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-> Dakota Ethnography: Box 2 -> Untitled Ethnographic Notes Manuscript

Untitled Ethnographic Notes Manuscript

  1. Deloria inventory of notes A-Z
  2. Alpha. Peace Pipe
  3. Alpha. Rites and Ceremonies of the Teton
  4. Alpha. The Man Who Came to Teach and Die
  5. Alpha. First Fox; Butchering Ritual
  6. Alpha. Buffalo Ceremony
  7. Alpha. Huka Ceremony
  8. Beta. The Virgin's Fire [and other women's rites]
  9. Gamma. "Religion"
  10. Delta. "Two-Women"
  11. Eta. Warrior Training
  12. Eta. About Children
  13. Iota. Daily Customs
  14. Iota. Other Customs
  15. Iota. Sweat Bath
  16. X. Ghost Story
  17. X. [Wakan Practices]
  18. X. Ghost Dance Songs
  19. X. [Origin Story]
  20. X. [Warfare]
  21. Z. "Ghost keeping"

Created by American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University

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