XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


How Bear Man Became a Chief

Matthew White Bear

tihwačiʾaáhuʾ nakiituunúʾa a nootihwáčiʾ toosuxtaahnáʾAt atikhunaánuʾ.
They always say there was a village, and then they said: "Let's go get them ground beans!"

nikunoowitiisá wehnaRAhwaraakaʾiišátA
Then that is what they did: when they went into the woods,
noowitihnáʾAt atikhunaánuʾ.
then they went after them ground beans.

atsú pítkUx suúnaaxuʾ WIšitíʾa šinakuraaNIš- tíRA.
But two young women there were (du) their (du) being friends.
noowitiikaNItkákUx wešohnaaWIswáNA.
There was a (big) stone when they (du) arrived.
uu kanawitaaxiraaNIhuúʾU nihnakanítkUx.
Oh, there were many indeed where the stone was!

noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx nuusuxtaakáhAt natsí tikiitUstaakáhAt.
Then she said one: "You go around it that way and I will go around this other way!
Thus we will see each other."

áxkUx nooweNUstaakáhAt číkuʾ kanawituuteéRIt niišohnuxtaateewaníkA.
One when she went around it she did not see her at all as they (du) had planned.
nuuwitiiwísAt nihnaraawíʾa a nookanawitíʾ.
She arrived there where the end was, and she was not there.

na nootiRAxweesítIt.
And then she started looking for her.
číkuʾ wetehnaaxkúʾAt.
"Perhaps you might have gone somewhere."

iinaahwaawaaríčI číkuʾ šikananaaxUsuuxeéRIt.
Those standing here and there yonder: "Have you seen anything of her?"

They had not seen her.

wehnaRAhkaaʾišwáNA nootikaaʾiíšAt Isáxtiʾ niiʾAhnaanunuunakaáWI.
After they had gone home, then she went (t the) home (of) her mother where hers lived.

noowitiwaákoʾ číkuʾ kaakaaWIsaáhuʾ.
Then she said: "She has not returned."

Then it became a long time.

natsú suúnaaxuʾ -- a ci šeenunuunáka kuúNUx
But the young woman -- and here it was its lodge a bear
iiʾAhnakanítkUx kaNItkúsuʾ.
where the rock was the big rock.
nikunoowitiisiRAxuú- kAt.
That is where it had taken her inside.

atsú tiraawitariíʾIs naaʾiikáWIš.
But it is fast fairy tale.

tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ nootesčirikuʾá noowi- tíroʾ piiráʾuʾ.
This young woman then she became pregnant, then she bore it a baby.
a noowitíʾ wiináxtš.
And then it was a boy.

wah tiwenawanú wiináxtš wehnaRAxáhAt wehnaasš-
Now as time went on the boy when he grew up, as he be-
keeriítIt wiináxtš noowitinakuuteéRIt nikunoowitiraanúx.
came aware (of things), the boy when he looked at himself then that one was hairy.
naaNIhúhtš wituúʾUt.
A little it was.
atsú noowituu- teéRIt hiʾáxtiʾ noowitiraánux čituúʾuʾ.
But then he looked at him his father: then he was hairy all over.
na Isáxtiʾ noowituuteéRIt kanawituúʾUt.
And his mother then he looked at her: she was not that way.

noowituhnoohuuniraanoosítIt Išáxtiʾ.
Then he began to question her his mother.
nootuh- naʾít tičé nuúʾUt tiiháʾ kaakAhnaánux
Then he asked her: "Why is it here I am not hairy
naáNIt na kaneeneeširaánux atsú atíʾAx nuuniwaraanuúxU čituúʾuʾ.
really and you are not hairy, but my father his being hairy all over?"

atsú šáxtiʾ nootiniinaaʾít niiʾAhnaraačitawiítIt.
But his mother then she told him what the reason was.

witiwaákoʾ wiináxtš hawáh nikuʾaáNA wiiteešútš koxtikoótIt.
He said the boy: "Alright, when I become a young man I will kill him."

