XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Man Married to Buffalo Woman

William Deane, Jr

wiiteešútš witikaákUx.
A young man he stayed inside.
kuteešaáʾA tshaah- kaákUx.
He was named Stays Inside Dressed In Finery.
číkuʾ nookanawitíʾ čikú anuukuNAhkoótA.
It was not for him to ever go anywhere.
He did not know the land.
nooteeraaníhIt sihtAhaah- níniʾ NAhkuwanú.
It was only the way on the out- skirts of the village for him to go.
noowitiwačiʾaáhuʾ číkuʾ nuuʾeétA na naahnunáhAs.
Then they were saying: "If he were to off somewhere, and he would get lost."

Then he got out.
anuú noowitíʾAt.
There then he went.

noowitiwískaʾ tooxuuseeriitíštA.
Then he thought: "Let me go swimming!"

iiháʾ wititsá.
Over there there was water.
Then he went over the hill.
Then he began to swim.
wehnuutaaNIštaátA noowi- teéʾaʾ súxtIt.
When he finished doing it, then she came an old woman.

witiwaákoʾ súxtIt naa či NAxíʾ
She said the old woman: "Oh my, here it is you
tshaahkaákUx waáwi axkuRAhuukataátA.
Stays Inside Dressed In Finery! I wish you would take me across the water.
anuuháʾ axkúkux.
Way over there you can place me."

Let me pack you on my back!"

noowiteéʾaʾ súxtIt wehnawánu.
Then she came the old woman as she was going around.
noo- witíʾAt.
Then she went.
noowititáʾAt šohnihtáhpA.
Then she climbed up as he packed her.
nuu noo- witiRAhaʾuúkUt tinaaríčI tshaahkaá- kUx.
There then he took her into the water this Stays Inside Dressed In Finery.
nuu noowitiRAhuukatáʾAt.
There then he took her across.

wah šuxtakaáhAt.
"Now get down!"

čiríkU číkuʾ kanawitiitakaahaákuʾ.
Oh my, she was not getting down.

witiwaákoʾ škuuxUhuunaʾiíšAt nuuwehnawaákUx na neetitakaáhAt.
She said: "Take me over it," there where a hill was, "and then I'll get down."

nuu nootíRAt.
There then he took her.
wetanuunaátoʾ tinaaríčI wiiteešútš.
Now he resented it this young man.
noowitiriwísAt niiʾAhnuhnaanéhku.
Then he took her to it where she meant.

Then she did not start to get down.
na noowiwituunawiíšA wehnarooʾaáhNA.
And then he shook himself his taking her off.
na noowitipAxtaʾiwát.
And then he hit her on the head repeatedly.
"Get down!"
wewitohneehunaáhNA číkuʾ kanawitiitakaahaákuʾ.
As he threw himself around she was not getting down.

nuu noowitíʾAt.
There then he went.

witiwaákoʾ– súxtIt hee kaakAxiniiNUhu- niwá wenaahtakúʾU.
She said– the old woman: "Hey you have a very pretty one your wife!"

wewitiihíʾ hiíš.
It was now late afternoon.
hUhtiísuʾ noowituutapítaa- hAt.
Finally then he turned around.
anuú noowiteéʾaʾ.
And there then he came.
Then she covered her face.
Then he came into the village.
nooniiʾAhnanuunakaáWI wewiti- katistátAt.
Where his lodge was now it was dark.
Then he went inside.

tinaákUx súxtIt noowitipAxkaraáNUx.
This old woman she had a bushy head.
nooWIšitičiRIh- tsapísuʾ.
Her eyes (du) were shining.

witiwaákoʾ wah atíʾAx číkuʾ wekutuutAxítIt.
He said: "Now, father, something has happened.
tiku- taátAt.– tinaákUx súxtIt wenikUstatateétIt.
I went here.– This old woman she got stuck to me.
neewaákoʾ škuxtAhuukatáʾAt.
She said: 'Take me across!'
nuuweNAhnátA nuuweNAtku- rátA niinakuxwaákA na nookaakitakaáhAt.
After I took her there, after I took her there where she said, and then she did not get down.
wah číkuʾ kaakíʾ niiNAtkuutaáNA NAtkurooʾaáhNA.
Now I cannot do anything for me to take her off."

