XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Has The Horn and

the Sioux Raiders

Mary Gillette

wetatunaaʾiitíštA paaRIhná AhnuuNAhna- nátA ukookuútš.
Now I am going to tell about it Has The Horn when she took off his leggings.

paaRIhná wehnaWIskáʾA aatohnaátA nuu
Has The Horn when she wanted 'that I to go get them' there
niinatoxtaakítAt naaníʾIs niiháʾ niiʾAh- natoxtaakítAt
where we used to live buffalo berries, there where we used to live
nakUhuukataátA aatohnaátA naaníʾIs inaániʾ nootistatataasítIt.
to go across (the river) 'that I go get them' buffalo berries, her sister then she began to follow her.
nootuhnaawiíʾAt paaRIhná.
Then she gave in Has The Horn.

Then they (du) went.
nooWIšitiRAhaʾuúkUt nakuuhUhtaahurúxU a nooWIšitIhuukatawanúʾ.
Then they (du) put it in the water the bullboat and then they (du) went across.
wehnuutaá- NA paaRIhná weNAhaʾiíNA nakuuhUh-
When she did it Has The Horn when she put it in the water the bull-
taahurúxU nooWIšitIhuukawiiruútIt nakuuhuúnuʾ.
boat, then they (du) sat down in it the boat.

na tiweNAhoótA na kaákaʾ tinawanú
And while it was floating, and crow this one going
nooWIšitiinawíhAt šikananakuuwáNA.
it flew in front of them (du) so they (du) would not go.
číkuʾ  nikutehnuhnaanáʾA niiwehnaraákUx.
That must have been the reason what was to happen.

paaRIhná noowitistáʾIt kaákaʾ.
Has The Horn then she hit it the crow.
wekanawitita- kúkuʾ kaákaʾ.
It would not stop the crow.

"Let it come from there!"
noowitiwaákoʾ inaániʾ -- kuwituuxAxaáʾA staakunaánuʾ --
Then she said her sister -- she was named Juneberry Woman --
noowitiwaákoʾ wah hánuʾ.
then she said: "Now, go on!
wetsú wetsíhWA niinooʾuusuuxaWIsAxítIt.
Anyway now we (du) are going no matter what may even happen."

Then they (du) floated
noošohniwísWA niiʾAhnux- taaNIhuúNU naaníʾIs.
Then they (du) arrive where there were many buffalo berries.
nikuwetuhnaawóʾ paaRIhná naaníʾIs.
That is what she was going after Has The Horn buffalo berries.
Then they (du) got out of it.
nikunooWIšituúta wešohnaRAhpínu naa- níʾIs na kanawituuneešawíhAx.
Then that is what they (du) did as they picked them up buffalo berries and they were abundant.

atsú– staakunaánuʾ -- takohnáʾU noowitičišwáhnaʾ --
But– Juneberry Woman -- someone then he was whistling --
tiwehnaapAxwaátaʾ noowituuteéRIt noowiteéRIt sanánat.
when she raised her head then she saw him: there he stood a Sioux.
tsu aninuutunaanuúʾAt natakuxtaNAhnunuuwaáWI sanánat a noowiteéRIt.
Now at that time when they were molesting us the Sioux, and there he stood.

na noowitiwaákoʾ paaRIhná Ahnoowenaakurinó.
And then she said Has The Horn: "You are just afraid!
to skaná tsiína tiiháʾ tiweNAsihwanú.
Surely alone we (du) are here as we (du) are around."

noowitiwaákoʾ staakunaánuʾ šuxkaskáWI.
Then she said Juneberry Woman: "Turn your head around!
There is one looking at you!"

wehnaapAxwaáta paaRIhná na noowitit-
When she raised her head up Has The Horn and then he
čiríkUx sanánat.
was looking at her a Sioux.
witiʾištá kaataráts.
He had it in his hand an axe.
nikuwituúta tiweWIšitohnohWIswaʾá paaRIhná
This is what he did: when she came close to him Has The Horn
nikunooWIšitihpAxtáʾIt kaataRAhíniʾ.
then she was hit on the head by that one with the axe.
noo- WIšitiituneeráhAt.
Then she was stunned.

tiwenaaWIsxaáNA paaRIhná noowiteenaawiítIt sanánat.
When she revived Has The Horn, then he turned around the Sioux.
a či nooNAhiínaʾ šaahkawaáRIt sanánat.
And now farther off there they stood in the brush Sioux!
paaRIhná nikunooWIšituutawiʾá áxkUx.
Has The Horn then she fought that one one.
wah tehnuxkaáRAx sápat paaRIhná.
Now she must have been tough the woman Has The Horn.
nikunoowi- tuúta weWIšitohnuutuuníkUt sanánat.
Then that is what she did: she grabbed hold of him the Sioux!

nikunoowituutAxítIt paaRIhná tiwešohniituneeráhAt hawá štoh noowitiiWIsxá.
That is what happened: Has The Horn after she was stunned also again then she revived.
Then that is what she did.

