XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Scalped Man and His Brother

Ella P. Waters

tiwenatunaaʾiitštáNI tiráʾ niiʾAhnuutAxítIt nuu
What I am going to tell it is a story (of) what happened long
naapakúhtuʾ tiwehnaRAxhuunaáNA.
, long ago after there was a battle.
kaakiráʾ naaʾiikáWIš tiʾAhnuutAxítIt.
It is not story a fairy tale this that happened.

AhnuxtAhwooxukú sanánat AhnikuhtaNAhnunuuwaáWI ačitaánuʾ
When they used to go Sioux after their fighting us tribe
sáhniš nuu noowitíʾAt tiwehnaraanukataátA Ahniišapakú.
Arikara there then he went when they went across the water where they had fought.
tiwehnaRAxhuunaweétA noowitiraanukatáʾAt.
After the battle had ended then they crossed the water.
na nookanawitiišá wešohniinapiinaáhNA
And there he was not lying when they picked them up
niikuNAhkuutIsšú niiweh- niinakawootíkA.
the ones to whom they were related the ones who had been killed.
na nookanawitiišá.
And there he was not lying.
na štoh noowiteeraanuukatáʾ.
And again then they came across the water.

natsú kunohniiriwátAt wešohninaahunáʾU.
But then he got up after he had been scalped.
kunoh- niiriwátAt.– wah tsu wetiiraahuúʾU.
Then he got up.– Now but he was ruined.
He was ruined
wah tsu wewitíʾ ičiwiniítuʾ.
Now but he was transformed.
kaakíʾ naakuʾá štoh niineétAt.
He coul d not come again where the village was.

AhnaákUx wiítA na inookanawitíʾ.
The one man and there he was not.
nookanawitiišá niiʾAhnuxwíRIt.
There he was not lying where he had fallen.
tsu inaániʾ tiwehnawanú tiwehnawanú
But his brother as he was going around, as he was going around,
noowitiwískaʾ weetoxtAxwíʾAt áNA tiraačítA
then he thought: "Let me now go to look for him my brother!" because
tiwešikananihnúNAx wekananiíšA wešohniinapiinaáhNA niiwehniinakawootíkA.
their not having found him his not lying there when they were picking them up the ones who had been killed.

natsú noowitíʾAt inaániʾ nuu weNAhkuwaawanú
But then he went his brother there his wandering
niiʾAhnawaanaanúhAt weNAhkuwaawanú.
where the hills were his wandering.
nuu witičitáʾAt waawičéskAt.
There he went onto it on a high hill.
tiwehnaáxA AhnareewaawatíRA nakaapiniwooxoótA
As he lay there as he looked all around where the buckbrush extended
tinačeewootoótA Ahnuh- naačiríkUx ahnoowituuteéRIt wiítA.
where this sage extended, as he watched them then he just saw him a man.
Then he came.
NAhnunáhtš iʾAhnaawaaríčI witiraninuhát.
Deer those he scared them.

tsu kaneeriwataákuʾ tsu wewituhnaaNUtčiríkUx wiítA.
But he wasn't getting up but he watched his movement a man.
nohniirút NAhnunáhtš.
Then he picked it up a deer.
nohnitáhpA tiwehnaaraʾá tiwehnaaraʾá.
Then he packed it as he brought it as he brought it
atsú inaániʾ tsu witikoosAxá AhnitčiríkUx.
But his brother meanwhile he lay on top as he watched him.

niiʾAhnawaahunáhWI niiʾAhnačitáxA kunoowitiihuununáhAs.
Where the foot of the hill was where he lay on top of it that is where he disappeared.
noowitiihuuniriwátAt inaániʾ wiiteešútš.
Then he jumped up his brother the young man.
noowitiihUh- tawiraáʾAt.
Then he ran down (the hill).

anuú wehneškatateeruutikú AhnawaáWI nakáxIš
There as he was pulling on them the ones growing weeds
noowiteewakhuutáʾ tatooteeríkuʾ.
then he yelled: "I saw you.
This is where you entered.
čukú NAxiniineékA.
Where is your door?
I am looking for you."

na noowitiwaákoʾ anuú kaahaahníniʾ anineeráhkUx ahnootuhnaanaWIšíhkUt.
And then he said there inside: "That clump just pull on them.
Then you'll open the door."

nikunoowituúta inaániʾ noowituhnaanaWIšíhkUt
So that is what he did his brother then he pulled on them
AhnuxtáhkUx číkuʾ niikohnáʾIt.
the clump, whatever kind it was.
Then the door just opened.
Then he went inside.

noowewiteečiisUhuuwiraaʾaáhuʾ nuu wenaátA.
There a stream of water came running out there its going.
na inoowitiíkUx.
And there he sat!
na inoonikuwitíʾ inaániʾ AhnuxtAxwé.
And there he was the one his brother the one whom he was seeking!
inoowitiišá NAhnunáhtš.
There it lay the deer!
noo- witiiʾísta NAhnunáhtš wehnakootíkA.
There lay the carcass deer the one he had killed!