nikunootuutaanuuxítIt wehnaaWIsitikú hiʾáxtiʾ nikunootešwiitikUxítIt.
Then that is what he began doing: when he was going out his father, then he began tracking him.

wetiraawitariíʾIs naaʾiikáWIš.
Now it is fast the story.

noowiwituhnóʾ napáhAt nakupAxteépI hiʾáxtiʾ
Then he made for himself a club to hit him on the head his father
wenehkuranaʾá číkuʾ NAhkuxkootíkA NAhnunáhtš.
when he brought it after he had killed something a deer.
wehnaahuúka AhneešwaaWIhuúka tipAxtaʾiwát.
When he came inside, when he came crawling inside he hit him on the head.
Then he killed him.

Then they (du) ran out of it.
Then they (du) ran away.
nooWIšitiwísWA iiʾAhneetúhkUx hi Išáxtiʾ
Then they (du) arrived there where the village was, and her mother
niiʾAhnaanunuunakaáWI nooWIšitiwísWA.
where her lodge was then they (du) arrived there.

nootiwakaraanúʾAt atíʾAx atináʾ tiweneetihwísaʾ.
Then she called out: "Father, mother, I have returned.
Here I stand."

They (du) doubted her words.
hUhtiísuʾ nooWIšitiisaakeeríWAt.
Finally then they (du) opened the door for her.
Then they (du) went inside.
wetsiRAxá wiináxtš.
She had with her the boy.

Now he began going among them.
wetitaʾiwanúʾ wiináxtš wewitinihnaNAhuúNU piirátš.
Now he was going among them the boy while they were playing the children.
noowitanuu- noohUhtaRAhčiíšIt tsu tákuʾ noowitiraʾá.
His ways were rough (ie he played roughly), and then he would hurt someone.

hUhtiísuʾ– nooWIšitiininoosítIt.
Finally– they began to fear him
kanaWIšitihWIskáʾ axtáwe.
Then they did not think: "You should be among us."
Then they began to shun him.

tsu noowituhneesiíšuʾ áriišIt.
But then he knew it (what they were thinking) himself.

nootuhnaʾít Išáxtiʾ nootatiiwískaʾ číkuʾ tuuku- ʾaataátA.
Then he told her his mother: "I just think that I ought to go somewhere.
čukú nuukunoxtíʾAt skána.
I will go someplace alone.
iinawaapIsštAh- weéšU šikooxikúhnoʾ nakuraáhNA.
Where there is a blacksmith they will make it for me for me to have it."

nikunootuutá Išáxtiʾ nootíʾAt.
Then that is what she did his mother: then she went.
Then they made it.

wehnuutuuníkUt noowitiwaákoʾ kaakatáRIš.
When he took hold of it, then he said: "It is not heavy.
noošinikuusúhtoʾ AhnakuRIhuúNU.
Let them make me another one to be so big."

nikunootuúta nooWIšitihnóʾ saxtš ahwiti- RIhuúʾU ihnaWIskáʾA.
Then he did that: then they made it a little it was somewhat big what he wanted.
Then he quickly disappeared.

nuuwenaátA nuuwenawanú iiʾAh- nawaraákUx
As he was going there as he was going around there where there were trees
noowitíʾAt ihnawaraákUx.
then he went where there were trees.

nuuwituuteéRIt sáhniš wehnaáʾa.
There he saw him a person as he came.
niinakUhaápI číkuʾ niikanawitaanunuunáʾ.
Where a tree was it was nothing to him.
nikuwitíʾ šinihnéhku tuuwirítš.
That was the one the one they call Whirlwind.
That was the one.

Then they (du) found each other.

noowitiwískaʾ kuúNUx tsu nikuneetuútuʾ NAxiína.
Then he thought Bear: "But I am like that one, you who come."

nooWIšitiituhnaaníštoʾ šinakuutíRA.
Then they (du) befriended each other their (du) being together.

