XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Coyote and Artichoke

William Deane, Jr

sčiríhtš noowitíʾAt kananiraanaánus nakuRAsáʾUx.
Coyote then he went, as usual his being hungry.

hatúhkAt noowitiwaákoʾ tatiíʾI šitihkakáʾus
Behind then it said: "I am to be bitten."

čą́ą́ noowituutapítaahAt.
"Say!" Then he turned around.
a noowitiišá tšuúxIt.
And there it was lying an artichoke.

witiwaákoʾ noošiʾaxkuhtakoósuʾ.
He said: "I won't take just a bite!"
čituú noo- witiihuuʾiwáNIt.
All of it then he swallowed it.
Then he went on.

číkuʾ noowehniiWIsátA číkuʾ– na noowiteéti.
However far he had gone some– and then he just farted.
Now his heels were thrown up into the air.
Then he looked back.

noowitiwaákoʾ aaráh kaakUsunaahé.
Then he said: "Say, that felt nice!"

anuú štoh noowitíʾAt.
Then again then he went on.
Then he farted.
noowi- teéti.
Then he farted.
Then he was thrown into the air.
witičiškaranuuwaʾá tiwehneékUt.
He hurt his shins when he landed.

Then he ran onto a flat.
kaapiniwóx tiwitiráh- kUx.
Buckbrush there was a growth of it.
Then he grabbed them.

wah škuuxatí.
"Now let me fart!"

tiwehnaátI noowitiRAhkúxIt kaapiniwóx.
When he farted, then he pulled them up the buckbrush.
kanawitaaxinaʾá tiwehneékUt.
It really hurt him when he fell!

noowitiihuuniriwátAt wehnaraaNAxwé.
Then he jumped up as he looked for a way.
a noowi- tikanítkUx.
And there was a rock there.
Then he grabbed the rock.

wah škuuxatí.
"Now let me fart!"

tiwehnaátI weeneeNUhuunukaaraʾá wee-
When he farted when he was thrown far up in the air when
neehUhtakaáhAt tiwehneeʾá tiwehneeʾá witipAxahtáʾIt kanítš.
he fell down, as he came, as he came he crushed his head (on) the rock.

wah nikutiraačítA nakihtatataroósI čiíšuʾ niinakukanítkUx
Now this is the reason their lying next to it bones where a rock is
wehnihkootíkA tšuúxIt.
his having been killed by it an artichoke.