XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


A Love Song

Mary Gillette

nakUsakUhtáwe nakukoowaatoosítIt.
There are days when I feel lonesome.
waawi nootatiiwooxuúkuʾ nataakUsuuxeéRIt.
I just feel like going (to you) when I see you.

tiwenatuxtaanáʾU šitihtawiroókuʾ wiítA tiweNAhunáhAs.
This song which I sang they are singing about him a man after he died.
tsu niikohnuhnaáʾuʾ wetinataraakunuuwaáWI šeéNIt kananaateeraakunuuwaáWI.
But it must be the way our living here, plainly that we are not living.
a nikuWIšitiiNAtkoókuʾ wehnunaaʾiitIhú.
And they heard this one as he told it.
AhnuuNUxtawaáto nikuwetitawi- roókuʾ.
The one he had courted that is the one he was singing the lyric about.

witiwaakaáhuʾ nakUsakUhtawé nakukoowaatoosítIt.
He says: "There are days when I feel lonesome.
weeni nootatiiwooxuúkuʾ wenataakuuteéRIt.
I just feel like going (to you) when I see you."

This is the story.
wiítA pakúhtuʾ číkuʾ weteeNAhú- nahAs.
The man long ago he must have died.
tsu nikunoošitihtawirookUxítIt.
And so this is the lyric they began to sing about him.
niikohnuhnaaʾúʾ witinatoonaakAtkawookú ItkAxíniʾ.
It must be the way that we hear ourselves in our sleep.
na nikUšitihtawiroókuʾ wiítA wena-
And he is the one they are singing the lyric about the man when he
tawiroóku AhnuuNUxtawaáto sápat.
was singing the lyric about her the one he had courted woman.