XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Stays In The Lodge Dressed In

Finery and The Horse Raiding Party

Dan Hopkins

wetatuuniitíštA tshaahkaákUx.
Now I am going to tell about him Stays In The Lodge Dressed In Finery.

niiháʾ nuuxitUhnoowiisákUx niisuxtaanéhku čišwátU
There where the village was by the bank, the one called Fishhook,
iiháʾ nuuxitúhkUx itUhpakúhtuʾ weNAhkuraanátA
there where the village used to be the old village, after they went
naawiinakuúnuʾ na witaRAhwísaʾ.
(on) the warpath, and they came back.

wenehkuRAhkaawaáhu čiWIhákUx na tshaahkaákUx
When they were dancing Victory dance and Stays Inside
itáhniʾ noowitiraanihAxtsaʾiitikUxítIt aataraa- NAsawé.
his sisters then they began to join in the dancing (wanting) 'that we might be among them.'
Then they were opposed to it.
Axtóh tAxiniinaákUx ánas.
"Certainly you (pl) have living a brother.
na tikawátAt.
Let him get out!"

wah niikohniiraawiiʾót noowitiwaákoʾ tshaahkaákUx noowituhnaʾít
Now sometime later then he said Stays Inside, then he asked him
hiʾáxtiʾ wah šišwakAhuutáʾ natihnaáʾU wetiiwóʾ
his father: "Now call out: 'My son he is going
naawiinakuúnuʾ nakuWIskáʾA toosuxtata- táʾ.
(on) the warpath, whoever wants it "Let me follow him!"
Axtóh kanohneswaawiíšuʾ.
Surely he doesn't know things.
kaNUsunaaNIswaa- wiíšuʾ atsú noonaahkoohaahkaʾá.
He doesn't know the lay of the land, but then he'll go around on the prairie.'"

Then that is what he did.

Then they banded together.
wah toxtaapóʾ.
Now let us all be going!
šikoosiiteéRIt čiraátoʾ tičé nuutaaníštA.
We will see him to see what he is going to do."

Then they got out.
Then they went.
nuu tiraaNIs- waátAt.
There they went out of the village.
nootiraáNAt híNAx.
Then they went at night.

wehnaraanátA noowitiihaahtawiítIt.
As they went then it became daylight.
niikohnaRAh- wísAt niiwehnaraanátA.
It is not known where they arrived where they went.
wenaraanátA wenaraa- nátA nootiitáke.
As they went, as they went, then they stayed overnight.
It became dark.
noo- witiwaákoʾ koxteeraahnaanúʾAt na NAheešá štoh nooteeraapóʾ.
Then he said: "We will camp and in the morning again then we'll go on."

tiwenehkitkAxítIt wenehkitkáwa atsú tinaákUx tshaahkaákUx
After they went to sleep after they slept, but this Stays Inside
noowitikawátAt sčiríhtš weNAhkuʾaáNA.
then he got out a coyote after he became.
uu tiihuuwiraaʾaaNIšítIt.
Oh, he began to run all over.
nuu tiroosaWIstuúWA.
There he sized things up.

wah wewitiihaahtiwiitíkuʾ.
Now it was becoming dawn.
Then he lay down (to sleep).
Then he slept.
atsú tinawaaríčI AhnišWIskáʾA kaakuhneesiíšuʾ
But these while they were thinking, "He does not know the way
naawiinakuúnuʾ nakuuwaawanú na noowitiišá sčiríhtš
the warpath to be going around," and there it lay a coyote
AhnétkA tshaahkaákUx wehnétkA.
its sleeping, Stays Inside when he slept.

They ate.
štoh nootiraaNAxwíʾaxIt.
Again then they started out.

nuu wenaraanátA wenaraanátA nikuwituutaánuʾ niiNAhkuwiitikú.
There as they went, as they went, he was doing that when he was stopping.
niiNAhkuwiitikú nikuwituutaánuʾ witinehkiísA natsú noowitikawátAt.
When he was stopping he was doing that: when they lay down, and then he got out.
anuú noowi- tíʾAt.
And there then he went.
atsú wewituhneswaawiíšuʾ tsu tinaraanoótA kanawitihneswaawiíšuʾ– niiweNAhkuutAxitikú.
And now he knew everything, but these (others) they did not know– what was happening.
tsu– wituhneesiíšuʾ.
But– he knew.

tiwenaraanátA nooWIšitiiteéRIt kuúNUx.
While they were going then they saw it a bear.

na šiišuxkoótIt kuúNUx.
"Now you (pl) kill it the bear!"

aninawaaríčI WIšitihkoótIt.
Those they killed it.

wah šuuNUxukáWAt.
"Now skin it!
škunuuNUxukáWAt atíštIt.
Skin it for me well!"

nooWIšitiinukawatuuxítIt kuúNUx.
Then they began to skin it the bear.
Then they stretched it out.

noowitiwaákoʾ koxtooxUhuunaahnaanúʾAt.
Then he said: "We will stay here awhile!
číkuʾ pítkUx koxtakuusuuxUhuunaaké wenataahIšikú.
Perhaps two we will stay nights while it is drying!"

noowititaahíš pítkUx wehniisuuxakeeéNA.
Then it was dry two after they had remained nights.
tinaákUx tshaahkaákUx nootuutiriiwaápI kuúNUx.
This Stays Inside then he folded it up the bear (hide).
wenuutiriiwaapíhA nootitáhpA niiweNAhku- raanátA.
After he folded it, then he put it on his back when they were going.