nooteéʾaʾ na nootikawátAt kuNAhúx.
Then he came and then he got out the old man.
noowi- tuhnaaʾiitáWI WIhtikúxuʾ šišwakAhuutáʾ tákuʾ niikohniriíʾux
Then he told him the crier: "Cry out: 'Whoever knows how
nakurooʾaáhNA súxtIt tinaaríčI wiiteešútš
to take her off of him the old woman, this young man
wetihtatateétIt súxtIt.
she is stuck to him the old woman.'"

noowiteewakAhuutáʾ wiítA.
Then he called out the man.

huu sčiríhtš witiraawiiNAhuuwiraáhAt na čiwakuútš.
Oh, a coyote he ran by angrily, and a kit fox.
nikUšikoxtíʾa šiNAhnooʾaáhNA súxtIt.
"We will be the ones for us to take her off the old woman."

hee šitAxuhpiiraninoósiʾ išiNAxwaaríčI.
"Heh, you (du) are ugly, you (du) standing.
kaakíʾ  tákuʾ šiNAxkurooʾaáhNA číkuʾ niinooNAxkuhnaakaaNIštáNI.
You can- not take anyone off no matter what you are going to do!"

Then it was difficult for them (du).

nooWIšituutá kawáhtš na NAhtátAt.
Then they (du) did it a magpie and a woodpecker.
hawá nooWIšitunaačiteeʾá.
Also then it was difficult for them (du).

na suunawaráʾ nootiitaakiiwísAt.
And spinsters then it was their turn.
na suunawaráʾ noowitihnaxtoosít hAxtačiítuʾ.
And spinsters then they took ropes ropes.
nootuhnaáNAt wehnaRAhnuukátA.
Then they went after her as they went inside.
súxtIt noowitirinuʾá wehnuutaakeéRIt.
The old woman then she became frightened when she saw them.

nooWIšitihkúx wiináxtš.
Then they set him down the boy.
áxkUx noowitUsaxtoo- huunapitaáhAt AhnaraaNIhtíšU.
One then she swung a rope around the eldest one.
Then she caught her arm.
weNUsaxaWIšíhkUt noowitUstatatároʾ.
When she pulled the rope, then she took it off (of him).

niikohniiraawiíʾot tuunaákUx hawá noowituúta hawá noowitikaxkoohaásAt.
However long it was another one also then she did it: also then she caught her leg.
tiwenuutaWIšíhkUt íhUx nooWI- šitinoóʾa.
When she pulled it half then they took her off.

na wešitAxtooʾaahníštA.
"And now you (du) are going to take her off."

tsu tuunaaríčI tiwihkoohaásAt.
And the other one she caught the arm.
na skaawítA noowitiroohUhtakaáhAt.
And the youngest then she yanked her off.
Then they took her out.

xunáNIš sčiríhtš kuWIšititiraaʾú noo-
Coyote soldiers they (du) took it upon themselves their
šohnakoótIt súxtIt.
(du) killing her the old woman.
noowitiNAhwaakúx nátš.
Then they piled it up wood.
Then they burned her.
She burned.

wehnakatiisiʾaáNA wiiteešútš nootiiriwátAt.
After it had become dark the young man then he got up.
niikohniiRAtkAhaanawiiʾót noowehnakaasuuhIšátA.
It was sometime late in the night when he went to urinate.

There was a lodge.
nootiiʾakAhčiraanawatáNIt AhnakáʾIt kaaWIhíniʾ.
Then the lodge was completely lit up there being a fire inside.
She was talking.
sápat noowitíʾ.
A woman there it was.
hawá piiráʾuʾ noowitiičíkAt.
Also a baby there he was crying.

tinaaríčI wiítA nootíʾAt.
This man then he went.
Then he was looking.
He peeped in.
sapát nootiíkUx.
A woman there she sat.
uu kanawitaaxuhné.
Oh, she was beautiful!
číkuʾ nuukuwitiiʾuxwát.
She had long hair.
nootuutaánuʾ kanaʾaxkuuteéRIt.
Then she did it 'that you not see me.'

nootuutapítaahAt wiiteešútš tinaaríčI.
Then he turned around young man this,
nootI- huúkAt nootiroswaakároʾ niikunaraa-
then he went into (his lodge), then he took up the things what belonged
waáNU tinaátš niíšuʾ neesítš.
to him: bow, arrows, knife.

wah tiwenakaaʾá anuú nuukuWIšitaáhWA.
Now when he came out there they (du) were going off the other way in the distance.
nooWIšitUstatatáʾAt nuuwešinawáNA nuu- wešinawáNA.
Then he followed them (du) as they (du) were going there, as they (du) were going there.

