XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Man on Horseback

and the Scalped Man

Dan Howling Wolf

Then they just went on a group hunt.
nuu wehnaraanátA číkuʾ noowitiitUhwiítIt hiíš.
There as they went, then they made camp somewhere in the evening.

Then they scattered.
toxtaahnaaWIhkaʾiíšAt.– na noo- witiRAhkawátAt.
"Let's go hunting!"– And then they got out.
na witiraaničitawiítIt.
And they mounted.
Then they went.

nuu weNAhunuúWI áxkUx wiítA číkuʾ niikoh-
There while they went around one man, whatever the
nuúʾUt teekaaʾiíšaʾ.
matter was, he went home.
noowitiwískaʾ toxkaaʾiíšAt.
Then he thought "Let me go home!"

nuu wehnaaʾá witiwaraataáwe.
There when he was coming there were trees on the slope.
wehnačitaátA xaawaarúxtiʾ noowitikataRUxaáhuʾ witohneewaníku.
As he went onto (the hill) the horse then it was snorting as it was throwing itself back.

čą́ą́ tičé nuúʾUt.
"Hey, what is the matter?"

witikataRUxaáhuʾ iiʾAhnawaraateéhAt iiʾAh- nawaraataaweéRA.
It was snorting where the edge of the trees was where trees were on the slope.
nuu wehnaátA witikatAxá tuuháʾ iiʾAhnawaraateéhAt.
There when he went he was beside it over there where the woods'edge was.
He continued.
nuu iiʾAhnawaraahunáhWI tiwísAt.
There where the border of the woods was he arrived.
The woods were not thick.

tiwehnaátA noowitireewaáta.
As he went then he looked.
noowituuteéRIt sáhniš na inoowitiíkUx.
There he saw him a person and there he sat.
noowitíʾ tshunúxuʾ.
It was a scalped man.
witipAx- kót sčiríhtš.
He wore a head- dress coyote.
It had two ears.
His eyes (du) were strange.
His face was strange.
witiraaníšta tinaátš.
He held them a bow (and arrows).

hą́ą́ číRA.
"Hey, hello!"

nikunoowituutUhuunapítaahAt wehnakUxiriwátAt.
Then that one swung around as he jumped up.
tikUx- kaʾuúkUt niiháʾ.
He ran in the brush there.
He certainly could run!

Then he made it run.
wenaátA noowitireewaáta iiʾAhnawaraataaweerooʾátA.
As he was going then he looked where the woods sloped upwards.
noowituuteéRIt sáhniš.
Then he saw him a person.
Then he disappeared over the hill.
nootiihUhkatáʾAt niiʾAhneehuuniišátA.
Then he ran up the hill where he went the hill.

nuu wehnawanú číkuʾ kanawituuteéRIt
There while he was going around he did not see anything
iwehnawanú AhnatoonaahkataʾaáhNA Ahna-
while he was going around where he was on the hillside where
waanaanúhAt AhnareewatíRA číkuʾ niikohnáʾAt.
the hills extended as he looked wherever he went.

áxkUx wiítA taanikuwitsuuxeéRIt tshunúxuʾ teškúNIt.
One man this is where he saw him a scalped man close by.
weneeNAhuniiwíʾIs weniiniNUhatkú xaawaarúxtiʾ číkuʾ nootehnuxwaraakáʾAt.
All of a sudden when it was frightened by him the horse then he must have gone off in the woods.
wituh- náʾA xaawaarútiʾ AhnuuNUxtaaninó.
He was the cause the horse its being fearful of him.