XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Eats Ashes, the Poor

Boy Who Became a Chief

Mary Gillette

wetatanuunaaʾiitíštA naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá kuwituuxAxaáʾA wiinaáxtš.
Now I'm going to tell you the story of him: He Eats Ashes he was named the boy.
kanawitíʾ nakuhneéRA.
He was not his being nice looking.
číkuʾ kanee- tehnaanaawíʾuʾ.
He was not right (ie was retarded).
nikuWIšituxkaakuúxuʾ ikaániʾ nuuNAhkiitúhkUx.
That is where they (du) used to live his grandmother there where the village was
nikuWIšitikaákUx ikaániʾ.
That is where they (du) lived his grandmother.

natsú witiičíWI AhnuxtaaNIštanaáhNA.
And there was another one whom he had as a friend.
nikuwitíʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA.
This one was Has Everything Nice.
witíʾ wiináxtš čituúʾuʾ naakunuunaahiwaáRA.
He was a boy everything his having things nice.
na witanuunaaNIhuúʾU itáhniʾ šinehkutkaruhkoóčI šinehkukaaNUhkawaakaroóku.
And he had many of them his sisters their braiding his hair, their cooking his meals.
čituúʾuʾ WIšititkawaakároʾ štípiiʾIt na tapáhtuʾ a
Everything they made things for him: cornballs and pemmican and
tíštIt AhnooWIšitinuuwanúʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA.
well they just took care of him Has Everything Nice.
a niku- wituúʾUt.
And that is how it was.
na nikuwitihwačiʾaáhuʾ číkuʾ neétA naawiinakuúnuʾ kooxeenunuunaahiwá.
And that is what they said: "If he ever went (on) the warpath he would have everything nice."

natsú wačéh tinaákUx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá witíʾ wiiNAxtšukaapaačíšuʾ.
And, poor thing, this Eats Ashes he was a poor boy.
noowitanuuníhIt ikaániʾ šohnaakaníkUx.
The only one he had was his grandmother their (du) having a home.
wačéh ikaániʾ niku- witinuuwanúʾ.
Poor thing, his grandmother she took care of that one.
niinoošiNAhkuuwaawáʾA číkuʾ niišineh- kuuxawaníkA na
Whatever they (du) ate anything that was thrown away and
witaRAhuúkaʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
he took it inside (their lodge Eats Ashes.

tiwehnaraána na noowititinaanunuuwaanáx.
As they came and then they found each other.
tiwehna- raána naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá nootIhunáx nanuunaahiwaáRA.
As they came, Eats Ashes then he found him Has Everything Nice.

tiwešinaraaNIštíRA nooWIšitiwaákoʾ nawáh wah wetatskáʾ
After they became companions then they (du) said: "Now, now I want
aataátA naawiinakuúnuʾ.
that I to go (on) the warpath.
tatskáʾ tiíNI aatakawátAt.
I want now that I get out."

noowitiwaákoʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA wah nikuneetuu- tAsšúʾ.
Then he said Has Everything Nice: "Now that is how I feel.
We will go.
koosíhWA tiíNI tiwenakatiisiʾaáNA.
We will go now when it gets dark.
hináxtIt neesiiniriWAtwaáhAt na neesíhWA.
Early in the morning we'll get up and we'll go.
tsu kooxiraaNIhuúʾU.
And there will be many (of them).
koosiitAhtatatáʾAt wiítA wewitinehkuRAsačipiíNA
We will follow behind them men when they get together
weNAhkuRAhwó naawiinakuúnuʾ.
when they are going (on) the warpath."

tiíNI tiweNAhunuuwaáWI naawiinakuúnuʾ atíštIt
Nowadays when they go around (on) the warpath well
tiinakaaNUhkawaakaroókuʾ– tíštIt NAhkuwaawáʾA šiNIhkunuuNAh-
he is cooked for,– well his eating, his clothes
naaniikawaakaroóku niiweNAhkutawé xunáNIš.
being washed for him when he is enlisted a soldier.
tsu aninuutunaanuúʾA niinooNAhkuuraáčI NAhkuuta- koóčI noowewitičiisiísIt.
But in those days whatever the length of time for him to wear clothes they would be dirty.

a noowitiwaákoʾ atíkaʾ wetikoosšáwoʾ nawiinakuúnuʾ.
And then he said: "My grandmother, I now feel like going (on) the warpath."