Then they (du) went on.
a nuuwešohnawáNA noowitanuhnaanuNAhkataʾá áxkUx.
And then as they (du) were going then he was in front of them another one.
NAhkuxkanítkUx wituuxáWIs kaNItkúsuʾ noowituhnaaNAsaapiraawaawánikuʾ.
Where a stone was it was even a big stone, then he would be rolling it around.

noowitiwískaʾ kuúNUx kunatehkuutuúʾA iiNAxaahwanú.
Then he thought Bear: "I am just like (ie as good as) you going around there yonder."

Then they (du) arrived.
Then they were the ones who got together.
táWIt nootuhnaanuuxítIt.
Three then they started to number.

a nuuwenaraanátA áxkUx nooWIšitihnunáx.
And when they went on there another then they found him.
There he was going around.

naákUx weWIšitihnaʾít NUtkaNIhnaaNIsaapiraawánikUx.
The one now they named him Stone Roller.
natsú čiitíʾIš wenáʾU weWIšitihnaʾít titaRAhčíš.
And the fourth his being now they named him He's Strong.

kuúNUx tuuwirítš NUtkaNIhnaaNIsaapiraawánikUx na titaRAhčíš --
Bear, Whirlwind, Stone Roller, and He's Strong --
čiitíʾIš nuu nootiraáNAt.
the four there then they went.

na inoowiteéka.
And there there was a lodge.
"There is a lodge."

Then they reached it.
tiRAhnuúkAt a inootUt- kUxaanaánuʾ čiitíʾiš
They went inside, and there the beds numbered four,
nakukUxaanoswaáWI čiitíʾIš.
the beds numbering four.

noowitiwaákoʾ anuunakUxaáNU nikukooxičitAxá.
Then he said: "That bed over there that is the one you will lie (ie sleep) on."
na uunaaríčI nikukooxičitAxá.
And the other one: "That is the one you will lie on."
Then that was the way.

tiweNAheešá wah tiwehnaaheešá noowitiwaákoʾ
When morning came, now when morning came, then he said:
koxteeRAhnaaWIhkaʾiišátA natsú tináxkUx tuuwirítš kunooxiwanúʾ.
"We will go hunting, but you, this one, Whirlwind, you will stay.
You will be the one to make a meal for us."

Then they went hunting.

tsu tiwenawanú tuuwirítš wehnakawahIhníkA
But as he was going about Whirlwind as he made fires
niikohnawískaʾ aatootaáNA noowiteeraaWIhnuú- kaʾ kuNAhús.
whatever he thought 'that I should do' then he came charging inside a little old man.
witíʾ kuNAhús.
It was a little old man.

noowitiwaákoʾ wešitAxkuhčeehaanaahúnoʾ tiiháʾ.
Then he said: "Now you have spoiled my room here.
This is my house."

noowitiwaraahaána tuuwirítš.
Then he became angry Whirlwind.
nooWIšituúta wiWIšituutuuníkUt.
Then they (du) did it: they wrestled one another.
Then he was knocked down by him.
tuuwirítš WIšitihkoótus.
Whirlwind he was knocked unconscious by him.
nootikUxaWI- sítIt kuNAhús niikohnáʾAt.
Then he ran outside the little old man wherever he went.

nootičirikaʾá tuuwirítš čiríkU.
Then he awoke Whirlwind, poor thing.
či weešanuu- naakaaNUhtaraNItwá Ahnuxtaakaanunoóku.
Here his cook- ing was burned what he had been cooking.

atsú wewitaRAhwísaʾ AhnihtíRA AhništaaWIhkaʾaáhNA.
And now they came back his friends the ones hunting.

noowitiwaákoʾ– tehnikitkAxítIt.
Then he said:– "I must have fallen asleep.
tehnikuunaa- waawaáhIt.
My things must have burned."
wekaakiwískaʾ aatoonaaʾiítI kuNAhús
He did not want 'that I should tell you' the little old man
wehnuhnaáNU tiwenihkootúsA.
his being the reason his having been knocked out by him.

noowitiwaákoʾ kaNIhnaaNIsaapiraáʾAt wetootiiwísAt.
Then he said: "Stone Roller, it is now your turn.
You will cook now."

