XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Foolish Ones Who

Killed the Beloved Snake Child

Ella P. Waters

tiwenatunaaʾiitštáNI tiráʾ naaʾiitUxpakúhtuʾ.
What I am going to tell it is an old story.
wewi- tipsiraaNIhuúʾU nút AhnatakuxtaakanéʾIs.
It has been many winters the snakes since they ate us.

wenaraanátA naawiinakuúnuʾ wehnaaRAhkaaʾiš- waáhu
When they had gone (on) the warpath when they were coming home
AhništaaWIhkaʾaáhNA pítkUx wiináxtš nooWIšitee- hatUhkawáʾ.
after their hunting, two boys then they (du) were coming in the rear.
They (du) were horsing around.
WIši- tihnaaʾíhkuʾ sakAhuúnuʾ.
They (du) were called Foolish Ones.

nooWIšituuteéRIt nút nuutIsUxkátox.
Then they (du) saw it a snake a Western hognose snake.
There it lay.
It was not long.
kanawitiRIhuúʾU nút.
It was not big the snake.
áxkUx wiináxtš noowitiírut natš.
One boy then he picked it up a stick.

na tinaáxA tičé nuutaánuʾ.
"And this one (lying) what is he doing?"
wenapAxwínu nootikoótIt.
Hitting it on the head then he killed it.

uunaaríčI wiináxtš nootiwaákoʾ wah ku nakUsuxtee-
The other boy then he said: "Now kno w (be aware
siíšuʾ niiweNAxuutaáNA.
of) it what you have done!"

nooWIšitiisAhkaʾíšWA niišohnaanunuunakaá- WI.
Then they (du) went into the village where their (du) home was.
They (du) went into the village.
tsu wewitiiNAsšxeéroʾ wiináxtš šohnuxtíRA suxteesiíšuʾ niiweNAxuutaáNA.
But he reminded him the boy his companion: "Know it what you have done!"

na nooWIšitiriškarookUxítIt ???
And then they (du) began making arrow (and)
uu kanawituhnaaninoosičiraʾá wešohnariškaroóku.
Oh, there was a huge number of them after they were making arrows.

wah noowitIsakUhtaʾuúkUt na noowiteekateeháxaʾ nút.
Now then the day arrived and there there was a wide column coming snakes.
číkuʾ nuukanawitiRAhkateéhAt tiwehnaaraána.
It was an immensely wide column as they came.
tsu tišinaákUx wiiteešútš WIšituhneesiíšuʾ.
But these (du) young men they knew it.

tiwešohnaapanikú wešohnaapániku čituúʾuʾ šikanawitiiraanoswaníkuʾ.
As they were shooting them, as they were shooting them all there they (du) were not shooting them dead.
nuu hUhtiísuʾ nooWIšitikUxtáWA haakaRAhnaaWIhíniʾ.
There finally then they (du) scrambled up it onto a scaffold.
tsu WIšiteepaníkuʾ tsu WIšitee- paníkuʾ tsu
But they (du) were shooting them, but they (du) were shooting them, but
AhnaaRAsawaʾaáhu nút.
while they were coming up snakes.

na hUhtiísuʾ nuu wehnuhnaanuuxitikú tinaátš niišuʾ
And finally there when they were running short of them bows, arrows
a noooWIšitihtsaswaawaʾá kaskaraaníniʾ.
and then they were eating flesh on the calves.
na štoh nikuWIšituúta nooWIšitutkaaxIštawí- ʾAt a nooWIšituhkaaxiwá.
And again this is what they (du) did: then they (du) stroked their legs and then their (du) legs were good.

hUhtiísuʾ– nooWIšitihwirít wiiteešútš nii-
Finally– then they knocked him down the young man the
šeenuhnaáNU wehnakootíkA nút.
main one who had killed it the snake.
a čiišaáʾA piiraasštawíʾuʾ tiwehnakootíkA nut.
And here it was the beloved child the one he had killed snake.
wewititii- niiwásuʾ nút tiwehnaakateexá
Now they were defending themselves the snakes when they came in a column
wehnikuraapaawáʾA saNIsáhniš.
when they ate us Indians.

weWIšitirištaaNIsuúwot tinaátš šohnaRAh- pínu
Now they (du) used up their arrows (with) bows their (du) hitting them,
šohnaakawoótiku tsu AhnaRAsawaʾaáhu haakaRAhnaawíkAt niiwešohnakUxtawáNA.
their (du) killing them, but their coming up onto the scaffold where they (du) had quickly climbed up.

nikunoowituutAxítIt niišohnuhnaáNU
Then that is what happened: the ones (du) who had done it
WIšitihwirít a noowitiRAhkatáhAt nút.
they knocked them (du) down and then they withdrew snakes.
štoh noowitiraáNAt wešohnihkootíkA šeešinuh-
Back then they went after they killed them (du) the main
naáNU wiiteešútš wešohnakootíkA
ones (du) who did it young men the ones (du) who killed it
piiraasštawíʾuʾ nút.
the beloved child snake.