XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Scalped Man

Who Helped the Hunter

Dan Howling Wolf

tiiháʾ áxkUx wituxtaaWIhkaʾá nuuNAhkuwaawanú
Here one he went hunting there as he went about
naawiinakuúnuʾ NAhkuraaWIhkaʾaáhNA NAhnunáhtš.
hunting, as he went hunting deer.

Then he waited for them.
Then he sat down on a hillside.
tuuháʾ nootihUsAhaanúʾAt.
Over there there was a valley.
There were trees along there.

nooteeRAhčeswaátaʾ NAhnunáhtš nihwaawáʾA.
Then they came out of the woods deer as they ate.
noowitiinuuwáʾAx NAhnunáhtš.
Then they ran off the deer.
áxkUx kuwitaaNAxtAhweeraʾuúkUt.
One it fell over afar.
witaaNAxtAhweeraʾuúkUt áxkUx.
It fell over afar one.

tsu tinaákUx wiítA AhnatoonaahkatákUx wehnareewaátU
But this man the one sitting on the hillside as he watched
Ahnuhnaaʾeerikú AhnoowitiiswátAt sáhNIš.
as he looked at them, then he just came in sight a person.
He was gray all over.
nuu wehnaátA anuú witiwísAt niiʾAhnaáxA NAhnunáhtš.
There as he went there he arrived where it lay the deer.

a čiišaáʾA tshunúxuʾ.
And here it was a scalped man.
tanoonakaskawaaWIhú tinaákUx na noowitiirút.
When he was looking back here repeatedly this one and then he picked it up.
noowititaáhpA tshunúxuʾ.
Then he put it on his back the scalped man.

tanoowitiʾaáhkA nooNAhiínaʾ nakatAhkáʾU.
Here there was a cut bank yonder on the other side.
It was a stretching cut bank.
nikunoowititáʾAt wehNUtciríkUx.
Then he went up that one while he was watching him.

číkuʾ niikohniíhiʾ– toonaahkátAt wehnaWIsátA aniiháʾ
Wherever it was– on the hillside when he arrived there
noowitikatitwiítIt wehnareekaríkUt.
it was a black spot where he opened a door.
Then he went inside.
witiRAhuúkAt NAhnunáhtš.
He took it inside the deer.
He shut the door.

tsu tinaákUx wiítA weNUtčiríkUx nootitawiraáʾAt.
But this man who watched him then he went down.
noowituutakáʾIt witaxkataWIhaáNIt noowehnaátA
They were there: there were steps (dug in the ground) where he had gone there,
nuu wehnaWIsátA.
there where he arrived.
There was an image.
A branch was sticking out
A branch was sticking out.
Then he pulled on it.
noowitiree- karíkUs.
Then the door opened.
nuu nootIhuúkAt.
There then he entered.

noowiteewakAhuutáʾ čiíRA ka kunataraákIt.
Then he called out: "Hello, are you one of us?"

nuuháʾ nuunaákUx noowiteewakaraanúʾaʾ heeʾ.
There that one then he called out: "Yes.
wah šiišuúkaʾ.
Now come in!
Sit down over here!"

Then he entered
There he sat
He sat with his head bowed.
noowitiišá NAhnunáhtš AhnuxkootíkA.
There it lay the deer the one he had killed.

natsú tuukunoowitiwiítIt.
And then he sat down on the other side.
na noowituutAsíš.
And then he learned about him.
witúx sáhNIš.
He was an Arikara.
There he was scalped.
kanawituxtoohuuNIhuúʾU nihnuuxukaásU nikaakíniʾ.
It was not a large thing where he was cut on the forehead.
There there was a cut.

witiwaákoʾ tinaákUx wiítA hee Axtóh tíʾ NAxku- kaaʾiišátA niinataraakítAt.
He said this man: "Hey surely you should go home where our village is.
Axtóh tíʾ NAxkúʾa.
Certainly you should come.
kaakAxtoohuuNIhuúʾU niiNAxuútA.
It is not a large thing how you are."

witiwaákoʾ tinaákUx tshunúxuʾ aa Axtóh kaaku- naáhe.
He said this scalped man: "Ah, surely it is not good.
kaakíʾ NItkuutaáNA.
I canno t do it.
They are not good.
číkuʾ ta- xikuhnaʾít.
Someone mig ht say some- thing about me.
kooxikuhnaʾít číkuʾ.
He might say it about me something.
tsu kaakátskaʾ štoh nakoótA.
But I don't want back to go.
tatuhneesiíšuʾ tiíkUx natištakúʾU na wiinaáxtš néhna.
I know it she is there my wife, and a boy I have.
neewanúʾ wiináxtš.
He is going about the boy.
tItwooxuúkuʾ nuuNItkuWIsátA šiNItkUtčiríkUx NItkuteepiRAhka- ʾaáhNA.
I always go my going there for me to look at them (du) my going around the lodge.
tatuuteeRIšwooxuúkuʾ natihnaáʾU.
I habitually go to see him my son."