nootAheéšaʾ anuú wekuwituúʾUt šohna- wáNA šohnawáNA.
Then morning came, then it was still that way their (du) going, their (du) going.
noowiteewíʾAt wiiteešútš.
Then he was tired the young man.
Then they stopped.

noowitiwaákoʾ sápat aaxihwiísaʾ.
Then she said the woman: "Don't come near!
kaakAxkuu- NUxtAhuuniwá.
You did not treat me well."

kananiiraawitáriiʾIs naaʾiikáWIš.
It was a rapid way indeed the tale.
tinaaríčI nuu- tiRAxáhAt piiráʾuʾ.
This one when he grew up the child.
nootiʾá wiináxtš.
Then he became a boy.

nuuwehnaraanátA witiwaákoʾ atíʾAx ka wenooNAsáʾUx.
As they went there he said: "Father, are you hungry?"

uu wetikuNAsáʾUx.
"Oh, I am hungry!"

tinaaríčI aniipáhAt noowitiʾuuneéRIt wehnaapaakUskaa- raʾá.
This calf then he stood up his humping his back down (to defecate).
noowitiraniwirúʾ wehnaRAsakaa- hakú.
They were round when he was dropping them.

witiwaákoʾ wah šuxtoosít nootiNAxkuwáʾA.
He said: "Now pick them up these for you to eat!"

noowitiroosít wiiteešútš.
Then he picked them up the young man.
noowituutá wehnatakoósA na inoowitíʾIt tapáhtuʾ.
Then he did it: when he took a bite, why, there they were pemmican.
hawá kanawitiiʾoohAswóʾ wenáʾA wenáʾA.
Also there it was not diminishing (in amount) as he ate, as he ate.
He became full.

číkuʾ niikohniiʾót wehnaRAhWIsátA štoh noowiteéʾaʾ wiináxtš.
However far it was when they arrived again then he came the boy.
noowitiwaákoʾ atíʾAx ka wenahAstaahíš.
Then he said: "Father, are you thirsty?"

witiwaákoʾ heeʾ wetikuhAstaahíš.
He said: "Yes, I am thirsty."

tiwituúʾUt witiraahoorút niiʾAhnuxtskaá- WI.
It was that way here: it was muddy where water had been underneath.
wiináxtš nuuwiteešooRUtkaáʾAt.
The boy he put his hoof into the mud there.
Then he made a hole in it.
Then water came out.
nootits- čiráNIt.
The water was clear there.
Then he drank.
wehnačiíka noowitiit- šičiíta.
After he drank, then he regained his strength.

nuu nootiraáNAt.
There then they went.

noowitiwaákoʾ atináʾ tiwaakaáhuʾ ápaʾ aniweneékUx.
Then he said: "Mother she is saying: 'Your grandfather there he sits.'
witiwaákoʾ anuuwenáʾ saNIštaapé.
She said: 'There he comes a human being.
wetatiisiráxaʾ saNIštaapé číkuʾ naakoxWItkAhaasaáNA.
I have brought him a human being for your hoof to taste.'"

wiináxtš noowitiwaákoʾ atíʾAx taanikuwetiwaakaáhuʾ atináʾ.
The boy then he said: "My father, this is what she said my mother.
atípaʾ kutehnátiiʾI.
My grandfather he must be mine.
taanikuweneewaá- koʾ.
This is what she said.".

tinaaríčI wiiteešútš nootiškáʾAt.
This young man then he put his hand in it.
noo- witikáWAt kuutarúhtuʾ.
Then he took it out a plume.
noowitiʾú wiináxtš.
Then he gave it to him the boy.
Then he swung around.
noowitiwaakaáhuʾ taanikutuhka- ʾús.
Then he was saying: "This is what you'll put on him."

nikunoowituúta wiináxtš nootuhkaʾús kuutarúhtuʾ.
Then he did that the boy: he put it on him the plume.

nuuwenaraanátA na nooWIšitiíkUx pítkUx hukós.
Then as they went and there they (du) sat two bulls.
hawá nikunoowitiwaákoʾ štoh sápat.
Also then she said that again the woman.

nootuutUhuunapítaahAt wiináxtš štoh.
Then he swung around the boy again.
witiwaákoʾ atíʾAx nuušiineékUx pítkUx.
He said: "Father, they (du) are sitting there two.
kUšitehnatiíʾI atípaʾ.
They (du) must be mine my grandfathers.
This is what she said."

nooWIšitikáWAt kuutarúhtuʾ pítkUx.
Then he took them (du) out plumes two.

