XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Grasshopper, Ant, and

Mosquito Go on the Warpath

Dan Howling Wolf

noowitiraáNAt naawiinakuúnuʾ kaápiš na pitáruʾ na xás.
Then they went (on) the warpath Grasshopper and Ant and Mosquito.
nuu weeNAhunuúWI AhniinaaWIhka- ʾaáhNA noowitipsiʾaanuuxítIt.
There while they were traveling while they were hunting, then it began to get cold.
Then it rained.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaápiš wah toxtaahNAhkaaʾiíšAt.
Then he said Grasshopper: "Now let's go home!
aaxtóh wekaakunaáhe.
Certainly it is not good!
It is raining."

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh.
Then he said: "Fine."

uu witIhoorút.
Oh, it was muddy.

kaápiš noowitiwaákoʾ wititoxtaakawireéhAs.
Grasshopper then he said: "Let's get ready!"

noowitiwaákoʾ nawáh.
Then he said: "Alright."

uu kaápiš číkuʾ wekuwituutAxuúʾIt.
Oh, Grasshopper his feet were big (with mud).
hoorúhtuʾ wewituutAxáRIt wehnuutAxtatatAhuutaweéNA.
The mud now he just stood there its having stuck to his feet.
wewituu- tAxáRIt.
Now he just stood there.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah.
Then he said: "Now."

noowitUtkaaxá AhnaWIskáʾA aatarooʾaáhNA hoorúhtuʾ.
Then he lifted his leg his wishing 'I want to take it off the mud.'
wehnuutAxtatatAhuuteéNA čiríkU noo- witooNUtkaasaríkUt.
Its having stuck to his foot, poor thing, then he pulled his leg off.
Then he fell over.
Then he died.

noo pitáruʾ na xás nooWIšitUtkeeriiwaápI kaápiš.
Then Ant and Mosquito then they (du) wrapped him up Grasshopper.

nooWIšitiwaákoʾ wah siškaáWI kaápiš.
Then they (du) said: "Now let's bury him Grasshopper!

nooWIšitihkaáWI kaápiš.
Then he was buried by them (du) Grasshopper.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah seenuuxUhuhčitstawáʾ na neesíh- WA.
Then he said: "Now let's cry awhile and then we will go.
We are left now."

nawáh weWIšitičikAxwaáRIt.
Now they (du) stood there crying.

hawá nooNUsuxtaánuʾ.
"Also let that be all!
Let's stop crying!
nooNUsux- taánuʾ.
Let that be all!
nawáh tuusíšWA.
Now, let's go on!"

Then they (du) began getting themselves ready.
pitáruʾ noowititeeNUsthuneépI.
Ant then he put a belt on himself.
wenuutaáNA čiríkU noowititohnuusaríkUt pitáruʾ.
When he did it, poor thing, then he broke his rump off Ant.
hawá witikotwiʾuúhAt.
Also he fell over dead.

noowituuniíWIs xás.
Then he remained Mosquito.
uu witičikAxwanúʾ xás.
Oh, he went around crying Mosquito.

noowitiwískaʾ tooxUhuhkaáWI na neeteéʾAt.
Then he thought: "Let me bury you first and I'll go!
wetAxkuuniíWIs skána.
Now you are left alone.
skána wetAtkaaʾiišúhtA.
Alone now I am going to go home."

nawáh noowitíʾAt.
Now then he went.
Then he dug a hole.
noowitUt- keeniiwaápI pitáruʾ na noowitikaáWI.
Then he wrapped him up Ant and then he buried him.

noowitiwískaʾ wah tooxUhuhčítstaʾ áxkUx na neeteekaaʾiíšAt.
Then he thought: "Now let me at least cry once and then I'll go home!
wah tAxkuuniíWIs.
Now you are left."

Now he stood there crying
Then he ceased crying
noowi- tootIsiNItskaaʾaáhuʾ.
Then water was running from his nose.
noowituúta witiʾaatoo- NIsUxkohnanooʾaáhNA na
Then he did it: wanting 'that I clean my nose' and
noowititiisiNIstuuníkUt noowititiisiNIstaríkUt.
then he took hold of his nose, then he pulled his nose off.
čiríkU hawá witikotwiʾuúhAt.
Oh my, also he fell over dead.

a xás tákuʾ niikohniškaáWI na
And Mosquito it is not known who buried him, and
tákuʾ niikohnoxtaaʾiitUxtiwísaʾ aniwenaraanunáhAs
it is not known who brought the story back (of) their dying
nuxunuúWI naawiinakuúnuʾ.
when they went (on) the warpath.