XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Long Teeth and His Brother

Esther Perkins

wiitakaWAhaánuʾ witeekánikUx.
Lucky Man he had a home.
wiináxtš witUsiRAxá.
A boy he had.
kanawitiiraaníhtš wešohnaakaníkUx.
He was young while they (du) had their home.
noowiti- raaWIhkaʾiíšAt wiitakaWAhaánuʾ.
Then he went hunting Lucky Man.
weNAhkuraaWIhkaʾaáhNA tsu wiináxtš witikaákUx.
While he hunted, but the boy he was at home.
Then he went.

weNAhkuraaWIhkaʾišwó noowitiikAhíNIt.
When he was going hunting then he made a fire.
noowi- titkataroswaáWI NIšaátuʾ.
Then he broiled them over it ribs.
iitakaaʾiišá kanaaxteeraa- kaanúnoʾ.
"When I return I won't have to cook.
They will all be cooked."

niikohnuutunaánuʾ wewitaawirístoʾ wehna- kaákUx
Whatever time of the year it was it was warm while he was at home
wiináxtš hiʾáxtiʾ wiítA wehnaraaWIhkaʾii- šátA.
the boy his father the man when he had gone hunting.
wewiteewitookúxtA wehnuutáxkUx.
It was about noon while he sat there.

takohnáʾU noowitiwaákoʾ hee áNA.
Someone then he said: "Hey, brother!"

noowitikaskáWI aninaákUx.
Then he looked back that one.
noowiteečiriikIswaataáhuʾ wiináxtš.
Then he peeped around the boy.
wiináxtš witeečiriikIswaataáhuʾ.
The boy he peeped around.

a noowitiwískaʾ tákuʾ kaakatanúhkUx inaániʾ.
And then he thought: "I don't have anyone a brother."

noowiteehuúkaʾ anináʾU anuú AhnoxčiriikIswaátAhu.
Then he came the one there the one who was peeping.
noowitíʾAt niiʾAhnaákUx.
Then he went where he sat.

noowitiwaákoʾ tuusišwaawaʾá.
Then he said: "Let's eat!"

a noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš atíʾAx tiwaakaáhuʾ na- koowitoókUt.
And then he said the boy: "My father he says: 'When it is noon.'
siíno kaakitookúkuʾ.
Yet it is not noon.
That is when I eat."

wewituutáxkUx wiináxtš.
Now he just sat there the boy.
He scrutinized him.

noowiteewakAhuutáʾ anuunaákUx sišwaawaʾá áNA.
Then he hollered that one: "Let's eat, brother!
inookaneešuutaáNA koxteékaʾUs.
If you don't do it, I will bite you."

noowitiwískaʾ wiináxtš -- uu wewitUtčiríkUx tehnooNAsáʾUx.
Then he thought the boy -- oh, he was staring at him: "You must be hungry."

"Go on!
Cut a piece (of meat)!"

Then he reached his hand out.
witikúxIt NIšaátuʾ.
He picked it up a rib.
wititeeríWAt pítkUx wehnáʾA.
He sliced one, two as he ate.
čituúʾuʾ nuu witičiška- káʾUs weNAhkúʾA.
All there he chewed (even) the bone as he ate.

na wiináxtš noowititeeríWAt.
And the boy then he took a slice.
Now he ate it.

wewitiíkUx AhnawaákAhu inaániʾ kutatáʾ.
He sat there the one saying it: "Brother you are mine."
kuwitostAhunét neekaánuʾ.
He had it tied around his waist shed buffalo hair.
noowiti- čiraNIhuúʾU.
There he was heavyset.
wewituutáxkUx wehnakanuuwaáhAs.
He just sat there after he ate up everything.

hawá tuúxAt.
"Now let me go!"

