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Sound File Formats (mp3, RealAudio):

The sound files on this site are presented in two formats: mp3, which are generally compatible with modern operating systems and browsers; and RealAudio streaming format, which are smaller files but require RealPlayer to play. If you are on a slow connection and find the mp3 files do not download quickly enough, you might want to try the RealAudio files. Click here to go to RealAudio's site. Follow their instructions to download and install the free RealPlayer, then you're ready to listen to sound files.


This site uses the UNICODE UTF-8 character set which allows the special characters used in almost any language (including Chinese characters, Cree syllabary) to be represented in a single character set, with a single font. Currently almost all Windows computers should have some form of UNICODE font installed, as the Times New Roman, Tahoma, and Lucida Sans Unicode fonts are supplied with newer versions of Windows, MS Office, WordPerfect Office and other software. For languages with few diacritics (like Pawnee) Times New Roman or Tahoma are fine, but for languages with many diacritics (Arikara and the Siouan languages) you'll need to have Lucida Sans Unicode. If it's not already on your machine you can download it by right-clicking on this link and saving it to your fonts folder: Lucida Sans UNICODE.


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Acknowledgements: Documentary work on Northern Caddoan dictionaries was supported largely by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DBS-9121418, SBR-9514516, BCS-9875895, and BCS-0215574. Documentary work on the Assiniboine Dictionary was supported by National Endowment for the Humanities Grant No. RZ-51015-09.