noowitinaaWIhkaʾíšwoʾ tinawaaríčI.
Then they went hunting these.

na niiʾAhnuutaáNA kuNAhús noowiteeraaWIh- nuúkaʾ.
And as he had done the little old man then he came charging inside.
wewitikootAxtAhweeroohaásAt kaNIhnaaNI- saapiraáʾAt.
He knocked him down unconscious Stone Roller.
nootuhkúxAx kuNAhús.
Then he ran away the little old man.

tsu wetaRAhwísaʾ.
And now they returned.
aniwewitičirikaʾá tsu witanuu- naawaawaáhIt.
When he awoke but all of his cooking was burned.

noowitiwaákoʾ tehnikitkAxítIt niiʾAhna- waákAhu tuuwirítš.
Then he said: "I must have fallen asleep," what he had said Whirlwind.

hawá štoh tiweNAheešá witiwaákoʾ wetootiiwí- sAt titaRAhčíš.
Also again when morning came he said: "It is now your turn, He's Strong."

Then they went.

niinuutaánu kuNAhús štoh nooteeraaWIhnuúkaʾ.
As he was doing the little old man again then he came inside angrily.

"Now you have spoiled everything for me.
At least get out!"

ninooWIšituúta WIšitihkoótus nakutaRAhčiíšU.
Then they (du) did it: he laid him out Being Strong.
cikú kaakeenunuúʾU.
He go t the best of him.

Now they returned.

noowitiwaákoʾ tehnikuunaawaawaáhIt.
Then he said: "Everything of mine must have burned.
I must have fallen asleep."

noowitiwaákoʾ kuúNUx wah wetikuutiiwísAt.
Then he said Bear: "Now it is now my turn.
wah čiraátoʾ nakitkAxitíštA.
Well, see if I go to sleep!
na nootiraáNAt.
You can go."

Then they went.
nuuwehnaraanátA noowitiwaawáxkuʾ.
As they went there they were laughing.
wah wekohnihkoótIt wekohnihkootús.
"Now now he must have been killed. Now he must have laid him out."
Then that is what they were saying.

čiríkU kuNAhús noowiteeraaWIhnuúkaʾ.
Oh my, the little old man then he came charging inside.
niinooWIšituúta kuúNUx natsú kananiirá napáhAt.
Then they (du) did it: Bear and he had it the club.
Then he hit him on the head.

tiwešitinaruuwanú noowitoosaxčiská- kUx.
While they were still fighting he had a string around his neck.
He had a liquid (in a bag) around his neck.

Then he (Bear) cut the string.
tiwehnuhnaaxukátkA noo- tikaapaatšá kuNAhús.
As he cut the string, then he became pitiful the little old man.
"Give me the liquid!"

tiwehnapiNUxátA nootuhniraáNAt weNAhkUxaWI- sítIt iiháʾ
Whipping him as he went then he chased him as he ran out there
where there was a rock.
He ran into a hole.
noowitIhoowatateétIt kanítš.
Then it covered it over the rock.

nootuutapitaáhAt kuúNUx.
Then he turned back Bear.
anuuwehnaátA weNAhuu- kátA tíštIt noowitiraakaaNUhwaawaanáx.
When he went there when he entered, well then all of the food was cooked.

tsu wewitaRAhwísaʾ.
And now they returned.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíštIt wetAxtapaawaaníštA.
Then he said: "Well you are now going to eat.
kaaki- kuuxitkAxítIt.
I did not fall asleep.
weneetuhneésiš niiʾAhnohnaaNAhuunuúʾA kuNAhús.
Now I have found out what he did to you the little old man.
koxteeraapóʾ IštakaniwaáhAs.
We will be going when you finish eating.
We will catch him."

wehnihkaniwaáhAs noowiteekiráxAt niiʾAhnakanítkUx.
After they ate then he led them where the stone was.

noowitiwaákoʾ tuuwirítš šištiwaátaʾ.
Then he said: "Whirlwind, lift it up!
Open the door!"

weNUstakukUxwánu noowitunaačiteeʾá.
As he struggled (to lift it), then it was difficult.

uunaaxaríčI kanítš wetootiiwísAt.
"You standing there, Stone, now it is your turn."

noowituúta NIhúhtš witariwaátaʾ.
Then he did it: a little he lifted it.
It got the best of him.

na uunaaríčI titaRAhčíš nootiitiiwísAt.
And the other one He's Strong: "Then it is your turn."

hawá noowitunaačiteeʾá.
Also then it was difficult for him.

tsu kuúNUx nootiitiíwisAt.
And Bear: "Then it is your turn."

