XML version dated February 14, 2024. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


Coyote and His Reflection

Dan Howling Wolf

sčiríhtš wenakuriWAhteekootIhú nuuwitIhuukaa-
Coyote when he was dying of starvation, he went along
tawiíʾAt niiʾAhnačiisoótA. voice
the bank there where the creek was.  
AhnoowitiičiisawiʾooxíNIt. voice
The water was just calm.  
tuhnaatAhaanáwiʾ číkuʾ naanookaʾaateeríkUx. voice
It looked like one a mirror.  

uu wehnaátA witiraNAxwéʾ sčéš
Oh, while he was going he was looking for them frogs
číkuʾ aatAhúNAx číkuʾ aatáʾA weNAhkuriWAhteekootIhú. voice
(wanting)'that I might find one,' 'that I might eat something' as he was dying of starvation.  
wehnareewaataáNA wituNAsaʾii- tAxíhuʾ wehnareewaataáNA tuuháʾ
When he looked, he was trot- ting along, when he looked, over there
noowitíʾAt hawá sčiríhtš. voice
then he went also a coyote.  
noowitiinawikatAxá. voice
There he was alongside him.  
noowitanaanuunaátoʾ sčiríhtš wehnuuteéRIt. voice
Then he disliked it the coyote when he saw him.  
ee kooxikuukaaNUhkatakáxtoʾ inaaʾá. voice
"Hey, you will take half my food," that one coming.  

nuu wehnaátA hawá štoh witireewaáta hUhtiísuʾ. voice
There when he went, also again he looked finally.  
noowitIhoowiisáʾAt hawá ikunoowituúta. voice
Then he went along the edge of the bank. Also then that one did that.  

noowiteerikaahtáʾ. voice
Then he peeked over.  
hawá sčiríhtš. voice
Also the coyote.  
hą́ą́ kaakA- xíhtoʾ tiitAxiinaáhuʾ. voice
"Why, you are sure hateful for your coming this way."  

na nootíʾAt. voice
And then he went.  
nuu wehnaátA witireewaáta. voice
There as he was going, he looked.  
na noowiteéʾaʾ štoh. voice
And he was coming again.  
na hUhtiísuʾ noowitiwaraahaána. voice
And finally then he got angry.  
noowitiraawiíNAt. voice
Then he charged.  
hawá nikunoowituúta. voice
Also then he (the other) did that.  
noowi- tiroohaána nooWIšitiroohaána weWIšitooNUtweé- RIt. voice
Then he became angry, then they (du) became angry, when they (du) saw each other.  

hą́ą́ kaakAxíhtoʾ. voice
"Why, you are sure hateful!  
wah tiitoóxAt. voice
Well, let me go here!  
noo čiku itiiraahúNAx číkuʾ kanaaxtíʾu. voice
Then if I find something, I won't give anything to him."  

nuu weNAhuukaataweétA štoh nootireewaáta. voice
Then when he went along the bank again then he looked.  
wekuwituhnaáʾuʾ tiinawikatAxá. voice
Now it was the same: he was coming alongside him.  
noowitiwaá- koʾ sčiríhtš čą́ą́ kaakAxíhtoʾ titAxkuunawikatAxá. voice
Then he said Coyote: "Gee, you are sure hateful, you who are alongside me here!"  

noowitIhuuwiisaʾiíšAt. voice
Then he went along the bank.  
AhnoowititčiríkUx wehnaroohaanaáNA. voice
Then he just stared at him while he was angry.  
haáwaʾ čą́ą́ kaakAxíhtoʾ. voice
Also, "Gee you are certainly hateful!  
tAxkukaaNUhkatakAxtoókuʾ číkuʾ witiituhnaahúNAx. voice
You are taking part of my food if I find any for myself."  

noowitiraawiíNAt wehnaWIskáʾA aasiitawiʾaáNA. voice
Then he charged, his wanting 'that we should fight.'  
wehnaraawiiNUhuunukaaʾá čiišaáhtsa. voice
When he jumped up angrily into the air, here there was water!  
noowitiraawiiNUhuunaʾuúkUt. voice
Then he jumped angrily into the water.  
čiríkU wačéh sčiríhtš kaneetehnuuxostiíʾux. voice
Oh my, poor thing, Coyote he did not know how to swim.  
noowitIhuučíNIt. voice
Then he drowned.