XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Star Husband and

Old Woman's Grandson

Dan Howling Wolf

nuu AhnatoxtaakunuuwaáWI witiitúhkUx nuu naapakúhtuʾ AhnatoxtaakunuuwaaWIhú.
There when we used to roam around there was a village long , long ago then when we were roaming around.

pítkUx sápat nooWIšitíWA.
Two women then they (du) went.
nooWIšitohneewa- ʾús.
Then they (du) lay down.
awirítkAt tiihíʾ.
In the summer it was.
iiNAhaakaraahnaáWI noo- WIšititáWA.
Where the scaffold was then they (du) went up.
Then they (du) lay down.
šikoxtitAxá nuuháʾ oowátkAt niiháʾ haakaraahnaawíkAt.
"We'll lie on it there outside there on the drying scaffold."

noowešohnaáxA šohnačirikáʾU
While they (du) lay there while they (du) were awake
šohnuutapeerikú sákaaʾA tinawaawaaríčI áxkUx
as they (du) were looking at them stars these various ones, one
nootiwaákoʾ anuunaaríčI sákaaʾA nootatinistéʾ
then she said: "That one star I like it
nooniičiwinitwaahnú nooni- tsapIsú naáNIt.
the one that changes (colors) the one shining truly.
tatskaaxiíkuʾ nikuʾaxkohtakúʾU.
I am wishing that one were my husband."

nuuwešohnaáxA nooWIšititkAxítIt.
While they (du) lay there, then they (du) fell asleep.
Then they (du) slept.

aniwehnačirikaʾaáNA sápat Ahnuxtoxwó sákaaʾA
When she awoke the woman, the one who had admired it the star
noowitiihunaaničíWI wehnačirikaʾaáNA.
there it was a different land when she awoke.

inoowitiíkUx wiítA.
There there sat a man.
noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh awít tataahtakuúxa.
Then he said: "Now first I have become your husband.
nikutatíʾ NAxkuxtoxwó nuuháʾ NAxuxwanú.
I am the one your admiring me there where you were."
witiiwaakaáhuʾ niiNAxuxwanú nikutatíʾ NAxkuxtóxwo.
He was saying: "Where you used to be I am the one your admiring me."

na sápat nootuhneswátAt.
And woman then she remembered.
"I should not have just been saying things."

Then she began to go around.

noowitiwaákoʾ NAxkaruuwatú WIsuúkaʾ na kaakikaruu- watúʾ niiNAhunaaniitiikíčI.
Then he said: "When you dig them turnips, do not dig them where low places are.
na číkuʾ kaakuhnunaahnatawaawíhuʾ niiNAhunaaniitiikíčI.
Don't dig any holes where there are low places."

na sapát nootuhnáʾAt WIsuúkaʾ wehnakaruuwatú.
And the woman then she went after them turnips when she was digging them.

noowitiwískaʾ tičé tAxuúʾUt.
Then she thought: "I wonder why it is?"

nikunootuúta noowitíroʾ piiráʾuʾ.
Then that is what she did: then she bore it a baby.
wewitirá piiráʾuʾ.
Now she bore it a baby.

noowitinaanipakUxítIt na kaakuúta.
Then he began opposing it: "Don't do it.
na kaakikaruuwatúʾ WIsuúkaʾ niiNAhunaaniitiikíčI.
Don't dig them turnips where there are low places."

nikunoowituúta sápat noowitiwískaʾ tiče tAxuúʾUt
Then that is what she did the woman: then she thought: "I wonder why it is
weNAxkuunaanipakú kananakuukaruuwatú WIsuúkaʾ niiNAhunaaniitiikíčI.
your not wanting me not to be digging them turnips where there are low places?"

nikunootuutá niiNAhunaaniitiíkU AhnahUsAhaanoótA tuhnunaahnatáWI.
Then that is what she did: where there was a low place, where a coulee was she dug a hole.
wehnuhnunaahnatáWI na noowitireewaáta sápat.
After she dug the hole, and then she looked there the woman.
nootUtkaahunaaneéRIt tuuháʾ iiʾAhnataraakunuúWI.
Then she saw a country there where we were living.
anuú tikanawiteeraawíʾAt weh- nareewaátU.
There it was very far off when she looked.