witunaaniwooxítIt tinaákUx wiítA Axtóh na tikaaʾiíšAt.
The he began pleading with him this man: "Surely you ought to go back home.
Axtóh kaakAxtoohuuNIhuúʾU niiNAxuútA.
Certainly it is not a big thing as you are."

witiwaákoʾ a Axtóh kaakunaáhe.
He said: "And surely it's not good.
kaakíʾ NItkuu- taáNA.
I canno t do it.
Axtóh wekaakunaáhe.
Surely now it is not good.
I am holy."

witiwaákoʾ wiítA na neešiwáhNIš
He said the man: "And you are truthful."

witiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ nawáh.
He said the scalped man: "Yes.
wah niikooNA- xuúʾUt tiweNAxiína.
Now what is your reason your coming here?
kooxuúʾUt niikooNAxwískaʾ.
It will be thus whatever you want.
I will do it for you."

witiwaákoʾ wiítA wah tatuxtaaWIhkaʾá NAhnunáhtš.
He said the man: "Now I was hunting deer."

witiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ waaxtóh číkuʾ kaakí- raʾ.
He said the scalped man: "Now certainly that is not anything.
aaxaaWIskáʾA tineeriwiíkUx taakáxtš.
If you should want it here is a pile dried meat.
Here I have a pile.
wah tsu číkuʾ niinaakoosšó na táʾ.
Now but whatever you desire, come.
Come over here."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiítA nawáh.
Then he said the man: "Fine."

wah tsu aniweNAxkaaʾiišátA na kaakikuʾiitáWI.
"Now but when you go home, don't tell on me.
na kaa- kiwaákoʾ tuuháʾ tiíkUx.
Do not say: 'Over there he lives.'
wah koxtuhneésiš.
Now I will know (if you do).
niikóhnoʾ nakuútA koxtuhneesiíšuʾ.
Whatever it is to be I will be knowing it."

nikunootuúta wiítA tiranikaaʾiíšAt taakáxtš.
Then that is what he did the man: he took it back home dried meat.
Then he took it home.
Then he arrived with it.
uu nooWIšitiiNAhuuNIšteehuúʾU wešiniiteéRIt.
Oh, then they were grateful to him for it when they saw him.
Then they were shouting (for joy).

štoh noowitíʾAt.
Again then he went.

witiwaákoʾ štoh wetAtwóʾ naawiinakuúnuʾ.
He said: "Again I am now going (on) the warpath.
wetAtwóʾ naawiinakuúnuʾ.
I am now going (on) the warpath."

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh.
Then he said: "Fine."

noowitíʾAt skána.
Then he went alone.
niihnakaáWI tshunúxuʾ nootIhuúkAt.
Where he lived inside scalped man then he entered.

witeewakAhuutáʾ číRA.
He called out: "Hello.
I have come."

nawáh tiišiineetoohnuníkUx.
"Now we are waiting for you here."

Then he entered.
Then he sat down.

wah tičé wekuNAxuúʾUt tiweNAxiína.
"Now what is your reason your coming here?"

witiwaákoʾ wetatiínaʾ naawiinakuúnuʾ.
He said: "I have come (on) the warpath.
tatskáʾ pAxIskuúxuʾ číkuʾ aataraáhNA.
I desire it a scalp that I may have one."

nawáh Axtóh kaakiraačitéʾ.
"Well, surely it is not difficult.
wah taaneešúxkUx.
Now be seated here!
hásI tuuháʾ tiitúhkUx.
Look, over there it is a village.
uu kaakunituuNIšawíhAx.
Oh, it is a huge village!
That is what I will do."

