XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Woman Who Married a Mosquito

Dan Howling Wolf

wewitiitúhkUx wehneetúhkUx uu sápat noowiteekaáʾ.
There was a village. Where the village was, oh, a woman then she came out (of her lodge).
She came out to urinate.
wehnaákUx noowituunátkoʾ wiítA Ahnaraakaroóku
As she sat then she heard him a man as he was singing
niiʾAhneetUhteéhAt anuú kaatAhaáhniniʾ.
where the edge of the village was there in the back.
uu wituhpaNIšé.
Oh, he had a nice voice!
čiríkU sápat noowitiiNAsšawáNIt.
Oh my, the woman then he captived her.
AhnoowituhpaNIšé Ahnaraakaroóku.
He just had a nice voice as he was sang.

čiraátoʾ itáʾAt.
"Let me go over there."

Then she went.
nuu noowitiswaátAt.
There then she went around the corner.
nuu noowiteéRIt wiítA Ahnaraakaroóku.
There then he stood the man the one singing.
uu wituh- paNIšé.
Oh, he had a good voice.
noowitiwísAt niiʾAhnaaríčI.
Then she got there where he stood.

noowitiwaákoʾ AhnoowetateepaNIštóxwoʾ.
Then she said: "Now I surely like your voice.
nawáh tuusiškaaʾíšWA.
Now, let's go home over there!"

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaaríčI wiítA nawáh.
Then he said this man: "Fine."

noowitUsiráxAt niiʾAhnaanunuunakaáWI.
Then he took her where his lodge was.
nooWIšitI- huúpA.
Then they (du) went inside.
Then they (du) went to bed.

nuu hináxtIt noowitiihaahtawiítIt.
There early in the morning then it became daylight.
weh- noosaahtaʾá sápat noowitičirikaʾá.
When the sun came up, the woman then she awoke.

na tičé weNAxuútuʾ tiwenikohtakúʾU.
"Why, what do you look like, this one who married me?"

Then she looked.
tiwenuuteéRIt na noowitiišá wiítA číkuʾ nuukuwitiisiniítAt.
When she saw him, and there he lay the man: he had a long nose.

sápat nootikUxiriwátAt nootuhkúxAt nootu- ninuʾá.
The woman then she jumped up, then she ran, then she became afraid of him.
She ran outside.

tuuneekaaxá wenikohtakuuxaáNA.
There he lies inside the one who has married me!
Look at him!
cikú nuukutiisiniítAt.
He ha s a long nose."

Then they ran there
Then they saw him
na noowitíʾ xás.
And there was a mosquito.
čiišaáʾA xás weneeNIhtakuuxaáNA.
Here it was a mosquito the one that married her!
na sápat nootuninuʾá.
And the woman then she became afraid of him.
She ran outside.