Then he jumped up.
He was just quick in his movements.

tiwehneehuunaWIsítIt wiináxtš noowitiihuuniriwátAt.
When he ran out, the boy then he jumped up.
čukú tAxiínaʾ.
"I wonder where you came from?"
noowituutawitAhúNA wehneehuunaWIsítIt na wiináxtš noowituutaweeroohuunaWIsítIt.
Then he was right behind him when he went out quickly and the boy then he rushed out right behind him.

na inoowitiičiisuúhAt.
And there there was water flowing by.
noowitiihuunaʾuúkUt anináʾU.
Then he rushed into the water that one.

nohneehuúkaʾ wiináxtš.
Then he came (back) inside the boy.
He just sat there.

nohneehuúkaʾ hiʾáxtiʾ.
Then he came in his father.
wewitiihíʾ hiíš.
It now was late afternoon.

hiʾáxtiʾ wehnuutaakeéRIt noowitiwískaʾ wiináxtš teeNAxUsuxtAsáʾUx.
His father after he saw them then he thought: "Boy, you must have been hungry.
tiíNI teeNAxuxwaawaʾá.
Now you must have eaten."

tiwešohnawaawáʾA hiíš noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš
When they (du) ate late in the afternoon then he said the boy:
atíʾAx tátskaʾ číkuʾ aatohnaaʾiitawíhA.
"Father, I want that I tell you something."

noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ wah šuxwaákoʾ.
Then he said his father: "Now say it!"

noowitiwaákoʾ takohnáʾU tooxuúkaʾ.
Then he said: "Someone he came inside.
neeneekuhnaʾít inaániʾ.
He called me brother."

tičé nuutaweewiʾuúʾIt.
"What did he look like?"

noowitiihuuniitawaáWI tinaákUx neekaánuʾ AhnostA- huneépI.
Then he described him this one shed hair the one who had it tied around his waist.
noowitiwaákoʾ tooxuúkaʾ.
Then he said: "He came inside."

noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ heeʾ.
Then he said his father: "Yes.
That is what he said.

wewituutaaNIštát wehneehuuniitawaawíhA.
Now he finished his describing him.

wehneehuuniitawaawíhA noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ tiraáNIš.
After he had described him then he said Lucky Man: "It is true.
áNA kutAxíʾ.
Your brother he is yours."
noowituhnéswatAt šohnihnoohaásAt AxtAhkawíʾuʾ.
Then he remembered their throwing it into water the afterbirth.
šitehniisuxka- kUxiriípI neekaánuʾ AxtAhkawíʾuʾ.
They must have wrapped it in it shed hair the afterbirth.
noošohnihnoo- haásAt.
Then they threw it into the water.
kuwitostAhunét neekaánuʾ.
He had it tied around his waist the shed hair.

Then morning came.
noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wah wetAhnaaWIhkaʾišwóʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "Now I am going out hunting."

štoh noowitiRIšaatItkataroswaáWI.
Again then he put ribs over the fire.
He made a fire.

saxtš neewitoókUt nakoowitoókUt na tIhaakawáʾas.
"As so on as it is noon when it is noon eat!"

na wiináxtš wehnaákUx na niiniiraawiiʾoóčI
And the boy as he sat and when it was about the time
číkuʾ tehniitookukUxuúkuʾ nooxíniʾ na nooxíniʾ na áxkUx
it must have been the hour ten or eleven
noowiteehuúkaʾ anináʾU wiináxtš.
then he came inside that one boy.
wewiteehuúkaʾ weNAhkuutáxkUx.
He now came inside while he just sat there.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah siišaakawáʾAs.
Then he said: "Now let's eat!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš atíʾAx tiwaakaáhuʾ šakuu- nuukaríkAt
Then he said the boy: "My father he says: 'At noon.'"

noowitiwaákoʾ nootAxinihnaaʾiiwánuʾ haáʾAx atí- ʾAx tiwaakaáhuʾ.
Then he said: "So you do as he says your father: 'My father he says it.'
I'm hungry.
Let me eat!"

noowitiwaákoʾ šuuxIšuúhAt.
Then he said: "Extend your hand!"
na hiʾáxtiʾ we- witihnaaʾiitáWI niinakuutaáNA šuuxIšuúhAt.
And his father he had told him what to do: "Extend your hand!
Slice it!"