a noowitiwaákoʾ wekutataRAxwéʾ weNAtwaawanú.
And then he said: "I have been looking for you as I have been going all around.
'Let me look for you!'
na tiweneetAhunáx.
And here I have found you."

a noowitiwaákoʾ– inaániʾ wah neešuuxUhúhkUx.
And then he said– his brother: "Now you'll stay awhile!
tiitiišAhnáʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ.
Let me drive them here horses!
tuunuuxAhtaʾút paatúh.
Let me steal theirs the enemy!
na neešehnikaaʾiíšAt.
And you'll drive them home.
tsu neešaaNAhnaawaʾú niinatuutakaákUx na íhUx
But you'll give them to them the ones who are my in-laws and half
neešaaNAhnaánu natiiNAhtakúʾU na piirátš.
you will give them to them my wife and children."

wah nikunoowituutaanuuxítIt niiNAhkukootíkA na čituúʾuʾ
Now then that is what he began doing: when he killed it, and everything,
neétAhkas witiraawaʾuúhuʾ inaániʾ.
eagles, he was giving him different things his brother.

tsu inaániʾ tikaákUx atsú nootikawátAt wenáʾU tshunúxuʾ.
But his brother he stayed inside, but then he went out the one scalped man.
Then he went out.
nuu witaahniWI- sáʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ wiítA.
There he brought them back horses the man.
witaraaniwísaʾ niiweNAhkoo- čé pAxIskuúxuʾ.
He brought them back the ones he had struck scalps.

wehnaraanuutaʾá na noowitiwaákoʾ wah šuxkaaʾiíšAt.
When they increase and then he said: "Now go home!
atsú tákuʾ aaxanuhnaaʾiitáWI.
But do not tell anyone!
tákuʾ aaxanuhnaaʾiitáWI tiiháʾI niiweNAxkUhúNAx.
Do not tell anyone here where you found me!"

na noowitiwaákoʾ inaániʾ kaakíʾ.
And then he said his brother: "No."

atsú číkuʾ niinaakoosšoosítIt na tiiháʾI nikunoo- teéʾaʾ.
"But whenever you want something and here so this is where you will come.
wetAxuhneesiíšuʾ tiiháʾI niiweNAtwanú.
You now know here where I am.
niinaakoosšó na itootunáx na neešíRAt.
Whatever you want and I'll find it for you and you'll take it.
nuu tAxíRAt.
There you'll take it."

nikuwehnuutaánu nikuwehnuutaánu hUhtiísuʾ
After he had been doing that, after he had been doing that, finally
noowitiwískaʾ wiiteešútš.
then he thought the young man.
nooWIšitihnaʾít cúkú NAxiiNAhnuuwaʾaáhuʾ NAxinaniWIswaáhu.
Then they asked him: "Wher e are you bringing them what you are bringing?"

noowitiwaákoʾ tatuuxačéʾ.
Then he said: "I killed them.
tatuunuuxAhtaʾút xaawaa- rúxtiʾ paatúh.
I stole theirs the horses enemy."

hUhtiísuʾ kohnaasšUhuunawíʾAt wiiteešútš.
Finally he must have tired of it the young man.
na noowitunaaʾít.
And then he told about it.

na noowitiwaákoʾ inaániʾ koxtuhneesiíšuʾ inoošku- ʾiitaawíhA.
And then he said his brother: "I will know it if you tell on me.
I will be outside."

Then he went home.
aniwenakatiisíʾU a noowitinaaʾít wetatunáx siináNI.
That evening and then he told it: "I have found him my brother
I have found him.
taanikuneekuraawaʾuúhuʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ pAxIskuúxuʾ na niinoonakuraáʾU.
He is the one giving them to me horses, scalps, and different things.
niikutiku- raawaʾuúhuʾ.
He's the one giving different things to me.
na neewaákoʾ axiraaʾiitáWI niitiweNAxkUhúNAx.
And he said: 'Do not tell it here where you have found me!'"

natsú tiwehnawaaWIhtikú witUsuuxakaanoóhtA witiree- kawitaWAhnáʾ.
And as he was talking there was an entry the door sounded.
wehnareekawiriiWAhná na noowitiWIsxá inaániʾ
When the door made a thud and then he remembered his brother:
na či wenataʾiitáWI siináNI.
"And here I have told on you my brother!"

Then he came out.
tsu opiínuʾ wečikú niiwetaana- kaneéhAs niiweNAhkuWIskáʾA
But different he had prepared a lodge somewhere his thinking:
inooškuʾiitawíhA na nikunooʾaateéʾAt oopiínuʾ.
"If he should tell on me, and then that is where I should go different."

wah taanikuwituutAxítIt.
Now this is what happened.
kuwitatoxtaákIt ačitaánuʾ niiwenatunaaʾiítI.
He was one of us tribe the story I have told.