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-> Dakota Ethnography: Box 2 -> Dakota Legends

Dakota Legends

  1. The Peace Pipe
  2. Fallen Star
  3. Generation Story
  4. Iron Hawk
  5. Origin of the Love Flute
  6. Resurrection
  7. Ta-te, The Wind God's Wooing
  8. Feast of the Supernaturals, The
  9. Four Directions, The
  10. Dancing Ducks, The
  11. Dog Boat to Thunderland, The
  12. Eye-Jugglers, The
  13. Otter Man, The
  14. Raccoon Robe, The
  15. Rock-Cave Dweller, The
  16. Walega Boy, The
  17. Saved by Eaglets
  18. Dakota Games
  19. Sacred Arrow, The

Created by American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University

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