Then he disappeared quickly.
tsu tshunúxuʾ wiítA wewitikaákUx witiwaákoʾ anineeroswá.
But scalped man the man now he was (still) inside he said: "There are things there.
na wititikaanúnoʾ áriišIt.
Feed yourself yourself."

nuu nootíʾAt tshunúxuʾ.
There then he went scalped man.
He disappeared quickly.

pítkUx wituuxé.
Two nights passed.
híNAx noowitiwísAt.
At night then he arrived.

witiwaákoʾ wah tiweneéros niiNAxWIskáʾA.
He said: "Now here they are what you wanted."

noowititaaweeRAxá nátš.
Then it was leaning against the wall a pole.
pAxIskuúxuʾ noowituNAsákUx niikohnuhnaánuʾ.
Scalps they hung from it however many there were.

wah tiweneéros.
"Now here they are."

aa wetAxkoosšteéRAt.
"Ah, you have pleased me."

wah NAheešá kunooxikaaʾiíšAt.
"Now tomorrow then you can go home.
na nootíʾAt.
You must go there.
kaakunaahé taanootIhunuuwá paatúh.
It is not good: then they go around here the enemy.
skaná kaakunaáhe.
Alone it is not good.
naáxU šooxeehunáx tsu nuu nooti- kaaʾiíšAt tsu iweneštanaáhNA.
You they might find you, but there you should go home but now that you have them."

nikunootuúta híNAx nootuhkúxAx.
That is what he did: at night then he ran off
nuu witiwísAt.
There he arrived.
tiraniwísAt pAxIskuúxuʾ.
He arrived with them scalps.
uu weWIši- tiNUhuuNAsšteehuúʾU wenaraniWIsátA pAxIskuúxuʾ.
Oh, now they were thankful when he arrived with them the scalps.

nawáh štoh niiwekohniihawé noowitiwaákoʾ wah wetaátAt.
Now again however many days had passed then he said: "Well, I am going."

nawáh niišuúxAt.
"Well, go on!"

štoh wetItwóʾ naawiinakuúnuʾ.
"Again I am going (on) the warpath.
tstaʾuutUxwóʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ
I am going to steal horses."

hawá noowitiʾAt.
Also then he went.
nikunootiwísAt niiʾAhnakaáWI tshunúxuʾ štoh.
Then he arrived there where he lived the scalped man again.

noowitiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ waaxtóh kaakiraačitéʾ.
Then he said the scalped man: "Surely it is not hard.
tuuhéʾ tiraanúʾAt tákuʾ niikohnáʾIt.
Over there they are living whoever they are.
neeraaniitúh- kUx.
They have a village."

nootiihuununáhAs tshunúxuʾ.
Then he disappeared quickly the scalped man.
nuu noo- witíʾAt.
There then he went.
wehnaátA weWIšitiitawé pítkUx haáwaʾ.
When he went the days (du) passed two also.
híNAx noowitIhuúkAt.
At night then he entered.

wah tiweneewaáRIt xaawaarúxtiʾ niiNAxWIskáʾA.
"Now here they are horses the ones you wanted.
They are at the base of the hill.
áxkUx titawéʾ neešaaničitawiítIt.– nuuneešeéhNAt.
One there is among them: you will ride it.– You will take them there.
wah parúNIt nootíʾAt
Now quickly go!"

tsu áxkUx weneetawéʾ.
"But one there is now among them.
tíʾ xaapAxwáhAt.
It is a roan horse.
nuuháʾ šaaNAhnaawooxítIt na tinaaríčI xaapAxwáhAt
Over there when you begin to give them away, and this roan
nikuneešaánu natihnaáʾU wiinaáxtš.
you'll give that one to him my child the boy."

čituúʾuʾ wituhniwá xaawaarúxtiʾ.
All they were nice looking horses.

Then he went
Then he went down.
There they stood at the base.

wah hánuʾ.
"Now go on!
Go on!
They might find you."

Then he ran away.
He rode horseback.
Then he herded them.
niikohnuxtaanúʾAt noowitehneehuuNIsAhkaʾuúkUt xaawaarúxtiʾ.
Wherever they were living then he drove them into the village the horses.

Then he began distributing them.
wah suuxuuníkUt.
"Now take hold of it!"
noowiteéʾaʾ tákuʾ niiNIhkuhIšáxkA.
Then he came someone when he was named.
He led it (off).
That is what he was doing.

tsu tinaaríčI xaawaarúxtiʾ xaapAxwáhAt tatskáʾ tinaaríčI.
But this horse roan, (he said of it:) "I want this one."

noowitsiráxAt niiʾAhnaákUx AhnaahaáʾU tshunúxuʾ.
Then he led it where he lived his child scalped man.
anuú noowitsiRAxwísAt.
And there then he arrived leading it.

nawáh tinaaríčI tsu wekutAxiíʾI.
"Now this one but it is yours."
wituhnaʾíhkuʾ wiináxtš.
He was meaning him the boy.

