XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Singing Coyote

Dan Hopkins

wah tatunaaʾiitíštA naawiinakuúnuʾ Ahnux- taanátA.
Now I am going to tell about it (on) the warpath when they went.

tiwenaraanátA tiwenaraanátA anuú tii- táke.
After they went on, after they went on there they stayed overnight.
hawá štoh tAheéšaʾ.
Also again morning came.
Then they went on.

wenaraanátA nuu nootiitáke.
When they went there then they stayed overnight.
hawá štoh tAheéšaʾ.
Also again morning came.
Then they went on.
noowenaraanátA tsu čiričeeríšuʾ tiRAhwóʾ
Then when they went, but the advance scouts they were going
hináxtIt weNAhkiihaahtiwiitikú.
early in the morning when it was becoming daylight.
Then they lay down on (a hill).
tsu wetiraáNAt a nootaraánaʾ.
But now they went on and then they came on.
wah siíno číkuʾ kaakiraahunuuwá.
"Now yet there is not anything going about.

wah niiwekohniihawé čirá táWIt čirá čiitíʾIš
Now it isn't known how many nights it was perhaps three, perhaps four
nuuwenaraanátA noowenaRAhkataátA wenawaanaáhkUx wenaRAhčitáxA.
their going there as they went up there where hills were clustered as they lay on top.

hUhtiísuʾ– wewitoosaahtáʾ.
Finally– the sun rose.
nikunooWIšitiinátkoʾ anuuháʾ sAhaahníniʾ wenaraanáʾU --
Then they heard this there in the valley as it sang --
wenaraanáʾU sAhaahníniʾ.
as it sang in the valley.
wah taanikutiwaákoʾ.
Now this is what it said: .

nátkuʾ kooxaahkaahunaanáWA.
Merely the earth will go on.
tinakaahunaanawáNA tatuuNUxkaahunaaninoohuʾ.
This earth extending I was afraid of the earth.
aki hi e re he o.

aniwenawakUhtaátA noowitiRAsawiraáʾAt a noowitiišá
After it had finished singing then they went down and there it was lying
sčiríhtš wehnariWAhteekoótI.
a coyote one that had starved to death.
There it had no teeth.
There its intestines were drawn in.

a nikuwitiwaákoʾ anuú kooxaahkaahunaanúʾAt.
And this is what it sang: "There the earth will go on.
tinakaahunaanoótA tatuuNUxkaahunaaninóʾ.
This earth extending I was afraid of the earth."

na niiháʾ– nooWIšititčiskakúx niikóh- noʾ.
And there– then they put it around its neck whatever it was.
naawiínuʾ witičiRAhpAhaáʾAt.
A (piece of) cloth it was red.

niiháʾ nootiraáNAt.
There then they went on.
aniwenaraanátA nooši- tiináčeʾ na štoh nootuhnaanapítaahAt.
After they went on, then they counted coups on them, and again then they turned around.
wewitinaahukoóʾUs wešiniináče.
Now they were brave after they counted coups on them.
wewita- RAhwísaʾ.
Now they came back.