štoh nootIhoowátAt.
Again then she covered it.

či naahuunéʾ kananaateewanúʾ.
"Here far off I am not going around there!"
noowitu- naačiteeʾaanúʾ nakukaaʾiišátA.
It was becoming difficult for her for her to go home.

tsu wetirá piiráʾuʾ.
But she already had it a baby.
witíʾ wiinásts.
It was a little boy.
wenawanú noowitiRAxáhAt.
As he went around then he grew up.
Now he could walk.

nikunootuutá nootíʾAt.
Then she did that: then she went.
tičé kutatootaaníštA.
"What shall I do?"
nootíʾAt štoh.
Then she went again.
nootitkananoóʾa niiʾAhnaa- hatáWI.
Then she took the dirt off where the hole was.
nootireewaáta tuuháʾ huukakaahaahníniʾ.
Then she looked there down below.

noowitihnunáx síš.
Then she was found by her Spider.
noowitiwaákoʾ tičé nuúʾUt.
Then she said: "What is the matter?"

aa nootatskáʾ aatakaaʾiišátA.
"Ah I just want that I go home.
a či natinih- nunaanítAt tikananiiraawíʾAt iiNAhnaakítAt.
And here our village it is so far away where our village is!
tikana- niiraawíʾAt haahkAhaahníniʾ.
It is so far away down below!"

witiwaákoʾ síš nawáh koxtoosaaxtóʾ haáxtš na neešitawíʾAt.
She said Spider: "Now, I will make a string for you a string and you'll slide down."

nikunootuutá síš nootIhaaxtookUxítIt.
Then she did that Spider: then she began making a string.
Then she planned it.
She put the string down.
noowitIhaax- tawiraawanikUxítIt.
Then she began to let the string down.
nuu wehnaátA wah číkuʾ nii- kohniihaáxIt.
There as it went now it is not known how long the string was.

nooWIšitiraateewáNIt tiiháʾ taanikukooxutunaánuʾ.
Then they (du) planned it: "Here this will be the time.
itiínaʾ na neetíʾAt.
I'll come and then I'll go.
I'll slide down."

noowitiwaákoʾ anuukooxitawíʾAt haáxtš.
Then she said: "There you will slide down the string."

anuú noowitíʾAt.
And there then she went.
sápat nootitawíʾAt.
The woman then she slid down.

nootiwísAt síš nawáh.
Then she arrived Spider: "Now."

nootíʾAt nuuwehnaátA.
Then she went as she went there.

noowitiwaákoʾ inookananaahnaaxčeésU nee- šuhnaaxaʾiwáNIt.
Then she said: "If the string is not long (enough), you shake the string.
štoh neešihkatáʾ.
Back you'll come up."

nikunootuutá sápat nookanawitiihaaxčeéʾIs.
Then she did that the woman then the string was not long.

štoh nootinikatáʾAt síš.
Back then she took her up Spider.
noowitinikatáʾAt štoh.
Then she took her up back.

štoh nootIhaaxtookUxítIt.
Again then she began to make a string.
noot- saaxoohtawihUxítIt.
Then she began to add string.

waxtóh tiíNI nikunootuúta sápat nootitawíʾAt.
Now certainly now then that is what she did the woman: then she slid down.

atsú wiítA wewitiiNAxwéʾ.
But the man he looked for her.
Now he was losing her.
He was not finding her.
noowehnuutaanú wehneehuuwi- raaʾaáhNA sAhaahníniʾ
Then as he was doing it when he was running in the coulee,
noowitíʾAt na noowituúʾUt noowiteehátA.
then he went and there it was thus: there was a hole.
nootireewaatá sákaaʾA.
Then he looked the star.
wehnareewaataáNA a noowituhnaawitákUx.
While he looked, and she was hanging there.