číkuʾ kanawitiiwaákoʾ wituxtá haáʾAx.
He did not say anything: "He had it your father."
kana- wituunaaʾít.
He did not tell.
wekaakiWIskáʾ aatoonaaʾiítI.
He did not want 'that I tell about you.'

niiwenuútA číkuʾ niikohniiraawiiʾót wah štoh
Sometime whatever the length of time was now again
niikooNUsuuxunaanuúkuʾ nehkupiʾaananíkUx
it is not known what the season was when they trapped eagles
nehkuhnaanuunikukú neétAhkas wah wetaátAt.
when they used to catch them eagles, "Now I'm going.
I'm going to trap eagles."

nawáh niišuúxAt.
"Now go on!"

Then he went.
nuu wehnaátA nootiwísAt niiʾAh- nakaáWI tshunúxuʾ.
There as he went then he arrived where he lived the scalped man.
Then he entered.

witiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ hee tiweNAxiínaʾ štoh.
He said scalped man: "Hey, here you've come again."

tiweneetiínaʾ štoh.
"Here I have come again."

wah tiíNI tičé weNAxuúʾUt.
"Well, now how are you?"

Ahnawaákoʾ wetatiínaʾ neétAhkas nakupiʾaananíkUx.
He said: "I have come eagles to eagle trap."

nawáh číkuʾ teNAxeeWIstaákuʾ.
"Now that is nothing.
Axtóh koxtanuúta.
Surely I'll do it for you."

witiwaákoʾ nawáh wah wetaátAt.
He said: "Well, now I will go now.
číkuʾ kooxiihawé táWIt.
It will be days three.
tiraačitéʾ nakuhnaanuunikukú neétAhkas.
It is difficult to catch them eagles."

noowitiihuununáhAs tshunúxuʾ.
Then he vanished the scalped man.
Then he went
na wiítA wetikaákUx wehnakaákUx.
And the man he sat inside, as he sat inside.

wewitiraawičeéʾA híNAx noowiIhuúkAt.
It was a long time at night then he entered.

nawáh tiweneerós.
"Now here they are."

na inoowitiíros neétAhkas.
And there they lay eagles.
neetaánuʾ číkuʾ nuu- kuwiteeneetaNAhwíʾAt niikohnuhnaánuʾ.
Tail feathers there was a pile of tail feathers over there however many there were.

nawáh tiweneešiiniinós.
"Now here they are for you."

hee wetAxkoosšteéRAt.
Hey, you have made me thankful."

tsu witiwakoʾ haa tatoonaaniwóʾ číkuʾ aaxuutaáNA.
But he said: "Ha, I want of you that you do something.
na kaakikuʾiitáWI tiiháʾ NItkaákUx.
Don't tell about me here my being inside."


ee híNAx nooteéʾaʾ.
Eh, at night then he came.
niikoNUsuuxaweenihUxuúkuʾ noowitiwísAt niiʾAhnuuxitúhkUx.
However many days passed then he arrived where the village was.
He entered the village.
witiraaniwísAt neétAhkas na neetaánuʾ.
He arrived with them eagles and tail feathers.

nikunootuúta nootiranikatawiíhAt wehnaahnaa- woóhu.
Then he did that: then he passed them around his giving them away.
wekanawitiiriwaníkuʾ wiináxtš AhnaahaáʾU.
He did not miss the boy his child.
číkuʾ  noowitiʾú.
He gave him something.
uu nooweWIšiteeniinuNIhuúʾU wiítA tiwehnaranuuWIswaʾá.
Oh, then they were proud of him the man since he had brought things.

wah tičé tAxuúʾUt.
"Now I wonder what it is?
tičé tAxuutaánuʾ.
I wonder what he is doing?"

wewituutaánuʾ tsu nootihtaRAhčíštIt tinaákUx wiítA.
Now he was doing it but then he succumbed (to temptation) this man.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah neešaánuʾ neešuxtaaNAsačipiítIt.
Then he said: "Now the chiefs assemble them!"

noowitiRAsačipiítIt wiítA.
Then they assembled the men.
witiRAhnuúkAt wehninaawíšA wehnaraanoótA.
They entered (the lodge) as they smoked as they sat there.

witiwaákoʾ wiítA wewitiíkUx nawáh tičé wenaráʾ.
He said a man he sat there: "Now what is it?"

