XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Magpie, Snowbird, and Coyote

Matthew White Bear

nakutákUx tiNAhaápI– kawáhtš na nooteéʾaʾ hirustaaká.
When perched on it this tree– Magpie, and then he came Snowbird.
hawá nooWIšitičituuʾá.
Also then they (du) got together
na noowitee- česwaátaʾ sčiríhtš hawá wenakúʾU.
And then he came out of the brush Coyote also his being.
noowitiRAh- čituuʾá.
Then they got together.

wenakupsiʾaáNA wenakunaaninoosiʾaáNA noowiti- waákoʾ
When it became wintry when it became blizzardy, then he said
kawáhtš atíštIt nikutaatItkaáhuʾ nakUhutáWI weNItkutákUx.
Magpie: "Well I always sleep when it is windy when I am perched on it.
nakuhnaakaʾíwo atíštIt nikunootaatItkaáhuʾ.
When the tree sways back and forth, well that is where I always sleep."

noowitiwaákoʾ irustaaká atíštIt nikutaatItkaáhuʾ niinakooxaatAhnoswaáWI.
Then he said Snowbird: "Well I always sleep where the snow drifts over the manure.
atíštIt nikunootaa- títka.
Well that is where I sleep."

tsu sčiríhtš nootiitiiwísAt.
But Coyote then it was his turn.
noowitiwaákoʾ čeésuʾ atíštIt nikutaatItkaáhuʾ iinakuraaxItčiRAhpaníhtU witiNItkiísA.
Then he said: "Myself well I always sleep there where the ice is slick when I lie down.
atíštIt nikunootaatítka.
Well then that is where I sleep."

witiwaákoʾ wah toxtaakItkáwa.
One said: "Now let's go to sleep!"

hirustaaká nootíʾAt čeésuʾ nihnawaákAhu atíštIt nikutaatItkaáhuʾ.
Snowbird then he went himself where he was saying: "Well that is where I always sleep."
na kawáhtš noo- titawiítIt.
And Magpie then he perched on (a tree).
tsu sčiríhtš nootičitAhaʾiíšAt.
But Coyote then he went on the ice.
Then he lay down on the ice.

tiwehnaaheešá noowiteéʾaʾ hirustaaká.
When morning came then he came Snowbird.
nooWIšiti- čituuʾá kawáhtš.
Then they (du) got together Magpie.
sčiríhtš kanawiteeWIsaáhuʾ.
Coyote he was not arriving.
wešoh- nihnuníkUx hUhtiísuʾ nooWIšitiRAxwíʾAt
After they (du) waited for him, finally then they went to find him
niiʾAhnawaákAhu noowitiraaxItčiRAhpanít.
where he was saying: "There the ice is slippery."

na noowitiišá sčiríhtš wehnitkAxítIt naáNIt.
And there he lay Coyote while he proceeded to sleep really (permanently)!
a či weešanustatatAhuuté.
And here he was now stuck to the ice!
He was now frozen.

Now that is all.