čiríkU noowitiišuúNIt.
Oh my, then his hand burned.
Then he went outside.

nikunoowitihnaʾít wešohnawaawáʾA nookaneešuh- naawiiʾátA koxteekáʾUs.
Then he told him that while they (du) ate: "If you don't give in, I will bite you.
I will whip you."

Now he just sat there.
wah suúxa.
"Now do it!"

Then he went outside.
noowitíʾAt anináʾU wiináxtš.
Then he went that one boy.
štoh noowituhniraaNUhuunaWIsítIt wehnakanuuwaáhAs.
Again then he chased him out after he ate up everything.
na niiʾAhnuutaánu noowitiihuunaʾuúkUt iiʾAh- načísA.
And as he had been doing then he jumped into the water where the water was.
There was a river valley.
nikuwitiihuunoo- kúkuʾ.
That is where he was jumping into the water.

noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ wah.
Then he said his father: "Now."

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš tooxuúkaʾ.
Then he said the boy: "He came inside."

noowitiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ NAheešá neetIskáʾ nikuʾaa- xuutaáNA.
Then he said his father: "Tomorrow I do want that you do this."
noowitihnaaʾiitáWI witikoxtíroʾ NAhnéswis.
Then he told him: "I will turn myself into it a fire poker.
witikoxtíroʾ NAhnéswis.
I will turn myself into it a fire poker."
niku- witiwaákoʾ hiʾáxtiʾ.
That is what he said his father.

niiweniiraawiiʾoóčI aNAhuukahUxúku aahnoowitI- huúkAt na noowiteečiriikIswaátaʾ.
Just about that time when he usually came in then he just came in and then he peeped around.
áNA čuwekunáʾAt haáʾAx.
"Brother where is he your father?"

"He went hunting."

Then he was moving his eyes everywhere.
"You are lying.
witiitehnároʾ NAhnéswis.
He must have turned himself into it a poker.
There he lies."
He was talking to himself.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ tiwaaRUxtíʾ.– tuhneswaa- wiíšuʾ.
Then he said Lucky Man: "He is holy.– He knows everything.
hawá NAheešá witikoxtíroʾ naNAh- čitaʾiítuʾ
Also tomorrow I will turn myself into it a rafter."

na nikunoowituúta weNAheešá witiRIšaa- tItkataroswaáWI.
And then that is what he did: when dawn came he put ribs over the fire.
noowiwitiRAhčitaʾús naNAhčitaʾiítuʾ.
Then he lay himself on top the rafters.

na iiniiraawiiʾoóčI noowitireekaríkUt.
And when it was about that time then he opened the door.
noowitiwaákoʾ áNA čuwekunáʾAt haáʾAx.
Then he said: "Brother, where is he your father?"

"He went hunting."

anináʾU wiináxtš noowitičiriNAhkataʾiiwaáhAt.
That boy then he passed his eyes all around.
"You are lying.
There he lies on it!"

Then he rushed out.

pítkUx nikuwewituúta.
Twice that is what he did.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wah tiíNI koxtiʾoo- kaaʾuuneéRIt
Then he said Lucky Man: "Now, now I will stand outside
iinaakUhuúka iiNUsuuwatUhtáWI oowátkAt nuu naakuuhuúka.
where he comes in where the entryway is outside there where one enters."

na iiniiraawiiʾoóčI wiítA wewititaweéRIt
And just about that time the man now he stood among them
aNAhaapaáWI wehnakataaríčI.
where the upright posts were his standing among them.

a nooʾiikuwiteénaʾ.
And then he came from over there.
nohneeka- táʾ iiʾAhnačísA.
Then he came up (the bank) where the water was.
wehnaáʾa weNUtčiríkUx noowitiihuuNAhtatatáwiihAt.
When he came as he stared at him then he passed by him.
He never saw him.
noowitiihunuú- kAt.
Then he rushed inside.

noowitiwaákoʾ áNA čuwekunáʾAt haáʾAx.
Then he said: "Brother, where is he your father?"

noowitiwaákoʾ tiraawiíNAt.
Then he said: "He went hunting."

