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-> Ella Deloria: Personal and Professional Papers -> Material Received from Vine Deloria, Sr., Oct 19, 1979

Material Received from Vine Deloria, Sr., Oct 19, 1979

  1. "Issues to Indians."
  2. "Short Dakota Texts, Including Conversations," by Ella Deloria.
  3. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Incorporated.
  4. "Cultural Insights for Ministry to the Indian People"
  5. "Cultural Insights for Education of Indian Children"
  6. Letter from Franz Boas
  7. Niobrara cross
  8. Resumés
  9. "Association of American Indian Affairs"
  10. "The Life-Story of a People"
  11. "Standard School Report."
  12. "A Pageant: Indian Progress"
  13. "Life of Philip Deloria"
  14. Two writing exercises from the Fourth Reader
  15. American Philosophical Society
  16. "Pageant at Santee, Neb."
  17. "The Fifty Years' Trail"
  18. Invoice from The Mohonk Lodge
  19. Letter from The Mohonk Lodge
  20. Letter from Franz Boas
  21. Letter from Ruth Benedict
  22. Letter from Mrs. Charles Berryman
  23. Letter from Dorothy Morris
  24. Letter from Elbert W. Harrington
  25. Letter from William C. Walzer
  26. Letter from Allan H. Smith
  27. Letter from Frederick M. Morris
  28. Letter from Frederick M. Morris
  29. Letter from William C. Walzer
  30. Frederick M. Morris to Miss Deloria.
  31. Letter from Isabel McLaughlin
  32. Letter from Richard W. Lieban
  33. Letter from William Walzer
  34. Ella Deloria concerning the name Crazy Horse
  35. Newspaper clipping: Sioux Indian Museum
  36. Letter from Edna O. Borseth
  37. Letter from Monroe E. Freeman
  38. Letter from Vine V. Deloria
  39. Voucher for paying Ella Deloria
  40. Calculation of finances, Ella Deloria
  41. Letter from Kenyon Cull
  42. Letter from Herbert [____]
  43. Letter from James L. Shoop
  44. Letter from Shirley Beakler
  45. Draft of a letter from [Anonymous] to Miss. Chisholm
  46. Letter from Albert Spaulding
  47. Letter from Gertrude D. Hess.
  48. Letter from Alan T. Waterman
  49. Letter from Elbert W. Harrington
  50. Letter from Herbert S. Schell
  51. NSF grant budget and Envelope
  52. Partial Letter from ? at State University
  53. Letter from Paul Leser
  54. Letter from Elbert W. Harrington
  55. Letter from Ella Deloria to Dean Elbert Harrington
  56. Letter from Albert Spaulding
  57. Letter from William J. Curran
  58. Tentative Pow Wow Schedule
  59. Smithsonian Institution Science Information Exchange

Created by American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University

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