XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Prayer to Grandfather Buffalo

Ella P. Waters

atípaʾ wetatatoóxAt nikuʾaaxuútA aasih-
"Grandfather, I am devoted to you that this be that you
tíRA tiiháʾI niinatiniinakaáWI.
and I be together here where my home is.
wenetwískaʾ weneetoonaaniwóʾ nikuʾaaxuútA aaxkuutUhuuNAsštáWI
I do want it: now I am beseeching you that this be that you watch over me,
aaxkuroóhA číkuʾ niinakunaaheéRA.
that you give me something that is good.
You are holy.
škuxtaaʾú niinatoonaanuuwanú číkuʾ niinakunaaheéRA.
Give it to me what I am beseeching you something that is good!
číkuʾ neškuusuxtaawístaʾ niiwitinatuhnaaNAxweekoóčI niinaku- naaheéRA.
Bring me good fortune what I am seeking for myself, what is good.
nooniraáʾU naatšičiítuʾ.
Let the way be (of) life.
nikutatoonaa- niwóʾ.
This is what I am asking of you.
You and I are together."