nootikúxIt kanítš sákaaʾA.
Then he picked it up a stone the star.
It was not big
noowitUtwaaWIhtít kanítš tátskaʾ aatakoótikA sápat.
Then he talked to it the stone: "I want that I kill her the woman.
natsú na kaakuúta wiinásts na kaakikoótIt.
But don't do it: little boy don't kill him."

nikunootuutaánuʾ nootiihUhtakaaráhAt sákaaʾA kanítš.
Then that is what he did: then he threw it down the star the stone.
It was a light colored stone.
teewáNIt na nootíʾAt kanítš.
He threw it and then it went the stone.

na sapát niikohniiraawíʾAt nookanawiteštaanuNAh- witikUxítIt.
And the woman however high it was then her feet did not reach the ground.
Then she failed (to reach it).

nikunootuutá kanítš nuu wenaátA
Then that is what it did the stone: there when it went
noowitikoótIt sápAt.
then it killed her the woman.
It hit her head.
Then she fell down.

atíštIt na tikúx wiinásts.
"Well (ie safely) set him down the little boy.
na kaaki- koótIt.
Don't kill him."
noowituutAxítIt sápat noowitiʾuúkUt Ahnux-
Then it happened: the woman then she fell while
taahpiinaáhNA wiináxtš.
she carried him on her back the boy.
He could walk already.
nootuutá wiinásts nootikawátAt wehnawa- AhnehtatataʾaáhNA.
Then he did it the little boy: then he got out his going around, his being close by.

weNAhkuʾeétI hUhtiísuʾ noowitiraahuúna šaxtíʾ.
After he would nurse, finally then she became spoiled his mother.
wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ AhnehtatataʾaáhNA wiinásts.
Now it continued his being close by her the little boy.

na noowitíʾAt wiinásts nuuweNAhkuwaawanú.
And then he went the little boy when he wandered around.
hUhtiísuʾ tsu čéstIt wewitiiwóʾ.
Finally but far now he was going.

na noowitiihunaáhkUx.
And there was a garden there.
tiraanáʾA WAhúx a číkuʾ nooNAhkuútA.
They were planted squash and whatever else there was.
noowititkaakaʾiíšAt weNAhkuwanú NAhkupinuhkoóčI
Then he went into the garden as he went around as he picked up things
na noowitiwaawaa- NIšítIt.
and then he began to eat them.

tsu nooteéʾaʾ súxtIt.
But then she came an old woman.
She had a home there.
či nikiišehnunaáʾA.
Here this one was her garden.
nootitkaakaʾiíšAt weNAhkuutunešWIhú a
Then she went into the garden to be pulling weeds, and
noowitaáxwa ItkaakAhaahníniʾ.
there were tracks in the garden.

wehnuhnaačiríkUx súxtIt noowitikatawií- hAt wehnareewaatíRA.
As she looked at them the old woman then she went through it as she looked.
She did not find it.

wetikaaʾiíšAt a noowitíroʾ tinaátš na niíšuʾ.
Now she went home and then she made it a bow, and arrows.
Then she tied them up.
hawá nooWIšitíroʾ xáwos sápat Ahništanaahnú.
Also then she made them (du) balls women like they used to have.
xáwos nooWIšití- roʾ pítkUx na nátš witohniisuxkUxwiNUxukú.
Balls then she made them (du) two, and a stick when they used to play shinny.

nooWIšitíRAt ItkaakAhaahníniʾ.
Then she took them (du) in the garden.
nikunooWIši- tikúx ItkaakAhaahníniʾ.
That is where she put them (du) in the garden.
Then she put them down.
a noonaáNU wiináxtš na noonaroosít tinaroósI niíšuʾ.
"And if it is he a boy, and he'll take them these arrows.
na noonaáNU suúnatš šitinaákUx xáwos noošinaahkúxIt.
And if it is she a girl, these (du) balls then she'll take them (du)."