noowitiwaákoʾ ikaániʾ hee číkuʾ niiwekunooNA- xiiwóʾ.
Then she said his grandmother: "Hey, where do you think you are going?
číkuʾ Axtóh kaakAxuhneesiíšuʾ.
Anything certainly you do not know.
tsu šikohnihnaaʾiitawaawihUxuúkuʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA.
But they must tell things to him Has Everything Nice."

noowitiwaákoʾ aa skaná šinihnaaʾiitawaawíhuʾ tsu áriišIt witikoxtuhnaaNAxweekáʾIt.
Then he said: "Ah, alone they tell him things, but myself I will seek out things for myself."

áxkUx WIšituhtawaátoʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
One they (du) were courting her a young woman.
áxkUx noowiteeríhIt.
One it was only.
na tinaaríčI suúnaaxuʾ hiʾáxtiʾ na šáxtiʾ
And this young woman her father and her mother
nikuWIšitiwískaʾ šiʾaxčituúʾaaNA nanuunaahiwaáRA.
they (du) wanted that one for her to marry him Has Everything Nice.
natsú tinaákUx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá wačéh nootiihuunáreetIt.
And this Eats Ashes, poor thing, then he lost out.
a či nootiihuunáreetIt.
And here then he lost out.

natsú witiwaákoʾ koxtUstatatáʾAt na ituutIštatata- waahaákuʾ.
And he said: "I will follow him and I'll help him in various ways.
We'll help each other in various ways."

aniwenakatiisiʾaáNA nanuunaahiwaáRA WIšitihkaruhkáʾIt.
After it got dark (that very night) Has Everything Nice they combed his hair.
wewitinaawireehAsúʾ čituúʾuʾ xúhtš xuunitčiíšuʾ
He was preparing himself, everything, moccasins, porcupine quilled moccasins
čituúʾuʾ wešohnit- kawaakaráʾU tapáhtuʾ na štípiiʾIt.
everything their making them for him pemmican and cornballs.
nooWIšitiiNAh- károʾ niikarúxtš.
Then they put them in it for him a sack.

"Now here are your things.
wah nooxUhuuNAhnuúkaʾ niiNAxtaaNIštanaáhNA.
Now let them come in awhile the ones who are your friends!
číkuʾ niišUhuunaanoókuʾ niiʾAh- niisuusaahnuuxukú.
Let them sing awhile!" the way they used do.
witinaakawaakaroókuʾ weNAhkuRAhwó naawiinakuúnuʾ.
They sang songs when they were going (on) the warpath.

natsú wačéh tinaákUx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá Ahnoowitiwaákoʾ nuukunoowitoxteéʾus.
But, the poor thing, this Eats Ashes then he just said "I'll go right to bed there
tačé natanúh- kUx tákuʾ naakuʾá
Who do I have someone to come
cikú šiNAtkuraakawaakaroóku hawá šiNAtkohtawikawaakaroóku.
for us to sing some songs, also for us to sing lyrics about them."

atsú nanuunaahiwaáRA witanuunaaNIhuúʾU nuuNAhta- waatookoóčI.
But Has Everything Nice he had many ones he was courting.
atsú axkUx nooteeríhIt wešina- WIskáʾA ápAs.
But one there was only whom they (du) thought about both.
áxkUx noowiteeríhIt suúnaaxuʾ.
One there was only a young woman.

noowitiiwaákoʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá nawáh atíkaʾ tatskáʾ
Then he said Eats Ashes: "Now, grandmother, I want
aataátA niiweninaakaroóku.
that I go where they are singing."

hawá WIšititwaraahwá hee tičé NAxtaaʾiitUxtanuhkáʾIt.
Also she scolded him: "Hey, you do not have any songs!
tákuʾ kaakíʾ niiNAxkuutawikaroóku.
There is not anyone for you to sing lyrics about.
natsú nanuunaahiwaáRA čituúʾuʾ šitiniitaawaanúʾ šiNIh- kuhneešAhwaawaahnú.
However Has Everything Nice everything they do things for him, their giving things away for him.
Now they are getting him ready."

