XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Scalped Man and

the Hunter's Wife

Dan Howling Wolf

áxkux wiítA witiwaákoʾ -- kuwituuxAxaáʾA kaakaátš --
One a man he said -- he was named Little Crow --
noowitiwaákoʾ wah čikiisíšWA.
then he said: "Now let's go off!
sištaaNAxwéʾ číkuʾ tsástš.
Let's look for it some meat!
tátskaʾ aataraaWIhkaʾiišátA tuuháʾ.
I want that I go hunting over there!"

Then they (du) went off.
nooWIšitikaataʾíWA niiʾAhnawaraawaáWI
Then they (du) went back into it where there were woods
AhnuxkAhunuuwaaWIhú NAhnunáhtš.
where they used to roam in the woods deer.
They (du) put up a lodge
Then they (du) put up a lodge.
sapaahnáʾU noowiteekanookUxítIt.
The woman then she began to put up the lodge.

wah wetiihíʾ hiíš.
"Now it is evening.
Let me go hunting!"

nootíʾAt nootitinaakírut nootiraaWIhkaʾiíšAt.
Then he went, then he took his gun, then he went hunting.

tsu naahtakúʾU noowitikAhíNIt.
But his wife then she made a fire.
wehnetkataʾaáh- NA Ahnunaahiwaarikú
As she walked by the fire while she was fixing things
AhnetkataʾaáhNA číkuʾ niikohnuúta tireewaáta niiʾAhnaakaáWI.
her walking by the fire, whatever she did she looked where the lodge was.
aNAhaápI witUsaakawiíʾuʾ na inoó
(On) a tree there was a branch and there
nikuwitiisanaanuučítA tshunúxuʾ.
that one had his chin on a limb a scalped man.
witipAxkót WIšititkAhaáhtA sčiríhtš AhnitčiríkUx tsu tiʾAhnawánu.
He wore on his head it had ears (du) coyote as he watched her but as she went around.

nuutirinuʾá sápat.
Then she became frightened the woman.
tsu xaátš šitehnúxta.
Meanwhile a dog they (du) must have had it.
Then it was becoming angry.
nuu- kuwitireewáʾAt.
It looked that way.

tsu NAhkureewaataáNA apAhníniʾ noowititčiríkUx.
But when she would look furtively then he watched her.
inoó nikuwitíʾ tshunúxuʾ.
There he was one a scalped man.
wehnetkataʾaáhNA nootiirút kaatarátš apAhníniʾ.
As she walked by he fire then she picked it up an axe furtively.
nootiʾús teškúNIt.
Then she laid it close by.
wewiteesšawitaRAhtškootíhuʾ aaxihWIsá neeNAhtakúʾU parúNIt aaxihWIsá.
Now she was deathly anxious 'that you come back' her husband, 'quickly that you return.'

wewitIsakuuniíšAt tsu NAhkureewaataáNA na siíno noowititčiriikáwa.
It was now sundown, but when she would look and yet then he watched her.
tsu xaátš noowitiroohaanaánuʾ tiʾAhnaákUx.
But the dog then it was becoming angry as it sat there.

a či wešeénaʾ kuNAhúx.
And here he came the old man!

wehnaáʾa tiwehnareewaataáNA noowituhkúxAx.
As he came when he looked then he ran off.
kana- witíʾ nakuuteéRIt iNAhaapaáWI noowitiihUhkaʾišwaahaákuʾ
One could not see him: those trees he was running among the trees
nuu wehnaátA.
there as he went.
Then he ran away.

noowitiwaákoʾ sápat wah nooNUxtaanaáNIš siškaa- ʾíšWA.
Then she said the woman: "Now right away let us go home!"

nikunootuúta nooWIšiteekAhčíWAt
Then that is what she did: then they (du) took the tent down,
nooWIšitikawáNIt nooWIšitehtakUhunaanátut nooWIšiteekaaʾišwáʾ.
then they (du) hitched (the team), then they (du) loaded their gear, then they (du) came home.

noowitiwaákoʾ kuNAhúx aa tičé noʾ.
Then he said the old man: "Ah, what is it?"

noowitiwaákoʾ sápat kaakunaáhe iinatuuxItka- taʾaáhNA.
Then she said the woman: "It was not good where I was around the fire.
neeneetireewaáta niiNAhaápI na inoó iiNAhaakawiiʾátA
I looked where the tree was, and there where there was a branch
inoó neečirikoosaʾaáhuʾ tshunúxuʾ.
there he was looking over it a scalped man
wah nikutiraačítA neeneekuurinuʾá na parúNIt aaxiína.
Now this is the reason I became afraid, and 'quickly I wish you would come.'
wetikoosšawitaRAhtškootíhuʾ aaxihWIsá.
I was deathly anxious 'that you return.'
neeneetiirút kaatarátš.
I picked it up the axe.
neeneetiʾús teskúNIt.
I laid it close by.
na inoo šiinaawiína a neeteepAxkásAt.
"And there if you come aggressively for me, and I'll split your head."

nikutiraačítA tiweNAxihWIsá tiweNAsihkUxaáxI.
"That is why after you returned our (du) running away.
It is not good.
či nawanúʾ aniiháʾ tshunúxuʾ.
Here he is around there a scalped man!
neečiíNI čikištaaWIhkaʾiišátA kooxikuuhunáx.
Especially when you go hunting somewhere he will find me."

Then they (du) came home.
Then they (du) arrived.
noo- WIšitunaaʾít niiháʾ tshunúxuʾ šitikuuxunáx
Then they (du) told it: "There a scalped man he found us (du)
iiháʾ iišinatúxkUx tinaákUx nuxtaaWIhkaʾaáhNA.
there where we were this one after he had gone hunting.
na neešiineetuhkUxwáʾAx na neešiineetihkaaʾišwáʾ.
And we ran away and we came home."