XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Young Man and the Scalped Man

Ella P. Waters

nakiituunoótA pakúhtuʾ AhnuuxunuuwaáWI áxkUx wiítA wititawéʾ.
Where a village was long ago where they lived, one man there was.
noowitiwískaʾ wah toxtaaWIhkaʾiíšAt.
Then he thought: "Now let me go hunting!"

nuu wenaraaWIhkaʾiišátA nuu wenaátA witiwaá- kUx.
There as he went hunting there as he went, there was a hill.
noowiwitičitaʾús natsú tiʾAhnuhnaačiriikawaáWI číkuʾ
Then he lay down on top and while he was looking all around any
NAhnunáhtš aatootaakeéRIt noowitiikaniišaahkákUx.
deer 'that I might see them', there there was a herd at the base of the hill.

wehnačitáxA wehnuutačiríkUx AhnoowiteeraaNAhuniiwíʾIs
While he lay on top as he was watching them then it suddenly happened to them
tiwehnakawáRIt wehniinuuwaáxI NAhnunáhtš.
when they scattered when they ran away the deer.
tsu tiwekutuhnaáʾuʾ AhnuutačiríkUx.
Meanwhile he continued this his watching them.

noowitaasá áxkUx wehniiwaníkA tshunúxuʾ AhnuxunuuwaáWI.
There it lay in the distance one after he had shot it a scalped man where they went about.
Then he just saw him.
AhnoowitiswátAt wiítA niiwehnakostá NAhnunáhtš.
Then he just came into sight a man where the carcass now lay deer.
Then he picked it up.
Then he laid it over his shoulder.
tsu wiítA tiʾAhnačitáxA wewitUtčiríkUx.
But man this who lay on top he was watching him.

nuu wehnarátA NAhnunáhtš wiítA
There as he took it the deer the man
nooweneesoósA noowitíRAt.
as it lay there on his shoulder then he took it.
nuu wenarátA nuu witiwaákUx.
There when he took it there it was a hill.
tsu nuuʾAhnuuteériku tinačitáxA wiítA wetUtčiríkUx
But as he was seeing him there this one lying on top man he watched him
wenaʾookataʾiišátA niiʾAhnawaa- hunáhWI.
as he went to the foot of the hill where the base of the hill was.
na noowitireekaríkUt a noo- witIhuúkAt
And then he opened a door and then he went inside
tiʾAhnaʾiinaáhNA NAhnunáhtš.
this one carrying the carcass deer.
noo- witireekaríkUt.
Then he opened the door.
Then he disappeared quickly.

wah tsu tiʾAhnuxčitáxA nootitakaáhAt.
Now but this one who lay on top then he went down.
nootuúNAx anuú wenaátA niiwenuuteériku wiítA weNAhuukátA.
Then he ran there where he went where he saw him the man where he went inside.
He went to the foot of the hill.

na noowitireeWAtwá.
And then he looked all around.
šeéNIt kanawitiireé- kA.
Plainly there was no door there.
wehnuhnaanaWIšiiruhkukú AhnaraanaríčI AhnoowitireekaríkUt
While he was pulling on them the bunched ones then he just opened the door
na noowitIhuúkAt wiítA.
and then he entered the man.

natsú anuuháʾI anuukaahaahníniʾ tshunúxuʾ weNAhuu-
But there inside there scalped man the one
kátA wiwitUtwaaWIhtikUxítIt wehnaraaʾiitawaaWIhú taanikutatuúta.
who entered he began talking to himself his telling it: "This is what I did.
taanikuneetuúta wenatiiwaníkA NAhnunáhtš.
This is what I did do when I shot it the deer."
tsu či witetkawoókuʾ tiʾAhnaaríčI wiítA.
But here he was listening this man.

Then he went inside.
nuu noowitíʾAt niiʾAhnaákUx.
There then he went where he sat.
nuukuwitUtkaataanaawíʾuʾ AhnawaaWIhtíku tshunúxuʾ.
He had his back to him the one talking scalped man.

wah tiwehnawaákA ka kunataraákIt tiwewitohnoo-
Now when he said: "Are you one of us?" When he now
huunapítaahAt AhnuuxItkatákUx číkuʾ nootehneenus- takaaruuwáʾ.
swung himself around as he sat by the fire it must have startled him.