číkuʾ niinooweNAhkuRItkAhaanawiiʾoóčI áxkUx niiʾAhna- WIskáʾA
Whatever time of the night it was, one the one she wanted
suúnaaxuʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA itáhniʾ nikuwitanústeʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
young woman Has Everything Nice his sister she liked that one Eats Ashes.

noowitiwaákoʾ čirá koxtíʾAt tičé wešininiitaa- waanúʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then she said "I think I will go to see what they are doing for him Eats Ashes."

Then she went.
noowitiiričíšAt wehnatkoóku číkuʾ aatooNAtkáʾU.
Then she crawled while she was listening 'that I might hear something.'
číkuʾ kanawitiiraasiiweéšIt číkuʾ ahnoošinitkohtawikaroóku.
There was not a thing occurring their just singing songs about him.
atsú anuú weWIšitihnaa- kawaakaroókuʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA.
But there they were now singing about him Has Everything Nice.

noowitiwaákoʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA wah tsu číkuʾ weši-
Then he said Has Everything Nice: "Now but I don't
kohniniitaawaanúʾ šinaatáNI.
know what they are doing for him my friend.
číkuʾ wešikoh- niniitaawaanúʾ.
I don't know what they are doing for him."

na noowitiwaákoʾ na tineetáRIt.
And then he (Eats Ashes) said: "And here I'm standing!"
witaahteepiRAhkaáRIt AhnuunaakItkoóku Ahninaakawaakaroóku.
He was standing be- side the lodge unseen as he was listening to them as they were singing different songs.
Then he went home.

Ahnoowitiwaáko' atíkaʾ Axtóh číkuʾ kooNAxariíʾux
Then he just said: "Grandma, surely you must know some
číkuʾ nakuraakaroóku naawiinakuúnuʾ.
to sing some songs warpath."

hee číkuʾ nikutatuuNAhniíʾux.
"Hey, I don't know any of them!
číkuʾ natuxtaahnaakawaa- karookUxuúkuʾ tsu tiíNI noowetinaakúxIt.
We never used to sing any songs, but now they have picked up the way."

noowitiwaákoʾ wah siino šitatohnaaneewaahaásuʾ.
Then she said: "Now still we are getting you ready.
tinaáxA nikukooxaána.
This it is what you will eat.
číkuʾ niinooneenuNAsoxtšítIt tinaáxA nikukooxaána.
Whenever you begin getting hungry this one it is what you will eat."

na noowitikáWAt NAsáhtuʾ.
And then she took it out a marrow bone.
noowitiskuká- ʾus.
Then she put it over the fire.
tiwehnitkatáxA aaxánax noowitIhuúNIt niiháʾ.
As it lay by the fire to cook then it burned there.
nikunoowitiʾá naanuúsuʾ.
Then that is what he ate the ashes.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah na tičé nuúʾUt.
Then she said: "Now why, how is it?
tičé nuúʾUt.
How is it?
tinaáxA nikiišaána.
This one you can eat this.
nikiišaána tinaáxA.
You can eat this this one."

Then it was burned.
wewituutAxáRIt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
He just stood Eats Ashes.
He just stood.
AhnoowituhneswátAt nuunataakuWIskáʾA aata- waawanú.
He just thought: "Why do I want that I go around?
atoó tsu tatakaapaátš.
Surely but I am poor.
ahnoó tičé natára.
Just what do I have?"

noowitiirút wešohniinúhA NAsáhtuʾ.
Then he took it what he had been given the marrow bone.
It was burned.
tiiháʾ suuxaakAhíniʾ akAhpaátu witeehuunukaaráʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Here in the smokehole (of) the tipi he threw it up Eats Ashes.
He threw it up.
wi- tiihuunaWIsitíNIt.
He threw it out.
witeewáNIt ikaániʾ wehnii- šúhA
He threw it away his grandmother what she had given him
nikuʾaxtátA nakutakoósu.
'the one you should take to take a bite of.'

wah tsu nanuunaahiwaáRA weWIšitinaahiwaáRIt
Now but Has Everything Nice they now fixed everything nicely for him
wešohniiNAhkawaakaráʾU tapáhtuʾ na štípiiʾIt.
their putting things in it (a pouch) for him pemmican and cornballs.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah číkuʾ kaneeneešuúʾUt.
And then he said: "Now it is alright."