či NAxiwáhNIš.
"Here you are truthful."

Now he stood outside.

noowitiwaákoʾ tisiišaakawáʾAs.
Then he said: "Let's eat!"

noowitiwaákoʾ wiinaáxtš atíʾAx tiwaakaáhuʾ nee- witoókUt.
Then he said the boy: "My father he says: 'When it is noon.'"

Then he became angry.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiinaáxtš šuuxIšuúhAt.
Then he said the boy: "Extend your hand!
witiisúx- kakAt.
Cut (some meat) for yourself!
witiisuxteeríWAt tsástš.
Slice some for yourself meat!"

tiwehneštaanoótA wehnakakAtkú na wiináxtš wekuwitikaatákUx.
When he reached out as he was cutting it, and the boy now he sat in back of him.
noowitiwaákoʾ koxkuutúkAt.
Then he said: "Cut it for me!"

a či tinaákUx wiináxtš noowitištaanuúhAt.
And here this boy then he extended his hands.
neekaánuʾ iiʾAhnostAhuneépI nuuhíniʾ
Shed hair where he had it tied around his waist on the loin
nikunoowituutuuníkUt ápIs šohneštáWI.
then he grabbed him there both his hands.
wah atíʾAx wetatuutuuníkUt.
"Now, father, I have taken hold of him."

a či tinaaríčI noowitiwaákoʾ škuuxiʾít.
And here this one then he said: "Let me go!
Let me go!"

wehnuutuuníkUt kanawitištaaNIsáhniš.
As he held him he held on tightly!

noowitiraawiiNUhunuúkAt hiʾáxtiʾ.
Then he rushed in aggressively his father.
noowitIhaxtá hAxtačiítuʾ.
He had it a rope.
Then he tied him up.
Then he tied his feet.

Now he lay against the wall.
Now he lay there.
wewitUt- čiríkUx hiʾáxtiʾ.
Now he looked at him his father.
anináʾU wewitUtčiríkUx.
That one now he stared at him.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah šíštaʾ.
Then he said: "Now bring it!
aniiháʾI tiíkUx kaaxItčiraánuʾ.
There it is (ie sits) a bladder.
Bring it!"

wiináxtš noowiteeráʾ.
The boy then he brought it.
noowitUstareépI suhnaa- níniʾ.
Then he tied it on the bangs.
Then it was tied.
noowitiwaanú kaaxItčiraánuʾ aNUstareepíhA.
Then he blew it up the bladder after he had tied it.

číkuʾ nuukuwitiiʾaáhwat.
He had long teeth.
wituhnaathaanáwiʾ xaátš na- ʾaahwaaWIhú.
They resembled them a dog its teeth.
čiitíʾIš wituhnaánuʾ.
Four there were.
na niiháʾI nikunoo- witiʾaaNAhkákAt wiítA naʾaahčeesíčI.
And here this is where he cut the teeth the man the long teeth.
tiwehnuutaa- NIštaátA wešiniinaaNAhkakátkA noowitUstaree- čiruúWAt.
When he finished doing it their (du) cutting his teeth, then he untied him.

noowitiwaákoʾ wah hánuʾ.
Then he said: "Now go on!"

čiríkU noowitiihuunaWIsítIt anináʾU wiináxtš wehnaWIskáʾA
Oh my, then he ran outside that boy his wanting
aatotčiiniiWAhná nakutuuʾiitikú.
'that I splash into the water' to go underwater.
tiwehnut- kákUx pAxíniʾ kaaxItčiraánuʾ kanawitutuuʾiitíkuʾ.
Its being tied to it on the head the bladder, he was not submerging.
weNAhkuutUhuunuuʾiítIt štoh noowitootUhuunuusáʾ.
Whenever he went underwater again then he quickly surfaced.