Then they (du) were thankful.

anuú nootiraáNAt nohnaraanátA na štoh teškúNIt
There then they went on as they went there and again close by
niiʾAhnaRAseewaáhAt tanáhaʾ.
where they were ranging the buffalos.

noowiteéʾaʾ wiináxtš.
Then he came the boy.
noowitiwaákoʾ tiwaakaáhuʾ atináʾ tiweneeRAseéhAt teškúNIt.
Then he said: "She was saying my mother: 'Here they are ranging close by.'"

noowitinoohunookUxítIt nooxíniʾ noowitinoosít noowitinehkuutuúʾA
Then they began to plan it: ten then they chose them ones who were alike
tinawaaríčI aniipáhAt.
these calves.
nooWIšitih- taʾí tinaaríčI wiináxtš.
Then they put him among them this boy.
nookananiihúNAx neešiisihkoótIt
"If he does not find him, we'll kill him."

tinaaríčI wiináxtš tuutUhuunapítaahAt.
This boy then he swung around.
He arrived there.

noowitiwaákoʾ atíʾAx wetiNAsaáWAt.
Then he said: "Father, they picked them out.
nooxíniʾ tuhnaánuʾ.
Ten they number.
They'll put me among them.
noowititehnatih- naákuʾ.
We must resemble each other.
wah wetAxkutaawatáxtA.
Now you are going to choose me."
noowitiwaákoʾ anuukiišiína hatúhkAt
Then he said: "When you come there on the end,
anuukiišiína huNAh- kátAt áxkUx koxtiiNItkAhaahwiíʾaʾ.
when you come there in the front, one I will flap my ear down.
na neešuhneésis na išwaákoʾ tineéRIt natihnaáʾU.
And you'll know, and you'll say: 'Here he stands my son.'"

kunoowitiisá nootihwaʾuuneeričít.
Then they did that: then they stood them up.
nooxíniʾ wituhnaánuʾ.
Ten they numbered.
aniipáhAt noowititeenuútuʾ.
The calves then they looked alike.

nooWIšitihnaaʾiitáWI wiiteešútš tinaákUx wah naakuʾá.
Then they told him young man this: "Now Come.
Select him."

Then he came.
nikunoowitiritaʾuúkUt hatúhkAt.
Then that is where he started on the end.
nikunoowiteéʾaʾ huNAhkátAt.
He came there to the front.
wehnaaʾá wewituuteéRIt noowitetkAhaahwiíʾaʾ aniipáhAt.
When he came now he saw him: then he bent his ear down the calf.

noowitiwaákoʾ tineéRIt natihnaáʾU.
Then he said: "Here he is my son."

uu kanawitaaxeenunuunaátoʾ.
Oh, they did not like it!
noowitinoohúnoʾ štoh nooxíniʾ tehnuhnaánuʾ sapahnoóčI.
Then they planned it again: ten they numbered females.
They were alike.

witeéʾaʾ wiináxtš na noowitiwaákoʾ wah wetAx- taawatúʾ atináʾ.
He came the boy and then he said: "Now you'll choose her my mother.
nuukooxiritaʾuúkUt huNAhkátAt.
You will start there in the front.
nuukuneetUstaakáhAt hatúhkAt.
I'll go around over there to the end.
koxtuhkakúx piiraʾaátUx NItkuuhíniʾ.
I will place it on her a burr on the tail."

na nikunoowituúta wiináxtš noowituhkakúx piiraʾaátux NItkuuhíniʾ.
And then that is what he did the boy: then he placed it the burr on the tail.

tiwenawaʾuuneéRIt wiiteešútš nootíʾAt.
When they stood up, the young man then he went.
nikunoo- witiritaʾuúkUt huNAhkátAt.
Then he started thus in the front.
nuuwehnaaʾá hatúhkAt witiwaákoʾ tineéRIt natiiNAhtakúʾU.
When he came there on the end, he said: "Here she is my wife."

uu kananwitaaxeenunuunaatóʾ.
Oh, they did not like it!
He was very holy!
wah parúNIt šiNIhkuukootíkA.
"Now quickly kill him.
Axtóh číkuʾ kaakíʾ číkuʾ niišiNAxkuu- tAhuNAhuunuúʾA
Surely you cannot do anything with him."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš wah atíʾAx wešitakoo- tíštA.
Then he said the boy: "Now, father, they are going to kill you.
They have become angry."

wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ nuukiiseenúxWA.
The young man then he said: "Let us (du) go over there!
Let us (du) go over there!"

niiháʾ witunaahé witIhuNAhwarúskUx.
There it was good: there was a mound.
nooWIšitikatá- WA.
Then they (du) went up it.
Then they (du) sat down.
wiináxtš noowitikáWAt kanítš.
The boy then he took it out a stone.
noowitíʾ načiraanawataaníčI.
There it was a light colored one.
It was round.
Then he placed it.
Then they (du) stood up.

witiwaákoʾ wah šuxčinaawaáhIš.
He said: "Now hurry up!
nootiiraawiiʾót naakuraána.
It will not be long their coming."

tinaákUx kanítš noowitaanáwax hawá číkuʾ niikoh- nuhnaawóʾ.
This stone then it spread out, also whichever way it was going.
hawá noowiteewaátaʾ.
Also then it rose up.
nooWIšitiwiiruútIt uukaríkAt.
Then they (du) sat down in the middle.
nuuwenaátA wenawaáta wenawaatAhú noowitiwáčiʾ tanáhaʾ číkuʾ wetehnuúta.
As it went there as it rose, as it was rising, then they said the buffalos: "He must be doing something.

witiraneewaáta anooWIšitanostáhkA.
They looked: there their (du) bodies were visible on it.

Then they went at it.
wewitiRAsaʾiwooxítIt wehnuNAsaakAháku.
Now they began rubbing against it as they were going around it.
číkuʾ kananíʾ NIhkuutaáNA.
They weren't able to do anything.

tinaaríčI nooteepanikUxítIt niišíniʾ
This one then he began to shoot them with an arrow,
wenaapanikú wenaapanikú.
his shooting them, his shooting them.
kanawituunaaNAhuNIša- wíhAt AhnakawootíkA.
He killed a great many of them his killing them!

tsu tuuháʾ sAhkAhaánuʾ kaakinaaheeríkuʾ atíštIt NAhkuraaniWAhteéʾU.
But over there the village it was not good well there being hunger.

na wekaakatakunaaNAhuNIšáwihAt.
"Why, they have killed a large number of us.
šiisii- šiʾít.
Let's let them go!"

noowitiinuuwáʾAx tanáhaʾ.
Then they all ran off the buffalos.

taanikuWIšituúta wiináxtš.
This is what they (du) did the boy.
tuhnaaʾiitUxtá- tAt nuu wešiNAhuučitákUx.
There is a story with it there when they sat on it.

Then they (du) came home.
tsu nuuháʾ ituúniniʾ noowitiwaákoʾ číkuʾ wewitaáNAt.
And over there in the village then they said: "He has gone off somewhere.
teeNAhiikhú- RIt wiiteešútš.
He must have felt ashamed the young man.
číkuʾ wewitaáNAt.
He has gone off somewhere."

uunawaaríčI ituuníniʾ noowitiitaNAsoxtšítIt.
Those others in the village then they began to be hungry.
číkuʾ wekanawitíʾ číkuʾ šiNIhkúʾA.
There was nothing for them to eat.
naahuunéʾ číkuʾ wekaneeteh- niRAseewaáhAt tanáhaʾ.
Far away they must have indeed ranged somewhere the buffalos!
tinaaríčI wiiteešútš noowitiwaákoʾ wah wešitAxuutakAxaahíštA tanáhaʾ.
This young man then he said: "Now you are going to call them the buffalos."

wiináxtš nikunooWIšitihnukaʾuuneeričít.
The boy then he was the one whom they stood in the lead.
He was the one given a pipe.
He was the one who was going to call them.

číkuʾ niikohniihawé čiitíʾIš weʾAhnaweéNA noowitičirikaʾá
However many days had passed, four after days passed, then he awoke
áxkUx wiítA na noowitiwaákoʾ tiweneeRA- seéhAt tanáhaʾ.
one man and then he said: "They are ranging here buffalos."

uu kanawitiinaaNAhuNIšawíhAt.
Oh, they killed a huge number!
witehtsastanaahUxítIt wehnehtsastanaaʾá wehnihtaakAxkawaakaroóku.
They began to bring meat, when they brought meat, when they were making dried meat.

na tinaaríčI wiiteešútš na wiináxtš nikunooWIšiti- reešaána.
And this young man and the boy then those (du) became chiefs.

wah taanikuwituutAxítIt.
Now this is what happened.