tinaákUx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá tihtóxwoʾ.
This Eats Ashes she liked him.
tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ Ahnihtóxo nootíʾAt.
This young woman who liked him then she went.
noowitiwískaʾ wah čiíRA ituhnaaʾeéRIt– tičé noʾ
Then she thought: "Now hello, I will see– what is it
tiwewitiNAxuunawa- níkA NAsáhtuʾ.
this of yours that you have thrown away the marrow bone."

noowitíʾAt a noowitiišá NAsáhtuʾ.
Then she went there and there it lay the marrow bone.
It was burned.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah číkuʾ kananeešuhnaáʾuʾ číkuʾ kanaʾaatooxaWIstaáhNA.
Then he said: "Now it is alright even if I don't have anything.

noowitiirút tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ.
Then she picked it up this young woman.
waáxtoh waáxtoh Axtóh kohnoosakuúnaʾ neenooNAsoxtšítIt
"Certainly, certainly surely a day is coming when you will get hungry
a tinaáxA nikiišaána.
and this it is what you'll eat!"

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá hee kaakíʾ.
Then he said this Eats Ashes: "Oh no!
Throw it away!"

noowitiraáNAt wehnaaheešá.
Then they went when daylight came.
na noowitiraáNAt hináxtIt.
And then they went early in the morning.
sinoo kanawitoosaahtaʾaáhuʾ Ahnoo- witiraáNAt.
Yet the sun was not coming up then they just went.
čiríkU Ahnoowewitinaakawaakaroókuʾ šohniitawikawaakaroóku nanuunaahiwaáRA.
Oh my, now they were just singing songs as they were singing songs for him Has Everything Nice.

číkuʾ wetehniitáke.
They must have stayed overnight.
áxkUx wetehniitáke.
One they must have stayed overnight.

wah taanikiitakuusuxtaaké.
"Now this is where we will stay overnight!"

Then they stayed overnight.

natsú tinaáxA NAsáhtuʾ noowitUtkakUxiriípI.
And this marrow bone then she had wrapped it up.
noowitikawáNIt niiʾAhnaanunuunaawaáNU xúhtš.
Then she had put it in it where he kept his moccasins.
hawá xúhtš uu číkuʾ kanawituhniwá noowititarahUhkaatíNIt.
Also the moccasins, oh, they were not good (ie were dirty): the leather was dark all over.

na noowitiwaákoʾ wah číkuʾ kaneeneešuhnaáʾuʾ.
And then he said: "Now that is fine."

Then they went.

tiwehnihwaawáʾA čiríkU nanuunaahiwaáRA weNAhkuuteé- RIt
When they ate, oh my, Has Everything Nice when he saw him
naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá weNAhkuuteéRIt číkuʾ kanawitiiʾá.
Eats Ashes, when he saw him he ate nothing.
nikuwitiwaʾá čeewaʾút– na niiNAhkiíčI NAhkuwáʾA
He was eating those sage– and different things to eat
ikaániʾ weninaanúhA kunaáʾuʾ.
his grandmother the ones she had given him herbs.
natsú tinaroósI nikutiraanookurá na kananeenuuNAsáʾUx.
"And these keep these in your mouth and you won't be hungry."

anuú nooNAhiínaʾ nootiraáNAt.
There farther on then they went.
nooWIšitiNAxwee- sítIt nehčítA.
Then they began to look for him a leader.
nehčítA nikuwešitiNAxwéʾ.
A leader they looked for that one.

na noowitiwaákoʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá wah niku- koxtíʾ.
And then he said Eats Ashes: "Now I will be the one.
I will go."

na noowitiwaákoʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA hee Axtóh
And then he said Has Everything Nice: "Hey, surely
číkuʾ kaakatooNAhuuneérikuʾ číkuʾ niiNAxkúʾA číkuʾ hawá neesítš.
I don't see anything on you, something for you to eat, any also a knife.
číkuʾ kaakAxtá.
You don't have anything."

noowitiwaákoʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá Axtóh tinehná.
Then he said Eats Ashes: "Surely I have this.
a nikihnikAhtáʾIt.
And I'll hit his forehead with it.
I'll hit him on the nape.
I have it."

nuu witikáWAt wenuxtaraniitaáNA.
There he took it out the one that had been burned.
na wituhnaathaanáwiʾ nátš weNAhuúNIt naáNIt.
And it looked like a stick after it had burned really.