It was awhile.
witeeWIswaákoʾ heeʾ kutataraákIt.
He finally said: "Yes, I am one of us."
Then he told his name.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah niikooNAxískaʾ koxtanuutaá- nuʾ.
And then he said: "Now whatever you want I will do it for you.
aaxaWIskáʾA xaawaarúxtiʾ nakunanaáxI na aaxaWIskáʾA
If you want horses for me to drive them and if you want
pAxIskuúxuʾ koxtanuutaánuʾ.
scalps, I will be doing it for you."

a nikuwenuutaánuʾ nuuwenaátA tshunúxuʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ witeenutkaništáʾ.
And now he was doing that: after he went the scalped man horses he brought him a herd.
Then he entered.
tsu witikaákUx wiítA wehnuhnuníkUx.
But he lived inside the man as he waited for him.

nuu wehnaahniWIsá xaawaarúxtiʾ na noowitiwaákoʾ
There when he brought them horses, and then he said:
anineeʾookaawaáRIt xaawaarúxtiʾ.
"There they stand outside horses.
wetatotkaniš- táʾ.
I have brought a herd for you."

Now that is what he was doing.
noo tsu wiítA nuu noowitehnikaaʾiíšAt niiʾAhnatoxtaakítAt.
Then but the man there then he took them home where our village was.
na hUhtiísuʾ nikuwehnuutaánuʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ AhnaaniWIswó
And finally that is what he was doing: horses his bringing them
na pAxIskuúxuʾ– nikuwitíʾIt nakuraatawé witiraniwísAt.
and scalps– they were the ones at times he brought them.
Then he just became a chief.

na WIšitiisuxtaʾít tičé NAxuutaánuʾ tiwenareešaa- naáNA.
And they asked him: "What do you do?" now that he had become a chief.

wah kanunaaʾiitíhuʾ wiítA.
Now he did not tell the man.
wah nikuweNAhkuutaáNA weNAhkoskáʾA aataátA štoh
Now when he would do that when he wanted 'that I go' again
tshunúxuʾ niiʾAhnaa- nunuunakaáWI tákuʾ koosíhWA.
the scalped man where his home was, someone: "Let's go.
Let's go."
na noo- kanawituhnaaʾiiwóʾ wiítA wehnaWIskáʾA aataripaanaánu
And then he refused the man, his wanting 'that I hide him'
niiʾAhnihnaaNAxwé xaawaarúxtiʾ AhneenuutAhnaniWIsA-
the one who seeks them horses the one who was bring-
pAxIskuúxuʾ AhneenuutAhnaniWIsAhú.
ing them to him, scalps who was bringing them to him.
He refused (to tell).

na hUhtiísuʾ noowitiíri wiítA.
And finally then he took to bed (ie was sick) the man.
Then he took to bed.

noowitiwískaʾ wetAxkukootíštA wehniinaaxIhú.
Then he thought: "You are going to kill me," when he got sick.

na noowitunaaʾít.
And then he told of it.
hUhtiísuʾ noowitunaaʾít.
Finally then he told of it.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah natištanuuwaáhu tiwenikuxteešaanaáNA
Then he said: "Now the things that I have brought since I have become a chief
nikutuhnáʾA wiítA.
he is the one who did it man."
Then he named him.
"He is the one bringing me the things.
I found him.
That is the one seeking them for me."

atsú šeeniíʾU tshunúxuʾ witiwaákoʾ inooʾIškuu- ʾiitawíhA koxtetkoókuʾ.
But the main one scalped one he said: "If you tell about me, I will hear you.
I will know."

wah tsu wiítA wewituuxískaʾ wetAxkukootíštA.
Now but the man he had thought: "You are going to kill me."
a noowitunaaʾít.
And then he told it.

natsú tshunúxuʾ AhnuuxookaaríčI noowituhkúxAx.
But the scalped man after he stood outside then he ran away.
noowehnaátA noo tsu pakúhtuʾ či
As he went there there, but long ago here
weešaanakánoʾ oopiínuʾ niinakukUxuukátA
he had already made a dwelling different where he would run inside
inoonikunuútA škuuʾiitawíhA atsú itanuunakaneehaáʾAs.
if it should happen: "If you tell about me then I'll have (another) dwelling ready."

wah nikuwituutAxítIt wiítA tshunúxuʾ witinee- šánoʾ.
Now that is what happened: the man scalped man he was made a chief by him.

wah taanikutiinaaʾiitíhuʾ.
Now this is what was told.