XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Ant, Cricket, Mosquito, and

Spring Peeper Go on the Warpath

William Deane, Jr

wewitaasuúʾaʾ wehnaasuúʾa wehnaasuúʾa wehnaasuúʾa na
Now it rained as it rained, as it rained, as it rained, and
noowituxtaáNAt naawiinakuúnuʾ .
then they went (on) the warpath .
tíʾ pitáruʾ na tačíRUt na xás na áxWIt .
It was Ant, and Cricket, and Mosquito, and Spring Peeper .
nikuwituhnaánuʾ .
They were the ones .

číkuʾ niiwekohniiraawiiʾót noowitiwaákoʾ áxkUx
However long a period of time it was then he said one:
naahuunéʾ kaakataraapaáRIt naasuúʾa.
"We are far away from there indeed as it rains."

čiišaahniihíʾ NAhkaaWIhíniʾ tiwehnaasuúʾa.
Here it was in the medicine lodge when it rained.

číkuʾ nookanawitiRAhWIswóʾ.
Then they did not go any farther.
Then it became dark.
Then they stood there.

tačíRUt nootIhooRUtkáwi.
Cricket then he got stuck in the mud.
iwenawanú wenawanú weNAhooRUtkawiíNA
When he went around when he went around when he was stuck in the mud,
noowitUtkaa- saríkUt.
then his leg fell off.
Then he started going around.
Then he died.

Then they stood there.
teeraawakaahtáʾ wehnaRAhčíkAt.
They cried out as they cried.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah toxtaapóʾ wenatakuunaahnaaniíWIs.
Then he said: "Now let's go we who remain!
wah witiitsuuxUhuhtAhuneépI tinaaríčI pitáruʾ.
Now let me put my belt on first!" this ant.

wah witooNUstAhuneepihUxítIt čiríkU noowitohniroókAs.
Now when he began putting on his belt, oh my, then his rump broke off.
hawá nootiwanuuxítIt.
Also then he began to go around.
hawá wewitikót.
Also he now died.

teeraawakaahtáʾ wehnaRAhčíkAt.
They cried out when they cried.

noowitiwískaʾ tinaákUx áxWIt wah tooxUhuh- čitstáʾ tiíNI.
Then he thought this Spring Peeper: "Now let me cry awhile this time!
na neetootáwi.
And then I'll stop."

tiwehnaawakAhuutaʾá wehnačíkAt čiríkU noowiwitiraNU- huuNIškaáxIt.
When he cried out as he cried, oh my, then he burst his voice.
hawá witiwanuuxítIt.
Also he began to go around.
hawá witikót.
Also he died.

noowituuniíWIs xás.
Then he remained Mosquito.

hee wah toóxAt.
"Hey, now let me go!"

He began to fall the other way.
wewitohnuuNIsUxkohnanoo- ʾaáhnu čiríkU noowitohniisiNIstaríkUt.
As he was cleaning his nose, oh my, then he pulled his nose off.
hawá tiwena- wanuuxítIt hawá witikót.
Also as he began to go around also he died.

wah tákuʾ niikohnaawísaʾ nakunaaʾiitI nii- ʾAhnuutAxítIt.
Now it is not known who arrived to tell the story what happened.
čituúʾ wetikawót tinawaaríčI.
All they had died these.

wah noowetuhnaánuʾ.
Now that is all.