noowitireeWAtwá noowitaaxwá štoh.
Then she looked around: then she saw the tracks again.
nikunootuúta nootiroswaáWI nootikaaʾiíšAt.
Then she did that: then she put them down, then she went home.

tsu tinawanú wiinásts nootitkaakaʾiíšAt štoh na noowitiiroswá.
But this one little boy then he went into the garden again and there they lay.
nikunootiroosít niíšuʾ.
Then he picked up the ones arrows.
tinaroswaáWI WAhúx nootuNAhčipIšawihUxítIt
These various ones lying squash then he began to pierce them
wenaapanikú WAhúx.
when he was shooting them the squash.
Then he made holes all over.
He spoiled her things.

aniwehnaaʾá súxtIt witireewaáta na
When she came there the old woman she looked and
nookanawitiirós tinaátš na niíšuʾ.
they were not lying there the bow and arrows.
tireewaáta WAhúx čiríkU ahnoowiteehatawá
She looked: the squash, oh my, there were just holes all over
iiʾAhnuu- xapanikú WAhúx čituúʾuʾ AhniinaanaahUhkaráʾU.
where he had shot them squash, all his having spoiled hers.

tsu nootikaaʾiíšAt.
But then she went home.
tičé kutatootaaníštA itootuu- níkUt wiináxtš tiNAxuNAhwanú.
"What am I going to do if I am to catch you the boy you who go around doing this?"

tsu wiinásts tiwanúʾ.
But the little boy he was going around.
Then he went.

nuuwehnaaʾá noowituuteéRIt noowitaáNAt.
As she came there then she saw him: there he was going yonder.
súxtIt noo- tikatariína wenaátA wehnuutAsštáWI nuu wenaátA.
The old woman then she moved fast as he went as she watched him there as he went.
noowititawiraáʾAt na noowitaahwísAt.
Then he went down and then he arrived over yonder.
noohni- wiítIt wehnaákUx.
Then he sat down as he sat.

súxtIt nootíʾAt.
The old woman then she went.
Then she arrived.
Ahnoo- witiišá čiíšuʾ wewitíʾ Išáxtiʾ.
There it just lay a bone: now it was his mother.
či nikiišaáʾA tsu AhnehtatatákUx wiinásts.
Here she was the one but as he sat by her the little boy.

noowitiwaákoʾ súxtIt haa tičé nuúʾUt.
Then she said the old woman: "Hey what is the matter?
tičé nuutAxítIt
What happened?"

noowitiwaákoʾ atináʾ kutatiíʾI.
Then he said: "My mother she is mine.
kutatiíʾI atináʾ.
She is mine my mother."

nawáh waaxtóh siškaaʾiíšWA.
"Well, now surely let's go home!
tiiháʾ tatiniináka.
Here I have a home.
Let's go!"

tuhnaawíʾAt wiináxtš.
He was willing the boy.
Then she took him home.

wetiraná tinaátš.
Now he had them the bow (and arrows).

Then they (du) arrived.
aahkawíkAt witanuunáka.
By a cut bank she had her lodge.
Then they (du) went inside.

uu noowititšičiinanuhkáʾIt.
Oh, she had various wildlife.
čituúʾuʾ kiišeenaawáʾA níkUs číkuʾ niinooNAhkuutuúʾA.
All here she had them birds different kinds!

wiinásts nooteeWIsítIt weNAhkoopanikú níkUs weNAhkuutAhnoswaawíhA.
The little boy then he went out after he would shoot them the birds after he picked them up.
noowitiriteeháxAt weNAhkoopanikú weNAhkoopanikú.
Then he did it in sequence his shooting them, his shooting them.

weNAhuukátA witiwaákoʾ hee atíkaʾ
After he went inside he said: "Hey, my grandmother,
wetatohkawoótIt níkUs šinohkaniwaahAsú NAxiniiNIštoswaáWI.
I have killed them for you the birds the ones eating yours up your things.
čituúʾuʾ wetAtkawoótIt.
All I have killed them."