Now he uncovered it.

nooWIšitehnaxtáʾ haáxtš.
Then they brought it a rope.
nooWIšitihnaxkawáNIt iiNAhunaahnatáWI.
Then they put the rope in it where the hole was.
The hole was deep.

noowitiwaákoʾ tuuwirítš nikiišuuxiRAxá.
Then he said: "Whirlwind, you will be the one to lead!
You shall go down into it."

Then he took hold of the rope.

šaahnuukakaʾuuneéRIt nootuhnaaxawiíšA.
"When you get to the bottom, then shake the rope.
We will know."

weNUsaaxuunikukú nootitawiraáʾAt.
After he took hold of the rope then he went down.
siíno kanawituuxuukakaʾuúkUt nootuhnaaxawiíšA wenarinu- ʾaáNA.
Before he reached the bottom then he shook the rope when he became frightened.
It was dark there.
nooWIšiteenikatáʾ štoh.
Then they pulled him up again.

noowitiwaákoʾ Axtóh nootikatistátAt.
Then he said: "Surely it was dark there."

uunaaxaríčI kaNIhnaaNIsaapiraawánikUx.
"You standing there, Stone Roller!"

hawá nikunoowituúta.
Also then he did that.
Then he became frightened.
noo- tuhnaaxawiíšA.
Then he shook the rope.
Then they pulled him out.

na uunaaríčI nootiitiiwísAt titaRAhčíš.
And the other one: "It is your turn, He's Strong."

hawá nikunootuúta nootunaaninuʾá.
Also then he did that: then he became frightened.

na kuúNUx nootiitiiwísAt.
And "Bear, it is your turn."

Then he reached the bottom.
číkuʾ kanawituúta.
He did not do anything.

Then he went on.
anuuwehnaátA nootíʾAt kuwituhnaawíʾuʾ.
As he went over there then he went on it was another way.
anoowitiihaahtaánuʾ nuuwenaátA.
Then it was becoming light as he went.

noowiteeraaʾIhwísaʾ štoh kuNAhús.
Then he came there charging again the little old man.
Now he stood there.
nootikaapaatšá aatohčiranátA.
Then he pleaded 'that I take the liquid.'

Then he hit him.
Then he killed him.

weNAhkukootíkA nuunootíʾAt.
After he killed him then he went on.
wetuhneésiš niiʾAhnaanunuunakaáWI.
Now he found out where his house was.
noowitaanookaawaáRIt suúnaaxuʾ čiitíʾIš.
Then they stood outside in the distance young women four.
nootiiwísAt kuúNUx.
Then he arrived there Bear.

noowitiiNAhninuʾá xeekoótIt.
Then they became frightened: "He will kill you.
kaakuhné kuNAhús.
He is not good the little old man."

noowitiwaákoʾ nuuneéša.
Then he said: "There he lies.
I have killed him."

noowitihwáčiʾ nikutikuhnaaksiRAxá.
Then they said: "He is the one keeping us.
nikutikuh- naahnaanuuníkUt.
He is the one who captured us."

niiʾAhniiNAhneešaáNU nikuwitAhaána nii- ʾAhneetúhkUx.
The one who was their chief those were his daughter where the village was.

noowitiwaákoʾ šuxtaapóʾ.
Then he said: "Go!
Get out (of the hole)!"

na nootiraáNAt.
And then they went.

uunaaríčI naraaNIhtíšU noowitiwaákoʾ šuuxiRAxá.
"That one the eldest," then he said: "You be the first!
You'll shake the rope."

nooWIšitinikawátAt na nooWIšitiniípAt.
Then they pulled her out, and then they fought over her.
wehnaraasšoóxIt nooWIšitihnaaxaahkawáNIt.
After they quieted down, then they put the rope down.

wah uunaaxaríčI.
"Now, you standing there!"