tátskaʾ aatoonaaʾiítI.
"I want that I tell it.
šitikuuNUxtaanipákuʾ tsu weneekuhtaRAhčíšAt.
They did not want me to say it, but it is tempting for me."
wiítA wituhnaʾíhkuʾ.
A man he was meaning.
wetatu- náx tshunúxuʾ tuuháʾ tiká.
"I have found him a scalped man. Over there he is inside.
tíʾ sáhniš nataraakíčI.
He is a person ours.
wah niikohnuuxAxaáʾA anináʾU wiítA na áriišIt tuuháʾ tiká.
Now whatever his name was that man, and himself over there he is inside.
kaakiíhiʾ čéstIt.
It is not far.
Close by.
Axtóh číkuʾ kaakiroohuuNIhuúʾU niineekaásU.
Surely it is not a large thing where he is cut.
tiihéʾ tirikaakúkaaʾAs.
Here there is a cut on the forehead.
That is all.
tsu kaakuhtaRAhtšthuúʾU.
But he is determined (despite his desire).
tatiisuuxiRAxaáhuʾ na kaneeniiwískaʾ.
I was leading him back and he did not want it.
tátskaʾ witiʾaaxtaakáwireehAs.
I want that you ready yourselves.
koxtohnaakIsiraáxAt niinakaáWI.
I will take you where he lives."

tiwáčiʾ tinawaaríčI nawáh Axtóh nootuhnaáʾuʾ.
They said these: "Now certainly that is the way.
We will go.
wah NAheešá koxteeraapóʾ.
Now tomorrow we will go."

witAheéšaʾ nootiraáNAt.
Morning came then they went.
nuu wehnaraanátA číkuʾ niikohniisuuxakaweeniihUxuúkuʾ nootiRAhwísAt.
There after they had gone however many nights usually passed then they arrived.

wah taanikutiíhiʾ.
"Now here is the place."

wah áriišIt nootitáʾAt weWIšitiitáwe.
Now himself then he went up they were behind him.
noo- tireekaríkUt.
Then he opened the door.

witiwakaraanuúʾAt čee číRA kutataraákIt tatíʾ.
He called out: "Hey, hello, it is us (ie your tribe) I am.
I have come."

číkuʾ kanawituunáwiʾ.
There was no sound.

uu noowitIhuúkAt.
Oh then he entered.
noo číkuʾ kanawitiikaákUx na kaninuunuxtoswaáWI.
There there was no one inside and his things were not there.
či weešanuhkúxAx.
Here he had run away.
či číkuʾ  weešaáNAt.
Here he had gone somewhere.
niiʾAhnuxkAhinikú číkuʾ noo- kanawitiihaahniinós.
Where he had been making a fire there were no ashes there.
číkuʾ pakúhtuʾ číkuʾ tehnakUxkawátAt.– či weešanuhkúxAx niiháʾ číkuʾ niikohnáʾAt.
Sometime long a go he must have fled.– Here he had run away, there wherever he had gone.

witiwaákoʾ čee hásI.
He said: "Hey, look!
číkuʾ wetehnáʾAt.
He must have gone somewhere.
Here is where he lived."

noowitiRAhnuúkAt niiʾAhnúxkUx.
Then they went inside where he used to live.
niiʾAhnuu- sAhú čeewáʾut witiraaníhIt.
Where he used to lie sage he had spread it.

witiwaákoʾ taanikutatišWIsaáhuʾ.
He said: "Here is where I used to come.
wah nootii- huununáhAs.
Now he has disappeared.
He is the one who used to bring me things.
wah tshunúxuʾ číkuʾ wetehnáʾAt.
Now the scalped man he must have gone somewhere.
číkuʾ niiwekoh- náka.
He must live somewhere (else)."

wehnihnaaweerikú noowitiRAhkaaʾíšWA.
After their looking around then they went home.
nuu witiRAhwísAt.
There they arrived.

noowitiinaaʾít wah tinaaríčI niiʾAhnuxkaáWI wekaakíka.
Then they told it: "Now this one where he was inside he is no longer inside.
He must have run off."

witiwaákoʾ tshunúxuʾ tsu koxtuhneésiš.
He (had) said the scalped man: "But I will find out."
taanikuwitiwaákoʾ koxtuhneésiš škuʾiitawíhA.
This is what he said: "I will find out if you tell on me."

tišwačiʾaáhuʾ číkuʾ tehnuxteepiRAhkaʾá.
They always used to say he must have been around the lodge.
naraatawé číkuʾ tehnuxteepiRAhkaʾá iwehnaRAsačipií- NA.
Maybe he must have been around the lodge when he gathered them.
číkuʾ tehnuunítkoʾ kunohnuhkúxAx.
He must have heard something, then he must have run off.
He must have taken out his belongings.

This is what they used to tell.