wah nikuwehnuutaánu wiítA noowitiraakaanúnoʾ.
Now while he was doing it the man then he cooked a meal.
witiwaákoʾ wiítA anuú áNA suxkáxaʾ.
He said the man: "Over there your brother call to him!
We are going to eat."

noowiteeWIsítIt wiináxtš.
Then he went out the boy.
witiwaákoʾ áNA šíšaʾ.
He said: "Brother, come!
We are going to eat."

noowitiiteéRIt wituutUhuunuuʾiítIt.
Then he looked at him: there he dropped down underwater.
číkuʾ kanawituutUhuunuuʾiítikuʾ.
He was not submerging.
He was coming up rapidly.

Then he came.
Then they (du) went inside.

noowitiwaákoʾ wehnihwaawáʾA niiháʾI na šikaakíWA.
Then he said while they ate: "There don't go.
šitikákUx pítkUx níkUs.
They (du) are in the woods two birds.
šikaakuh- né.
They (du) are not good.
na šikaakíWA.
Don't go there."

wiináxtš weWIšituutáxkUx.
The boys they (du) just sat there.

noowitiraawiíNAt niiʾAhnuutaánu hiʾáxtiʾ.
Then he went off hunting as he was doing their father.
noowitiwaákoʾ aniiNAxuutAsštáWI tAxtaaníhtš.
Then he said: "You who watch over that one, you are older.
wetAxuutAsštawiítIt áNA.
You'll watch him your brother.
wešitAxkaakúxtA áNA.
You (du) shall stay inside your brother."

šikanawitiinooʾaáhnuʾ kaaxItčiraánuʾ.
They (du) were not taking it off the bladder.
It was thus.

tiwehnaaʾá wiítA wehnaakaaʾiišá wiitakaWAhaánuʾ
When he came the man, when he came home Lucky Man,
noowituhnaʾít wešooNAhaakawáʾAs.
then he told him while they (du) ate.
noowitiwaákoʾ inaá- niʾ šíšaʾ.
Then he said his brother: "Come!
haáʾAx tsakuhnaaʾiitáWI šinakuwáNA iišohnakákUx níkUs.
Your father he told us: 'Go where they (du) are the birds.'
tiwaákoʾ šištoóʾa.
He said: 'Take them down!'"

wewituutáxkUx wiináxtš.
He just sat there the boy.
Axtóh atíʾAx tiwaákoʾ na šikaakíWA.
"Surely my father he said: 'Don't go there.
kaakíʾ šiNAxkuwáNA.
You (du ) should not go there.
They (du) are not good.'"


Then they (du) went.

a nooWIšitiitákUx.
And there they (du) were perched on it.
WIšituuná- wiʾ kuniítuʾ.
They (du) looked like flames.
There they (du) sat perched on it.

noowituhnaʾít wiináxtš šuxtáʾAt.
Then he told him the boy: "Climb up!
Take hold of them (du)!"
Climb up."

noowititáʾAt wiináxtš.
Then he climbed up the boy.
tiwehnataátA čiríkU tiNAhaápI noowitIhaapičeesaanuuxítIt.
As he climbed up, oh my, this tree then the tree began to heighten.
wehnataátA nooNIhaapiʾuúkUt nuukuwitaaNAxtAhweeraʾuúkUt– wiináxtš.
As he climbed up as the tree fell down he fell down– the boy.
There he lay.
a štoh weeNAhaapiteehaakaáNA číkuʾ tiikuwitiihaapíʾAt.
And again when the tree straightened up the tree was short.

noowititáʾAt anináʾU aáhčes.
Then he climbed up that Long Teeth.
wehnataátA noowitIhaapičeésa.
As he climbed up then the tree became high(er).
wehnataátA šikananwi- tuutuunikúkuʾ.
As he climbed up he was not catching them.
na noowitiraánoʾ.
And then he sang:

kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ
I like it, I like it,
noonakuhaakatútkA kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ
When the tree sways to one side, to one side. I like it,
kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ noonakuhaakatútkA
I like it, When the tree sways to one side, to one side.