Then they pulled her out.
nikunoowitiisá nooWIšitiniípAt wešohniinikataátA.
Then that is what they did: then they fought over her after they pulled her up.

na uunaaxaríčI.
"And you standing there!"

wetuhnaánuʾ táWIt.
They now numbered three.

uunaaríčI kanaahniiraaNIhtíšU noowitIhatúhkA.
That one the youngest then she was last.
wewi- tikatáʾAt.
Now she went up.

na kuúNUx nootiihuunareétIt.
And Bear then he was left.
Then it was his turn.

na noowitihwáčiʾ šiʾaahseenikataʾá koxtakuuNAhná- NAt čituúʾuʾ.
And then they said: "If we pull him up he will take them from us all."

tiwešohneenaʾá íhUx nooWIšitihnaaxi- ʾít.
When they pulled him half(way), then they let go of the rope.
witihkoótus kuúNUx.
He was knocked out Bear.

wehneeritšwánu atsú štoh kuNAhús nooteeraaʾIhwísaʾ.
As he was rolling around, but again the little old man then he came charging.
štoh číkuʾ tehneeriwátAt.
Again he must have got up somehow.
tsu wetičiiraná.
And he now had the liquid.
či nikiišeehtaRAhtštoókuʾ kuNAhús.
Here that was the one making him strong the little old man.

nootunaačiteeʾá kuúNUx nakukawátAt.
Then it was difficult Bear for him to get out.
tsu nootiinuuwáʾAx.
And then they all ran away.

wah niiwenawanú wah níkUs niikóhnoʾ níkUs nikunootihnunáx.
Now as he was going around, now a bird, whatever it was a bird, then it found him.
nikunootUtkaapaačíštIt NAhkuroo- kawátAt.
Then that one pitied him when it took him out.

Then he went out.
Then he began looking for them.
noo- kaakiiRAhká niiʾAhnuxtaanoótA.
Then they were not inside where they had been living.
nuunootíʾAt niiʾAhneetúhkUx na nootikaaʾiíšAt.
Then he went where the village was and then he went home.

atsú sčiríhtš -- kananiRAsaweéhuʾ sčiríhtš -- noo- WIšitiniinaaʾiíwat.
But coyotes -- they are always there coyotes -- then they told him everything.
nikuwetiiNAhneešaáʾA tiwe- šineenuutaaksiRAxWIsá suúnaaxuʾ.
They now had those as chiefs since they had brought them back the young women.
That was now their village.

atsú naákUx kaawitáhtš wetuhneesiíšuʾ niiwešinoo- NAhuunuúʾA.
But the one the youngest she knew what they had done to him.
wah kaakanuhnaatéʾ.
Now she did not like it.
Then they saw him.
kaawitáhtš nootaawísaʾ.
The youngest then she arrived there.
Then she told it.
ani- náʾU kaawitáhtš nootunaaʾít.
That one the youngest then she told it.

witiwaákoʾ kaawitáhtš náʾU tinaaríčI nikutikuu- raahnaaničíšIt
She said youngest the one: "This one he is the one who saved us
tsu tiiháʾ nikuneešiiniiNAhuúnuʾ.
and here this is what they did to him.
neenihwáčiʾ čituúʾuʾ koxtakuunaahnáNAt.
That is what they said: 'All he will take them from us.'"

nootiiNAhnaawiítIt uunawaaríčI.
Then they got the worst of it those others.
noowitiiNAh- nanoóʾa neešaánuʾ na anináʾU suunaáxuʾ
They were removed (as) chiefs, and that one young woman
kaawitáhtš nikunooWIšitičituuʾá kuúNUx.
the youngest then she married him Bear.
nikunooWIšitireešaáNA AhneetuunoótA.
Then that one became the chief where the village was.