XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Bestowing a Personal Name

(Version 1)

Ella P. Waters

tiwenaaríčI wetiwískaʾ huuNAxaánuʾ nakuutuuníkUt.
"This one he wants a name to hold (have).
nikuweneekuraaʾú huuNAxaánuʾ tinaaríčI nakiíhA nakuutuuníkUt.
He is giving me the way a name this one to give him to hold.
nikukoxtuúta atíʾAx niinikusux- taaʾiitawíhA niinakuwaákA.
That is what I will do my father what he told me what to say.

tinaawaahAxkoosákUx wekohniiNItkhaaniwiítIt.
The Elements above they must be listening.
čituúʾuʾ tiNAhunásA awaaháxuʾ wekohniiNItkhaaniwiítIt.
All these on earth Elements they must be listening.
a nuu atipakunakúsuʾ naNAhkatetwaawáNA čituúʾuʾ wekohniiNItkAhaaniwiítIt.
And there Grandfather Stones ones all over the hillsides all they must be listening.
atináʾ tinakakawiíhAt hawá wekohniiNItkhaaniwiítIt.
Our Mothers this river (and banks) also they must be listening.
neešaanuʾ tinačitákUx wekohnuhneesiíšuʾ.
The Chief Who Sits Above he must know it.
wekohnitkhaaniwiítIt niinaWIskáʾA tinaaríčI huuNAxaánuʾ aatootuunikúku.
He must be listening his wanting that this one a name 'that I hold.'
He must be listening.

nikuwetataraapakaanúxtA tičé NAxuutaawaanúʾ .
"We are going to say: 'What are you doing, [
tiweneeraákUx tákuʾ nakuutIštatatoóhAt.
Here is a way: someone you should help.'
nakuhnaanéhku wekaakiraataweekáʾIt karuúxuʾ
What it means the ways are no longer among us the sacred bundles
atináʾ wenakuwaaWIhtíku.
Mother (Corn) when she speaks.
natsú weneeraatawéʾ tiíNI tákuʾ nakuutIštatatoóhAt
But there is the way today someone to help him
nakuutIsškaapaatštíRA niiwenaakukaawikaáhu
to be poor one to be falling behind (needing help)
tinačootšakaawaáWI tinaraaNIštaanawáNA číkuʾ niinakuh- ništatatoóhAt
these churches, these different societies for one to help in some way
naaʾištiráxuʾ číkuʾ niinakuutaáNA.
dependable for one to do something.

nikuwetataraapakaanúxtA [niiwenakuhIšáxkA] tičé NAxuutaawaanúʾ.
"This is what we are going to say now: '[What he is named], what are you doing?
tiweneeraákUx .
Here is a way .

nuutuutAxtaanuuníkUt hunanuuWIhíniʾ táWIt tičitAhiiwé.
There one holds him at the feet at the far bottom. Three one presses.
Then one raises the hands.
čišWIhíniʾ táWIt tičitAhiiwé.
On the hip(s) three one presses.
anuu Axtaaníniʾ nootištaaNIskaweereétIt táWIt.
Then (from) the feet one raises the hands up three (times).

wah nikutuúta.
Now that is what one does.