hawá noowitikároʾ štípiiʾIt.
Also then she made them corn balls.
uu špatuRAhwá noowititaáRIt.
Oh, a big pan then she filled it.
hawá tapáhtuʾ.
Also pemmican.

na tiiháʾ AhnaakAhwíriWIš iiʾAhnaanunuu- nakaáWI
And here where there was a partition where she had her lodge
witeekAhwíriWIš tuuháʾ.
there was a partition there.
anuú nikuwitira- noohUhkaawanúʾ štípiiʾIt.
There that is where she put them under it the cornballs.

wiinásts nootiwískaʾ teeNAxkataroswaawíhuʾ.
The little boy then he thought: "You must be putting them back there."

na číkuʾ niikohniiraawiíʾot nooteeWIsítIt súx- tIt.
And sometime later then she went out the old woman.
Then she forgot it.
She went out.

tsu wiinásts nootíʾAt.
But the little boy then he went.
nootičirikaáʾAt na noowituuteéRIt.
Then he peeked inside, and then he saw it.
noowitiiká nuutawáčeš.
There there was inside a water monster.
There it was inside.

nootuutá wiinásts nootíʾAt nuu wena- wanú
Then he did it the little boy: then he went there as he was going around
wehnaapaawanikú níkUs.
as he was shooting them birds.

štoh nooteehuúkaʾ.
Again then she came in.
nootikároʾ štípiiʾIt uu NAhkukaaNUhkaroóku čituúʾuʾ.
Then she made them corn balls, oh, while she was cooking all.
witiranoohUhkaáʾAt štoh.
She put them under again.
awít nooweNAhkuutaáNA súxtIt noowitiranikawátAt napakúxtš.
First after she did it the old woman then she took them out the dishes.
číkuʾ kanawitiRAxá štípiiʾIt NAhkuxtaa- natútkA.
There were not any in it corn balls when she took them out.

tsu wiinásts aniwenačirikaátA wenuuteéRIt nootuhneésiš
But the little boy when he peeked inside when he saw it, then he knew:
a či nikuNAxihkaniwaahAsú atíkaʾ
"And here you are the one eating all of hers my grandmother
nuutawáčeš čikohnáʾU iinakaáWI.
a water monster the thing that one in there."

nikunootuutá wiinásts nootíʾAt
Then that is what he did the little boy: then he went
wehnaranoohUhkaátA ikaániʾ.
after she had put them under it his grandmother.
noowitiwaákoʾ wetaatItkaakaʾiíšAt.
Then she said: "I am going into the garden."
Then she went
nuu noowitíʾAt wiinásts.
There then he went the little boy.

Then he pushed the partition aside.
There it was inside.
tsu tinaátš AhnaraáhNA nootuúta witiiwáNIt.
But (with) bow the one he had then he did it: he shot it.
Then it rolled over and over doubled up.
noowituutIsaapiraáʾAt aahkawíkAt.
Then it rolled over it over the cliff.
anuú witIhaahkaʾuúkUt.
There it fell down the cliff.

noowehnaaʾá ikaániʾ witawísaʾ.
Then when she came his grandmother she arrived.
tiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ wetAtkoótIt nooNUxkaniwaahAsú
He said: "Grandmother, I have killed it the one eating up all of yours
štípiiʾIt na tapáhtuʾ.
cornballs and pemmican.
NAxkuroswaawíhA či weteeNUxkaniwaáhAs.
When you put things away, here it must have eaten every- thing!
či kohnaká nuutawáčeš.
Here it was inside a water monster!
na wetAtkoótIt.
And I have killed it.
nuu neehaahkAxá.
There it is lying at the base of the cliff."

uu witiiNAsštaʾaánuʾ súxtIt.
Oh, she was feeling hurt the old woman.