weeNAhaapičeesaánu nooNAhaakatutkUxítIt Ahna-
When it was getting higher when the tree began to sway its
WIskáʾA aatatakaaráhAt aáhčes tsu kanawitiita- kaáhAt.
wanting 'that I throw him down' Long Teeth, but he did not get down.
štoh noowitIhaahtaapeereétIt tiwehnanoóku.
Again then the tree went upright as he sang:

kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ
I like it, I like it,
noonakuhaakatútkA kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ
When the tree sways to one side, to one side. I like it,
kutatinihnaateéʾuʾ noonakuhaakatútkA
I like it, When the tree sways to one side, to one side.

tiwehnaraanoóku noošohnuutuuníkUt níkUs aáhčes.
While he was singing then he caught them (du) the birds Long Teeth.

wehnatakaáhAt štoh tiikuwitiihaapí- ʾAt.
After he got down, again this tree resumed its (former) height.
Then he tied their feet.
Now they (du) sat there.

Then he went.
Then he kicked his feet.
"Get up!"

noowitiiríwatAt wiináxtš.
Then he arose the boy.
He was rubbing his eyes.

wah šuuxaxtanoóʾa.
"Now take the ropes off!
Pick them (du) up!
haáʾAx naaWIsá neesihnaaʾiitáWI.
Your father when he returns we'll tell him."

níkUs šiNIhkuuteéRIt nooWIšitíʾ kuniítuʾ.
The birds when he saw them (du) they (du) were flames.

na hiiš wehnaaWIsá weWIšituutáx- kUx wehnihwaawáʾA.
And in the evening when he returned they (du) just sat there as they ate.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes kox- tuhnaaʾiitáWI.
Then he said the boy; then he said Long Teeth: "I will tell him."

noowitiwaákoʾ atíʾAx NAxuxwaákA šooxíWA neešiineetíWA.
Then he said: "Father, after you said: 'Don't go there!' we went.
neešiineetuutuuníkUt níkUs.
We caught them (du) the birds."

čą́ą́ šitAxkoosšteéRAt.
"Oh, you (du) have made me thankful."

wehnihkaniwaáhAs noowitiihuunaWIsítIt wiítA.
While they ate up everything then he went outside quickly the man.
inooWIšitiíkUx níkUs.
There they (du) were birds.
nooWIšituutuuní- kUt.
Then he caught them (du).
nooWIšituhnaʾít níkUs nawáh šikoxteé- RAt anuuháʾI.
Then he told them (du) the birds: "Now I will take you (du) over there.
You (du) can go there.
na šikaakiwánuʾ tiiháʾI.
Don't stay around here!
aninakaákUx tiwaaRUxtíʾ.
The one inside he is holy.
číkuʾ šooxuNAhuú- nuʾ.
He might do something to you."

číkuʾ niikohniíhiʾ nooWIšitíRAt.
Wherever it was then he took them (du).
nooWIši- tiiʾít.
Then he turned them (du) loose.
nooWIšituhkUxwáʾAx níkUs.
Then they (du) ran off the birds.

nooWIšituutáxkUx wiináxtš.
Then they (du) just sat there the boys.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiítA tiiháʾI šooxíWA.
Then he said the man: "Here don't go!
na šikaakíWA.
Don't go.
tikaʾá kuúNUx.
It is in the woods a bear.
kuúNUx tikaʾá.
A bear it is in the woods.
kaa- kúhne.
It is not good."

tiwehnaaheešá wiitakaWAhaánuʾ wehnaraaWIhka- ʾiišátA
When the morning came, Lucky Man after he went off hunting,
noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes haáʾAx tiwaakaáhuʾ na šitíWA.
then he said Long Teeth: "Your father he says: 'Go there.
na šituutuuníkUt anináʾU.
Catch it that one.'
Let's go there!"

