XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Coyote and Spotted Calf

Dan Hopkins

wetatunaaʾiitíštA sčiríhtš.
Now I am going to tell about it Coyote.
sčiríhtš weta- tunaaʾiitíštA wehnuuteéRIt aniipáhAt
Coyote now I am going to tell about it when he saw him a calf
AhnohtawaaríčI AhnohkaraniíNU.
a spotted one, a spotted one.

Then he began to spy on him.
niikohnatootaaníštA nakuútA niiNAxuutuúʾA.
"Whatever am I going to do to be as you are?"

Then he forgot.
noowitíʾAt niiʾAhnaaríčI aniipáhAt wehnaátA.
Then he went where he stood Calf as he went.

atsú tinaaríči aniipáhAt noowitiwískaʾ číkuʾ nii-
And this Calf then he thought: "Whatever
nooNAxkuutaánu sčiríhtš.
are you doing, Coyote?
tiNAxiína tAxíʾ aawaanúx.
You coming here, you are foxy."

noowitiwaákoʾ sčiríhtš hee tihwačeehUxuúkuʾ iwaaníRIš inaániʾ
Then he said Coyote: "Eh, they always say: 'His uncle his brother
kanohnaaʾiitawíštA niinakuútA nohtawaa- ríčI.
he is not going to tell you how it is his having spots.'
nootatiraatóxwoʾ NAxihkaraniíNU.
I just admire the way your having spots."

na noowitiwaákoʾ aniipáhAt wah Axtóh číkuʾ kaa- kiraačitéʾ.
And then he said Calf: "Now certainly it is not difficult.
Axtóh kaakiraačitéʾ.
Surely it is not difficult.
niitiwenatuútA nikukooxuúʾUt.
As I am you will be that way.
na inoošuutaáNA itohnaaʾiitawíhA IšuutaáNA nikukooxuúʾUt niitiwenatuútA.
And if you do it as I tell you, if you do it, you will be this way as I am."

nootihnaaʾiitáWI wah šuxtsačipí nátš.
Then he told him: "Now gather them sticks!"

Then he gathered them.

wah šuxkuNIstoohaásAt.
"Now strike a fire!
na wewitiišiskukáʾus.
And throw yourself in the fire!
na Išwaakaáhuʾ škuuNUxtawaaríčit.
And you'll say: 'Let me be spotted!
Let me be spotted!'"

na nikunoowituúta.
And then that is what he did.
nuu nootIhuúNIt.
There then he burned.
noowiteečišwakaRAsáʾ sčiríhtš.
Then he screamed Coyote.

noowitiwaákoʾ uukutAxwaakaáhuʾ.
Then he said: "Be saying the other.
na tiwaakaáhuʾ škuuNUxtawaaríčit.
Be saying: 'Let me be spotted!
Let me be spotted!'"

tsu tinaaríčI aniipáhAt nootuhkúxAx nuuwena-
But this Calf then he ran away, his running
kUxátA nuuwenakUxátA.
from there, his running from there.

atsú tinaaríči sčiríhtš nootIhuúNIt.
But this Coyote then he burned.
nuuwehnakUxátA aniipáhAt atsú nuunaaríčI sčiríhtš noowitičiRIhtakáʾAx.
As he ran off Calf, but that Coyote then his eye burst.
Then it missed him.

hawá uukunoowitikúxAt.
Also then he ran another way.
hawá uunakatAhkáʾU noowitičiRIhtakáʾAx.
Also on the other side then the eye burst.
tsu nootuhkúxAx čeésuʾ aniipáhAt.
But then he ran off too Calf.

anuuwehnakUxátA atsú sčiríhtš nootIhuúNIt.
After he had run off, but Coyote then he burned.
nootitsaraniíta sčiríhtš.
Then he became charred Coyote.