hee wenikutíʾ aninoóčI witi- waákoʾ– áxkUx wiítA.
"Hey, that is the one its being the (main) thing," he said– one man.
aniwenaraáhNA nikutíʾ niku- koxtakuhnaakuuneéRIt.
"What he has it'll be the one the one that will save us.
wah nikUšiisiiškúxIt nakUhiRAxaáhNA naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Now we'll pick him to be leader Eats Ashes.
nikuwetirá nakuʾištaáhNA iwenaraáhNA.
He has the one his having it in his hand what he has.
They must have given it to him."

na noowitiRAhkawátAt hináxtIt wehniiNAxUhunoó- ku.
And then they got out in the morning when they were fighting.
noowiteswaátaʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá noo- niiʾAhneétAt.
Then he came into sight Eats Ashes there where the camp was.
Then he was just going around the village.
tákuʾ witeenoonawísaʾ witirikAhtáʾIt NAsáhtuʾ.
Whoever came charging at him he hit him on the forehead with it the marrow bone.
šitAxuutIsiíšuʾ NAsáhtuʾ wituunáwiʾ nátš.
You know, a marrow bone it looks like wood.
tákuʾ witeenoonawísaʾ witiroohUhtákaahAt.
Whoever came charging up to him he pulled him off.
wah witiroohUhtákaahAt.
Now he pulled him off.
Then the dead were just lying around.

natsú nanuunaahiwaáRA weešaahkUxwaraakaʾiíšAt.
But Has Everything Nice now he had run into the woods!

nootiwehnaraanátA tiwehnaraanátA nootiRAhwísAt niiʾa- NAhunuuwaáWI AhnihkaaraáxU.
Then as they went, as they went, they arrived where they were the tough ones.
wekaakíʾ číkuʾ NIhkuusaáhNA.
Now they could not do anything.

noowitiwaákoʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA wah nikuwetatuutIš- kaWIšíhkUt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then he said Has Everything Nice: "Now he is the one I picked Eats Ashes.
tAxtoósI číkuʾ koh- niniiniíWIs naraakaanunaáhNA.
You must have it whatever is left (of) the food that he has."

noowitíʾAt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then he went off Eats Ashes.
čiríkU na noo- kanawituuneešawíhAx wehnuunaniíWIs
Oh my, and then there was a huge number of them when they appeared
paatúh wehniinapáku.
the enemy when they were fighting.
Then he dropped them
nooteeka- woótIt.
Then he killed them.
There was a huge number of them!

Then he turned back.

witiwaákoʾ nanuunaahiwaáRA wah niikoosíhWA.
He said Has Everything Nice: "Now we will go on.
We will go.
itaraahNAhwísAt na nikuneeteeʾiitáWI.
When we get back, and I'll be the one to tell about you."

na noowitiwaákoʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá Axtóh áxkUx titawéʾ
And then he said Eats Ashes: "Surely one there is
nuutAsšú tinaáxA NAsáhtuʾ.
who knows about it this marrow bone.
áxkUx titawéʾ nuu niinataraakítAt.
One there is there where our village is.
She'll be the one to tell about me."

Then they turned back.

a nikunooWIšiteenikaáʾ tinaákUx.
And then they brought her out this one.

na noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ tičé nuúʾUt.
And then she said the young woman "What is it?
Axtóh nikutatíʾ natuuteéRIt wenaaxawaníkA tinaáxA NAsáhtuʾ.
Surely I was the one my seeing it when you threw away this marrow bone."

čiríkU noowituúta noowitiʾú.
Oh my, then he did it: then he gave it to her.
wah haréʾ.
"Now here it is!
wah nikukooxirikaaʾiíšAt.
Now you will be the one to take it home."

noowitirikaaʾiíšAt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ wenihtoxwó.
Then she took it home this young woman the one who liked him.

natsú noowituutapítaahAt a noowiwitikawaawáNIt.
And then he turned around and then he put them on himself.
a čiišananuhkáʾIt tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ
And here she had them for him this young woman
wehnitkawaakaráʾU tinaákUx suúnaaxuʾ Ahnihtóxwo.
what she had made for him this young woman the one who liked him!

wah witiišuxkawaawáNIt.
"Now, put them on!
witiišuxkawaawáNIt tinaroósI.
Put them on these!
These are what I have kept for you.
tatuhneesiíšuʾ taaniku- wešitooNAhuunúxtA.
I know this is what they're going to do to you.
They're just laughing at you.
They are just teasing you.
wah witiišuxkawaawáNIt číkuʾ ukookuútš na xúhčiNIš.
Now put them on yourself some leggings and beaded moccasins!"

noowitikawátAt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then he left Eats Ashes.
čiríkU súxtIt tiwehnuuteéRIt a či nikiišaáʾA
Oh my, the old woman when she saw him, and here it was he
naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá tsu siíno kukaakeešaáʾA naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá siíno.
Eats Ashes but yet it was not his name Eats Ashes yet.