Then they (du) went.
Plainly it went in the woods.
anuú WIšituuteéRIt kuúNUx.
There they (du) saw it the bear.
na wešohniiteéRIt noowe- witiWAhnaáhuʾ wehnaWAhnaáhu wehnawaraahaanaáNA.
And when they (du) saw it it was making a noise as it was making sounds as it was getting mad.

noowitiwaákoʾ inaániʾ aniišuúxAt.
Then he said his brother: "Go over there!
šiisuuxi- ráxaʾ.
Bring it!
neešiwaákoʾ šíšaʾ.
Say: 'Come!'
It will come."

tiwehnaátA wiináxtš čiríkU wehniiteéRIt kuúNUx noowitiinawikataʾuúkUt.
When he went the boy, oh my, when it saw him the bear then it ran at him.
It knocked him down to the ground.

He just stood there.
noowitiwaákoʾ aáhčes šíšaʾ.
Then he said Long Teeth: "Come!
You always do that."

a noowitíʾAt kuúNUx niiʾAhnaaríčI.
And then it went there the bear where he was standing.
noowiteštAhkUxíhAt inaániʾ Ištóh.
Then he kicked his feet his brother again.
"Get up!
Ride it!"

Then he mounted it.

"Let's go home!
haáʾAx nakuraaWIhkaʾiišátA tsástš tuNAsaawaapíhuʾ.
Your father when he goes hunting the meat he'll put it on its (the bear's) back.

nooWIšitiisiRAxkaaʾiíšAt kuúNUx.
Then they (du) led it home the bear.
nooWIšitihnaxtawi- kúx.
Then they (du) tied it.

noowitiwaákoʾ wiináxtš wehnihwaawáʾA hiíš suxtaaʾiitáWI haáʾAx.
Then he said the boy when they ate in the evening: "Tell him your father!"

witiwaákoʾ wiináxtš atíʾAx wešitatanuusiRAxwísaʾ kuúNUx.
He said the boy: "Father, we led it back the bear.
tuhné nakuNAsaawaapIhú NAxkuranuu- waáhu.
It is good to be carrying things when you bring things back."

"You (du) have made me thankful.
You (du) have made me thankful."

na witUsiRAxaWIsítIt tinaaríčI wiítA.
And he took it outside –this –man.
noowitiʾoo- kaáRIt kuúNUx.
Then it stood outside the bear.

noowitiwaákoʾ šíšaʾ.
Then he said: "Come!
nawáh kuúNUx šuuNUxkúxAx tiiháʾI.
Now, bear, run off here!
xooteéRIt aninakaákUx.
He might see you that one inside.
He is not good.
He is holy."

Then it disappeared quickly.

noowiteehuúkaʾ wiítA.
Then he came inside the man.
noowitiwaákoʾ anuuháʾI wetataxtawikúx.
Then he said: "Over there I tied it up.
NAtkukootíkA NAhnunáhtš nootatUsiráxAt.
When I kill it a deer, then I'll take it.
nootatuhnáʾAt tsástš.
Then I'll go after it the meat."

tiwehnaaWIsá noowitiwískaʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ
After he returned here then he thought Lucky Man:
číkuʾ štoh kaakatohnaaʾiitawíštA tináxkUx.
"I am not going to tell you anything again, you sitting here."
a noowituhnaʾít wiináxtš niiNAxkuusuxtAhuunuúʾA
And then he told him the boy: "What you have done to me
wešiNAxkuusuxtaaʾiitawíhA níkUs šikanaahnuhneéRA hawá kuúNUx kanaahnuhneéRA.
after you told me about them (du) birds their not being good also the bear its not being good."

noowitiwískaʾ wiitakaWAhaánuʾ hUhtiísuʾ xkuhkoó- tIt wiináxtš.
Then he thought Lucky Man: "Finally you might kill mine boy.
You might kill mine.
awít kuwitiihuuniRAx- tookUxuúkuʾ.
First he makes him take the lead."
kuwitiraačítA kananuhnaaʾiitawaaWIhú Ahnuutapeerikú.
That is the reason his not telling him things what he would see.

na aáhčes nohnikaawiítIt.
And Long Teeth then he began living there.