tsu tinawaaríčI wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ
But these young men then one (of them) said:
číkuʾ niinooNAhkuuroóku wenakuraáhNA.
"Whatever is he doing with it what he has?
naraáhNA kuúNUx niinooNAhkuuroóku.
The one he has bear whatever is he doing with it?
na niikoh- naróxtA.
And whatever it he going to do with it?

atsú tinaákUx tshaahkaákUx wewituhneesiíšuʾ.
But this Stays Inside he knew (what they said).
Now he was pondering things.

wenaraanátA wah noowitiitáke.
While they were going, now then they stayed overnight.
wenehkuutakeéNA noowiteewaraáNIt kuúNUx weNAhkutaahIšikú.
When they stayed overnight then he opened it out the bear (skin) while he was drying it.
na čituúʾuʾ wititaahíš.
And entirely it was dry.

tsu wititahpiiná niiNAhkuraanátA.
But he carried it on his back wherever they went.
noo- wititahpiiná.
Then he carried it on his back.

na nooWIšitiinitUhnunáx.
And then they found a village.
na aNAhiswikaá- WI noowiteeraaníhIt
And its being a box canyon there was a single way
niiʾaNAhuwaátU niiʾAh- naRAhnuúpo.
where the entrance was where they were going in (and out).

wenaraanoótA wehnihnaasštáWI tikatiisiʾá.
While they were sitting while they watched it got dark.
šeenoowitičiškataWAhnaáhuʾ piikaawá aNAhaxtawíkUx.
Then it was plainly whinnying stallion one that was picketed.
It was whinnying.

na niiháʾ tshaahkaákUx nootikáWAt neesítš.
And there Stays Inside then he took it out a knife.
Then he stuck it upright.
wah tákuʾ niikooNAxíʾ wiítA šuxwít anináWI neesítš.
"Now whoever of you is one a man take it up that knife!"

noowiteetariiwaátaʾ áxkUx.
Then he came out (of the group) one.
"I'll be the one."
neesítš nootiwít.
The knife then he took it out.

uunaaríčI áxkUx noowiteetariiwaátaʾ.
Another one then he came out (of the group).
wah niikoNAxWIskáʾ aaxuutaáNA.
"Now whatever you want 'that you do it.'"

noowitiwaákoʾ tshaahkaákUx nawáh wešitAxWAhúhtA nuuháʾ nii
Then he said Stays Inside: "Now you (du) will now go there where
piikaawá načiškataWAhnaáhu.
the stallion the one is whinnying.
weši- tAxisiRAxíštA.
Now you (du) are going to lead it."

nikunooWIšituúta nooWIšitíWA.
Then they (du) did that: then they (du) went.
Then they (du) reached the edge of the village.
iinaaríčI piikaawá nooWIšitIhaxtaríkUt.
That stallion then they (du) untied the rope.
nooWIši- toosiRAxá niinaraanoótA.
Then they (du) led it where they were.
They came back.

aniiháʾ nikunooteewaraáNIt kuúNUx.
Right there then he opened out that one bear.
niku- nootiraakAxíštoʾ sUxíniʾ niiháʾ niiweeNUstareepíhA
Then he tightened that one on the mouth there where he tied it
tsu wešitiitaáhUt weWIšitiitáhUt kuuNUxskarútš.
but they (du) clung to it they (du) clung to it the bear robe.

nooWIšitiisiráxAt xaawaarúxtiʾ nuu nii- neétAt niiNAhuwaátU.
Then they (du) took it the horse there where the village was where the entrance was.
They arrived leading it.
Then they turned it loose.

xaawaarúxtiʾ piikaawá tiwenakaskawíhA wenuuteéRIt kuúNUx
The horse stallion when it looked back when it saw it bear
natakUxtaáhNA tehnoohUhkatawií- hAt xaawaarúxtiʾ
the one it had on its back it chased them around (in a circle) the horses
tiiʾAhnaRAhkaáWI AhnuutitUhtaa- kákUx.
these that were inside where the village circled around.

a tákuʾ tehnooxuhkaáʾ.
And someone must have run outside.
WIšitiinawiríWI xaawaarúxtiʾ.
They knocked him down the horses.

nooWIšitiiNAhnaaWIsítIt xaawaarúxtiʾ anuú weši- niiNAhnátA.
Then they (du) drove them out the horses there as they (du) drove them.
WIšitiituuníkUt piikaawá.
They caught it the stallion.
WIšitiinoóʾa aNUsuxtakUxtaáhNA.
They took it the one it carried on its back.

noowitihnaanawaʾuuníkUt xaawaarúxtiʾ.
Then they each caught one a horse.
nootiina- náʾAx.
Then they ran with them.
nootiinuuwáʾAx nuu wenaraána híNAx.
Then they fled there as they came at night.
It became daylight.

wekuwituhnaaʾúʾ niikohnuuxawé.
It continued however many days.
Then they arrived.

noowitiwaákoʾ tshaahkaákUx waaxtóh kaakíʾ nakúʾU naahukoósuʾ
Then he said Stays Inside: "Now surely one nee d not be a brave,
tsu nakoosšUhuniiwaʾuúxU nikutíʾ nakuutaánu.
but (by) being knowledgeable one can do that."

na taanikuwituúta xaawaarúxtiʾ wešineeNAh- níWIsa.
And this is what he did the horses when they brought them back.
xaawaarúxtiʾ WIšitehkaništiwísaʾ.
Horses they brought a herd back.
na niku- šitihtaraʾóʾ tshaahkaákUx niiwehnuutaáNA.
And that is the one they talked about Stays Inside what he did.

Then they began to dance.
na niiháʾ nikunooteeRAh- kaahUxítIt itáhniʾ weNAhkuraanihAxtsaʾiitikú.
And there then that is where they began dancing his sister when they joined in the dancing.