Then they just began a dance.
wehnaRAhkaáhu tinaaríčI naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá číkuʾ noowiteetUhuunuNAhkataʾaáhuʾ.
While they danced this Eats Ashes then he was dancing somewhere in the lead.
They just had a good time.

nooWIšitiitIšuuníkUt neešaánuʾ.
Then they took hold of his hand the chiefs.
wah niku- wetatakuraahneešaáʾA tinaaríčI.
"Now this one is now our chief this one.
skaná nikuwetAstAhkawiítIt.
Alone this one has become foremost.
He has saved us."

na noowitiraáNAt.
And then they went.
Then they took him.

tsu číkuʾ niikohnáʾAt nanuunaahiwaáRA.
But it is not known where he went Has Everything Nice.

a či šikohnúxta xaawaarúxtiʾ šiNAhkuka- tariíNU.
And her he had them (du) horses ones (du) which were swift.
nikuʾaánu iwáhniʾ iwáhniʾ suúnaaxuʾ.
It must have been the one her nephew, a nephew (of) the young woman.
He was leading them (du) with a rope.

nikunootiičitawiítIt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then he mounted that one Eats Ashes.

wah wešitAxuuNItkóxtA niiwešiNAsihnehkUxtáNI.
"Now you are going to hear what we are going to call him.

tinaaríčI súxtIt Ahnoowewitiihuuwiraaʾá wehnaa- kaáhu.
This old woman then she was just running as she was dancing.
Then she was trilling as she danced.

tákuʾ witeenuuNUxtatataʾiíšaʾ noowitiwaákoʾ hánuʾ.
When someone came up close to her, then she said: "Go on!
niinaRAhkaáhu AhniinaahiwaáRA na nuunikutíʾAt.
Where they are dancing those dressed nicely, you can go over there.
Go on!"

tiwehnaraaweétA a nooWIšitiitIšuuníkUt.
After the dance ended and then they took him by the hand.
Then they made that one a chief.
wah nikuwešitinóʾ neešaánuʾ.
Now they now made that one a chief.

Ahnoowitiwaákoʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá wah atíkaʾ wah
Then he just said Eats Ashes: "Now, grandmother, now
šuxwaákoʾ niiweNAxwaákA.
say what you said!"

noowitiwaákoʾ suúnaaxuʾ hawá šištaahnaánaʾ.
Then she said the young woman: "Also you (pl) come!"
wituutAhnaʾíhkuʾ inaániʾ.
She was meaning them her sisters.
šitAxuuNAxána tinaaríčI wiítA.
"You have a name for him this man.
Tell it!
Let him know!"

na nikunoowitihwáčiʾ wah hawá tsu
And so then that is what they said: "Now also but
wetataraapačeehúxtA neešaánuʾ naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
we now are going to call him the chief Eats Ashes."
nikunoošitiiNIšáx naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
Then that is what they called him Eats Ashes.
tiíNI tiwekukooxeešaáʾA.
"Now this is what you will be named."

noošitičituuʾá a nooWIšitihkúx neešaánuʾ niiʾAhnaraaniniwooxukú.
Then they (du) got married and then they placed him there the chiefs where they used to be seated.

wenikutiraačítA čituúʾuʾ nookaakíʾIt niiniinaahiwaáRA.
That is the reason everyone they cannot have nice things.
čituúʾuʾ nookaakíʾIt číkuʾ niiwitinehkuhnaawiriwó.
Everybody they cannot be earning things for themselves.
niku- tíʾIt nakukaapaatšaanú.
They are ones who humble themselves.
nikUšitiNAxweéhu niiwenuutAxítIt naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá tiwekunaaxaáNU.
Those are the ones they seek as it happened to him Eats Ashes when he was named.
kuwešitsihnehkúxtA naanuúsuʾ tiwaawaʾá.
"We are going to call him that Eats Ashes."
