNA noowiteečiinanitaʾá niiʾAhnačiráxA
as it got hot then the water became hot where the water lay in it
pAxčiíšuʾ nút niiʾaNAhaʾaáhNA.
the skull the snake where it was in the water.
wah hUhtiísuʾ na ítAt kanawitiikawataákuʾ nút.
Now finally and even then it wasn't getting out the snake.
na hUhtiísuʾ noowitetskataahUxítIt tstoóxuʾ.
And finally then the water began to boil the water.
na hUhtiísuʾ noowitikUxkawátAt.
And finally then it got out quickly.

noowitiihuuniriwátAt wiináxtš wehnakUxkawátAt nút.
Then he jumped up the boy, after it ran out snake.
noowituutuuníkUt -- siinó kanawituxkaáʾAt.
Then he took hold of it -- yet it had not gone into a hole.
Then he took hold of it.
wiináxtš noowitIhaakaáRIt.
The boy then he opened its mouth.
iiháʾI wituxkanítkUx.
There there sat a stone.
wehnaritaWIháku sUxíniʾ noowitikaNItkúxIt wehnaʾaaNAsawiriwó.
As he was rub- bing it on the mouth then he picked up a stone his rubbing the teeth.

wah noowitiwaákoʾ škuusuxtaaʾiitáWI kaakíʾ takóhnoʾ NAxkukoósA tiNAhunásA.
Now then he said: "You tell me that yo u will not bite anyone here on earth!"

Then he released it.
tiwehnakUxkaáwo -- tiweh- nakUxkaáwo hunaaníniʾ --
When it was slipping in -- when it was slipping in in the ground --
noowitikaskáWI nút.
then it looked back the snake.

noowitiwaákoʾ tsu nakuraatawé witikoxteesšUhúnoʾ na tákuʾ tAtkakáʾus.
Then it said: "But sometime I will make up my mind, and someone I'll bite him."

na niiwewitsuuxá wiináxtš.
And he had done that the boy.
He missed it.
noowiti- kUxkaáʾAt.
Then it slipped into it.

na wiináxtš noowituhnaaʾiitáWI ikaániʾ niina- koótA natsú
And the boy then he told her his grandmother: "Go on, but
naátU tuukukoxtíʾAt ačitaanoopiínuʾ hunaahnaawíNIt
myself I will go the other way a different tribe in the south."

wah tuxwaakahUxuúkuʾ– atíʾAx iiʾAhnuxtakaáhAt– sápat
Now he used to say– my father where she fell– woman
iwituxkanítkUx iinatsteéhAt tswaarúxtiʾ.
the stone was there where the edge of the water is Missouri River.
na Ahnuuxaapé WIšitiisuuxaakeerikUxuúkuʾ niiʾAhnuxtaátA suúnuʾ.
And the tree that was they used to see the tree where it climbed up the porcupine.
na niiʾAhnuxkootíkA nuutawáčeš wituxčískUx haáwaʾ
And where he had killed it the water monster, there was water also,
na niiʾAhnuxtAhkaáWI nút AhnišpiʾaananíkUx witooNUxunaahnátA.
and where the den was snakes where they hunted eagles there was a cave.

wah taanikutuxwaakaahUxuúkuʾ atíʾAx čeésiʾ noo-
Now this is what he used to say my father himself when
nuuNUxtaaʾiitihUxukú súxtIt iNAhniítš.
he used to tell the story Old Woman's Grandson.
káNIt hawá tinaaʾiitihUxuúkuʾ.
Mandans also they used to tell the story.
Their story was a little different.
sáhniš ačitaánuʾ čeésiʾ hawá tiiNIštaaʾiitihUxuúkuʾ súxtIt iNAhniítš.
Arikara tribe itself also they used to tell the story Old Woman's Grandson.
wah taanikutuxwaakaahUxuúkuʾ atíʾAx.
Now this is what he always use to say my father.

wah wetiiraaʾiitúxAt.
Now this is the way the story goes.