ikaániʾ tsu wewitininóʾ.
His grandmother but now she feared him.
wiinásts noowitiwaaRUxtíʾ.
The little boy and so he was holy.
hee či weNAxkoótIt nikuuNUxkaniwaahAsú.
"Hey, here now you have killed it the one that was eating all of mine up!"
nikuwitiwaákoʾ súxtIt ikaániʾ.
That is what she said the old woman his grandmother.

wenawanú wewitiraaníhtš.
As he went around now he was older.
He had become older.

nuuweNAhkuwanú anuú noowitikatáʾAt.
There as he went around, there then he climbed up it.
There it was a mountain.
nikuwitiRAhkaá nút.
That is where they were inside snakes.
niiháʾ noowituNAhpAxtsaákA nút.
There then the heads were sticking up snakes.
There was a large number of them.
–– wiináxtš noowitohninipiitataʾús AhniiNAhnaaʾiiwaátI hawá
–– The boy then he lay on his stomach as he told them stories, also
nút AhniinaaʾiiwaawaátI.
snakes their telling stories.
noowitinaakItkAxitikUxítIt nút.
Then they began to fall asleep the snakes.

tsu niíšuʾ nootiirút.
And an arrow then he picked it up.
áxkUx noowitirita- ʾuúkUt.
One then he began with it.
He hit it on the head.
nootiriteeháxAt wenakawootikú nút.
Then he went in sequence as he was killing them snakes.

nooNAhatUhkáWI nút kanawitiRIhuúʾU.
The last one snake it was small.
wewitičirikaʾá wehnihraawiraʾoóxIt.
Now it awoke when he took aim.
nootikUxkaáʾAt na nootuhkúxAx.
Then it fled inside and so it ran away.

atsú sákaaʾA wetiínu kanítš.
But the star now he gave it to him a stone.
nooteé- nu.
Then he gave it to him.
He sent it.
nootiwaákoʾ wah tinaákUx na tirá.
Then he said: "Now this you keep it.
kaakunaáhe wešitohteeriíʾa.
It is not good: they are spying on you."

wah wewitiraaníhtš wiinaxtš.
Now he was older the boy.
niinakuwiítIt na tikúx.
"Wherever you sit down put it down.
na nootIhuučitawiítIt kanítš.
Then sit down on it the stone.
Now keep it.
na witiNAxkiísA na nootirišwaáWI tuuháʾ pítkUx hawá
And when you lie down, stick the arrows up over there two, also
tuuháʾ pítkUx niiNAxpAxáWI.
over there two where your head is.
wah wešitoh- teeriíʾa.
Now they are spying on you."

nikunootuúta wewitiNAhkiísA.
Then that is what he did when he lay down.
hawá weNAh- kuwiítIt kanítš noowitIhuučitawiítIt.
Also when he sat down the stone then he sat down on top of it.

tsu anináʾU nút nikuwetihteeriíʾa.
But that one snake that was the one spying on him.
číkuʾ niiNAhkoótA tsu witiinawikatAxá.
Wherever he went but it was close by him.
weNAhkooweétA noowiwitiʾús.
Whenever he tired, then he lay down.
weNAhkítkA nuunáWI noowitirišwí- RIt.
When he slept that one then the arrow fell over.
noowitihtáʾIt na wewitoxwiísaʾ nút na noowetičirikaʾá.
Then it hit him and it came toward him the snake and then he awoke.
That is what was happening.

wah aniwenaraátA nuu číkuʾ wituxtaaWIhkaʾá.
Now as time went on, then he went hunting.
noowi- teewíʾAt naáNIt wehnaawanú.
Then he tired really as he went around.
Then he lay down.
noo- witirišwaáWI štoh tuuháʾ pítkUx hawá
Then he placed the arrows upright again: over there two, also
tuuháʾ pítkUx.
over there two.
He lay down.
nootitkAxítIt naáNIt.
Then he slept truly.