číkuʾ niikohniisuuxuuNAsíštA nikunoowitiituuneéRIt.
Whatever was watching over her that one stood up for her.
tišwačeehUxuúkuʾ witúx kuúNUx niiʾAhniisuuxIsštáWI.
They used to say it was a bear that which watched over her.
kanawitíʾ kuúNUx.
It was not a bear.
witíʾ wiinásts a či nikii- šeenuutuuNAsíštA.
It was a little boy and here that was the one who was watching over her.

tiwehniinuuwaáxI sanánat paaRIhná
While they were running away the Sioux Has The Horn
noowituuNAhwáʾAx na áxkUx sanánat noowituniituuníkUt
then she chased them, and one Sioux then she grabbed his
ukookuútš.– áxkUx nootikaxkáWAt.
legging.– One then she took it off his leg.
na hawá noowituúNAt kaatarátš.
And Also then she took his axe.

tiwehnihnaaʾeéRIt uunawaaríčI na nootiinuuwáʾAx.
When they saw it those (others), and then they ran away.
nootihwáčiʾ číkuʾ tehnuúʾUt.
Then they said: "Something must be happening.
číkuʾ tehnaʾaa- núʾ tinaákUx paaRIhná.
She must be doing something this Has The Horn."

Then they ran away.

tiwehneehuuwiraáta niiʾAhnaákUx staakunaánuʾ šuuxiriwátAt.
When she ran back where she was sitting Juneberry Woman, "Get up!
I have chased them away.
neesiš- tawiraáWA.
We will go down.
siišuukawiiruútIt nakuuhuúnuʾ.
We will get into it the boat."

nikunooWIšituúta noošitIhuukawiiruútIt nakuuhuúnuʾ.
Then that is what they (du) did: then they (du) got into it the boat.
a nikunooWIšituúta wešina- kaaʾišwanú.
And then that is what they (du) did, their (du) going home.

tiwešooNAhuuwáNA na noowitiwaákoʾ staaku- naánuʾ wah
When they (du) were floating and then she said Juneberry Woman: "Now
či wetsakohniraánaʾ.
here they're chasing us!
anuuweneénaʾ áxkUx wiítA.
Over there he comes one man."

tiwehnakaskawíhA paaRIhná na noowitíʾ áxkUx sáhniš.
When she looked back Has The Horn, and there he was one Arikara.

a nootiwaákoʾ to číkuʾ kaakuúʾUt.
And then she said: "Surely it is not anything."

Then he stopped them (du).
nikunoowituúta noowitIhuu- kaʾuúkUt nakuuhuúnuʾ.
Then he did that then he got into it the boat.
nootiRAsákUt wenaraanuukatawó.
Then they started their crossing.

wehnaraanuukataátA nikunoowituutAhnaanaawiítIt wiítA
After they crossed it then she displayed that one to them man
wehnakaxkawátI ukookuútš.
the one she took off his leg the legging.

tehnuuNUxwirinoósiʾ sápat.
She must have been fierce a woman.
noošitIhuukatawaá- hAt.
Then they (du) crossed the water.
a nikunooWIšitunaaʾít wešiNAhuukatawaá- hAt niiwenuutAxítIt
And so they (du) told that after they (du) cross- ed the water what she did
wehnuuNAhnuuwaáxI sanánat.
after she chased them the Sioux.

taanikutuxwaakahUxuúkuʾ paaRIhná.
This is what she used to say (tell) Has The Horn.
hawá nikuneeneekuuraaʾiitUxú.
Also That is the story she gave me.
a či taanikukohnaraákUx tiwehnatarahnaaNAxwé tiíNI
And here this must be the way when we seek (to know) things today
tiweNAsakuuníčI wehnaNAh- naaNAxwé číkuʾ nakunaahiWIsikú.
these days when we seek (to know) things to reveal things.
wetikunaači- teeʾaanúʾ Ahtikukatateewaaníhuʾ.
It is becoming difficult for me: I just get stumped here and there.
atsú taanikuwenetunaaʾít paaRIhná niiʾAhnuutaáNA.
But this is the story I have told Has The Horn what she did.