nikunootuutá niíšuʾ awít nootiwíRIt.
Then that is what he did: an arrow first then it fell.
It hit him.
číkuʾ kanawitiitaruúpAs.
He did not move at all.
hawá tuunáWI.
Also the other.
hawá štoh číkuʾ kanawitiičirikaʾá.
Also again he didn't wake up at all.
hawá tuunáWI noowi- tihtáʾIt.
Also the other then it fell on him.
číkuʾ kanawituunáwiʾ.
He never moved.
na tuunáWI nikunoo- tIhatúhkA.
And the other one then that was the last one.
It was the last one
nootihtáʾIt atsú kanawituunáwiʾ.
Then it hit him, but he never moved.

tsu nút noowitiraawiraʾoóxIt.
But the snake then it was ready.
saxtš noowi- tuúta nootuuNUxkaáʾAt.
Immediately then it did it: then it went inside his (anus).
nuuwenawanú nút anuú nootikataʾuúkUt pAxíniʾ
As it went about here the snake, there then it got in it in the head,
pAxčiraaníniʾ wenakataʾaáhNA.
in the brain as it went around in it.

wiináxtš nooWIšitihkoótIt.
The boy then he was killed.

nikunootuutá nuuwehnaáxA wenehkutsUhiína nuu-
Then it did that: as he lay there when it rained, when
NAhkuwaawaapIsú wititakakáʾAx axkawátAt nút.
it lightninged it thundered 'that you get out' the snake.

tsu nootiraahuúna wiináxtš.
But then he became spoiled the boy.
wewitíʾ čiš- tIhúxuʾ.
Now he was just bone(s).
tsu nút noowitiká pAxčiraaníniʾ pAxčiišíniʾ.
But the snake then it was inside in the brain, in the skull.
wewitíʾ pAxčiíšuʾ.
It was the skull.
tsu wewitikataʾá.
And it went around in it.
na wenehkutsUhiína NAhkutakakaaxíkA číkuʾ kanawitíʾ kanaNIh-
And when it rained, when it thundered it was not able to drive
kuhniRAhkawátAt nuu wešohniiNAhwanú nút.
drive it out there as it was trying the snake.

na noowituúta šakuúnuʾ noowiteeraananitaʾá nii- ʾAhnapAxčíškUx.
And then he did it the sun: then it became hot where the skull was.
noowiteeraananitároʾ naáNIt tsu wehna- nút.
Then he made it hot truly, but its being inside the snake.
hUhtiísuʾ noowititaruúpAs nút.
Finally then it moved around the snake.
Now it was darting to and fro.
Now it was racing around in it.

tsu noowitiwaraasšá šakuúnuʾ.
But then he became angry the sun.
naáNIt teeranitároʾ wehnakataʾaáhNA nút.
Truly he made it hot while it was going around in it the snake.
tsu nuu tuúta nootikUxkawátAt.
But there it did it: then it quickly got out.

weNAhkukUxkawátAt nút nootuutAxítIt wiináxtš nootitšičiíta.
After it quickly got out the snake, then it happened: the boy then he came alive.

tsu hiʾáxtiʾ tiitAsíštA aniwešinihniRAhka- wátAt nút.
But his father he watched over him when they drove it out the snake.
na sákaaʾA nikunootuúta witiitAsíštA.
And the star then that is what he did: he watched over him.
nootitšičiíta wiináxtš.
Then he became alive the boy.

na nootiiríwatAt.
And then he got up.
nootiwanuuxítIt tsu nút nootuhkúxAx.
Then he began to walk around, but the snake then it ran away.

nootuutá niikohnakUxkaáʾAt nooti- RAxweesítIt.
Then he did it: wherever it had slipped inside then he began to look for it.
Then he was not finding it.
nookaakI- hunáx.
Then he did not find it.

wah niiháʾ nooNAhiínaʾ číkuʾ niikohnuutAxítIt
Now there beyond it is not known what happened
niiwenawanú wehneeriwátAt štoh.
where it went around after he got up again.

wah taanootiiraáʾAt.
Now this is the end.